Saturday, August 6, 2016

Resisting acceleration

Archimedes, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, are the three authorities on motion. Newton’s third law is significant in the fact it states where there is a force there is an equal and opposite force pulling back on any acceleration. The mass of bodies resist acceleration we call inertia.

Albert Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity highlights bodies become heavier. The inertia of the mass becomes heavier eventually enough it can't accelerate any further terminating to a constant velocity we express as terminal velocity.

Everybody riding swings on a merry go rounds feel a force moving them outwards testimony of spinning circles we call G-forces. Whether in straight line (a fast accelerating car) or an endless loop of merry go rounds, we commonly expressed as G's. It is equivalent of feeling our weight increase by a few kilograms. The faster the merry go round goes the more G's we feel.

We only need to look at the fact NASA has been training astronauts in weightlessness generated by free falling planes Einstein explained in his special theory of relativity over a 100 years ago.

Einstein was inspired by the fact a person falling from a roof of a building doesn't feel their weight, well, not until they hit the ground anyway. The key point is, during the fall.

Sky divers agree they don't feel their high speed falling. Even if there was no atmosphere. once terminal acceleration is reached the earth gravity can't accelerate them any faster. All divers feel is suspended in the slip stream of rushing air which is what makes it all that much fun to sky dive.

A key feature is antigravity. It is produced by the motion of  fast nose diving aircrafts NASA has been using to train astronauts the weightlessness of space for over 60 years now. Trainee astronauts lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. Whether Einstein realized it or not, he had correctly predicted spinning donut space station generate gravity. All this from motion.

If any plane dives fast enough passengers will experience feeling lighter. In extreme cases can lift up towards the roof pressed to the ceiling in instant banging of heads. It can also work in reverse. If a plane climbs fast enough will experience being compressed to the floor feeling as if in a stronger gravity.

Einstein realized same applies compressing bodies traveling in a straight line. Bodies feel heavy like they are in a side way gravitational force he called a gravitational equivalence. G's and gravity is the key to Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity.

The effect is common in our everyday lives. We are all familiar with motor vehicle performance 0 to 60 ( mph - or 96kmph if you like ) in a given seconds testify to this.

The average family hatchback can achieve 96k in several seconds. In a little less time if pushed. At any maximum acceleration we experience a little bit of force weighing us back into our seats equivalent to about a kilogram or so per cubic meter of force pulling us back. Motor sport cars can pull several G's in a couple of seconds. Powerful drag race cars in a second. Jet fighter take off the short runways of aircraft carriers less time at far greater speeds the latter put together. The bottom line, high speed acceleration pulls G's.

Image the G's 0 to a100 ( mph term or a 160k ) in a second. If light accelerated it would be 0 to do a distance of just under 300,000 kilometers in a second ( or in kmph terms 10,080,000,000kmph or 669,000,00,600mph in a second take off, the same distance7 times round the circumference of earth in that time.

We all think of the effect of G's austronuaghts experience in rocket lift off's. Newtown's third law of describes the fire gushing outwards from the exhaust lifting many tones upwards in the opposite direction. The same applies to thrusters of out of space vehicles. Einstein highlighted these G's astronauts experience accelerating to the speed necessary to hurl all that tonnage to escape the earth's gravity.

We all experience the same force weighing us back into our seats in high speed Rolla Coaster accelerations. We often hear skyting from boy racer and petrol heads how much "G's " their cars pull.

Where does this pull back force come from? The key in Newtown's third law telling us it is all in the inertia resistance of bodies to acceleration. It is the properties of the mass of everything under acceleration.

We also experience this force pulling us forward in high speed breaking. We all feel it in public transport standing room only when a bus, tram or train, hits the brakes sharply jerking us forward. We even feel it on motorcycles even bicycles ( decent gripping brakes ) in sharp breaking.

Newtown is famous for highlighting other laws of the universe describing the mass of stars and planets pulls inward with a force we call gravity the key to Einstein's general theory.

We start with the fat people look upwards in the middle of the Artic Circle night sky in the northern hemisphere just as we equally look up to night sky in the middle of the Antarctica to the night sky there in the Southern hemisphere. In fact we all look up equally everywhere the entire circumference of earth.

According to Newtown the mass of the earth is an inward attractive force. This means the mass of the Artic Circle is inward attractive force as much as the mass of Antarctica of the South pole is. According to Einstein's general theory space is distorted by the mass of the earth.

In effect space compresses round the entire circumference like plastic shrink rap compressing the circumference of an apple. The mass of you and your neighborhood is bending space inward on it, just as much as the neighborhood on the other side of the world is.

It is the mass of the earth shrinking space tightly round the circumference the compressing the atmosphere we breath, the oceans of the world and us to the circumference in all inward directions. The earth's atmosphere is fluid and moves round just as any fluid motion we move in.

Using a common reference, the earth's mass a force of a kilogram per cubic ( or pounds per square inch if you like ) space compressed air the entire surface at sea level. High in the atmosphere the pressure is weaker while the earth's crust mass on the core thousands of time stronger.

Einstein's is famous for predicting sky divers experiencing the zero gravity during free fall he expressed as a gravitational equivalence. Sky diving out of the plan the earth's mass seems to snatch at them in an instant, accelerating from the plane less than a second.

Divers all agree they feel the initial acceleration as part of their excitement until the don't feel it any more. All the feel is the excitement of feeling suspended in the rushing slipstream of the earth's atmosphere, despite traveling straight down at over 300kmph. They just don't feel the velocity. There is lots of free fall fun time to have before the can employ their Para shoot. There is so much time air surf board sport has developed round the physics.

It takes the earth's gravity to accelerate a few seconds to reach a maximum free fall speed of about a 320kmp ( or 200mph if you like ) constant velocity where acceleration is terminated, in sky diving terms terminal velocity.

Terminal acceleration is the law of the universe. Despite the zero resistance of space every speck of dust, to entire galaxies don't travel any faster than given velocities. It is their maximum speed limits, They just don't travel any faster.

If we use a reverence a G of acceleration in the earth's gravity equals the earth's mass ( or our stationary body weight ) equal to a G. Two G's is a point in motion we experience twice and three G's three times and the legal limit for Rolla coasters is limited to four times our body weight. In terms of kilograms the equivalent of feeling several kilo's heavier.

Above four times our body weight the average person won't feel very well for a while when stationary brain disorientation and unsteadiness recovering from the ride. There is enough force to pass out and potential stopping bad hearts and pace maker problem headaches for Roller coaster managers. Only the fit can withstand jet fighter forces the planes are capable of generating. The faster the acceleration the more we feel our whole body becomes weight down by G's.

The opposite is true. If a plane climbs fast enough astronauts cling to the roof like gravity. In other words enough velocity produces Isaac Newtown's third law of motion again. The effect of G's by Newtown's first and second laws state body's tend to resist acceleration. It becomes a point where the accelerated body can't go any faster stabilized to a constant velocity. In other words a terminal acceleration point expressed as terminal velocity in sky diving talk.

Terminal acceleration is the effect of the inertia terminating everything to a maximum speed limit. No matter the peddle to the metal or open throttle of vehicles can not go any faster than their maximum speed limits. At full throttle the Japanese and German Inter City Express ( ICE ) bullet trains can not go any faster than 350kmph ( or 220mph if you wish ). Beside it is the maximum safe cursing speed on the surface of earth. Any faster suffer buffeting. Buffets becomes very violent at high velocities..

The famous road safety expression use by the police "the faster you go the bigger the mess" testifies to the high energy of high speed collisions. G's build up at acceleration and terminate at maximum speed. The G's have become a point at which the force cannot accelerate the body any faster. We only need to think of traveling in a twenty five year old SUV ( Sports Utility Vehicle ) at a 160kmph ( 100mph ) on a state highway for a short time how exhausting the ride can be at controlling. No matter the pedal to the metal it won't go any faster. 

In the zero resistance of out of space gas particles to entire galaxy's are traveling ( expressed as falling because of the pull of all the gravity in the universe ), are at their maximum speed limits thousands faster than bullet speeds.

A body lunched from a space station hatch for example accelerates for a second terminating to a constant velocity as fast as a bullet. Try stepping out of a vehicle traveling less than a kmph on the surface of earth at sea level. That's because of the earth's gravity at this level has a damping effect on the perception of velocity

The earth's core is much stronger than on the surface. Velocity is dampened the closer we get to the core. Above sea level is less gravity. In Einstein's specially theory of relativity explains a high altitude passenger jet plane example passengers never feel they are cruising 800kmph ( 500mph ) on a planet well in excess of tens of thousands of kmph spin and orbit velocities of the earth round the sun. Looking out the window an overcast cloud covers look like they are traveling less than a kmph velocity. 

The special theory reminds us there is no such thing as stationary. The gas and dust of nebulas to entire galaxies travel no faster than their current speeds. In other words everything has a maximum speed limit including light. Dispite light having no resistance to it's velocity in out of space it is terminated to just under three hundred thousand kilometers per second ( 300,000km/s or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per hour, 186,000m/s if you like ) constant velocity. If we do the math's on this in terms of kmph, ten thousand and eighty million. ( 10,080,000,000kmph or 669,000,000,6000,000mph six hundred and sixty nine million six hundred miles an hour )

Lets think a bit of an acceleration from 0 to a 160kmph ( or a 100mph if you like ) at sea level on the surface of earth in a second for a minute. Mathematics tells us in terms of meters per second equals just under half a meter, ( zero point four, four, be exact ), 0.444444m/s a terminal velocity point in second. Acceleration motor vehicles constantly increase speed every second meters per second per second ( m/s2 ) until it is terminated to a constant velocity where the vehicle can't go any faster in this case 0 to a 160kmph in a second. 

Isaac Newtown's acceleration formulae concludes force equals mass multiplied by acceleration ( f = m a ) tells us we can find the force with a given mass ( in kg ) knowing the terminal velocity point. The law of mathematics project force equals acceleration times mass ( f = a m ), acceleration equals force over ( expressing division  a = f / m ) and mass equals  force over acceleration ( m = f / a ) respectively. Math's can't lie you know.

Our mathematical instinct agrees we can project the meters per second velocity is only a matter of sixty seconds in a minute and sixty seconds in an hour pans out to three thousand six hundred seconds. Multiplied by point, four, four, four....( 0.4444444 and so on  ) equals three thousand six hundred ( one thousand five hundred an ninety nine to be exact ). In other words 0.4444m/s equals a 160kmph.

Since the standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer -kilo ( key low ) a 160kmph velocity throughout the distance as the same amount of time a one hour TV program. In other words a one hour TV program of time given a mass of the boy and the force equals a distance of just under half a meter per second motion.

There will be a significant amount of G's generated in the first second. Once terminal velocity is achieved in that second the G"s too is terminated to a constant. The body is heavier than at rest. Proof of this when it collides with somthing. All the G's at acceleration is disputed everywhere though the traveling body as well as into the collided body.

What would the special theory predict if we accelerated to a stop in a total distance of a 160kmph? When we take off the first thing we would notice the environment's time would start to slow down because we are accelerating in violent motion. The environment's time would slow down slowly at first getting faster and faster until we hit a distance of 80k in the environment's half second where we hit the brakes.

As we decelerate we are slowing down where the environment's time will appear to speed up. The slower we go the faster the environments time goes  up. Finally we find ourselves a second into the future were we left a 160km away. The point the excise time 0 to a 160kkm equals a is a space time of a second into the future in a distance of 160km.

Theoretically we don't need light speed to distort space and time. Light speed is just another distance of time. Light speed equals a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers by the time in out of space the second hand of analogue clocks and watch second hands move a division the seconds of digital time piece seconds, light travels round the entire circumference of earth seven times, we walk a meter and say one thousand and one. In other words all of the latter equal a  light second the distance light travels in a second.

The moon is far enough away to be less than a couple of light seconds away. Our mathematical instinct agrees sixty seconds in a minute is the distance light travels in a minute. In other words a light minute. 

Light takes about eight minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. In other words the sun is the nearest star to earth a mere eight light minutes away. 

Our mathematical ability agrees when we muiltiply sixty seconds by sixty minutes ( sixty squared ) pans out to a grand total of three thousand six hundred seconds and multiplied by a light second ( the distance of three hundred thousand kilometers ) give us the distance light travels in a light hour. In other words in terms of kmph ten thousand and eighty million by the time a one hour TV program traveling at the maximum speed limit of three hundred thousand kilometers per second. 300,000km distance equals a distance of 10,080,000,000km in an hour. In other words a light hour.

Correspondingly a light day is the distance light travels every date change every 12 midnight period. Our math's skill agrees if we take all the seconds in an hour multiplied by twenty four we get a grand total of eighty six thousand four hundred seconds in the period multiplied by a single light second equals the distance light travels from 12 midnight a.m to twelve might p.m.

The same can apply to a light week, a light month and of coarse we are familiar with the term light year. Our mathematical instinct tells us it is only a mater of all the seconds of a day multiplied by three hundred and fifty six days of the whole year, multiplied by a light second giving us the distance light traveled in a year. For a leap year we take into account of the extra day at the end of every third February which is two hundred and fifty seven days.

Taking into account of every leap year in a decade we can calculate the distance light travels in that period, a century, a millennia ( a thousand years ) a million years a billion even for trillions of centuries on earth distances into the far reaches of the universe. The universe is less than fourteen billion years ago since big bang that that supposed to have created the universe. When we can add up all the seconds as described fourteen to fifteen billion years gives and takes a few billion years tolerance the distance the first light has traveled to this day.

We can find the distance and time we walk a meter simply by saying "One thousand and one" in a couple of strides. By that time light in out of space had traveled a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers. If we do the math's on this a meter per second in terms of kmph is only a mere 3.6 ( just over three and a half ) kmph. 

Our mathematical instinct arouses our curiosity asking if light travels a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers in a second then how much in time does it travel a meter? In essence we are armed with information the standard metric system telling us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer.

We ask ourselves if that's true then how many meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers? Three hundred thousand is three and five zeros. A thousand is one and three zeros. It is a simple matter of three zeros onto the five giving us three and eight zero meters. It is three three hundred with six zeros for a million. In other words light speed equals three hundred million meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers. 

The law of mathematics tells us a reciprocal is the same number in a fraction of a second three hundred millionth second we we walk a meter one second. In decimal fraction is one dived three hundred millionth ( 1 dived 300,000,000km\s equals 0.0000003m/s ). The standard metric system tells us three hundred microseconds. ( one micro is a millionth ). The math's tells us light is three hundred million times faster than the environment second.

Light traveling seven times round the circumference of earth is the same amount of time we walk just one meter. Knowing the circumference of earth opened out to a straight line multiplied by seven will equal light mathematics can work out how much time light travels a meter. The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometre. Our mathematical instinct agrees we can ask how many meters in 300,000km.

It is only a matter of the three zeros in a thousand onto 300,000, giving six zeros for a million ( 3 and eight zeros ) resulting in 300 million meters in 300 thousand km. Math's tells us the reciprocal of 300 million is the same number 300 millionth. It pans out to be 1 divide ( or over if you like ) 300 million. Applied to a second equals light travels a meter in that time. Or given in the standard metric prefix micro for a millionth 300 microseconds.

Einstein's special theory of relativity reminds us from our point of view of the speed of light  waking a meter per second when light travels 300 million meters in the same amount of time light is 300 million times faster the our environment second. Einstein's special theory of relativity tells us the reciprocal of light speed tells us from light speeds point view

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