Saturday, June 21, 2014

Working memory

Our brain is a complex organic computer made of billions of live electrically active cells making up a live spongy mass. Without the electrical activity we are brain dead. We have all seen images of our brain. The largest part, a big cauliflower like mass split in two haves. If we see a video of it in action we would observe a constant electrical arching inside and out and crossing between the two hemispheres.

The electrical arching is the key in understand working memory. One of the important research clues has shown our thinking processes is not carried out in the one big mass but concentrated memory banks of our brains capability and abilities scattered all over both halves.

There are plenty of how the brain work books in the human antimony and health racks. Neurologically speaking can give us an incite into how our brain works. Social activity including self made millionaires who know how to get from rags to riches are clear examples of a thinking brain. Despite being broke they had the stones to strive at a means to and end at achieving their goal. It took a working brain highly intelligent at businesses. These self made had strong entrepreneur and marking wheeling and dealing brains.

Finding books that introduce us brain power like that is not hard to find. Ask to be directed to the anatomy, health, human sciences and the psychology corner. A little tip is the call numbers Liberians use on the spine of every book worthy of note. All  adult book call numbers are the same children's that can be most helpful too.

The anatomy books and some psychology books go into detail mapping our brain structure. Our brains abilities are nothing more than memory banks. Research has shown our logical and rationally memory bank is a small corner in the left hemisphere. Another corner in the same hemisphere is a memory bank full of grammar and vocabulary data

Each corner is constantly detecting and dispatching electrical signals racing too and through across both hemispheres. A case in point the left side memory bank  connected to the creativity and imagination memory bank corner over in the right side which dispatches results to many other parts memory bank corners. Other left side is a memory bank of numbers and how to calculate them but doesn't know anything about shapes and patens. The right side has a memory bank corner for these. Working electrical signals racing about our two hemispheres supplies a constant supply of memory about our memory banks.

The constant flow of criss-crossing electrical data plays an important roll. If internet video streaming is any analogy the live electrical flow of data about each corner is electrical activity while we are concentrating and in conversations expressed carrying the memory bank information to each other to processes expressed in terms of our working memory.

The electrically discharging nerve cells working memory system criss-crossing connecting corners are messengers dispatched by file clerks on a light speed scale. In terms of kilometers per hour under ten thousand and eighty million kilometers per velocities. At such incredible speeds we only know as normal conversation in progress.

Without the continues flow of working memory data flowing while we talk and concentrate we would be clinically brain dead. A short term memory is only an attempt to memorize just temporally memory destined to no longer be important to be deleted when not needed any more.

Other pockets in the left side is language memory bank corners but is not when it comes to putting it together. Right side corners don't know anything about the other only detecting the electrical signals flowing across the brains hemispheres signal only hard wired memory of how to put it together. During a conversation with another person both hemispheres are unaware of each other but for the electrical signals working as our working memory. All they know is receiving processing and dispatching a constant flow of information back and forth all over our brain. linking nerve cells are electrical impulses on a light speed scale.

The left side is the brains minds eye that only knows as abstract thoughts and imagery memory. A right side corner only knows it detects them as electrical signals hard wired at converting into verbal syntax sentences dispatching the resulting signals in a two way electrical arcing working as our working memory. The result all we know is a normal conversation with another person or streaming smoothly songs when singing.

Teamwork detection between the hemispheres the right side has a memory at organizing a chaotic and disordered working memory flow from all over our brain reorganizing into ordered describing, explaining and general conversation converting thoughts and images and decisions verbally into management instructions and orders. You think that's complicated. There's more.

Research has shown other isolated pockets of the left side is a memory bank of how to think before leaping rationally thinking, the right side doesn't know anything about. In other words the right side is incapable of looking before it leaps automatically skipping instruction on to the next levels when not finished with the other. Our working memory data flow in constant communication with the memory bank allows us to think and analyse with clearly that controls an otherwise out of control impulsiveness of the right side. In other words the left side prevents the right side from skipping ahead of itself.

Like language communication writing involves the working team work of the working memory between our two hemisphere memory banks. The right side has a corner where our "Ahhhh. Erika! I've just thought of something" inspiration in electrical signals come from the left doesn't know anything about. All it knows it detects electrical representations of image and thoughts about the inspiration. ( The working memory communication ).

The right side detects these converting them into concrete sentences during speech. The right side pieces together a jigsaw puzzle array of the language memory centre detected by the working memory flow detected by the file clerks dispatching associated memory data back out as working memory again.

All in all, a team work isolated long term memory pockets and working memory received and dispatched all over our brains. All the memory banks, and file clerks detecting and electrical signals dispatching memory files in electrical surges as our working memory the right side detected imagery data of the working memory flow sourcing the memory bank creating putting everything together relayed back into working memory flow on as language sentences as we talk to others.

Research has shown the right side has pockets of creativity and intuitions memory banks. These corners don't know anything else but detection of electrical signals representing shapes and motion from our working memory.

The right side corners is hard wired only for primarily rough math's deduction. The left side seems to have the ability to detected the data converting it to specific precise and more accurate details finalizing into words and sentences or speech. Of coarse the synapse firing of all the nerve cells of our working memory on a light speed scale all happen in less than a fraction of a second to us.

Other memory bank corners in the right side to detect inspirations, imageries, thoughts and imagination from the working memory flow then dispatches representing electrical signals else where as working memory flow.

 Isolated memory bank pockets of the left hemisphere only detects the signals as associated data processes carried by the working memory putting in perspective then dispatched in electrical working memory  signals and else where memory bank pockets detect  and processes appropriately and dispatches electrical working memory signal flows all over the brain as a result.

Right side memory bank corners has memory only for three dimensional space knowing nothing of photograph like two demission. The working memory supplies the three dimension depth perception of our limbs. The working memory supplies the data of our body functions the same way. Right side memory bank corners is where our music recognition centres lay.

Our working memory system, is responsible for being aware of our emotional memory bank corners in the right side dispatching the information as working memory flow with out knowing each other exists. The combined reactions makes sense of sound track we hear. Our memory response dispatching memory our emotional centre only detect we pick up whether it is to our taste or not. Of cause the synapse firing on light speed scales we instantly know we like or don't like the music we hear.

Working memory supply the right side memory banks centres information about objects and position in three dimensions, tells the difference between two dimensional photographs and line drawings to the three dimensional reality. The memory banks are where our image and optical illusions are located when they see's them and spot tricks in tricky riddles sending back solutions and emotional responses though the working memory system. This is expressed as spatula reasoning.

If one or two of the memory banks or working memory is weaker than average then the other centres are stronger one side of the brain overall dominates in particular skill. In other words there is left and right side dominance resulting in the illusion of slow individuals. They are only displaying week corners. They can be bright and intelligent in their dominating halves.

If any is well developed ( above average ) are dominance over the others we have prodigies. In terms of what this means striving to be a millionaire for example boils down to our brain's strong sense of businesses wheeling and dealing corners of their brain. Self made millionaires may have had a well developed above average businesses sense corner. The rags to riches stories may well have been just driven by the highly developed entrepreneur and market guru businesses corners responsible for recognizing businesses and profit was very strong.

The bottom line our brain is involved in many properties of our lives such in all the sciences, mathematics, language, rational thought, empathy with others, writing, music, imagination, spatial reasoning to art and graft, wheeling and dealing  business intelligence from a well developed corner of the brain. Prodigies are not to be envied because of only a few corners may have just been highly active more than usual dominating

There is a lot of other areas in a prodigy life stiles that are often neglected. Albert Einstein for example was gifted at scientific spatial reasoning but history has recorded him not exactly a strong suite as a gifted lover.

The bottom line is when one side of the brain is stronger than the other the other will seem weaker. If a business Conner is strong clarity and instinctive insight only in that area is dominate. If the left side is weaker than the right the right side characteristics is dominant and vice versa if the right side is weaker than the left the left characteristics dominate.

If you need an example of not coming naturally is Einstein, Isaac Newtown and Allan Turning ( Allan turning was a world war two encryption specialist corner of the brain responsible for code deciphering was very strong ) had strong active mathematic ability but very week in business. Week business tend to neglect business. Many famous prodigies were not good at business issues. Ford is the result of Hennery Ford's brain strongly active in founding his business. The part of our brain responsible for politics was strongly active in Adolph Hitler. Our brains are strong in one area and week in others.

The point of looking at books about our brain showing images where all the features lay all if a corners of our brain is stronger than usual. It is alive in this area. A strong activity in politics is indigent in that area with others week will be seem very slow, to never not interested at all.
A mind with a dominating sense of three dimension may have a week sense of two demission issues.

Line drawings and two dimensional charts  may be daunting to understand easily where the person immediately recognizes three dimension images as the are seeing a solution straight away. If we invert this a person may find have three dimensional technical drawing issues but a genius at recognizing straight away what any two dimensional line drawing charts represent. One or the other has it's advantages in te work place.

Between the two hemispheres detecting and dispatching their results all over the whole brain can recognize to convert a two dimensional representation of of a three dimensional object to three dimensional form and back in the minds eye. If one side is weaker than the other there will be issues with one side dominating in the skill and the other neglected.

IQ tests don't test our IQ but test which side of our brain is more dominant. The tests are full of tricky riddles and optical illusions testing both side of the brain together in one test. One indicator to psychologists of week half if a testee had left some puzzles unsolved. It is a indication the person was stumped indicating a test of the weaker part of the brain was found. Persistent regularity of the unsolved optical illusion and riddles is very important in the results of the test.

If there was no time limit an attempt is often made to make a favourable impression will take to much time in trying to solve every puzzle that stumps them. Psychologist just what to know which side is more dominant than the other which is why it is important any puzzle that stumps them straight away needs to be passed over leaving unsolved straight away.

That is why there is a time limited imposed on IQ tests. Otherwise the testee's attempt only gives inconclusive results of the realty which side of their dominates the persons life. Riddles and optical illusion side that was solved whiten the time allotted is a indication of they found easy to solve quickly indicating the side of the brain that dominates.

We can apply the same strata gee to ourselves with local library IQ test books. Any riddles and optical illusions that stump you pass over straight away and you will find to your surprise and delight their will be some that you find easy to solve quickly.

Telling up the puzzles you paste over you will find a paten you can judge for yourself which side of your brain is dominant. What's left is the puzzles you found easy to solve leaving you with the paten of that dominates your real IQ.

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