Thursday, September 15, 2016

When the giant Hadron particle accelerator at CERN Swaziland was charged up for the first time there was great concern the physics would corrupt the universe or in part doom earth. When the first experiment was charged up for the first nothing like that happened. And nothing since. If there was any potential corruption problem what happed?

The answer may lay in cosmological research of the universe. Cosmologists believe the 3-dinemtionall information of the universe is stored in a 2-dimensional fabric of black holes. If this is true, the universe could be make use of that as a form of back up of the universe like our personal computer back system's restoring corrupted or missing computer files. Think of the safety net of you operating system recycle bin as the universe's recycle bin.

If we accidentally delete or corrupt one of our files a original copy can be retrieved from the recycle bin. Another is our operating system restore system. In other words black holes are acting as these.

Most of us remember back in the day particularly off the shelf home computer retail shops were full of frustrating freezing problems. Most would have been caused by just one small part of a program that didn't respond upsetting the whole operating system that couldn't function. The other potential was running out of memory caused by installed programs drawing to much memory of the computer blaming incapability problems.

To get our computers running smoothly again we were forced to reformat the hard drive all over again. Assuming we had a hard copy of our operating system the nest step was the job of going to the trouble to reinstall our system with our hard copy. All this, just to clear a small none responsive part of just one program.

Today computers are crash proof packet smart phones. The electronics draws almost none existent power. If anything happens to them including personal commuters only the effected part of the any program is isolated that does not effect the whole computer or phone. The whole computer still functions smoothly.

Off the shelf retailer smart phone and personal computing operating system, system restore, systems does the job of correcting corrupted or missing files for us with just one click of a mouse and one touch in touch screen technology when asked if we wish to proceed with system restore from the internet. Otherwise the only way to restore smart phone operating systems is a back up copy of everything pre-installed.

The only inconvenience is a non responding moment wait for the program to start running again. Operating systems still run smoothly at worst case scenarios. We can either manually access or when detects some form of corruption asks us if we wish to proceed or automatically triggers the system restore system into action.

Quantum physics tells the us the theory if it's true black holes storing information on the universe are acting as our computer recycle bin and system restore safely net on restoring corrupted wholly or part of the universe effected. If anything should happen to a small area the information in black holes are ideal back up to restore a corrupted feature of the universe back to original condition automatically.

Monday, August 8, 2016


In 1995 a science fiction TV series called the sliders about a university student called Quinn Mallory experimenting with antigravity in his basement managed to create the holy grail of cosmology, an electric turbine in his basement capable of opening a stable gateway though space and time joining parallel universes. CD movies at local libraries and video move shops have copies of TV series available including the sliders.

In 1960, and as in a remake in 2002, of the movie based on H.G.Well's 1896 adventure of a time machine about an adventure who whisked himself away into the future.

If you had a friend who had such machines with the an opportunity to slide a portal to parallel universes or ride a time machine would you take it?

Could Quinn Mallory's antigravity experiment and H.G. Wells machines really be recreated? What would it take to build a portal controlling an artificial wormhole or a time machine?  And what about traveling to the past?

It is a common perception we are made of star dust where most of the answers lay. Our bodies  are all the same atoms as our sun.

We are made of a orbiting cloud of particles called electrons round a central core (nucleus) made up of a couple of particles called protons and neutrons made up of elementary particles called quarks and a whole zoo of other particles from Higs Boson to neutrinos

Today, there is some question about electrons. It turns out the planetary model appears to be out dated. A cloud of electrons (including the nucleus particles) is something of a negative electrical charge of some sort existing in space and time surrounding the positively charged nucleus.

Common torch cells (or battery's if you like) show this, one end marked with a plus sign, and the other end with a minus sign or unmarked for the negative end. When you bring together the two ends millimetres apart and gently move side to side you can feel the force of the battery's live voltage. you are feeling the forces of the negative (-) and positive ends attracting each other.

You are also feeling the forces of the two positive ends repelling each other. So too, the negative ends, In essence the like repel and unlike attract law were electrons repel electrons attracted to the positive charges of the core of the atom.

The negative terminal is a store of atoms with excess electrons. Making that end live with domineeringly negative energy and an equal number of atoms with missing electrons orbits in the live positive terminal making that end domineeringly positive.

Voltage doesn't flow only the live energy you feel each end of the battery. When the electrons see a connecting circuit electrons are repelled by all the nearest negative voltages and attracted by all the nearest positive voltages in a steady direct electron current flow direction called amperage the essence of a electric current flow.

The combined forces of the live voltages and the electron current flow is the power in Watts. These forces are the key to the forces of the week forces of the universe. At first it was thought the neutrally charged neutrons in the center of every atom isolated the positive charged of the protons.

A recently discovered particle called the Higs Boson was discovered responsible for the strong nuclear force holding the positive forces together from repelling the atom apart.

According to string (or Membrane) theory these particles are made of vibrating like rubber band entities called strings. Stings are so tiny, they introduce us to the Planck scale.

A Planck constant is a decimal fraction, 6.26 divided by 10 forty-three times giving a total of a 43 of number of a meter.(40 zeros 626). Such a big number like that is expressed in scientific notation, as 6.26 times 10 to the minus 43. It is the smallest length, mass (amount of matter equivalent of the fraction of a kilogram in earth's gravity) and time of the universe. A Planck length, mass and second.

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal tells us the same number in the positive value (626 forty zero number, 2.62 multiplied by10 forty-three times, 6.26 times 10 to the 43 respectively) representing the of number of Plank seconds in 1 second.

Quantum physics tells us the particles of the atom we are made of are entangled with the particles of the atom clear across the other side of the universe, the so called, as Albert Einstein put it in his own words, a spooky action at a distance rule.

It is believed electrons (including the nucleus particles) disappear and reappear somewhere else expressed as quantum jumping in space and time, on a Planck scale, a Plank length in a Planck second expressed in text books as tunnelling.

It tells us electrons can only jump between the electron orbits, they can't collapse into the positive centre. The Planck constant in the positive value means number of times in a second representing the maximum frequency of the jumping including the electrons of our bodies.

The process is totally random. We have as much chance of predicting when and which orbit electrons will jump to as predicting all the numbers of a lottery draw in one guess. The only way to know which orbit they are in at any given time is the act of observing. The quantum jumping electrons in our bodies make us quantum lepers.

Physicists didn't like the unpredictable just can't tell sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't behaviour. Albert Einstein specially despised it, especially the claim instant communication with other electrons at infinite distances, obviously faster than light speed. The fact is physics insist that's the way the particle of the atoms is.

An age old experiment focusing light particles (photons) shot to a double slit screen in front of a light sensitive film called the double slit experiment. The light sensitive film detector doesn't record light though the slits the parallel positions we'd expect it should. Instead we observe a digital bar code like pattern only waves can form.

The pattern has no fuzzy merging edges with symmetrically even spacing between each vertical line clear and sharp edges as a high definition photograph. Photons seem to go though the slits like bullets and come out as a wave.

The experiment was repeated over and over again. Evens shot though a single slit the light sensitive film insisted on registering a waveform. No matter what was done the experimenters could not make the film behave any different. The test was done with electrons with the same result every time.

It appears the chemical action of our living bodies electrons are quantum leaping the electron orbits of every atom of our bodies no slower than a Planck scale in the positive value number of times per second communicating with electrons clear across the universe. Every thought in our heads is a firing of synapses of our brain cell activity. String theory suggests the effect is upto10 dimensions

If this is true, then our body atoms are quantum leaping their electron orbits. If it's true electrons communicate the spooky action at a distance, our body electrons are communicating with the universe at large.

This includes the physical chemical action of the firing of all the synapse of all our brain cells. The electrical activity is generated by our thoughts all the time. The electrons of the atoms are quantum leaping their orbits as with the rest of our body cells. The quantum leaping of the electron obits makes our brain a quantum leaper. Being totally random the randomness is uncontrollable.

Mathematics tells us the number the popular internet search engine company Goggle is named after, is a finite number of 1 with a 100 zero number. If double the zeros, is still a finite number called a googolplex. ( 1 and 200 zeros) and is still a finite number. We can double the zeros again (1 with 400 zeros) and it is still a finite number.

If we multiply goggle by 10 is a 1,000 digit number still a finite value. In fact trillions of zeros with and end, is still finite. Even100's of trillions of zeros is an end point is still finite.

Calculating the odds of getting correctly a 50 digit lottery number game in one guess is finite. We will not be astonished with with any large number out of 100's of 1,000's of trillions digit number.

Mathematics tells us infinite is defined as a number with no end. It can never be reached because the end doesn't exist. If time in the universe is infinite then 100.000's of trillions of centuries pass on earth every second of all the seconds in trillions and trillions of centuries of time on earth still with no end.

Infinite tells us our body electrons are quantum leaping their orbit generating combinations of many worlds every second since all the seconds of the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe up to this point in time as possibly can be

Even a finite number of 100,000.000's of trillions of a digit number with end point combinations of parallel earth's is possible. There is many alternate universe and earth possibilities. There are trillions of ourselves living different lives on different worlds than ours and we are no exception to the many possibilities.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Resisting acceleration

Archimedes, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, are the three authorities on motion. Newton’s third law is significant in the fact it states where there is a force there is an equal and opposite force pulling back on any acceleration. The mass of bodies resist acceleration we call inertia.

Albert Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity highlights bodies become heavier. The inertia of the mass becomes heavier eventually enough it can't accelerate any further terminating to a constant velocity we express as terminal velocity.

Everybody riding swings on a merry go rounds feel a force moving them outwards testimony of spinning circles we call G-forces. Whether in straight line (a fast accelerating car) or an endless loop of merry go rounds, we commonly expressed as G's. It is equivalent of feeling our weight increase by a few kilograms. The faster the merry go round goes the more G's we feel.

We only need to look at the fact NASA has been training astronauts in weightlessness generated by free falling planes Einstein explained in his special theory of relativity over a 100 years ago.

Einstein was inspired by the fact a person falling from a roof of a building doesn't feel their weight, well, not until they hit the ground anyway. The key point is, during the fall.

Sky divers agree they don't feel their high speed falling. Even if there was no atmosphere. once terminal acceleration is reached the earth gravity can't accelerate them any faster. All divers feel is suspended in the slip stream of rushing air which is what makes it all that much fun to sky dive.

A key feature is antigravity. It is produced by the motion of  fast nose diving aircrafts NASA has been using to train astronauts the weightlessness of space for over 60 years now. Trainee astronauts lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. Whether Einstein realized it or not, he had correctly predicted spinning donut space station generate gravity. All this from motion.

If any plane dives fast enough passengers will experience feeling lighter. In extreme cases can lift up towards the roof pressed to the ceiling in instant banging of heads. It can also work in reverse. If a plane climbs fast enough will experience being compressed to the floor feeling as if in a stronger gravity.

Einstein realized same applies compressing bodies traveling in a straight line. Bodies feel heavy like they are in a side way gravitational force he called a gravitational equivalence. G's and gravity is the key to Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity.

The effect is common in our everyday lives. We are all familiar with motor vehicle performance 0 to 60 ( mph - or 96kmph if you like ) in a given seconds testify to this.

The average family hatchback can achieve 96k in several seconds. In a little less time if pushed. At any maximum acceleration we experience a little bit of force weighing us back into our seats equivalent to about a kilogram or so per cubic meter of force pulling us back. Motor sport cars can pull several G's in a couple of seconds. Powerful drag race cars in a second. Jet fighter take off the short runways of aircraft carriers less time at far greater speeds the latter put together. The bottom line, high speed acceleration pulls G's.

Image the G's 0 to a100 ( mph term or a 160k ) in a second. If light accelerated it would be 0 to do a distance of just under 300,000 kilometers in a second ( or in kmph terms 10,080,000,000kmph or 669,000,00,600mph in a second take off, the same distance7 times round the circumference of earth in that time.

We all think of the effect of G's austronuaghts experience in rocket lift off's. Newtown's third law of describes the fire gushing outwards from the exhaust lifting many tones upwards in the opposite direction. The same applies to thrusters of out of space vehicles. Einstein highlighted these G's astronauts experience accelerating to the speed necessary to hurl all that tonnage to escape the earth's gravity.

We all experience the same force weighing us back into our seats in high speed Rolla Coaster accelerations. We often hear skyting from boy racer and petrol heads how much "G's " their cars pull.

Where does this pull back force come from? The key in Newtown's third law telling us it is all in the inertia resistance of bodies to acceleration. It is the properties of the mass of everything under acceleration.

We also experience this force pulling us forward in high speed breaking. We all feel it in public transport standing room only when a bus, tram or train, hits the brakes sharply jerking us forward. We even feel it on motorcycles even bicycles ( decent gripping brakes ) in sharp breaking.

Newtown is famous for highlighting other laws of the universe describing the mass of stars and planets pulls inward with a force we call gravity the key to Einstein's general theory.

We start with the fat people look upwards in the middle of the Artic Circle night sky in the northern hemisphere just as we equally look up to night sky in the middle of the Antarctica to the night sky there in the Southern hemisphere. In fact we all look up equally everywhere the entire circumference of earth.

According to Newtown the mass of the earth is an inward attractive force. This means the mass of the Artic Circle is inward attractive force as much as the mass of Antarctica of the South pole is. According to Einstein's general theory space is distorted by the mass of the earth.

In effect space compresses round the entire circumference like plastic shrink rap compressing the circumference of an apple. The mass of you and your neighborhood is bending space inward on it, just as much as the neighborhood on the other side of the world is.

It is the mass of the earth shrinking space tightly round the circumference the compressing the atmosphere we breath, the oceans of the world and us to the circumference in all inward directions. The earth's atmosphere is fluid and moves round just as any fluid motion we move in.

Using a common reference, the earth's mass a force of a kilogram per cubic ( or pounds per square inch if you like ) space compressed air the entire surface at sea level. High in the atmosphere the pressure is weaker while the earth's crust mass on the core thousands of time stronger.

Einstein's is famous for predicting sky divers experiencing the zero gravity during free fall he expressed as a gravitational equivalence. Sky diving out of the plan the earth's mass seems to snatch at them in an instant, accelerating from the plane less than a second.

Divers all agree they feel the initial acceleration as part of their excitement until the don't feel it any more. All the feel is the excitement of feeling suspended in the rushing slipstream of the earth's atmosphere, despite traveling straight down at over 300kmph. They just don't feel the velocity. There is lots of free fall fun time to have before the can employ their Para shoot. There is so much time air surf board sport has developed round the physics.

It takes the earth's gravity to accelerate a few seconds to reach a maximum free fall speed of about a 320kmp ( or 200mph if you like ) constant velocity where acceleration is terminated, in sky diving terms terminal velocity.

Terminal acceleration is the law of the universe. Despite the zero resistance of space every speck of dust, to entire galaxies don't travel any faster than given velocities. It is their maximum speed limits, They just don't travel any faster.

If we use a reverence a G of acceleration in the earth's gravity equals the earth's mass ( or our stationary body weight ) equal to a G. Two G's is a point in motion we experience twice and three G's three times and the legal limit for Rolla coasters is limited to four times our body weight. In terms of kilograms the equivalent of feeling several kilo's heavier.

Above four times our body weight the average person won't feel very well for a while when stationary brain disorientation and unsteadiness recovering from the ride. There is enough force to pass out and potential stopping bad hearts and pace maker problem headaches for Roller coaster managers. Only the fit can withstand jet fighter forces the planes are capable of generating. The faster the acceleration the more we feel our whole body becomes weight down by G's.

The opposite is true. If a plane climbs fast enough astronauts cling to the roof like gravity. In other words enough velocity produces Isaac Newtown's third law of motion again. The effect of G's by Newtown's first and second laws state body's tend to resist acceleration. It becomes a point where the accelerated body can't go any faster stabilized to a constant velocity. In other words a terminal acceleration point expressed as terminal velocity in sky diving talk.

Terminal acceleration is the effect of the inertia terminating everything to a maximum speed limit. No matter the peddle to the metal or open throttle of vehicles can not go any faster than their maximum speed limits. At full throttle the Japanese and German Inter City Express ( ICE ) bullet trains can not go any faster than 350kmph ( or 220mph if you wish ). Beside it is the maximum safe cursing speed on the surface of earth. Any faster suffer buffeting. Buffets becomes very violent at high velocities..

The famous road safety expression use by the police "the faster you go the bigger the mess" testifies to the high energy of high speed collisions. G's build up at acceleration and terminate at maximum speed. The G's have become a point at which the force cannot accelerate the body any faster. We only need to think of traveling in a twenty five year old SUV ( Sports Utility Vehicle ) at a 160kmph ( 100mph ) on a state highway for a short time how exhausting the ride can be at controlling. No matter the pedal to the metal it won't go any faster. 

In the zero resistance of out of space gas particles to entire galaxy's are traveling ( expressed as falling because of the pull of all the gravity in the universe ), are at their maximum speed limits thousands faster than bullet speeds.

A body lunched from a space station hatch for example accelerates for a second terminating to a constant velocity as fast as a bullet. Try stepping out of a vehicle traveling less than a kmph on the surface of earth at sea level. That's because of the earth's gravity at this level has a damping effect on the perception of velocity

The earth's core is much stronger than on the surface. Velocity is dampened the closer we get to the core. Above sea level is less gravity. In Einstein's specially theory of relativity explains a high altitude passenger jet plane example passengers never feel they are cruising 800kmph ( 500mph ) on a planet well in excess of tens of thousands of kmph spin and orbit velocities of the earth round the sun. Looking out the window an overcast cloud covers look like they are traveling less than a kmph velocity. 

The special theory reminds us there is no such thing as stationary. The gas and dust of nebulas to entire galaxies travel no faster than their current speeds. In other words everything has a maximum speed limit including light. Dispite light having no resistance to it's velocity in out of space it is terminated to just under three hundred thousand kilometers per second ( 300,000km/s or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per hour, 186,000m/s if you like ) constant velocity. If we do the math's on this in terms of kmph, ten thousand and eighty million. ( 10,080,000,000kmph or 669,000,000,6000,000mph six hundred and sixty nine million six hundred miles an hour )

Lets think a bit of an acceleration from 0 to a 160kmph ( or a 100mph if you like ) at sea level on the surface of earth in a second for a minute. Mathematics tells us in terms of meters per second equals just under half a meter, ( zero point four, four, be exact ), 0.444444m/s a terminal velocity point in second. Acceleration motor vehicles constantly increase speed every second meters per second per second ( m/s2 ) until it is terminated to a constant velocity where the vehicle can't go any faster in this case 0 to a 160kmph in a second. 

Isaac Newtown's acceleration formulae concludes force equals mass multiplied by acceleration ( f = m a ) tells us we can find the force with a given mass ( in kg ) knowing the terminal velocity point. The law of mathematics project force equals acceleration times mass ( f = a m ), acceleration equals force over ( expressing division  a = f / m ) and mass equals  force over acceleration ( m = f / a ) respectively. Math's can't lie you know.

Our mathematical instinct agrees we can project the meters per second velocity is only a matter of sixty seconds in a minute and sixty seconds in an hour pans out to three thousand six hundred seconds. Multiplied by point, four, four, four....( 0.4444444 and so on  ) equals three thousand six hundred ( one thousand five hundred an ninety nine to be exact ). In other words 0.4444m/s equals a 160kmph.

Since the standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer -kilo ( key low ) a 160kmph velocity throughout the distance as the same amount of time a one hour TV program. In other words a one hour TV program of time given a mass of the boy and the force equals a distance of just under half a meter per second motion.

There will be a significant amount of G's generated in the first second. Once terminal velocity is achieved in that second the G"s too is terminated to a constant. The body is heavier than at rest. Proof of this when it collides with somthing. All the G's at acceleration is disputed everywhere though the traveling body as well as into the collided body.

What would the special theory predict if we accelerated to a stop in a total distance of a 160kmph? When we take off the first thing we would notice the environment's time would start to slow down because we are accelerating in violent motion. The environment's time would slow down slowly at first getting faster and faster until we hit a distance of 80k in the environment's half second where we hit the brakes.

As we decelerate we are slowing down where the environment's time will appear to speed up. The slower we go the faster the environments time goes  up. Finally we find ourselves a second into the future were we left a 160km away. The point the excise time 0 to a 160kkm equals a is a space time of a second into the future in a distance of 160km.

Theoretically we don't need light speed to distort space and time. Light speed is just another distance of time. Light speed equals a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers by the time in out of space the second hand of analogue clocks and watch second hands move a division the seconds of digital time piece seconds, light travels round the entire circumference of earth seven times, we walk a meter and say one thousand and one. In other words all of the latter equal a  light second the distance light travels in a second.

The moon is far enough away to be less than a couple of light seconds away. Our mathematical instinct agrees sixty seconds in a minute is the distance light travels in a minute. In other words a light minute. 

Light takes about eight minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. In other words the sun is the nearest star to earth a mere eight light minutes away. 

Our mathematical ability agrees when we muiltiply sixty seconds by sixty minutes ( sixty squared ) pans out to a grand total of three thousand six hundred seconds and multiplied by a light second ( the distance of three hundred thousand kilometers ) give us the distance light travels in a light hour. In other words in terms of kmph ten thousand and eighty million by the time a one hour TV program traveling at the maximum speed limit of three hundred thousand kilometers per second. 300,000km distance equals a distance of 10,080,000,000km in an hour. In other words a light hour.

Correspondingly a light day is the distance light travels every date change every 12 midnight period. Our math's skill agrees if we take all the seconds in an hour multiplied by twenty four we get a grand total of eighty six thousand four hundred seconds in the period multiplied by a single light second equals the distance light travels from 12 midnight a.m to twelve might p.m.

The same can apply to a light week, a light month and of coarse we are familiar with the term light year. Our mathematical instinct tells us it is only a mater of all the seconds of a day multiplied by three hundred and fifty six days of the whole year, multiplied by a light second giving us the distance light traveled in a year. For a leap year we take into account of the extra day at the end of every third February which is two hundred and fifty seven days.

Taking into account of every leap year in a decade we can calculate the distance light travels in that period, a century, a millennia ( a thousand years ) a million years a billion even for trillions of centuries on earth distances into the far reaches of the universe. The universe is less than fourteen billion years ago since big bang that that supposed to have created the universe. When we can add up all the seconds as described fourteen to fifteen billion years gives and takes a few billion years tolerance the distance the first light has traveled to this day.

We can find the distance and time we walk a meter simply by saying "One thousand and one" in a couple of strides. By that time light in out of space had traveled a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers. If we do the math's on this a meter per second in terms of kmph is only a mere 3.6 ( just over three and a half ) kmph. 

Our mathematical instinct arouses our curiosity asking if light travels a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers in a second then how much in time does it travel a meter? In essence we are armed with information the standard metric system telling us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer.

We ask ourselves if that's true then how many meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers? Three hundred thousand is three and five zeros. A thousand is one and three zeros. It is a simple matter of three zeros onto the five giving us three and eight zero meters. It is three three hundred with six zeros for a million. In other words light speed equals three hundred million meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers. 

The law of mathematics tells us a reciprocal is the same number in a fraction of a second three hundred millionth second we we walk a meter one second. In decimal fraction is one dived three hundred millionth ( 1 dived 300,000,000km\s equals 0.0000003m/s ). The standard metric system tells us three hundred microseconds. ( one micro is a millionth ). The math's tells us light is three hundred million times faster than the environment second.

Light traveling seven times round the circumference of earth is the same amount of time we walk just one meter. Knowing the circumference of earth opened out to a straight line multiplied by seven will equal light mathematics can work out how much time light travels a meter. The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometre. Our mathematical instinct agrees we can ask how many meters in 300,000km.

It is only a matter of the three zeros in a thousand onto 300,000, giving six zeros for a million ( 3 and eight zeros ) resulting in 300 million meters in 300 thousand km. Math's tells us the reciprocal of 300 million is the same number 300 millionth. It pans out to be 1 divide ( or over if you like ) 300 million. Applied to a second equals light travels a meter in that time. Or given in the standard metric prefix micro for a millionth 300 microseconds.

Einstein's special theory of relativity reminds us from our point of view of the speed of light  waking a meter per second when light travels 300 million meters in the same amount of time light is 300 million times faster the our environment second. Einstein's special theory of relativity tells us the reciprocal of light speed tells us from light speeds point view

When we slow down time speeds up

We can clearly see the direction time flows just by observing the movement of analogue clock hands and digital time seconds measuring our environment's time. We trace the second hand every division round the face of analogue clocks the same amount of time digital time piece seconds. We observe digital numbers, analogue minute and hour hands frozen in time at any given moment of time.

Tracing the second hand of analogue clock circle we can't observe the minute hand move a division. Things are really dramatic in relation with the minute and hour hands. We don't observe the minute hand travel a full circle, let alone the hour hand moves a division. From our point of view the hour and minutes hands are both frozen stationary at any moment of time. It is the case of the illusion of the hands moving to slow to observe moving.

We know 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. When any clock hits every 12 midnight is the Gregorian calendar used by the western civilization date change. Every date is 24 hours of time long.

To digital time pieces in military mode there is no such thing as a 24 read out. It is always a second before 12 midnight 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.(23:59:59) The instant the digits hit 12 midnight the numbers reset to 00:00:00 changing the date. There is no hours, no minutes and no seconds for a second.

The next second is 00:00:01 (second’s after12 midnight) and so on. The second’s column repeats 0 to 59 resetting to 00 the minute column setting to 1, a minute after. The two columns repeat 0 to 59 until an hour after 01:00:00, one in the morning. The three columns repeat 0 to 59 until 2 in the morning (02:00:00) and so on.

All columns repeat 0 to 59 to 12 midday (12:00:00), when the last 0 sets to 1. Again all the numbers reset 0 to 59.The numbers repeat the sequence 13, (1 in the afternoon) 14,(2 in the afternoon) and so on until 23:59:59 in the evening another second before the numbers changes the date for the next day. Every sequence takes 24 hours of time long. Looking at the layout of any calendar the line of every box (or space between each number), is 12 midnight.

Doing the math's, tells us adding up all the seconds of every date change results in 60 times 60 (or 60 squared to mathematicians ), gives the number of seconds in an hour. Times 24 equals a total of every 86,400 seconds every date change. We have a formula  sdc = 602 24. .

It is a constant to all clocks and watches whether analogue or digital. They never vary. If a clock is fast or slow is the only variation. If we apply some mathematics to this, our arithmetic thinking agrees the minute hand must be 60, the hour hand 3,600 and a whole date change 86,400 times as slow as every second.

Our brain reads clocks and watches the direction time flows in a steady stream from the present and past direction every second. Time starts at present memory. The future second can't exist because it isn't the present second. We can never remember it only the present and past seconds.

Time travels in the forward direction. Take an house for example. The ravages of time, turns into a haunted houses moving into rack and ruin disappearing into vacant lot full rubble. In time that two will vanish into the lot as if the house wasn't ever there. The processes are called entropy. Our bodies follow this law as we get older.

Imagine if the reverse was true. The vacant lot would reassemble back a pile of rubble out of the ground assemble back to a haunted house, advance on to the time brand new and dissemble to a vacant lot again.

Large amount of time is demonstrated by archaeologists digging up million year old skeletal remains of animals every year. If we could observe time from their point of view we would observe millions of years per second. To us park statues as frozen in time. If we could observe the park environment from their point of view we would be traveling millions of years into the future every second.

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal pans out to, every second equals 86,400th of every date change.

Let’s see what we observe of the environment's time if we observe the minute hand of analogue clock minute hand sped up as fast as we normally observe the second hand. (Or digital seconds of a digital timer if you like it's all the same to every second).

The first thing we observe the second hand is a spinning bluer. It is 60 times as fast as the minute hand while the minute hand is moving every division as fast as we normally observe the second hand.

To observe this we would be traveling 60 times as slow as the environment second. Environment observes would observe us like we observe park statues frozen in time. Despite looking frozen we are moving though time 60 times as slow as every environment second. Time has not stopped for both points of views. From our point of view every second is a minute into the future and from the environment observer’s point of view time travels as normal for them.

Mathematics projects the reciprocal tells the equivalent of observing the environment's time from the minute hour hand points of view. Reciprocally from observers point of view the minute and hour hands are frozen stationary in time at any time doesn't mean time is stopped. The stationary hand is only relative from our point of view. The sped up environment time is only relative to the hands point of view.

Observing the hands from their point of view we would observe the environment time as they see it. We would observe traveling a minute into the future every second. The environment's time is sped up 60 times as fast. We would observe a environment clock second hand spin the clock circle 60 times a second, the minute hand sped up every division we would normally observe the second hand.

Time is mathematically Symmetrical. It tells us the reciprocal is environment observers point of view of us we would be slowed down 60 times as slow the environment second. From our point of view environment observers are sped up 60 times as fast  

From their point of we'd be frozen in time as park statues, 60 times as slow as the environment's second. From both point of views the environment's time hasn't stopped, one point of slowed and the opposite point time has not stopped, only the environment's time sped up in equal proportion of the point of view of the opposite.

The same principle applies if we observe the hour into the environment's future every second, the environment observers see us slowed down in time in equal proportion.

For the 24 hour period from the environment observer’s point of view our second would be a state of a 24 hour statue, while from our point of view the 24 hours into the environments future every second.

The Gregorian calendar used by the western countries a week is 7 days from 12 midnight the first working day to a second before 12 midnight Sunday evening the weekend. From our point of view a whole week into the environment every second would be a frozen statue for a week every second from the environment's point of view. Imagine viewing every month into the future every second.

For a year per second our mathematical instinct agrees all the seconds in a year pans out to 60 squared times 24, times 365 days. From our point of view we would be traveling year into the future every second while from the environment's point of view, frozen in time statue a like whole year every second.

Taking into account of the extra day at the end of every third February leap year we can calculate for decades, centuries, millennia, millions of and billions of years even trillions of centuries we'd observe the universe every second.

It is how black holes us sees the universe. Doing the maths says from a black hole's point of view of us and our point of view of black holes is a reciprocal perception of each others time. Each view point doesn't stop for each point of view. What a black hole sees a trillion centuries pass on earth every second we observe a black in  trillion centuries the same amount of time.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Gravity slows time. Clock second hands and digital time piece seconds represent the measurement of the earth's gravity. Every second doesn't go any faster or slower. They are constant.

Deep inside the earth where gravity is concentrated time is a few milliseconds ( Mill lee from the standard metric system for a thousandth ) slower. On the surface, by the time you finish this sentence every clock tells us the future second has become the present and now the passed second. On the top floors of city sky scrappers every second is a few microseconds ( micro for a millionth ) faster.

The further we travel from the influence of the earth's gravity the more time speeds up. As we return to earth we are returning back to the influence of earth's gravity. Time slows down. By the time we reach earth we find time is the way we left it.

Quantum physics tells us every second is quantified. Quantum is a term meaning very tiny amount. It is 38 decimal zeroes, 6262 a total of a 43 decimal number of a meter. Such a tiny number is expressed as 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43. ( 6.626 X 10-43 of a meter equivalent to 6.262 X 10-36 of a millimeter called a Planck constant. In this case of time of a second called a Planck time.

Doing the math's if we remove the minis sign we have the same number in the positive value. ( 6.262 X 1043 ).

It is the reciprocal of the minus value. Actually the minus value is the reciprocal of the positive value. In other words the reciprocal of each other. The positive value tells us tells us the number of Planck seconds in a second, while minus value tells us of a second. A theory the universe is made up of Strings exist on a scale this Planck scale. The Planck scale represents the amount of length, mass, time and energy.

Atoms are the smallest structure of the molecules that make up you and me. They are not the smallest by any means. Our atoms are made of further orbiting cloud of particles called electrons racing round a pair of particles in the center called neutrons and protons. These are made of a whole zoo of particles including quarks only to name one, ranging from up, down to strange Quarks. These particles are made of vibrating rubber band like strings that suppose to be no bigger than a Planck length in scale. Made up of these parts we are quantum on that tiny scale by nature.

Our environment second is made up 6.26 X 1043 Planck seconds. It is the length of time frozen in time. The positive value tells us the number of times every second. It is a digital video equipment of a frequency of 6.262 X 1031THz ( tera from the standard metric system for 1 trillion and Hertz a single Planck second ) every second. Our eyes see a maximum of 20MHz ( Mega from for a million ) as perfect High Definition ( HD ) limit.

Gravity slows time. Clock second hands and digital time piece seconds represent the measurement of the earth's gravity. Every second doesn't go any faster or slower. They are constant.

Deep inside the earth where gravity is concentrated time is a few milliseconds ( Mill lee from the standard metric system for a thousandth ) slower. On the surface, by the time you finish this sentence clocks tell us the future second has become the present and now the passed second. On the top floors of city sky scrappers a few microseconds ( micro from the standard metric system for a millionth ) faster.

The further we travel from the influence of the earth's gravity the more time speeds up. As we return to earth we are returning back to the influence of earth's gravity once more. Time slows down. By the time we reach earth we find time is the way we left it.

Quantum physics tells us every second is quantified. Quantum is a term meaning very tiny amount. It is 38 decimal zeroes, 6262 a total of a 43 decimal number of a meter. Such a tiny number is expressed as 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43. ( 6.626 X 10-43 of a meter equivalent to 6.262 X 10-36 of a millimeter called a Planck constant. In this case of time of a second called a Planck time.

Doing the math's if we remove the minis sign we have the same number in the positive value. ( 6.262 X 1043 ).

It is the reciprocal of the minus value. Actually the minus value is the reciprocal of the positive value. In other words the reciprocal of each other. The positive value tells us tells us the number of Planck seconds in a second, while minus value tells us of a second. A theory the universe is made up of Strings exist on a scale this Planck scale. The Planck scale represents the amount of length, mass, time and energy.

Atoms are the smallest structure of the molecules that make up you and me. They are not the smallest by any means. Our atoms are made of further orbiting cloud of particles called electrons racing round a pair of particles in the center called neutrons and protons. These are made of a whole zoo of particles including quarks only to name one, ranging from up, down to strange Quarks. These particles are made of vibrating rubber band like strings that suppose to be no bigger than a Planck length in scale. Made up of these parts we are quantum on that tiny scale by nature.

Our environment second is made up 6.26 X 1043 Planck seconds. It is the length of time frozen in time. The positive value tells us the number of times every second. It is a digital video equipment of a frequency of 6.262 X 1031THz ( tera from the standard metric system for 1 trillion and Hertz a single Planck second ) every second. Our eyes see a maximum of 20MHz ( Mega from for a million ) as perfect High Definition ( HD ) limit.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Isaac Newtown and Albert Einstein bought us the laws of gravity and motion. Legend has it, When Newtown noticed an apple fall from a tree that got him thinking. Why the sun and moon didn't fall to earth like an aple. The drop to ground has become known as mass of earth and apple attracted to each other. The velocity had become the laws of Newtonian motion.

The next time you are at a supermarket weigh anything a kilogram packet in your hand. According to Newtown you are feeling the attractive force of both the packet and earth's mass attracting each other.

If you let drop from the top floor of a tall sky scrapper, both the 1kg and earth's mass, snatches it accelerating a meter in a second, 0 to a meter in second. Newtown's second law of motion says where there is a force ( pull of earth's mass in this example ) there is an equal and opposite force telling us accelerating bodies resist acceleration called inertia. It pulls them back as if an invisible hand holding it back against a hand pulling it down, today we express as G's.

Whether vertical free fall or propelled in a sideways plane, is weighed down till the acceleration is terminated to a maximum constant speed in a second. The earth's mass cannot accelerate our free falling kg faster than a meter per second.

Sky divers leaping from planes take about a 150 meters of free fall acceleration to terminate the acceleration. Terminal acceleration is a constant maximum constant of about 320kmph ( 200mph ).

Even throwing a1Kg down the side of a sky scraper with all your might, will only accelerate to a meter in a second terminating to the constant maximum speed. It tumbles down impacting with the immovable earth of the street bellow.

Impact is testimony of an illusion of weightless. The initial acceleration charges anything falling with a pulling back sensation. Any moving body during motion is weighed down by the constant velocity. Impacts tell us this weight is an energy stored in moving bodies called kinetic energy.

If a our 1kg is a steel bar, bounces as it hits the street. Bounce is defined by Newtown's second law of the earth's mass kicking back on the falling mass. In this case, where bodies collide there is kick back force. A packet of grain absorbs it's Kinetic energy flattening it.

Basic arithmetic tells us there is 3,600 seconds in an hour. The standard metric system tells us k for kilo , ( prounced key low ). 1kg traveling a meter per second down the side of the building pans out in terms of kmph, a 1kg/3.6kmph kinetic energy.

In the zero resistance of out of space the earth orbits the sun, spinning on it's axis faster than bullet speeds. It is tilted about 30 degrees from vertical ( 11 to 7 o'clock angle ). And it is not a perfect sphere caused by gravity of artic circle and Antarctica compressing inwards the equator.

Two astronomers studying the night sky one from the middle of the Artic circle of the North pole and the other from the middle of Antarctica in the south pole. Both will perceive looking up at the constellations above them. Looking up while the other looks doesn't exist with any sphere. Both astronomers see the light of the stars coming towards them the same direction.

All over the world we observe light coming to our eyes in every position on earth. We can step left and right, forward and back, move up and down no matter what direction in any and every direction and see the visible radiation no matter what direction. Light travels from all round us from every direction. It has been traveling just under 300,000km/s in out of space since the first light of the first stars soon after the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe.

An average walking pace is a meter per second velocity, in terms of kmph pans out to the same velocity as our free falling 1kg. From our point of view of light speed light travels a distance of 300,000km by time we walk just 1 meter. Or by the time 1kg terminal acceleration. It is the same amount of time the second hands moves a division. Mathematics tells us there is 300,000,000 meters in 300,000km. To the British 6 zeros is a thousand, thousand and Americans a million.

From our point of view we observe light travels 300,000km/s. But if we view from light speed's point of view sees the universe move 3km/s. It's all in the math's. From light speeds point of view the universe travels 300,000 seconds of time to travel 300,000km. If we do the math's on this equal to just under 3 and a 1/2 days.

Different points of view tells us time doesn't stop at light speed. If we observe time from a light speed point of view we observe the illusion of light speed to fast to observe time moving anymore. Every second on earth that passes is as slow as 3 and a 1/2 days to light speed. From our point of view time is moving normally. Time can't go any slower than light speed can't go any faster.

According to Newton's definition of gravity both the masses of the Artic circle of the north pole and Antarctica in the south pole is an attractive inward direction. In fact the entire circumference of earth. The inward pulls of both poles end up squeezing a budge at the equator.

Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity says the mass of the earth is pulling in on a rubbery and flexible space to the surface of the entire circumference. The earth's mass shrink raps a rubbery and flexible properties like plastic shrink rap squeezing tightly round the whole planet. A distortion of space surrounds the earth's circumference from all directions. In fact every piece of matter from a speck of dust to every star in entire galaxies distort the rubbery properties in this way.

According to the General theory the mass of the artic circle of the north pole for example, is bending space in a inward direction towards the surface as much as Antarctica of the south pole is. In fact, the mass of the streets of your neighborhood as much as the streets of the other side of the world is.

It is the heavy mass of earth shrinking space tightly compressing the oceans of the world and the air we breath round the entire circumference. Think of the shape and mass of a moving submarine or a sperm whale under water displacing water. Water pressure compresses submarine hulls and sperm whale bodies inward from all directions, depending on how deep very tightly. The deeper the more tighter.

The same with the stretched inward curves of space round the circumference of earth. The moon followers this inward curve round the slightly egg shape distorted space giving the various lunar moth's of the calendar.

If we pay more attention to mathematics than we should here, with enough information, it can project the inward crushing pressure of water on a submarine hull. The common measurement is a System International ( SI ) ponds per square inch ( PSI ) term, we commonly reference to car and bicycle tire pressures in an outward expansion. The metric equivalent is kilograms per square centimeter ( Kg/c2 ). In the case of deep sea water pressure in tones of inward per square inch pressure.

The deepest trench in the world the Marians trench can crush deep sea submersibles inward in every direction like a car compactor on a car in the time of less than a second. This is the compression force of the earth's mass shrink rapping space tightly.

Albert Einstein special theory of relativity defines Newtown's law of force and motion as the pull back force of inertia as a the equivalence. We commonly view motion on a side ways plane expressed as G-forces or G's. It works equally well in vertical free.

The scientific unit specific of the earth mass pull 9.8 Newton's. It is the unit of the compression force of 1 kilogram per cubic meter ( 1kg/m3 ) of the pressure of space. The earth's total mass is about 18 trillion tones per cubic kilometer.

Accelerated fast enough in a side ways planes we feel the weight of being pulled back by the inertia pulling back such such as feeling the power of the weight of Roller coaster accelerations pulling us back into our seats. If we feel double our body weight, is 2G's. 3 times 3G's and 4 times and so no. Free fall of the earth's mass is still 9.8N no matter how heavy a body is ,is falling.

Heavy bodies appear the illusion of falling faster. It is all in the acceleration. Heavy bodies reach terminal acceleration in longer distances in the same 1 second than lighter bodies do.

Any acceleration above 4G's is a very uncomfortable weighed down sensation to say the lest. The weight of any high speed acceleration terminated to a constant velocity will strain all our organs.

Double our body weight is enough to stop bad hearts. Our lungs and the air molecules are so heavy we struggle to breath because they are heavier for the body to move let a lone to move our heavy limbs. It is the equivalent experiencing a larger mass than the earth.

From specks of dust to large galaxies in the zero resistance of out of space coast faster than bullet speeds. But never any faster. They all coast way-way below light speed. Motion is a different story on the surface of earth.

Mass distorting flexible space dampens velocity. A walking pace for example is felt as 3.6kmph movement on the surface of earth. Compared to orbiting earth we coast no slower than above a bullet speed velocity we feel no motion at all. We experience a stationary sensation.

Einstein would agree with the analogy If we took away all the light of the universe all that would be left is the black void of space. We would feel a stationary sensation even when know we are traveling faster than a bullet. It takes a velocity close to the speed of light to start to notice any resemblance of any motion

Clock second hands and digital time piece seconds represent measuring our environment time on the surface of earth. Every second doesn't go any faster or slower. They are constant. By the time you finish this sentence the future second has become the present and now the passed second every second.

Quantum physics tells us time is quantified. Every second is divided into a fixed quantum leap 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Star Wars fans were treated to a panama view of the Millennium Falcon space ship cockpit as Hans Solo engaged hyperspace. In seconds a kaleidoscope of white light streaks appearing from a a black void vanishing point heading headlong past the cockpit screen.

According to British students at the University of Leicester, doing the math's on this found Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia would have been accelerating towards the light of the universe. The math's told them they couldn't have seen light like that because light is one big sheet in the universe and of the Doppler Effect.

The Doppler effect is best describe In sound waves. The air we breath travels in a shunted back and forth motion traveling in waves to our ears like the wave that travel though a in a line of shunted railway cars. From there it is up to our brain to interoperate the sounds our ears resonate to.

The best of human hearing base drum booms is the longest wavelength and sports whistles the shortest our brain can detect. The rest the wavelengths are either far to short or far to long vibrating our eardrums for our brain to register. They remain silent to our brains hearing system.

At distances sounds sounds muffled. Coming towards us sound clearer and clearer in pitch passing us and pulling away back to muffled tones. A classic example of a emergency vehicle siren pitch or a locomotive horn changing pitch as it comes towards us we hear the most, passing directly by and traveling away from us.

Our ears detect the long wavelengths compressed together and stretched again as the locomotive passes on. At the same loudness long waves sound muffled and short waves clear high pitch.

Light too is much the same except we see visually in color. Red is the longest wavelength and blue is the shortest our brain can recognize. The rest of the light spectrum range is either far to short or far to long to register. They remain invisible to our brain's sight system.

An example of invisible long wavelengths is inferred only inferred cameras can see and ultra short wavelengths of violet light ( UV and UVA  a purple blue color ) only UV cameras can see. The shortest wavelength in the universe is what is called Gamma ray radiation and the longest the left over remains of the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe called a Microwave Background Radiation.

In reality, the crew of the Millennium Flacon shouldn't have see the stars as streaks of white lights but a rainbow of colors constantly in one bright sheet caused by the Doppler effect.

The student's found their math's projected the immediate ultra short-wave of waves and UV light would have shifted into the even shorter wavelengths of gamma wavelengths. The Millennium Falcon would have been heading headlong on a light speed scale into light traveling headlong towards them on a equal light speed scale slamming into each other. The ship had to be well protected and sturdy to with stand that.

The math's showed long wavelengths of the MBR would stretch into ever shorting wavelength. The crew would see the MBR and inferred sheet of the universe no longer invisible but as the visible color spectrum.

As Han Solo's ship headed headlong into the on coming light, the crew would have observed the changing wavelengths of the hot and warm colors of the approaching single sheet of light fading into the cooler and colder colors the closer the light got. The cold blues, and greens would be the first to appear and the last colors the oranges, yellows and finally red and disappear into the ultra short wavelength's our brain can't recognize.

The invisible MVB and inferred is constantly changing into the visible color spectrum. As it continues to shorten disappearing from the crews brains can detect into the ultra short wavelengths of UV and and gamma ray range. What they will immediately observe is blinding rainbow of colors constantly changing.

The student math's indicated the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon would have probably received a day's worth of UV light radiation espouser every second.

If there was a tail video monitoring behind, the crew would have observe the opposite effect as the sheet of light changes from the cold colors of the short wavelengths back into the warm colors of the ever increasingly long wavelength disappearing out of site into inferred and MBR radiation.

What ever the outcome the Millennium Falcon and light colliding headlong into each other would have a devastating effect on the crew.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Getting bicycle brakes running smoothl again

Brand new bikes the inner wire cables slide in and out the outer cables like straight rods. After several 10's of km of breaking use the inner wire cable stretches a bit. There is a slack in the cable you are taking up before the brakes grab the wheels. The spongy feel of the breaking is a transference of the slackness of the inner cable, a feeling most of us don't feel safe with.

When you squeeze the lever of a new bike both break arms move inward gripping the rubbers on the rim evenly. The brakes have a clunk solid feel. This is a model of what all bikes brakes should be.

Uneven break arm movement is usually the result of tweaking around with the brakes. More often a distorted spring not responding, only working one side. The other side rubber is either permanently rubbing the rim or not making contact. Only one rubber is braking you effectively.

Observing new bikes both rubbers grip flat. This is that all bike breaks should be. Slack brakes is often the result of a twisted rubber both toed in or out wards as well as laterally twisted giving less than 50% breaking power that should be.

This applies to disc breaks hydrologic fluid and mechanical where both pads come together design. Some disc break are designed only one pad moves while the other is permanently fixed. This design pushes the disc ( often called a rotor ) less than a millimeter gap against the permanently fixed pad so both pads grip the rotor. Mechanical disc breaks are subject to the same pad toe in and lateral twist as rim brake designs.

Both mechanical rim and disc brake is the same adjusting procedure. All mechanical brake systems have adjusting screws on the brake arms and handle bar levelers. There is also the outer cable adjustors.

First gather the tools need to unlock the cable of the brake arms and adjusting screws.

Turning your attention to the break arms unlock the inner wire cable fastener loose enough the pads slide wide open from the rim.

Next screw out any break arm adjusting screw to maximum, both arms.

Back to the handle bar end, screw out the handle bar lever adjuster to maximum. Then the otter cable adjuster.

Back to the brake arms depending on whether you are right or left handed, squeeze both arms together the rubbers pressed hard against the rim.

Holding them there, with one hand and with the free hand pull the inner wire cable tail outwards as far as it goes and lock tight again. Don't maximum tighten or you will potentially cross thread the fastener rendering it useless and damage the inner wire cable by crushing it. Crushed inner cable strands unravel resulting in eventually breaking up to short with constant retightening, not to mention adding bends in the cable here ruining adjustment.

Back to the handle bar end handle screw in the outer cable adjuster back in. The rest of the adjustment is a mater of fine tuning

Back to the break arm adjusting screws on both sides fine tune so the brake arms move inward evenly.

Back to the handle bar brake lever adjust screws fine tuned to the way you like your brakes to feel.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Mathematics is full of mathematical equations that are highly abstract mouth fills to say the lest.

Algebra teaches us if  straight line of 4mm ( millimeter ) + 8mm = 12mm. This means if 8 + 4 = 12 then  4 + 8 = 12 then 12 - 8 = 4 respectively. So to 12- 4 = 8. This applies to muiltiply. If 4 x 8 = 32, then so to 8 x 4 = 32. If 4 x 8 = 32 then 32 ÷ 8 = 4 and 32 ÷ 4 = 8. Mathematics can't lie you know. For every one equation there is always all four operation options.

Our mathematical instinct agrees if  4mm + ?mm must = 12mm, we can 12 - 4  = giving us 8mm line. Proof of this 8 + 4 = 12 respectively

The same applies to multiplying

If what mm x 12mm must = 36mm we can do 36 ÷ 12 = we need a 3mm long line. Proof of this 12 x 3 = 36 and so on.

Those unfamiliar with the laws of mathematics equations seen abstract and confusing. Equations is not done they sound. Take, one meter plus two meters multiplied by four meters plus eight meters. It certainly sounds the way it's done. Those unfamiliar with the laws of mathematics can be forgiven for attempting to do this sum as it sounds. This is the way it is how it is really done.

1 + 2 = 3

 4 + 8 = 12

   3 x 12 = a total of 36 meters

Algebra teaches us to use Greek and English letters of the alphabet ( a,b,c, x,y.z and so on ), to stand in for numbers instead of using a question mark. Letters in brackets are done first. The muiltiply sign is never used because the letter x  will alternately be confused with the muiltiply sign. So is omitted. Sometimes there is a dot or a dash standing in for it. ( c = 36.  c =  a + b  y + z. ).

Operating on the principle if we muiltiply a number by itself is called a square, such as 5mm x 5mm ( five 5's ) = 25mm expressed as 5 squared millimeters. ( 252mm).

Operating on the same principle of reversing any equation ( in this case any square ) we have 25 ÷ 5 bringing us back to the root of the square which is 5, called the square root of 25. All square roots is the result of any number. No mater how big.

All calculators have a square key a tick like symbol over any number. ( √ ) It pans out any number is potentially a square. Entering any number pressing the square root key gives the root of that square. For example entering 9 and pressing the square root key gives 3. Proof of this three 3's are 9 ( = 32  just as 42 is four 4's are 16 the square root of 16 is 4 and so on ).

In this non linear our normal counting including the 0 in uneven numbers, 0 meters,1 meter, 3 meters, 5 meters, 7 meters, 9 meters,11 meters, 13 meters, 15 meters......and so. Even numbers 0 meters, 2 meters, 4 meters, 6 meters, 8 meters, 10 meters, 12 meters, 14 meters...and so on

If we double each number our mathematical instinct tells us 0 doubled can only be 0. But in this application 0 doubled equals 1 plus 1 equals 1. So 0 doubled is 1. One doubled is 2. Two doubled is 4. Four doubled is 8. Eight doubled is 16. Sixteen doubled is 32 and so on. ( 0, 1, 2, 4, 8,16, 32.....and so on )

0 squared accelerates to one meter in a second. One squared two meters in 2 seconds. Two squared 4 meters in 3 seconds. Four squared 16 equals a constant velocity of 16 meters in 4 seconds flat. This is the acceleration rate of the earth's mass pulling on a sky diver in the first several seconds leaving the planes hatch.

Sixteen squared is 32 meters in 5 seconds. Thirty-two squared is 64 meters in 6 seconds. Sixty-four squared 128 meters in 7 seconds and a hundred and twenty eight squared to 256 meters in 8 seconds a total of 0 to 256 meters in 8 seconds flat.

All acceleration must have a terminal acceleration because of the impracticality of infinite acceleration. It is typically the maximum speed limits of sky divers cars and aircrafts. The example given is a terminal acceleration point at 256 meters. In other words 250 meters is quarter kilometer acceleration of just over quarter km in 8 seconds. This is pretty slow about the limit of an average family hatchback. Drag cars can do that in a few seconds much faster than the earth's mass pulls on sky divers.

At those take off's we feel the equivalent to a few kilograms of weight weighing us down into our seats expressed as Gravity Force, we commonly express as G-force in a straight line pulling G's, as Albert Einstein put it the equivalent to a gravity. Boy racers express it showing off the power of their vehicles doing the done.

We feel the earth's mass pulling us to the ground as our normal body weight at rest equivalent to a kilogram of compression per cubic meter the entire bulk of the earth expressed as 1G of the earth's masses acceleration.

Just before sky divers jump out of the planes door the diver experiences the normal 1G. The scientific term is 9.8 Newtown's. When they leap from the plane's door the earth's mass snatches at them to several meters in a second.

It takes about a 120 meters for the average sky diver. After several seconds of accelerating it is terminated to the constant velocity the several meters per per second the same time to reach terminal acceleration. It is the maximum speed limit the earth's mass can pull a diver. It cannot pull them any faster. Terminal acceleration has toped out the acceleration. The average constant velocity is a couple of 100kmph tops.

In any Rolla coaster acceleration if we experience twice our body weight take off is 2G's, 3 times our body weight 3 G's. Four times is the maximum safety limit. Any more pressure effects us. We experience near black outs. Rolla coaster G's must be kept at a maximum of 4 or can potentially stop pace makers and bad hearts.

Algebra teaches us we can use any mathematical information manipulating the laws of mathematics on the numbers we can convert meters per second ( m/s ) into to kmph equivalent ( It is also applied to mph if you like ).

To covert m/s to kmph we know there is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. ( In other words sixty 60's ). Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of 602. In this case 3,600 seconds in an hour.

The standard metric system tells us there is a 1,000 meters in every kilometer. Our mathematical instinct agrees if we walk constantly at a steady pace of a meter every second we end up a distance of 3,600 meters by the time a one hour TV program. In other words, 1m/s = 3,600m/h. If we ignorer the two 0's and replace with a K we walk 3.6kmph throughout the entire time.

If we take a 160kmph ( or a 100mph if you like ) at terminal acceleration we can divide 160 by 3.6. Calculators give us 44 point and endless 4's meters per second constant velocity. Proof of this when we muiltiply 44.44....( all the endless 4's if you like) meters per second by 3.6 gives us a 159 point endless 9'skmph. Acceleration is written as meter per second "per second" not as a square. ( m/s).

Trigonometry says all and every horizontal straight lines is not really an angle.  If horizontal lines are moved vertical has moved moved 90 degrees always a 90 degree angle. The symbol for degrees is the small Greek letter theta θ.

The two straight lines draws a cross, top left and right pointing and bottom right and left pointing right angles. Every corner is a180θ flip side opposite pointing to each other.

A third line closing of any corner is called a hypotenuse. Mathematics tells a us equal horizontal and vertical lines make a perfect 90θ  right angle triangle.For the sake of simplicity we will call the vertical line the small letter v, the horizontal line a small h and the Hypotenuse line a capital H. Equal v and h lines the Hypotenuse line always equals a 45θ  angle.

Algebra teaches us we can manipulate the laws of mathematics with information about perfect right angle triangles named after the ancient Greek discover called Pythagoras.

Draw a equal v and h right angle. It doesn't matter left or right pointing. Or alternatively you can measure a right angle set square with equal sides.

If you measure the lengths of the v line ( or 90θ  line )  and h ( or 0θ  ) lines the information will project the length of the hypotenuse line. Pythagoras's theorem tells us..........

Measure the vertical line with a ruler writing down V = ......

Next the horizontal line writing down h = ......

Square each answer writing down h2 =...... and V2 = ......

Add the two squares.

When you draw to scale the two lines as a single line your ruler agrees. The two sides pans to equal V squared plus h squared

If you enter the square root key completes the theorem giving you the length of the Hypotenuse line. When you measure it with a ruler it agrees with the calculator. H equals the square root of v squared plus h squared. The same rules apply to uneven v and h lines. This works with any left or right pointing right angle.

A mathematical constant in trigonometry is the circumference of a circle and straight lines called pi ( pie ) The Capital Greek letter ( Π ) Theta as it's symbol.

Take a DVD disc. and string. Measure round the circumference with the string and cut to length. When you open out to a straight line measure the length with a ruler. It will tell you 37.7cm ( or 377mm ) long.

This applies to all and every circle the circumference opened up into a straight line and all straight lines rolled into circles equals the circumference of the circle. In other words circumference of circles equal straight lines and straight line equals circumferences of circles.

If you measure across the disc ( diameter, it's width ) will read 120mm. If you measure the string across the disc you will find it will go across once, twice, three times and a little bit more about a 7th. This pans out mathematically to 1 divide 7 plus 3 equals pi but only accurate to 2 decimal places.

Pressing the Π key in scientific calculators displays the accurate value up to 30 decimal places. Mathematicians have been trying to find the end of the fraction for centuries. It appears to be infinite. This fraction never repeats any number, and contains every phone number of the world.

It turns out if we divide the length of the string by Π gives the disc diameter length. Measuring across the disc with your ruler agrees. It turns out the same diameter times Π equals the circumferences of the of the disc. Measuring the length of the string agrees.

Trigonometry divides circles in 360 divisions called degrees. Opened out into a straight line equals the same 360 divisions in the straight line circumference. Thus all and every straight line equals 360θ of all and every every circle.

This can be proved with repeating the latter on the rim of cups and glasses to coins. It will be true measuring the waist of tin cans with your string. It is also true with spheres. We can measure the circumference of a basket ball with string sniped to length measuring it's length with a ruler, applying the Π formulae tells us the diameter across it.

We can use the string to draw a circle of the ball on paper. Cutting out the circle the ball will sit neatly in it. Π is a formulae used in engineering to engineer machines that require spheres to fit holes perfectly. Trigonometry practices is done on 2-dimensilal drawings of circles and triangles on paper.

If we draw a horizontal line across any circle, divides them clean in half horizontally. If we cut in half along this straight line we create half the circle both halves turns out to equal 180θ  each

A vehicle doing a U-turn for example is equal to this a straight line across the road that pans out to 1Π. A whole circle back to square one is the other half turns out to be 2Π. Thus a180θ  U turn equals half the circle equal to 1Π and a complete 360 circle 2Π.

Reviewing the facts, One. Every and all circles open out to straight lines and every and all straight line roll into circles.

Two. Any straight line of interest to be rolled into a circle. Divided by Π pans out to equal the resulting diameter of the circle straight line forms. It pans out the measured length of the diameter multiplied by 2Π equals the both halves of the whole 360θ  circle.

If we measure a typical 30cm school ruler with string cut to length, dividing the 30cm by Π. Divided in half gives the radius ( from the center to the edge ) 4.77cm long. Rolling the string into a circle or checking out the DVD measurements the length from the center to the edge with the ruler will agrees.

Clock faces are circles, the hands from the center to the edges reflect the radius of every and all circles. Mathematical constants are easy reference material. In this case, every straight line measured by a ruler divided by Π, equals the diameter. Divided in half ( always by 2 ) projects the length of the radius the straight line rolled into.

Algebra teaches us the law of mathematics says we can do the reverse. Taking the 4.77cm radius doubled ( always multiplied by 2 ) equals the diameter of the circle. Multiplied by Π equals to the circumference of the circle. The string and your 30cm long ruler agrees. 

Clock circles are divided into 60 minute divisions while circles 360 divisions. We can work out how many degrees every minute division equals. Our mathematical instinct agrees simply by asking ourselves how may 60's go into 360. ( 360 ÷ 60 = 6 ) pans out every minute division is a 6θ angle.

Proof of this 60 x 6 = 360. ( sixty, 6's ). The law of mathematics tells us, 360 ÷ 6 = 60. Proof of this 6 x 60 = 360 ( six, 60's ). And 360 ÷  60 = 6 respectively. Proof of this 60 x 6 = 360 respectively Mathematics can't lie you know. It is easy to see from the clock face every 5 minutes adds up to 5 x 6 = 30θ .10 minutes equals 10 x 6 = 60θ  and 15 minuets equals 15 x 6 = 90θ  and so on.

Mathematics tells us both hands across the clock face is equal to a horizontal line, and all horizontal lines are not really angles thus 0 degrees.

If we use the second hand as the radius at 9 O'clock is at a 0θ  horizontal line. At 10 O'clock is at a 30θ  angle. At 11 O'clock 60θ . Dead vertical at 12 O'clock is a 90θ  angle a quarter circle.

As we observe the second hand pass 12 o'clock it is going the opposite direction. At 1 o'clock it is a 60θ  angle. 2 O'clock a 30θ  angle. When at 3 O'clock the hand is at a 0θ . The hand had rottated180 degrees half circle equal to 1Π

When it is at 4 o'clock is a 30θ  angle. When at 5 is 60θ . At 6 o'clock is a 90θ angle equals three quitter circle ( 270θ ).

When passing 6 o'clock the hand is going the opposite direction. At 7 is a 60θ  angle. At 8 is 30θ  and 3 o'clock completes the circle at 0θ  equals to a complete 360θ  circle equal to 2Π.

Thus the second hand acting the radius of any circle measures each corner as 90θ. If we start with 0θ at 9 o'clock, we have plus 90 to 12 o'clock. Then there is minus 90 to 3 o'clock equals a flip over of 180θ. Plus 90θ  to 6 o'clock and minus 90 to 9 o'clock a flip over of another 180θ  equals a total 360θ.

Hands pointing directly horizontally across the clock face is the horizontal diameter. From 12 to 6 a vertical diameter. Pointing directly across from 10 to 4,  11 to 5,  1 to 7 and 2 to 8 are 30 and 60θ diameters all straight lines.

The minuet hand the small m and the hour hand a small h. So not to confuse the horizontal line with the hour hand the minute hand symbol is the small Greek letter alpha ( α ) and the hour hand the small later beta ( β ).

Mathematics' projects the hour hand is 60 times as slow as the minute hand and 3,600 times as slow as the second hand. The second had acting as a radius plots 6θ every second flapping 180θ in a 360θ arch. The other two hands are stationary at any given moment in time.

When the second hand completes 360θ the minute hand has only moved 6θ. Equally when the minute hand completes 360θ the hour hand has only moved 6θ.

12 midnight when all hands are pointing to 12 changes the date. Digital clocks tell us no hours, no minutes and no seconds ( 00:00:00 ) for a second. It takes the second hand ½ a minute flip over 180θ.

It takes the minute hand a ½ hour, and the hour hand 6 hours to make a 180θ flip over. It takes a minute for the second hand, an hour the minute hand and 12 hours for the hour hand to make a full 360θ.circle. 360θ hour hand equals from 12 midnight to 12 midday a.m. and 12 midday to 12 midnight for p.m.

12 midnight 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11,  12 in the morning. The afternoon 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 12 midnight date change again at 24 hours for p.m.

It takes a total of 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds for all hands to point to 12 midnight changing the date of a new day. Every position of each hand results in every open ended triangle there is.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Indoor TV aerial reception

Indoor TV Arial systems are susceptible change in signal strength, even in good reception areas. One of the biggest challengers is tracking down the cause. Signal strengths rely on relay towers dotted about the neighborhood boosting the original station signal. If anything happens to one of theses is a week signal.

A week characteristics is drop out bellow the threshold the receiver can pick up. In other words a week signal. We are blind. All we can do is keep searching round the indoor aerial and cables for the strongest spot. Odds are, later the indoor aerial is back to were it was originally working perfectly stable again. In other words should be a reminder that week TV signal is present caused by any number of the factures is only a temporary thing.

Think a change in signal strength has occurred caused by a number of factures. The density of your neighborhood, causing a change, caused by a change in weather and seasonal changes, to a neighbor using an electrical appliance effecting the signal strength. It is also possible technicians adjusting their transmitters or after a car accident the repair of a relay tower is in progress.

Drooping device cables carrying their own weight can cause a stress on the inside connections of the sealed plugs can cause intermittent signal drop outs. A falling apart Radio Frequency ( RF antennae in ) socket is a possibility.

A strong signal, is all relay towers operating efficiently an indoor aerial system as crude as only an electric cord as the antenna can work perfectly. Never the less, even a proper indoor aerial system is susceptible to relay tower signal changes.

Radio and TV station signals travel across the country in waves like pebbles dropped into a still pond. A couple of stones drop into a still duck pond illustrate the properties of several stations sharing the same air space and relay tower.

Our body metabolism a perfect antennal system contributes all radio signals. Hormones, heart, breathing, digestive system, all that sort of thing, play a part in amplifying the strength of week signals. They all tend to draw power away from indoor aerial systems dropping the signal below the signal threshold the indoor antenna can pick up. If the relay tower signal is working efficiently enough there is enough strength tolerance to enjoy a good reception.

All radio frequency signals ( RF ) from radar to telecommunication can't go round bodies losing power though distance. This is the purpose of relay towers. They are susceptible to our neighborhood homes and building density changing the signal to our indoor antenna can pick up.

The density of our neighborhood hills, homes and buildings is susceptible to the changes of the sessions often changing the signal tower strengths. When we move the antenna round we are searching for the strongest spot not effected.

Our metabolism conducting and amplifying the signal is why we often get a perfectly stable picture back touching the antennae with our bear hands and fingers fiddling about with the antenna and cables searching the antenna for a clear spot. We can't see the strong spots so we are blind

It is also responsible for drawing power away from the signal dropping out the threshold the recover can pick up. This is why when someone passes by any indoor aerial system receiving a already week signal the TV plays up.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Time travel and parallel universes

Some of us believe in time travel. Others disagree. There is also a belief in wormhole short cuts to other side of the universe. Others believe are portals to parallel universes. What ever the belief, the involves some sort distortion of the law of physics.

Travel travel is a matter of what we are going to do yesterday and what we did tomorrow. Depending in which direction of travel time machines displace independent time either traveling into the past or traveling into the future. So too, wormholes.

Our clocks and watches measure the nature of our environment's time, the future second, the present and now the past second direction every second. Every present second is the time we say 1,001, we strides a couple of steps ( a  meter ) and light in out of space travels a distance of just under 300,000km in the same amount of time.

Moonlight is a reflection of the moons surface just under a couple of seconds away from our eyes. From the sun eight minutes. The light we see now, is an image of what the sun was eight minuets ago. We won't observe the light that just left right now, until eight minutes into the future. It is the whole universe wide sheet of particles called photons vagarious vibrating as one waving sheet.

Just left the sun is always just under 300,000km away every second. By the time it reaches our eyes it will be 300,000km away from earth every second.

The second hand of analogue clocks and watches sweep in a radius of every measuring every division every second. A full circle equals the time of a minute.

The hands show us time is symmetrical. Despite the moving second hand the minute hand is observed as frozen in time every second. We don't observe it move a division making the minute exactly 60 times as slow as every second.

We all know there is 60 minutes in an hour. We observe both the minute and hour hands frozen in time at any given moment. If we do the math's on this, an hour pans out exactly sixty squared 3,600 times as slow as a second.

Doing a bit of arithmetic on the minute pans out to be 440 times as slow as a second. Mathematics can't lie you know.

The perfect symmetry of a day is reflected in our calendar. Between every date is a 12 midnight divider. Every date is divided into 86,400 divisions representing seconds. Every 60th division a minute and every 24 divisions representing the hours of each date.

We observe both the minute and hour hands frozen solid all day the hour hand moves 12 midnight to 12 midday in the a.m. to 12 midnight in the p.m. respectively.

If we observe the hour hand move round the clock face the same speed we normally observe the second hand, we observe every environment second stretched as long as an hour. From the environment's point of view we are speed up a hour every second.

The hands from the center to the edge make a perfect symmetrical triangle angles. The 3 hands act as the radius of the circle the second hand sweeping round the circumference divisions every second. Every second pans out to a 6 degree angle, every five minutes a 30 degrees.

Mathematics tells us the horizontal lines from 9 to 3 o'clock is not an angle so 0 degrees. The vertical line from 12 to 6 O'clock is a 90 degree angle.

The cross divides the circle into 90 degree right angle corners, upper left and right and lower right and left quarter hour quadrants. All mathematical geometry applies.

A clock face rolled out to a straight line reflects a perfect 12 to 12 straight line complete with 60 divisions.

Digital clocks and watches tell us the second before the date changes is 23:59:59. ( 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds respectively ). The next second resets to 00:00:00, triggering the new date at twelve midnight telling us there is no hours, no minutes and no seconds.

The next second is 00:00:01 a second after midnight and the next 00:00:02 and the next, 00:00:03 and so on. Once 59 is reached it resets to 00:01:00, a minute after midnight.

The seconds recount until 2 minutes after 12 midnight and so on. Once the numbers reach 59 minutes and 59  seconds the numbers reset to 01:00:00, one in the morning repeating the sequence to 23:59:59. There is no such thing as 60 second, 60 minute and 24 hour display to digital clocks and watch read outs.

Doing the arithmetic a day pans out an hour of time as 86,400 times as slow as every second, or every second 86,400th of 24 hours.

Time is perfectly symmetrical. We observe light in the zero resistance of out of space coast at it's maximum coasting speed limit of just under 300,000km/s. This is a sub light speed. We don't observe sub light speed any faster panning out to a distance of 300,000km every second.

The standard metric system tells us there is a 1,000 meters in a km. Anybody curious enough  will asks how many meters must go into 300,000km. Our mathematical instinct agrees it's only a mater of 3 zeros added to 300,000 equals 300,000,000 light travels meters per second. To the British 6 zeros is a thousand, thousand. To the Americans a million.

We can be pretty good at measuring we walk a meter in a second. All it takes is a couple of strides in that second light had traveled 300,000,000 meters in the same amount of time.

Arithmetic ( 1 over 300,000 a reciprocal ) tells us light travels a km in 300,000th second. The same applied to 300,000,000 gives us light travels a meter in 300,000,000th of a second.

In 1905 Germany's science magazine Annalen de Physik published Albert Einstein's first paper on the theory of relativity called the dynamics of moving bodies today we call the special theory. It centers on what happens to the mass and time on a body traveling on a light speed scale.

Math's projected if we could observe time from a light speed point of view we would observe every second stretched the equivalent of 300,000 seconds in the same distance. If we do the math's on this equal to the universe travels just under 3 days the same distance we observe light travel in one second. Time is not stopped. The math's tells us time at a light speed point of view is only as slow as we observe light speed as we observe as fast.

Time machines generate a energy that displaces time our clocks and watches measuring the current velocity on the surface of earth as a fixed symmetrical constant from the future, present and past directions.

For example, if we observe the second hand of a clock slowed down to the time of a minute hand moves we are slowed down in parallel with the fixed constant speed of the environment. We'd observe every environment second stretched as minute.

From the environment's point of view of us we are sped up a minute per second. What one observer sees an environment slowed down the other observer sees the other environment sped up proportionately. Time machines travel independent time than the environment time.

If we observe the minute hand sped up we'd normally observe the second hand, we'd be observing the environment's time a minute per second. An environment observer will see us slowed a second per minute. Once again what one observer sees of an environment that's sped up, the other sees the other environment slowed down proportionately.

Mathematics projects observing the environment's minute sped up in a second we would be 60 times slower than the environment's minute. From our point of we observe 60th environment second stretched into a second. As far as the environment is concerned is not changed. It is still a constant while we see it sped up.

This is what park statues see time in a park. First erected it sees the park's time pass the equivalent of a million years less than a second let a lone a century. Time is meaningless. A million years of the parks time pans out to the same as less than a second. You might say the statue is traveling though our environment's time infinitely slow, ( or completely stopped if you like ). From the sautés point of view the environment appears infinitely fast.

Like park sautés, traveling slower ( or faster ) than the constant environment's time we are traveling on a different dimension in parallel with the constant flow of the environment's time. The slower we independently go the faster the parallel travel of environment will appear to be. The slower the faster respectively.

The special theory also tells us traveling on a light speed scale body's shrink in the direction of travel. We have seen an example of this every time Hans solo's star ship in Star wars went into hyperspace.

Audiences are captivated by streaks light tunnel show disappearing into an endless vanishing point in front of them. In real life 3-D would be all around, in front, left and right wormhole like tunnel.

Looking behind streaks would appear to come towards us from an endless vanishing point from behind. Star wars Hyperspace is a reflection of Einstein's prediction bodies at light speed shrink in the direction of travel. It is what we would see of the environment on a light speed scale and environment observers see as frozen in time.

Black holes are renowned their slowing down of time properties. Isaac Newton described gravity as a force of the mass of bodies attracting each other. The mass of Antarctica in the south, the equator and the Artic circle of the north poll are attractive inward pulls. The same is true with the mass of both polls and equator of the sun and all stars in the universe.

The earth's attractive pull has slowed time down. Time in orbit round the sun is a few microseconds faster than on the surface of earth at sea level. It is much slower deep down near the core.

In the second year of world war one Annalen de Physik published Einstein's second paper on the dynamics of moving bodies published earlier we call the General theory predicts the mass of a body displaces space shrinking it round the entire circumference. The best way to think of this, space as a plastic shrink rap tightly compacting an apple.

The earth is spinning on it's excess at an eleven o'clock angle faster than a built and as fast orbiting the sun. The crust is under enormous shrink rap compaction rather like a submarine mass displacing water under pressure compacting it from every direction. Deep in the core the pressure compacts everything tighter than the surface at sea level

The mass of Artic circle of the north pole is bending space inward from all directions as much as the mass of the equator and Antarctica in the south, just as the streets of your neighborhood is the other side of the world.

The same is true for both polls and equator of the sun. The tightly shrink rapt space is what holds the air we breath, and the oceans of the word to the surface. Space is compacting the water of the deepest oceans that crush inwards submersibles in every direction less than a second. In theory the earth's mass traveling round the sun displaces space gravity waves.

Black holes is the mass in the very center, called a singularity the result of supper massive stares gone supernova. Space was shrunk inward every direction by the core of the star to a point smaller than an atom. The black void is an extension of the singularity many thousands of kilometers across at the opening called the event horizon.

The event horizon is the mouth of the black void. An ever decreasing funnel of distorted space gets narrower and narrower, towards the singularity until smaller than an atom. The compression here is so tight is like a dense solid where time is so slow it seems stopped. It is a point where the compaction has damped the activity of the atom to zero only minus 273 degrees Cecieus cold can do. In other words a finite coolness where it cold get any colder.

If an astronaut is caught in the event horizon we will observe him suspended there for many centuries. From his point of view he would be stretched into the black void and crushed inward by the narrowing funnel pressure less than a second.

From our point of view we observe the black void of the event horizon. Looking out to the universe point of view we wouldn't be able to see for the incoming blinding light of the universe falling into the funnel. What cosmologists observe as pulsars may be the remains of light from a parallel universe exiting into our universe. Light from our universe could be exiting into a parallel universe much the same way.

Singularities are on a Planck constant scale, a decimal fraction of forty zeros, 626 mass, length, and time, ( of a second ) a total of a forty-three decimal number. Scientific notation is expressed as 6 . 2, 6 times 10 to the minus 43 written with times 10 with a little razed dash for a minus sign and 43 just to the right of the 10.

Mathematics' tells us the reciprocal is 626 forty zeros a total of a 43 number. It is expressed as the minus value with out the minus sign equivalent tones ( or tons if you like ) per cubic meter of gravitation compaction a radius no longer than 6.26 times 10 to the minus 43 meter.

If we take the straight line distance light travels in a second rolled round the circumference of earth in a second will equal 7 times.

Inverting this, the circumference of the earth rolled out to a straight line times 7 equals the distance light travels in a straight line the same amount of time. We now have a couple of formulae. Light speed equals the circumference of earth times 7. The circumference of earth equals the speed speed of light over 7.

If we were to travel at light speed on earth we would observe a person would walk a meter by the time we traveled the circumference 7 times. Observers will observe us as a streak of light. Observing the environment at light speed we would observe the world slowed down 300,000.000 seconds in the same amount of time we traveled round the circumference of earth the world seeing us a a hyperspace streak

The manipulation of gravity has also been used as an explanation because of the renowned association of the gravitational pull of black holes stopping time property. It is believed the singularity stops time. But it doesn't since the math's tells us the reciprocal tells us time is only as slow as fast as we view light speed in proportion. We observe the black void of black holes equivalent of a second stretched several million of centuries of movement.

Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein projected bodies resist acceleration expressed as inertia the property of all solid bodies. Take accelerated to a 160kmph ( or a 100mph if you like ) to a stop in a second. Mathematics project the equivalent of about 44 meters to a stop in a second. Einstein would agree at that acceleration we feel a force of the equivalent of a few kg of pulling us back at take off and when we hit the brakes to a stop an equal amount of force pulling us forward.

Einstein expressed inertia as a gravitational equivalence today we express as G's today. One G is equivalent of feeling our normal body weight at rest in the earth's gravity equivalent to a kg per cubic meter of gravitational inward pull compression scientifically expressed as 9.8 of Newtown's gravitational force the unit of the earth's gravity.

In motion feeling twice our body weight is 2G's, 3 times, 4G's and so on. In the acceleration example we experience well over10's of G's take off and the change of acceleration in deceleration in a second. When in motion the energy of the G's is expressed as a kinetic energy.

Lets take 0 to the kinetic energy of a distance of a 160km breaking to a stop in a second. If we do the math's on this equivalent to the kinetic energy equal to a 756,000kmph take off and the change in kinetic energy breaking to a stop in that second.

The faster we go in the same amount of time the more we are compressed inwards by the force of the kinetic energy. Imagine the G's accelerated to light speed in the same second. Einstein's special theory tells us the kinetic energy of the G's in motion displaces a time independent of the environment's time.

We all know of the effects of the gravitational field of black holes stopping time. If we use gravity instead of moving velocity also displaces time independent of the environment's time. There is other ways.

Lets assume the problem is inertia that prevents us from traveling to light speed. If we remove the inertia we would have no kinetic energy, but at lest we would certainly have no G's. Theoretically a fully loaded big rig with no inertia traveling at 160kmph hitting you would have no more force than stepping in front of it parked on the road side. The tuck's mass should be be weightless at take off and deceleration stopping. The problem is big rigs has mass even at rest due to gravity.

However in out of space space stations and ships are weightless despite the mass of the ship. This allows removing inertia, removing the kinetic energy of the G's of the space ship at take off. The engine converts a G-forcer introducing G's back on the mass of the forward going G's at take off canceling out the accelerating mass of the ship when accelerated forward.

When stopping it introduces the same reversing principle in the opposite direction introducing a backwards going G's back on the ships decelerating G's canceling out the inertia by the mass of the ship.