Sunday, April 29, 2012

Albert Einstein's general thoery of realitvity

A hint in a letter Einstein wrote to his cousin Elsa he wasn't satisfied with his theory of reality. He told her he couldn't find time to write because he was too occupied on truly great things. He told Elsa he'd racked his brain day and night in a effort to penetrate more deeply into the fundamental problems of physicist. Obviously there was nagging idea his theory was incomplete. It was based on motion on a light speed scale theme assuming the velocity at a constant speed completely ignoring variable conditions like in a gravitational field, traveling though water, glass and prisms. (Diffraction) making a special theory.

More importantly it was the variable motion that was missing, slowing down and speeding up slowing down again speeding up again, not to mention change of directions, left, right, up, down, twisting, turning and looping like Rolla Coasters do in their high velocities. lecturing in Kyoto university in Japan 15 years latter he described the breakthrough. In his own words.........

"I was sitting at my chair in patent office in Bern one day. Suddenly a though struck me. If a man falls freely he would not feel his weight. I was taken aback. The simple thought experiment made a deep impression on me. This lead me to the theory of gravity" In other words the theme of the general theory. Isaac Newton described gravity has a pulling force at a distance the unit named after him in honor.

For example when you lift your computer the earth's gravity is pulling on you and your computer you feel as a weight. I like to think of a reference to an object weighing exactly a kilogram falling freely down the side of a tall sky scraper traveling straight down to the street street bellow to understand the general relativity principles. There is a few features of the force on impact to consider of course, but it's the physics of the free fall that is the key to understanding of the General theory.

If we let it drop from the roof, the earth's gravity snatches it to a meter in a second. Then it stops accelerating to a constant meter per second velocity straight down to the street. If we do the math's on this equals a 3.6kmph motion I like to think of as a maximum momentum speed limit gravity cannot exceed. The force of the earth gravity working on the mass pulling it to the ground is expressed as 9.8 Newton's.

It is a constant that doesn't change no matter the mass. On impact with the street where the force of motion is most obvious. The momentum dissipates though the mass in a second to it's original rest mass doing quite considerable damage. It is as if the 1kg mass had gained weight in the first second of the fall. On impact with the ground as if a heavier gravity than earth for a second. In other words it had to be heavier during the fall than at rest. In other words people experience the travel to the ground relative ill impact with the ground. I like to believe it was Einstein's link that motion has a gravitational equivalence what we express as a G-force property that effects space and time on a light speed scale the missing piece Einstein was looking for.

We can understand the concept when we think of how NASA uses it to train astronauts all the time in nose diving aircraft. If a plane nose dives fast enough the trainees lift off the floor and the trainee astronauts frolic about in weightlessness fun. In other words acceleration turns antigravity. If the plan was accelerating fast enough they will feel the sensation of sticking to the roof of the fuselage just like it was a gravity but as up instead of down point of view. The opposite holds true. If the plane accelerates gaining altitude fast enough the floor will seem to press on the astronauts.

They feel the sensation as if the earth's gravity had become stronger. Einstein was ecstatic he had found a gravitational equivalence in motion what most of us today would refer to as G-force I like to think boy racers bragging about the power of their cars testimony of the gravitational equivalence limiting their cars to a maximum speed limit.

They quote their cars can pull a few "G's" at take off and can do the "tone". 0 to 80kmph (50mph ) in less than a several seconds is pretty impressive experiencing the sensation of a few kilograms of force weighting us into our sets. Cars and everything else is limited maximum speed limits. Neck and neck formulae one racing cars can't catch up with each other let a lone overtake to pass. In his special theory Einstein must have realized light was at maximum speed limit called the constant when he visualized trains on a light speed scale. It wasn't till the general theory gravitational equivalence enlightenment showed it played a roll in distorting the space round the motion.

Even racing cars distort the space round them when they are in motion even if it is less than a few nanoseconds at their maximum speeds. Nano- is a standard metric prefix unit for a thousand millionth therefore a thousand millionth of a second per meter.(0.000000001s/m or 10-9s/m).

I like to think the maximum speed limits as a maximum momentum speed limit we expresses as terminal velocity is caused by Einstein's gravitational equivalence expressed as a inertia a property all matter shares. If we do the math's in a zero resistance light should have an infinite velocity. But despite no resistance it is limited to 300,000km/s. The maximum momentum speed limit is a missing point in the special theory. Einstein discovered in the general caused by the gravitational equivalence in the motion. Not even the combined gravitational field of the universe and those who believe gravity slows light, it goes with out saying inside a black hole light is stopped completely not even a black hole can can accelerate it any faster. I believe Einstein's special theory light constant is the maximum momentum speed limited for light in any zero resistance highlighter in the General theory's gravitational equivalence. If we apply Einstein's gravitational esurience to the universe we are struck by the fact that space is not a 2 dimensional plane it distorts. Space is a infinite three dimensional depth. Take a photo of space for example. Imagine it had the depth going infinity into the photo away from us as well as infinitely out towards and behind us depth in every possible direction. There is no such thing as up and down.

In a space walk from an astronauts point of view for example viewing the earth in orbit the earth seems toweling above him but from our point of view on the surface the space station is upwards in the sky. Think of a model of a globe where people in Britton view the sky looking up just as people on the other side of the world down under in New Zealand see the sky as up too. The up and down in out of space is in the depth away and towards us in every direction depth of field ordinary geometry drawn up on a flat 2-D plane cannot account for.

The distortion of three dimensional space began when Einstein discovered ordinary Geometry couldn't plot curving motion until he was introduced to the work of a mathematician called Bernhand Reimann ( 1826-1866) suggested by his best friend Michelle Grossman that may be helpful. Reinmann was a mathematician who had been thinking of geometry outside the square box. What would happen if we applied all the rules on the surface on the curves of spheres. Imagine drawing squares, triangles and circles on a the surface of a basket ball then working out the areas and angles?.

The surface of a sphere changes the math's completely offering a chimps of mathematical models of curves in space. Imagine plotting angles of a triangle on a basket ball. Ordinary vectors drawn on 2-D flat planes can express a straight line motion. But drawn on the surface of a basket ball the resulting triangulation predicts the direction and amplitude of the motion if a curving motion. Reimann successfully published several curved tension equations called tensions.

Einstein would have been grateful for Rienman's work he could use for his theory on curved motion. Armed with Reinman's tensors helped him to described curving motion linking mass bending 3-D space dimension. For example the earth's mass (in a more formal sense weight ) shrinks space from all directions around it like an apple rapping a piece of paper round itself. Think of a the weight of a heavy submarine under water the water pressure pulled in all directions pressuring it as space on a heavy star. We can imagine submersibles imploding crushed inwards by the water pressure like bugs. Einstein had found the link in Reinman's tensors predicting motion and mass curved space.

Think of the way the earth bends space the streets like this. The Capital of New Zealand Wellington bends space as equally as the streets of the capital of Briton London on the other side of the world. In other words The weight of of the earth pulling space in onto it rapping space like a blanket every cubic meter of the earth's crust. According to Newton the bigger the planet and star the more of space would be shrunk round them. The space shrinking of the sun creates a curve round it where the planets of our solar system run along the rim by the all direction shrink. Einstein produce an angle light would be arched as it passes our star (the sun) following the depression of the shrink looking bent from the position of earth.

The general theory was published by the German science magazine Annalen der Physik during the time the country was busy fighting the British in the early battles of the Somme in March 1916 which took the interest of a the German Astronomical community. The war prevented open sharing with the British equivalent so a copy of Einstein's paper was was discretely smuggled across the channel to the head the the British astronomical society Arthur Edignton. Meanwhile a German astronomer field gunner Karl (sh war zs child) Schwarzschild came across the magazine becoming the first astronomer to calculate an interstellar phenomena based on Einstein's theory what we call black holes these days.

In theory if a mass was heavy enough it could could create a deep well in space the walls so steep, would be beyond the speed of light speed to escape. In other words capturing a 100% of light down the steep wall Schwartschild noted Einstein had neglected a solution so set out to find one using the earth as a model. His solution showed math's indicated for the earth's mass to be heavy enough for a point of no return the earth's gravity would squeeze the current mass to a centimeter called a singularity. Then he turned his attention to what would it be for our own star the sun. His math's indicated a point about 3cm across. The calculations based on a sphere was from the edge to the center expressed today as the Schwarzschild radius of any body to squeeze itself to the point of no return for light. Meanwhile in Briton discursions by astronomers Einstein's theory of light bent by the mass of the sun predicting an arch as it passed by the sun mass could be tested by comparing time laps photos of an eclipse.

One such eclipse had already come and gone when the war broke out disrupting one attempt. The military didn't care interning the British team. The next event was scheduled for 1919. Fortunately the war ended in time providing an ideal opportunity to test Einstein predicted the light arch value. A team was dispatched to the west coast of Africa where the eclipse due to pass over on island called to capture time lapse photos to compare. When the film was developed back home and compared showed the sun's mass had indeed bend light extraordinary accurately to the angle Einstein predicted.

For those who don't believe in coincidences it shouldn't have been anything to with any lucky guess. The photos spoke for Einstein and in doing so solved the odd mystery of Mercury's orbit. Einstein's predicted arch was seized upon as a valid reason to believe the general theory of relativity that was predicting heavy masses produce could quite possibly shrink share vertical walls that were too steep for light to escape from. So where was the light going to? The idea today black holes crush everything into nothing volutes the physics law that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Whitch brings us back to the question where does light go?

In 1935 in an attempt to discredit the growing new physics that had been steadily growing since 1900 called quantum physics, Einstein had found two associates that shared his distrust, a Russian Boris Poloyskv and a American Nathen Rosen. Their paper become known as the Einstein, pololskv Rosen or EPR paradox that seems to offer some sort of compromise.

As it turned out in setting out to show quantum theory was horrible flawed the idea of a the deep well of a heavy mass in one part of the universe could link with another clear across the other side was born, in other words a wormhole perdition known today as the Einstein, Poloskv Rosen bridge travel to parallel universes the subject of a 1990's science fiction series called the sliders.

One theory I like to put forward in the TV series when the vertex opened in parallel earth it pulled the gravity of the earth they were leaving. When the sliders leap into the vertex they were literally falling though by the alternative earth's gravity pulling them like falling down the side of a tall building. But what about the gravity of the earth they were leaving? Surly it would be tugging at the alternative earth's gravity too? This question can explain cosmologists description wormholes have to pinch off. It's a reasonable guess why wormholes can never be traveled unless some comes up with another idea to cheat the law of gravity.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Albert Einstein's special theory of reality

There's a number features in Einstein's special theory including absolute motion, bodies shrink in the direction of travel, and everything gets heavier and time is supposed to stop at light speed. In hind sight there are several things we know to be true relative about motion, time, gravity and light.  I like to think Einstein had realized light was at maximum momentum limit we all call a constant when he visualized trains on a light speed scale. Despite the zero resistance of space, I like to think light is at it's maximum momentum where it can't travel any faster than 300,000km/s. In other words the theme of the special theory is the relativity of motion.

Maximum speed limits is the property of mass. The mass of Formulae one racing cars travel at a maximum speed limit of about 300kmph where they are always bunched up in neck and neck duels that can't catch up with each other let a lone overtake and pass. Catching up with light is the same. Even traveling at light speed or faster it is always a distance of 300,000km ahead of us every second. In other words 300,000km into the future every second so how can we possibly catch up with it? Before the advent of space travel nobody gave it a thought velocity in space is very different then the surface of earth.

For example an astronaut exiting an orbiting space station tens of thousands of kilometers an hour seems stationary. We don't feel the earth's velocity spin nor orbiting the sun motion. Constellations never appear arching in motion, planets are observed stationery and in the same position for days. From dusk till dawn they all never seem faster than motionless. The constant change of dusk and dawn is never dramatic despite the earth's constant motion.

The sun drags our solar system with it at extreme velocity in our traveling milky way. Nowhere it seems is there a stationary in the universe. From our point of view at lest everything is moving at colossal speeds. The vast distance makes the stars look stationary, yet from the surface of the earth we know we are really observing a small part of a huge galaxy in motion swirling round and round taking us with it at a colossal velocity. Observing passenger jets approaching airports for landing a long, long way away is an example of how distance reduces observable motion.

The plane looks agonizingly slow even suspended in mid air. In other words distance is relative to motion. Another example formulae one racing cars at their maximum speed limits appear quite slow. If we view the passenger jet approaching at the airport or the racing cars very close their speeds become more apparent.

Observing distant planes and formulae one cars seem to get nowhere fast. In other words time appears slowed down the father we observe a high velocities. Some of us are pretty sure gravity effects time and so it not suppressing sea level is perhaps the closest to the center of the earth's gravity we can get. 0 to 80kmph (50mph) acceleration in less than several seconds in a supper car ride for example is a pretty wild ride. But not 0 to a thousand kmph in a second in space. It would appear like no motion at all.

Away from the earth's gravity 0 to 16,000kmph (10,000mph ) in a second will appear to have no significant acceleration. In other words the stronger a gravitational filed the more significant motion appears some of us believing it will slow time. Time and time again we read about time stopped inside black holes. Operating on the principle it is believed time runs slower at street level than the top floors of sky scrapers. The significant difference is only less than a mere microsecond. There are also those that believe gravity slows light while others disagree favored light has no mass ( weightless ) believing there are impacting consequence issues. (That's another story covered by the General theory) As for light is an electromagnetic radiation I like to view light as a whole electromagnetic velocity as more of a momentum at a maximum speed limit.

Light itself is often described does things only particles can do such as solar solar cell technology we all know today yet has interference properties on itself that only possible if it light is a wave. I like to think of the vigorous energy of each particle ( called a photon ) gives light it's wave property. If photons are energetic the classical physics description would have us believe the description of a wave as a simple harmonic sine wave motion like a pendulum swing. Photons have to be accelerating and have to decelerate to a stop so they can reverse direction reaccelerating and have to decelerate to a stop again to reverse back again to repeat the cycle.

A wavelength is the maximum distance between each peak. In the case of each photon one distance less than the thickness of a piece of paper (a micrometer ) per second. The frequency and wavelength are important parts of light. Mathematics tells they are reciprocals of each other. A wavelength a micrometer long for example is a cycle that's a millionth of a second so the reciprocal is the frequency of a million in a one second expressed in Hertz and the standard metric system prefixes Kilo, for a "thousand", Mega for a "million", Gaga for a "thousand million", and Tera for a "billion" and so on (Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz and THz ).

The universe is just one big waving sheet of photons moving in an oscillating wave not just per second but every second since it first set off at the big bang that has supposed to have created universe over 14 and a half billion years ago. Quantum physics have us believe each photon tunnels though space in discrete jumps called quantum leaps in a mind boggling distance of 43 decimal zeros, 626 of a meter called a Planck length the same value of a second called a Planck second. (or 10 times 6 point 626 to the minus 34 meter and second. 10 x 6.626-34).

A nanometer is incredibly tiny a huge human cell measuring only 9 decimal zeros of a meter max. The value of a Planck length becomes 35 decimal zeros of a nanometer the same with the Planck second. Clock arm motion we observe the second hand of clocks move a division every second but the minute hand is to slow to observe moving let a lone the hour hand. The stationary appearance is an illusion because it is constantly moving although be it to slow for us to observe moving.

As we observe the second move a full circle we don't notice the motion of the minute hand move a division. As we observe the second hand move the stationary appearance of the minute hand has moved a full circle in an hour when the stationary hour hand has only moved a division. Every 12 midnight is a date change, the hour hand moving a full circle from 12 midnight to 12 midday in the a.m. and 12 midday to 12 midnight for the p.m. Adding up all the seconds with the first second 12 midnight to the last at 12 midnight comes to 86 thousand 400.

In other words every second is as 86,400 times as fast as a day, the reciprocal telling every second is every 86,400th of day. If we were to observe the second hand as slow as we'd normally view the minute hand moving math's projects we'd be traveling 60 times as fast as the environment's second. Or from the environment's point of view a minute into the future every second. From our point of view we'd observe office workers frozen in time while faster things like table fans still in motion although be it somewhat labored. If we observe the minute hand speed up as fast as we'd normally observe the second hand we'd be traveling 60 times as slow as each second.

From out point of view the environment's second is a minute into the future every second while from the environment's point of view we would be frozen in time fore very minute. For Light speed most of us believe time is slowed down the faster we travel and stops at the speed of light. However we observe light speed at a sub light speed level. To view the universe from a light speed point of view we have to accelerate to it. As we hit light speed should stop acceleration to that constant because we can't accelerate any faster.

Some of us believe if we slow down time goes backwards. We should observe this of the universe as we view the road move the opposite direction traveling in a vehicle. Round the world at light projects light travels the circumference of the earth just under 7 times by the time we say "One thousand and one". If we we traveling the world at that acceleration time would appear to go slower and and slower as we hit light speed. But assuming we can't we can't go any faster we should stop accelerating to the constant speed limit. light speed point of view tells us differently of our sub light speed scale point of view.

If we observe the universe from a light speed point of view the universe should be traveling the reciprocal means we would observe the universe travel 300,000km in 300,000 seconds. In other words math's projects as 3km/s. Most of us agree time is slower at light speed. So if we do the math's projects we'd observe the universe take a longer to cover 300,000km. Because light speed is maximum means time would be not be observe the universe travel any slower. At 3km/s time is still moving just as the slowness of the minute and hour hands of clocks. It is plainly dramatic when observe the minute and hour hands moving full circle when we can't even observe them move a single division.

In other words the minute and hour hands are to slow to observe moving. In retrospect math's projects a minute is 60 times as slow and an hour 3 thousand 600 times as slow as each second. They don't travel though time any slower. Even more dramatic every 12 midnight of each day. We can conduct a experiment we walk meter per second. With a bit of practice we can become pretty good at judging per second when we it saying "one thousand and one". By that time we'd walked a meter and by that time light had traveled 300,000km.

If we do the math's since there is a thousand meters in a kilometer light had traveled 300 million meters we walked only one. Light is always 300 million meters (or 300 thousand kilometers) ahead of us every second. Since it is ahead of us 300,000km every second we can never reach the speed of light because no matter how fast we travel light is always 300,000km ahead of us every second even if we do travel at light speed. I like to think of light as a maximum momentum speed limit a good reason why we cannot reach light speed. Think of a race track where a dozen cars at their maximum speed limits.

No matter the peddle to the metal the whole cluster can't go any faster. It is the fastest the whole group can all go. No car can catch up and overtake neck and neck with each other when they are all at their maximum speed limits. The same with us and light only we are always 300,000km behind it every second. In other words light is 300,000km distance into the future every second. In retrospect the sunlight we see in broad daylight that had left the sun just under 8 minutes ago means we are observing the sun's light now as the sun was 8 minutes ago every second.

Light 300,00km distance ahead of us every second is on a different space time plane the second it left the sun. The maximum momentum speed limit is the maximum distance light travels a second. If we were to accelerate and stop in the distance light travels a second we are constantly changing speed acceleration and deceleration. If time slow down the faster we go the environment's time must constantly change accordingly. The environment gets slower slower and slower all the time. If we could observe a clock the second hand would get slower and slower. A little known part of Einstein's miracle year is the solar cell technology we know today.

The year Einstein published his special theory he had worked out how light works generating electrical movement charges when it hits metal objects a crude example of sunlight on highly polished chrome the principle of modern solar cell technology that powers satellites. Low frequency (or long wave) light such as the red colors we can see and including the invisible inferred spectrum we can't see hasn't the frequency oomph even if the intensity is high. However even week intensity but a high frequency (short wavelength) light such as violet (the purple blue colors we see) including the Ultra violet light (UV and UVA) we can't see has the power.

In other words it is not how strong light is but the frequency that has the power. Proof is in our DVD players. Regular CD ROM and DVD players are thick red laser beams while blue ray as the name describes are lower power thin blue beams. The lower electrical power drain not only means lower power consumption but a lot more storage room on disc where we can enjoy the crystal clear audio surround sound and visual spectacle of High Definition digital quality. Most of us refer to take into account of resistance but I like to refer as irrelaent. In the past physicists thought light was infinite. By mathematic rights in the zero resistance of a vacuum should be. Despite this physicists have never measured light any faster than just under 300 thousand kilometers (to be exact 299 thousand 792 kilometers and 458 meters ) per second or 186 mile per second.

If we do the math's on this 10 thousand and 80 million kilometer per hour or 669 million 600 thousand mile per hour. Light is at a maximum momentum limit where it can't move any faster even in a vacuum. Falling motion is a key facture in that prompted Einstein's special theory. He was inspired by the sudden realization a person falling from the roof a house was a motion straight to the ground. Anything that fell with the person such as a hammer the person would observe falling in parallel with him. He was startled too, to realize during the decent the person doesn't feel their weight.

He himself describes this as the happiest though of his life. I like think Einstein realized motion has inertia I like to describe the physics using a 1kg mass dropped from the top floor of a sky scraper example. I like to use a free falling kilogram mass to understand motion. Just letting any object weighing exactly a kilogram fall from your hand from the top floor of a tall sky scrapper the earth's gravity as an energy source snatches at the mass accelerating it to a meter in a second. I like to describe what happens next as a terminal acceleration point resulting in a maximum momentum speed limit obeying all of Isaac Newton's force motion laws in the processes. I like to think of any mass in free fall overcomes resistance.

Think of the earth's gravity pulling bodies to the ground overcoming the resistance of the earth's atmosphere rather than thinking slowing them down. In the free falling 1kg example acceleration is terminated to a maximum momentum in the case a meter per second all the way down impacting with the street bellow. It is caused by an inbuilt nature of mass called inertia. If we do the math's on this, the later at final momentum is a 1kg/6.3kmph impact with the street. At the terminal acceleration point the earth's gravity cannot accelerate it any faster. The momentum free fall is as fast as it can get. It just doesn't go any faster. Although some of us believe light is just a constant with no the mass, the maximum momentum limit caused by inertia light should have mass to keep it from traveling any faster than 300,000/s in a zero resistance environment.

It wasn't till after world war 1 Einstein proved a strong case for light to have mass. See the General theory. Inertia has a lot to do with the maximum speed limits of falling bodies. I like to think Einstein must have intuitively guessed motion had inertia weighing any mass so heavy it stops acceleration whether a 1kg weight falling from the top floor of a sky scraper or a sky diver to a constant free fall known as terminal velocity. Lets think of a kilogram verses a feather for a moment.

A feather dropped the same time as our 1kg hasn't the mass to overcome the resistance. I'm sure mathematicians can figure out the math's involved to prove the work and energy of the earth's gravity on a 100, 10, or 1k to a feather. If it wasn't for the earth's atmosphere the earth's gravity wouldn't distinguish between a tone, 100, 10, 1kg and feather masses colliding with the street bellow at the same time. In other words resistance is irrelaent since the earth's gravity pulls on a few micrograms as evenly as several tones. It's the masses that make the difference. I like to think of Newtown's of force and motion play a significant part in motion.

The scientific description, or unit, of gravity is Newton's, in the case of the earth 9.8 Newtown's. It is a constant no matter the value of the mass. Mathematics projects if we know the Newton's we can multiply it by a mass. In the case of our free falling 1kg is 8.9N respectively. Kg units only a convent method of describing the weight of the force of gravity on any mass. 9.8N is the force of the earth gravity every cubic meter at sea level pulling the atmosphere, all the land masses and oceans squarely on top of the surface of the earth's crust. Einstein's General theory tells us squeezed by space bent by the mass ( or the weight ) of the earth. On impact inertia has a great deal of force.

Impact with the ground it dissipates it though the colliding mass obeying Newton's first law of motion keeping them moving. This is were a lot of damage is done being squashed by the weight of the inertia. A moving body is never easy to slow down but the inertia it carries can never be stopped dead. Imagine a fully loaded big rig stopping dead from 80kmph (50mph) with out the consequences of inertia keeping it moving.We often here boy racer petrol heads skite about there cars pull "....G's" "Does the tone". I like to describe the principle using this chatter as unwittingly describing the physics in the motion of their cars repeating telling us how powerful their cars are they can do several "G"s and "does the tone". I like the chatter merely describes the exhilaration of inertia weighing them down as if a few kilograms of weight pulling them back into their seats.

It also applies to the exhilaration of wild Rolla Caster rides during accelerating down in hill runs. I like to believe coasters hitting tight twist and bends with out slowing down obeys Newton's first law of motion that tells us "A moving body will continue in a straight line" in this case the inertia of the cars and the occupants trapped in a change of direction example was the key to Einstein's insight to the general theory 10 years after the special. Inertia in space away from a gravity becomes quite different. I like to think of inertia in space ships where there is no resistance.

The shear stress squashes and pulls it apart during the velocity. An interesting case in 1964 when NBC planed the TV series Star Trek scientific advisers came up with a solution to the Enterprise accelerating beyond light speed in a second. On the captain's order to go warp the engine design had a controlled antimatter injection system generating a forward going inertia back on the pulling back inertia on the forward going accelerating of the Enterprise's mass effectively neutralizing it's inertia at take off called called inertial dampeners. Theoretically the enterprise's mass remains the same but with no inertia during the initial acceleration (Going to wrap) and the reverse happens when dropping out of wrap. I like to believe Einstein must have intuitively recognized the inertia properties in motion setting out some mathematical models to prove the physics.

The numbers showed at near light light scales the share force of the inertia starts to distorted space and time. The math's showed the faster we go the more space and time is distorted. A ping pong ball at light speed. I like to tell the story about the effects of inertia on the mass of a table tennis ping pong ball at light speed. Ping pong balls weigh about few milligrams. Remember in space there is no resistance yet the share stress traveling at light speed weighs them as heavy as an ocean liner squishing them to their composite molecules. The pressure generates a huge amount of heat incinerating them down to atoms.

When a ping pong ball becomes atoms it no longer exists anymore but the inertia is not finished just yet. The pressure is so great the outer orbiting particles orbiting the core particles (nucleus) called electrons, are striped away exposing the nucleus. The pressure starts to tell on these particles starting to break them apart. This is where I believe Einstein's e equals m c squared comes into the picture. I like to think the property was Einstein's insight to his famous E equals m c squared formulae. He found by multiplying the speed of light by itself ( the c for constant squared ) then multiplied by a mass (m ) results in the share force of the inertia braking up the nucleus of the atoms the incinerating heat left known as plasma possibly the most energetic energy of the universe, Gamma Rays. Let's think of the inertia here for a moment. It would appear Einstein's formulae would be enough to convince anyone the consequence of running up against inertia at light speed. The formulae accurately predicts the heat and energy released by atomic bombs.

The law of mathematics (as described by algebra and calculus ) allows nuclear physics to custom make atomic bombs to any yelled they like. Think of aircraft nose diving for instance. I like to describe the special theory principles in other ways, by reminding readers NASA uses the principle all the time in high altitude aircraft nose diving. If a plane nose dives fast enough the trainee astronauts in the fuselage lift off the floor and float freely in weightlessness fun. In other words the plane has became an antigravity machine using motion. I'm sure this is what Einstein had intuitively had guessed. It can also work the other way round.

If the plane climbed fast enough the floor would seem to press against the astronauts pinning them down as if a heavier gravity than earth's. Most of us believe gravity slow light speed. A strong consensus gravity slows light, so it goes without saying not even the gravity of a black hole can make it go faster if anything tells us theoretically black holes should be stopping it entirely. There is no reason not to say the possibility of the maximum momentum of light due to the combined gravitational field of the universe or even inertia or both. The maximum momentum speed of light plays a major part in Einstein's special thoery. By right's in a no resistance environment of a vacuum light should be infinite.

The momentum speed limit is just under 300 thousand kilometers per second. To be exact, 299 thousand 798 kilometers and 548 meters every second. If we do the math's on this, 186 thousand miles per second, 10 thousand and eighty million kmph, or 669 million 600 thousand mph speed limit in a vacuum. Most of us understand terminal velocity theses days. I like to think inertia is up against the maximum speed of light. Mass compressed in the direction of travel is limited to that speed. It can't be compressed any further. Time too. I like to illustrate the point using a second as a reference point in the following. Let's look at what it would be like to view everything on a light scale point of view.

If we were to think about what happens when we observe the universe at light speed we'd think we'd be traveling in parallel with it observing light as if stationary observing the universe at light speed. Think of traveling parallel with another vehicle on a state highway. We'd observe the other vehicle stationary with us and the road side fly's by at our relative speeds.c. Most of us agree the resistance of the earth's atmosphere slows light some don't. Others prefer to believe the nature of light has no mass so is (weightless) that gravity should not have any effect from any resistance which means not even the gravity of a black hole can effect it which means light is escaping that source from somewhere.

We need to make up our minds if gravity does not effect it does effect light. The continuing story is more of a matter of Einstein's General theory In the meantime, as light from the sun enters the earth's atmosphere it is slowed down. Further physics can be view using children's science and technology books on light at local liberties that include all it's characteristic diffraction behavior. As it enters the atmosphere and clouds it is scattered and detracted though water, glass, and prisms. Solid object most be stopping light it dead in it's tracks if it is to reverse direction.

If we view photons on a Planck scale we may observe deflection as a Quantum jump reversing quantum jumping back and forth though though the clouds, and out of the earth's atmosphere. Once free from the earth's gravity free to instantly accelerate to their maximum momentum speed limit. From light's point of view of the earth, time may seem to speed up as it slows down though the atmosphere. I don't know what time would be like when it reversing direction during deflection but operating on the principles of time speeding up as light slows down comes into it somewhere.