Sunday, March 29, 2015


There is only one form of energy responsible for all others - gravity. The rest is on earth electrical to thermal nuclear and fire man made. The moon effects our tides, moving rivers and water falls is merely water palled over cliffs. Without gravity of the sun couldn't shine, heat couldn't exist in fact stars could not exist at all. Consequently matter couldn't because stars couldn't exist creating the elements.

The immense power of gravity water is reputed to be incompressible, yet not to the gravitational power of black holes it's not. Super massive black holes are capable melting a cubic kilometer of solid ice into steam less than a second finishing off the stream compressed to the size of a subatomic particles as it is pulled into the point of no return in the event horizon less than another second.

Heat that drives life and the whether on earth comes from the extreme heat of the sun caused by the compression of the sun's gravity. The heat you feel from a bicycle pump pumping up a tire is not from friction you know. Without this thermal dynamic law  pumps would not heat up and stars could not be formed..

It starts off with dust particles sticking together by their own gravity escalating into the combined weight compressing the center heating it up forming a hotter core than the surface. More matter sticking to the surface gets heavier and heavier compressing the center getting hotter and hotter. The heat expanse against the weight of the surface It is so hot dense plasma ( heat equal to the heat and energy of a nuclear explosion coming out of an oven door over millions of degrees ) expanding to the size of small moons expanding the surface.

Consequently more matter collected on the surface ( called the corona ) gets heavier and heavier from the combined gravity crushing the core heating it up more expanding the corona more. The  heat of the core expands to the size of a large planet continuing to push the corona outward too getting larger and larger gaining more gravity as it attracts more and more matter gaining more and more gravity run away effect. The core can't hold out any longer detonating into a thermonuclear explosion.

This thermonuclear explosion fuses hydrogen atoms together creating helium atoms. But can't explode out right because the outer corona is too heavy holding the new born star's core from destroying the new stare. There is enough hydrogen reserves stored in the core  for continuous nuclear explosion stand offs every second between trying to explode outward against the weight of the corona trying to crush out the core for billions of years and more. Every explosion is seen as corona ripples in constant fluid motion.

Bad ones are so powerful they heat up the corona to many millions of degrees expanding against the weight of the corona bumping billions of radioactive corona material into an escape velocity coasting off into space on a light speed scale. To lay people means the solar wind. Gravity recaptures same back into the surface in the form of loops ( called Colonial Mass Ejection CME ) expanding the distance above the sun's surface as light travels in a second.( 300,000km above the corona if you like ).

CME are trillions of times magnetic than the earth's magnetic field acting as the sun's magnetic fields. The magnetic fields are so powerful they often heat up the corona.

These weigh many billons of tones traveling at light speed, many millions of degrees cecieus hot force. To astronomers the radiation is now assub atomc particles as gamma ray bursts. Planets like Mercury and Venus in the way feel the impact force.

The result for small stars the nuclear detonations are slow and easy enough for constant explosions every second up to a a few billion centuries. For extremely large stars their cores are fast and furious lasting only a mater of a couple of billion years. The smaller the star the longer they live.

The expansion of the hot core is like tire pressure lay people familiar with the imperial pounds per square inch and Pascal units. The gravitational compression of the surface of stars is as much as all the weight of the entire earth combined concentrated every cubic kilometer of the stares surface crushing the core. There is nothing but heat expansion of the core holding up the surface. The sun's surface pulls inward the total weight cooking the core with expending continual thermal nuclear explosions stopping the surface from collapsing.

Using the standard metric system units kilogram- force per cubic centimeter ( equal to  imperil pounds per square inch ) the case of stars hundreds of thousands of millions of trillions of kilotons ( Key low for a thousand metric tons )  of compression every cubic kilometer pulling inward the the sun's surface con the heated  core. The heat produced is nothing more than vibrating particles of the atom resulting an equally expanding pressure against the crushing pull of the weight of the sun's surface by it's gravity causing the extreme surface temperatures. Without the energy of gravity no heat could be produced.

As for the the earth's gravity the next time you are at a supermarket weigh a product ladled net 1kg in your hand -a bag of flour, sugar wheat or a contain of somthing- anything so long as it is a net 1kg. According to Isaac Newtown you feel the earth's mass pulling it to the floor expressed as paternal energy. If you drop it the earth's mass snatches it accelerating the packet to the floor the motion becomes what is called kinetic energy.

The sudden acceleration is a moment of force ( even if less than a second ) expressed as a torque. We we the standard metric system units Kilogram-force per centimeter of of torque. The sudden stop is only the impact of the immoveable body of the floor merely a deceleration to a stop less than a second a deceleration torque.

According to Albert Einstein the1kg mass is snatching it to the floor due to the earth's mass bending space. It is the result of the mass of the earth shrinking it round the entire circumference. The streets of your neighborhood is bending space inward onto it keeping you, the atmosphere and the worlds ocean's firmly compressed to the earth crust as equally the streets in the inward pull direction crushing pressure the opposite side of the globe.

If this is difficult except we easily except the idea when we look up to the night sky it is still upwards either point of view each side of the globe. The constellations will be different looking up a night sky at from each pole.

Supermarket scales are common place confirming a kg scale. Properly calibrated to the suspension system supporting the spring system are built to take into account the factor of the weight of the pan the scale can be very accurate indeed.

If an analogue ( ? mechanical types- a needle marker ) the kg scale celebrated with the scientific unite Newtown's the needle would read the 1kg  packet weighs equal to 9.8N force of the earth's gravity exerted on the packet at rest in the pan. This is the gravitational unit of the force of the earth's gravity.  In other words potential 1kg energy you feel in your hand, the force of gravity on the packet and kenotic energy when gravity accelerates it when you drop it. We are clearly at risk of splitting the bag or packet open the acceleration is energy impacting with the floor clearly shows.

If the 1kg mass was dropped from the roof of the top floor of a tall sky scrapper the earth's mass will snatch at it accelerating  it to a meter in a second. Holding it over the edge is zero motion. Letting go the sudden acceleration is a from zero motion to a velocity motion again- torque. Even without the earth's gravity it will stop accelerating to a constant meter per second velocity. In other words torque disappears the 1kg tumbling all the away down the side of the building finally impacting with the immovable mass of the earth in the form of the concrete foot path bellow.

It is exactly the same physics when you dropped it to the supermarket floor except for distance.

In the case of the distance to the ground of a tall sky scrapper terminal acceleration point is expressed as a terminal velocity where the earth's mass can't accelerate it any faster. Dropping the packet to the supermarket floor terminal velocity is barely reach in such a short distance.

Terminal acceleration is a maximum free fall coasting velocity under the pull of the earth's mass. ( Or if you are into Einstein's gravity the distortion of space compression the earth if you like. ). The reason why the earth's gravity can't accelerate the 1kg mass any faster there is not enough mass for the torque. If we do the math's on this 1 meter per second equals to 3.6kmph of kinetic energy dying free fall coasting. It is the same impacting energy'

Our mathematical instinct aggress 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minuets in an hour added up comes to 3,600 seconds in an hour. Our 1kg coasting down to the ground meter per second 1kg mass adds up to the same as traveling a distance 3,600 meters distance in an hour the same amount of time a 1 hour TV program. The standard metric system reminds us there is a 1,000  meters in a kilometer. The prefix k for kilo- reminds us a thousand meters in a kilometer. So 1 meter per second becomes 3,600 an hour velocity becomes 3.6kmph coasting free fall velocity down the side of the building respectively.

Impact with the foot path is a kenotic energy traveling though the mass of the 1Kg mass in a second to normal potential rest mass energy. If it was made of rubber  full of air it will tend to bounce, but solid as lead would tend to absorb most of the impact.

Motion and heat energy is the by product of gravity. I refer to motion in Rolla coasters as a prime example- if a little classic. We feel several kilograms heavier pulling us back into our seats to us lay people expressed as G's. Feeling our normal body weight not moving is a G. Everybody weighs differently but as a rule of thump everybody feeling twice as heavy in a moving coaster are experiencing a general 2G's and feeling 3 times our weight is 3G's respectively. 4G's is the limit for our enjoyment. Any more our hearts and lungs would be struggling under the heavy compression of the G's.

In 1905 in the special theory of relativity Einstein predicted the effect of NASA today using planes in training austronuaghts in zero gravity. As Einstein predicted the same effect of a plane nose diving fast enough the austronuaghts lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. In effect the earth's gravity inside the fuselage is cancelled. Einstein expressed the effect as a gravitational equivalence. In effect the traveling fuselage becomes a antigravity chamber. Einstein also predicted the reverse is true if a plane ascends upwards fast enough produces the same effect.

Nobody back then could ever comprehend today common place lifting off fuselage floors in zero gravity which is why Einstein's theories were hard to understand at the time than it is easy for us today. Lifting off fuselage floors in weightlessness is excepted without question as school boy knowledge in our time but argued with conviction totally bazaar and commonly argued gravitational equivalence as illogical and fancy full to the lay person hundred yeas ago. Einstein would have agreed with today's understanding any object with enough velocity can float and object in mid air inside it as one way to put it. Another way to put it enough motion produces enough G's can act as antigravity.

The kinetic force of a kg a meter per second  is an Algebra form of Isaac Newton's fore equals mass times acceleration. We can subtitle force equals 1G that equals 1kg of torque in motion, m equals 1kg rest mass ( not in motion ) and acceleration equals the terminal velocity point of a meter per second. In other words  1G equals 1 meter per second times 1kg of rest mass in motion.

Using Algebra and calculus ( inverted by Newtown when he used math's to explain his laws of gravity force and motion ), knowing 2 the third can be projected.

Force equals mass times acceleration, force equals acceleration times mass, mass equals force over ( divide ) acceleration, and acceleration equals force over mass respectively. Using the laws of Algebra and calculus  we can sue the standard meteoric system prefix units any kg, meters per per second, and torque to project the third value.

Now lets consider the largest value in the universe- light speed. There is a zero resistance to light in out of space where it coasts just under 300,000km ( or a 186,000 miles if you like ) by the time we say "One thousand and one" That's in a second. In other words we can call a light second the distance light coasts in a second in terms of miles of kilometers. Either way it is a fixed distance expressed as c.

It is the maximum distance in that time. Light just doesn't coast any faster. We can say in the zero resistance of space light is coasting at it's terminal velocity ( it's maximum speed limit if you like ).

If we do the math's in terms of kmph 300,000k/s equals 10,080.000.000 ( ten thousand and eighty million ) kmph. In terms of miles 186,000 ( a hundred and eighty six thousand ) m/s  pans out to 669,000,000,600,000 ( six hundred and sixty nine million six hundred thousand ) -mph. Imagine riding a Rolla coaster at that velocity. Take off would travel a 300,000km ( or a 186,000 mile ) long track in a second. Imagine what the G's would be like.

Imagine an acceleration a distance of a 160km ( 100mph ) in a second on the surface of earth. Out of space  is different. Text books and web pages on astronomy tells us the planets of our solar system are virtually velocity figures faster than bullets travel on on earth. Einstein predicted in his special theory of reality if you step out of a space station hatch for a space walk you will not experience any motion not even orbiting earth traveling faster than a bullet. Yet walking pace is felt as a motion at sea level on earth.

Symmetry in math's tells us taking the circumference of the earth projects light would travel round the whole earth 7 times. If we open out the circumference of to a straight stretching it 7 times long will equal the straight line distance light travels in the same second. In other words the circumference of the earth equals seven times the same time light speed distance.

If we do some further math's we will discover our arithmetic will project when we walk a meter in a second light had traveled 300,000km in the same amount of time Symmetry tells us would take us the length of a one hour long TV program to walk a total of a constant 3,6 meters per second. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of 3,600 meters,  the standard metric system prefix k- kilo for a 1,000 meters. In terms of kmph we walk 3,6kmph. The same can be worked out in miles when we walk the equivalent per foot in a second.

Since there is a 1,000 meters in a kilometer our arithmetic projects light  travels 3,000,000 ( million ) meters the same time we walk one meter. Thus light is 3,000,000 ( 3 million )  times as fast as a second. If we traveled on earth light speed velocity we would view the world slowed down 3 million times.

What does Einstein's theory of special relativity tell us if we accelerate and decelerate to stop in a distance of a 160km. We would accelerate 0 to 80km in 1/2 second and equally decelerate to a stop 80km to zero in another 1/2 second. What would an outside observer see?

Either you would disappear and reappear a160km away in second or stretch like a rubber band the total distance back to normal in a second. What would we observe in that second?

As we take off the environment would slowly stretch getting faster and faster eventually turning into unrecognizable streaks. As we apply the brakes the reverse will apply. The streaks will slowly dissipate getting faster and faster back to normal finally finding ourselves 1 second into the future as the observer saw us a 160km away in present time.

Gravity slows time. But when we are away from it time is free to speed up. Back into gravity time is slowed down again. If twins were to experiment with long distance space travel free from any gravitational field would be free to age faster. Returning back to earth he would be entering back into gravitational filed of the solar system and the closing of distance would retard ( slow down ) the aging of the returning twin back to the present age of his twin back on earth.

It is the effect of deceleration and closer distance that speeds up time. The slower we go the faster the environment is brought back to normal time, in this case a second of 160km distance into the future.

The distance of the moon varies but as a rule of thumb it is less than a couple of light second away from earth.

Our mathematical instinct agrees a light minute is the distance light coasts in a minute. In other words 60 seconds in a minute multiplied by by a fixed distance of just under 300,000km ( or a 186,000 miles ) distance every second projects the distance light coasts in a minute. Light takes a fraction under eight minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. If we do the math's on this in terms of kilometers 60 times 8 times 300,000. This means the nearest star from earth is a mere 8 light minutes away.

The time a signal traveling at light speed reach us from Mars is light minutes away from the earth every second a distance of 300,000km every second giving us the distance of Mars from earth. ( or in miles if you like ).

In real time light from the sun has traveled 300,000km above the sun's surface by the time you finish this sentence. We don't see this sunlight until eight minutes into the future. This means in our real time the current sunlight we see is only an image of the sun as it was 8 minutes ago every second. It has traveled 300,000km away from earth by the time you finish this sentence every second.

If we add up all the second of an hour -60 seconds times 60 seconds, - that's sixty squared- equals all the seconds in an hour. Multiplied by a light second gives the total distance -in kilometers or miles if you- by the time a one hour TV program. In other words a light hour is sixty squared times 300,000. Our mathematical instinct egress 300,000km/s pans out to 10,080,000,000 ( ten thousand and eighty million ) kmph velocity, sixty squared times 24 times 300,000km. (It equally works out 186,000m/s equals a distance of 669,600,000 six hundred and sixty nine million 600 miles the same as 669,600,000mph. respectively ).

In a day every 12 midnight is a date change. Digital time pieces show  00:00:00 when the date changes dead on 12 midnight a.m. staying in the state of no hours, no minutes and no seconds by the time light had traveled 300,000km.

To digital time pieces there is no such thing as 24. The last second before the date changes is 23:59;59. (  23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds ). Adding up all the seconds of an day equals the first second of 12 midnight ( 00:00:00 ) to the last ( 23:59:59 ) equals to 86,400 equals sixty squared times 24.every second a distance of 300,000km in terms of miles or kilometers in the period.

A week is the first second 12 midnight Monday morning to the last second Sunday night, 60 squared times 24 times 7 times a light second gives the distance traveled.

The days in the western calendar varies from 28  to 31. Normal February has 28 days but every 3 years leaps a day to 29- a leap year.

Adding up all the seconds of a year is only a matter of sixty squared times 24 times 365 days of a regular year and an extra day for every leap year. For the regular year pans out to every second 300.000km gives the distance light travels in a year we are all familiar as a light year. Mathematics tells us the regular year is a constant.

Taking into account of every leap year the distance traveled in a decade ( 10 years ) can be worked out. The same could be said for the distance light travels in a century ( a 100 years ), a millennia ( 1,000 years ) a million or a billion years even a in trillion centuries. It is only a matter of taking that constant any number of light years gives the distance in kilometers or miles terms light travels. Several hundred light years can be as much as much as a dozens of trillions of kilometers distance across the universe. So far the universe since the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe is no more than 14 billion years distance from the earth.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Earthquacks and volcanos

Imagine swinging a heavy sold steel ball on a chain round our head. The centrifugal forces we feel we generate in the circular motion obeys Isaac Newtown's law of force and motion all bodies travel in a straight line.

The first thing we notice is a wrist wobble distorting the circle into more of an ellipse. The faster we go the worse it gets. We'd think it would be similar with the moon's motion round the earth tethered by the earth's mass ( the earth's gravity if you like ). In theory the moon's mass ( in this case it's weight if you like ) should pull a wobble in the earth's spin like the weight of the circling ball does to our wrists.

But the earth and moon system is different. When we look up to the moon we are always seeing the same side as the ball swinging round our heads so isn't spinning but orbits at an independent velocity than the earth's spin though.

It is believed the presence of the moon's mass ( gravity ) actually stabilized the earth to it's current spin. So the centrifugal force motion of the moon doesn't seem to cause any significant wobble. The moon orbiting at a different velocity to the earth's spin seems to have a effect preventing the earth from wobbling to the pull of the moon's mass.

An interesting feature worth mentioning I believe plays a major part in what causes earthquakes and volcanoes is Einstein's gravity. The general theory of reality states gravity is the circumstances of the mass of stars and planets bending space.

The earth's mass for example shrinks a portion round the entire circumference. In other words the mass of the earth itself compressing space, in turn the shrunk ( or distorted ) space compressing earth's atmosphere, oceans and us to the surface.

Einstein's gravity is saying space is not flat but plastic and pliable distorted by the presence of mass.( The gravity of dark matter, galaxies, stars, planets to comets and asteroids ).

In the case of our earth the streets of your neighbourhood is pulling space in and inward projectorary as much the neighbourhoods the other side of the world, in fact every cubic meter the entire circumference of the whole globe. In other words distorted space compresses all atmospheres keeping round planets. For earth at sea level the air pressure inside our bodies ( in fact all life on earth ) exert the same outward pressure as space is exerting inward pressure roughly a kilogram per cubic meter.

Unlike the other planets of our solar system the earth's thin crust is made up of a jigsaw of lands masses under the contents and oceans called plates floating like moving rafts on molten magma ( molten rock ) called plate tectonics.

The immediate magma under the crust is several hundred billion tones per kilometer. ( TPk ). The total mass altogether including the core compressed by the mantel layers several trillion tones the total mass of the earth. When you  pump up a tire with a bicycle pump the heat you feel is not from friction you know. It is caused by the pressure inside the pump forced into the tire.

All stars ( including our own sun ) on such large scales the pressure shrinking space round them generates so much heat the expanding energy keeps space from crushing stars to smithereens. Likewise the pressure of space exerted on the surface of the crust keeps the magma in a constant liquid state.

The deeper the heavier everything becomes the hotter and more compressed everything is. In other words the weight of all that magma. Magma chambers ( Caves ) are under heat pressure several times a demotic oven turned up to maximum broil. Sometimes there is nowhere for the heat to expand. The heat of the thermal regions of the world is testimony of the expanding heat escaping from bellow.

We'd we think the spin of the earth moves the magma in circulating currents. Think of a clear sphere full of water with particles floating in it. When we spin the clear ball we see particles trace the movements of the spin verifying the water's is circulating applied to the atmosphere and molten magma under our feet.

In other words our weather is not only controlled by the influence of the sun and moon but theoretically should also be from the spinning motion of earth too. Both the air we breath and the liquid magma is a fluid motion the motion caused by the spin of earth.

Its believed because magma's constitution is make up is made mostly iron and iron is magnetic the moving magma acts like a electric turbine generating a magnetic field round the earth. The magnetic field deflects harmful solar wind from the sun protecting us from the ravages of the star and universe.

The magma is so hot the fluid motion rolls about in energy like waves in the middle of a stormy ocean. Lava lakes in magma chambers. We have seen this in volcanic documentaries of lava lakes in the craters of active volcanoes.

The lava sloshes and rolls about in harmonic motion by the energy of the extreme heat motion below. This is what seismologists listen for in the study of the worlds volcanoes. The seismology listing posts pick up the frequency of the fluid motion rumbling in magma chambers moving closer to the surface as if the magma's talking to them it is on it's way.

The extreme heat keeping the magma fluid carries the plates as it moves. Kind of like steel plates sliding on oil. If the magma was cooler it would be to sticky to move let a lone the plates.

The magma bumps some of the plates together like corks on the surface of water. The plate boundaries get stuck, suddenly release, and others ride the top of others pushing back into the liquid magma in similar jambs.

The pressure of the continual motion backs up behind suddenly un sticks. The un sticking at boundaries send ripples for kilometres causing earthquakes and squeeze magma up cracks in the crust causing volcanic eruptions. Millions of tones squeeze magma up fissures to finally pop out of the surface or volcanic peaks.

Some boundaries are grinding off to each other pushing hard against each other in different directions. Grinding past one another millions of tomes builds behind the plate mass until the plates can't take it any more and slip. These are called strike slip earthquakes.

The other type when one plate overriding the other  jambs up for a time where pressure builds up behind until it can't take the pressure any more and slips called sub duct ion slips. The pressure of the moving plate overriding the other is an excruciating long time.

Millions of tones of pressure in several hundred years melts an area close to the junction called the lithosphere. Chambers of magma under pressure is squeezed up fissures in the lithosphere area just under the skin of the crust squeezed up the cone shape mountains of volcanoes.

Curiously all to do with the billions of tones of weight the earth's crust pressing on the magma caused by the total mass of the earth distorting space round the earth. In other words volcanoes and earthquakes are caused by Einstein's general theory of reality predicting gravity distortion of space created by the earth mass helps in creating earthquakes and volcanoes.