Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Time travel

Mathematic tells us the speed of light time travels from the sun to earth. due the eight minutes for light to reach our eyes.

The beauty of light speed it is a perfect mathematical consistent constant for the number crunching. It travels no more than just under three hundred thousand kilometers increments every second, a light second, the distance light travels in a second. Another way to look at this light quantum jumps three hundred thousand kilometers in every second. Consequently it is the same amount of time the second hand of analogue clocks move a division, and the second numbers of digital time pieces take to change every number.

Consequently we are observing a light projecting an image of the sun as it was eight minutes ago because the same sunlight we observe now left the sun eight minutes ago. Sunlight we are going to observe eight minutes into the future is three hundred thousand kilometers above the sun's surface by the time you finished this sentence.

The same is true with the light we observe on earth in real time now is three hundred thousand kilometers away from earth continually adding distance every second. Consequently sunlight that reached earth the time life began on earth is still traveling away from earth at the constant velocity all that time to the present still adding distance.

In the star wars and the TV series star trek ships and the British sci-fi TV series doctor who's Tardis are rewound for accelerating beyond light speed take off's. It is text book belief is impossible since nothing can go faster than light. A popular argument is Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity distortion of space such as black holes creating wormholes that allows us to travel millions of kilometers faster than light does. Light in a zero resistance of any vacuum like space is at it's maximum momentum speed limited. Sliding wormholes the same distance is achieved hundreds of times faster. Black hole physics hint we can travel great distances faster than light.

It is text book strange things should happen to space and time at light speed scales particularly time stopping. This doesn't seem to be included in the TV star trek series the star wars trilogy and Doctor who. Communication with earth millions of kilometers away was often portrayed in real times.

We observe the edge of a black hole the boundary where light disappears called the event horizon every second per trillions centuries. In other words it takes a trillion centuries on earth for every second in the black void. Time continues in black holes second's minutes, hours, days, weeks, month's, years, decades, centuries, millennia, million, billons and even trillions of centuries inside the universe traveling trillions of centuries per every second.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

meters kilometers seconds minuites and hours of space time

We can be pretty good at judging a meter in a couple of short strides. We measure the amount of time we walk a meter. It is the length of time we say one thousand and one, light in a zero resistance of a vacuum like space had traveled just under three hundred thousand kilometers. ( Or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles if you like ).

The beauty of light speed it is a perfect mathematical consistent constant. It travels no more than just under three hundred thousand every second called a light second, the distance light travels in a second. It is the same amount of time the second hand of analogue clocks move a division, and the second numbers of digital time pieces take to change every number.

Light is made of particles called photons. Every photon oscillates in a waves forming a waving sheet covering the whole universe. The frequency is a single cycle ( expressed as a wavelength ) several thousand billion times in a second.

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal of several several thousand million is several hundred thousand millionth of a second. If we add the millionth seconds adds up to a whole second. Our mathematical instinct agrees one cycle is one divided by the frequency in the second and one cycle times the frequency in the second equals a second. This is a light second equal to a space time. By the time we say one thousand and one is a time of a second and equal to three hundred thousand kilometers of space or of distance. In other words a light second is a space time of three hundred thousand kilometers in a second of time.

For example to help make this clear our mathematical instinct agrees if a frequency of a million times in a second one cycle is equal to one divided by a million giving us a millionth of a second and if we multiply a millionth second by a million equals a second.

Our mathematical instinct agrees if we do the arithmetic on a light second ( or C for light's mathematical constant if you like ), in a minute is a simple matter of sixty seconds in a minute times three hundred thousand equals light had traveled eighteen million kilometers in a minute of space time. The same applies given in miles, a hundred and eighty six thousand times sixty gives us a space time distance of eleven million one hundred and sixty thousand miles.

Most of us know light takes eight minutes ( or just under to be exact ) to reach our eyes from the sun. Our math's instinct aggress in kilometers it is only a matter of eight times sixty equals four hundred and eighty second of space time and four hundred and eighty times three hundred thousand giving us a space a time distance of eighty nine million two hundred and eighty thousand miles the earth is from the sun. In other words the sun is the nearest star to earth only a mere eight light minutes away. 

We observe the sun's sunlight in real time as a projection of the sun as it was eight minutes ago every second. In real time light is three hundred thousand kilometers above the sun's surface by the time you finish this sentence. We won't see this sunlight until eight minutes into the future. The light we see now is three hundred thousand kilometers away from earth gaining three hundred thousand kilometer increments every second the further away it going. The sunlight that reached earth when life began is still traveling away from all those billions of years of our past.

Our math's instinct agrees we can operate on the principle we can apply this to an hour sixty times sixty ( sixty squared ) giving us eighty six thousand four hundred seconds. Our instinct agrees the formulae C ( light speed ) kilometers an hour equals sixty squared C per second. Those into challenging math's can work this out in miles. In other words light travels in three hundred thousand kilometer space time increments every second equating to kmph a significant factor to this story as every second adds distance in time. Number crunching the distance gives us  the distance light travels by the time a one our TV program space time. Our instinct agrees we can apply this adding up all the seconds of a day, a week, a month or year the distances light travels in those times.

Light being a perfect mathematical constant is only a matter of adding up the three hundred thousand kilometer increments of space time distance giving any amount of time.

We start our journey with a none stop acceleration from a stationary we will mark as 0 zero kilometers.

In one second we'd accelerated a distance of a meter in a second. By the next second we'd accelerated to ten meters. By the third second we'd accelerated to a hundred meters.

The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. Our mathematical instinct agrees we'd accelerated a distance of a kilometer in .four seconds. We accelerated, one meter in a second, ten meters in two seconds, a hundred meters in three seconds and a thousand meters in four seconds flat. By this time we had traveled way- way beyond that of any supersonic jet fighter capabilities.

If we try to work out the kmph we discover there is none because it is a changing speed. We'd have to travel a constant velocity to work out the kilometers an hour. If we continue at the same acceleration by the end of the fifth second we'd travel ten kilometers. By the end of the sixth second we'd traveled a hundred kilometers and by the end of the seventh second we'd traveled a thousand kilometers. Math's tells us we'd accelerated a thousand kilometers in seven seconds flat.

When we reached ten kilometers a zero was added to the one kilometer. Another zero was added in the next second, ( making a hundred ) and by the seventh second another zero was added. ( making a thousand ) In other words every second adds a zero to that one.

By the end of the eighth second  we'd reached ten thousand kilometers ( four zeros ) in eight seconds. By the end of the ninth second we'd traveled a distance of a hundred thousand kilometers. ( one and five zero k number ). By the middle of the ninth second we'd surpassed light speed. In other words we'd reached it in nine and a half seconds.

By this time we can only speculate what would be happening to time according to Albert Einstein's special theory of reality. It is classic text book we can't go any faster than that. It is the maximum momentum speed limit of light in a zero resistance of any vacuum like space. Never the less, there are those that beg to differ we can exceed light speed. Lets see what the math's makes out of this..

By ten second we are beyond light speed were reached a distance of a million kilometers.( One and six  zero k )

By the end of the eleventh second second we'd reached a distance of ten million kilometers. ( One and seven zero k ) By the end of the thirteenth second we'd be a distance of ten million kilometers. ( One and eight zero k ). By fourteen seconds we'd be a thousand million kilometers were we started.( One with nine zero K number ).

Our mathematical instant tells us fifteen seconds is a quarter minute so accelerating ten times as fast every second means by that time we be ten thousand million kilometers away from where we started. Imagine the distance in half minute, let a lone in a full minute.

We can plot the distances traveled starting with one for a kilometer starting with five seconds adding a zero every second up to sixty in a minute. Our mathematical instinct agrees we can mathematically deduce the total distance in a minute simply by taking sixty take away four equates to one and fifty six zero k number in the whole minute.

By now we should be begin to wonder if there is any such thing as an infinite velocity. Using the term is deceptive because velocity implies a constant speed. It would be a case of infinite acceleration ten times the distance ever second indefinitely. We can mathematically deuce total distance in an hour three thousand six hundred second minus four giving us one three thousand six hundred  and ninety six zero k number no where near anything infinite.

Mathematics tells us in a day equates to eighty six thousand four hundred seconds minus four gives us a one and eighty six thousand three hundred and ninety six zero k number reached by the time a one hour TV program and is still not infinite. We can take all the seconds of a year, ( the seconds of a day eighty six thousand four hundred times three hundred and six five days of a normal year taking into account of the extra day at the end of every fourth February leap minus four seconds will give the distance accelerating ten times the distance every second in every second of the year.

Taking into account of the leap years in a decade we can mathematically deduce how far traveled in that time. Operating on the principle we can mathematically calculate in a century, a millennia ( a thousand years ), a million a billion even all the seconds of several thousands of millions of centuries and still no where near infinite.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Alternative erath's Temperal mechanics Mars, earth Issac Nwtown Albert Eienstien

Previously I saw a Utube clip about what it would be like if the earth stopped spinning. I'd spotted in the side bar a title can the earth survive with out the moon promising myself I'll get to that when I'd finished with this clip.

In this follow up I was disappointed the clip rambled on I had already read lots about hundreds of thousands of times already. I checked similar sites pretty much the same with a consistent impression life depends on the moon though. It sounded like to me life evolved round it. What if it's not the case of the former question in the present tense but in the past tense of what would the earth be like today if the moon didn't exist when life began.

All the clips had a consistent theme Mars ( as well as the other planets ) frequently referenced in relation to the earth's moon. I never gave any thought to any Mars moons until a segment in a clip apparently there is none. All the clips referenced back to earth the earth's spin wobble being stable. According to comparing the two planets evidence the orbiting masses ( or gravities of moons if you like ) stabilize planetary spin wobbles.

Maybe I'm taking the definition of stable to the extreme literary. Observing the illustration of Mars's wobble I thought relatively under stable control between a maximum and minimum angles range, not like any out of control chaotic wobbling I've ever seen.

I'd had leant a lot from reading consistent the earth has a tilt and as well as a slight wobble. According to this segment Mars without a moon it's wobble was quite significant but the earth with a moon appears to have a dampening effect on the earth's wobble.

I thought even  with Mars wobble with a significant frequency  was significantly stable. The wobble wasn't variable. I used the though experiment of measuring a planetary wobble so I could be clear on this.

Lets assume a thirty and sixty degree angle range on a typical half circle protractor. Imagine an apple,  the cores at each end representing the North and south poles of any star or Planet with a spike right though the center to represent an axis. We can line up the spike to thirty degree and move back and forth between sixty and thirty. In the clip segment. It seemed clear to me one of the rolls of the moon today is help dampen ( or slow down ) the earth's wobble. Maybe the earth's spin too. 

The fact remains Mars has a stable wobble frequency to it's wobble despite no water life and no moon, and in addition to a consistent belief not enough mass to hold onto a suitable atmosphere. I an reminded of an entanglement theory of temporal mechanics, ( many worlds,  or parallel universe theory ), in  Quantum physics ( also known by the terms  Quantum mechanics, Quantum theory )  there are alternate worlds in the universe including alternate earth's with no moon to this day. Theoretically  if Mars had the mass to hold onto an atmosphere life may have evolved round the stable wobble as much as life on earth may have evolved round the earth's moon's dampening effect on the wobble of our earth.

A saw a DVD the power of the earth that was quite enlightening. Several billion years ago the earth went though a particularly tough ice age called Snow ball earth. It was enlightening to a extent volcanic eruptions spewing massive amounts of carbon dioxide warmed up earth saving it from every warming up again. If anything temporal mechanics has tough me it is possible anything can happen including on an alternate earth these volcanic eruptions during the same snow ball era could easily have been different,  not frequent and strong enough and dying out leaving an the alternate earth permanently frozen hell to this day.

According to the power of the earth video there are heat forces at work deep in the bowls of the earth a contributing factor to life on earth to exist. The momentum forces of motion reminds me of Isaac Newtown and Albert Einstein's theories of motion pretty much parallel with one another. One of Newton's laws that comes to mind where there is a force there is an equal and opposite force pushing back. Albert Einstein pretty well much summed it occurs in motion described in a elevator motion in his special theory of relativity as a gravitational equivalence equal to feeling weighed down we feel in severe accelerations we express as G's we all know well in Rolla coaster rides. 

Einstein's special theory tells us  at take offs we experience as if several kilograms weighing us down into our seats in a equal force as the acceleration. Coming to a stop from high rates of speed a force equally pulls us forward in equal force as the braking. It has been confirmed in a few video clips and reading a what I suspected for a long time one G  equivalent of the earth's gravity the scientific term nine point eight Newton's, considered the unit of the strength of the earth's gravity equivalent of a pressure of a kilogram per square meter, ( or ponds per square inch if you like ), at sea level. The maximum G's of a Rolla caster is said to be four G's, four times that of the earth's gravity. Drag race car and boat driver expedience more G's then any any Rolla coaster. The sodden stops in crash misshapes go up up as much as ten G's.

Operating on the principle theoretically there should be G's on planetary scales even galaxies. I'm thinking of the momentum of orbit and spin of Planets. According to  Einstein's special theory elevator gravitational equivalence the velocity of the earth's orbit round the sun should be adding mass to the mass of the earth. But the moon is not spinning the same face always towards the earth helps to dispel the theory. 

In terms of tones ( or tons if you like ) the mass of earth is believed to be the equivalent of about eighteen trillion or so. According to Einstein's General theory bends space equivalent to a tone per square kilometer thou out  the total earth's surface. ( Or in tons per mile square mile if you like ). Space is a depth away and behind us disappearing into infinity in every direction. According to Einstein's General theory mass shrinks space round the entire circumference of a body. In the case of the earth the south pole is bending space as equally and the north. In fact your own back yard as much as the back yards of the countries on the opposite side of the world is. Gravity is defined as a collapse of space round a body due to mass.

The moon being a sixth the size of earth the collapse of space round it is equally a sixth of the earth's power. If we do the arithmetic on this, a scale reading a kilogram mass on earth will read the same mass a hundred and sixty six grams lighter on the moon  an eight hundred and eighty four grams reading. In out of space will read nothing. The scale would be crushed by it's own weight let a lone several kilograms of the same mass on the surface of Jupiter  and the sun's mass would crush it and the same mass under several tones. In other words the same mass weighs differently in different gravities.   

According to Newton and Einstein's special theory of reality stars and planets should have a force in their momentum's.  It was believed the moon was created this way. To illustrate this the earth was hit by a several trillion tone mass the size of Mars traveling at a top speed of several tens of thousand of kilometers an hour ( or miles an hour if you like ) of force. Earth may have had a different orbit and spin at the time, and believed to be much smaller which has a significance bearing to this point.

Upon impact the earth acted as an  immovable object up against an unstoppable velocity of the body the earth refusing to be shifted out of orbit. It was a case of a titanic struggle between the two titanic forces the earth refusing to yelled to an unstoppable force equally the unstoppable force refusing to yelled to the immovable object.

As the body hit, the earth refusing to budge the body was equally stubborn refusing to even be slowed down. It never reduced it's speed. As the opposing forces fought each other, the body buried itself into the earth the earth still refused to be moved. The heat and energy generated rivaled that of the sun itself the body still traveling full speed welding and stoving itself into the earth the earth still refusing to be budged from orbit. By now many of you would be having thoughts talk about an immovable object up against an unstoppable force. Refusing to be slowed shattered into millions molten debris the continuing velocities never slowing down.

It is believed the earth became much bigger ( gained mass ) larger than the escape velocity required for the remaining debris trapping them in orbit. As time went by the orbiting debris colliding with each other gradually collected together forming the mass of the moon still orbiting earth to this day. If it is true the earth gained mass today's moon is a direct result of a bigger earth that could then hold onto the future atmosphere.

It is said to explain why Mars is so barren today it's mass is to small to hold onto any atmosphere. If that is anything to go by dispute earth being in the right boundary orbit from the sun to support temporal mechanics tells an alternative to small to have held onto an atmosphere. If this is anything to go by another temporal mechanics says the event that created the moon never took place. If the right distance from the sun supported life did and no moon life on this alternate earth would be very different to our earth.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The earth's spin

I saw a video on Utube the other day about what it would be like if the earth's spin stopped. It was not like stopped in a instant but slowed down in five year year period . I feel the story is incomplete. At the beginning I was waiting for an explanation of what caused the earth to slow down. In the end there was none.

I visualize there should be some form of resistance,  but there is none that I know of in space except what part gravity might play. Theoretically with zero resistance spin and orbit momentum should be indefinite. I visualise both the earth and moon's orbits should be obeying Isaac Newtown's laws of force and motion thinking their velocities trying to go straight but captured in orbit by the sun's masses gravity currying a lot of momentum forces in a orbiting circles.

One thing I can think of the moon's orbit is effecting the earth's orbit. The  momentum trying to leave orbit in a straight line might have somthing to to do with it. We know the moon is not spinning because the same side is always facing earth. That might be due to the earth gravity.

To get an Idea of how the relation ship between the two bodies I  visualized both the earth and moon's masses tethered together like a ball chain representing gravity. I though if the small ball was in motion might have an effect on earth's orbit. But then the earth's gravity is much stronger inevitably effecting the motion of the moon. I also visualized an increased in escape velocity due to centrifugal forces of the motion of moon moving away from earth.

I spotted in Utube's side bar a relative video I intend  to view can the earth survive without the moon promising myself I's get to it in my next assignment

In the current clip I was viewing a question came to me when the air got thin. Why's that? I wondered if the story was saying air get thin if the earth's spin slows down. Then this begs me if that is the case looking at it from the opposite point of view does the thickness of the earth's atmosphere depend on the mass of the earth's spin? Or does the earth's atmosphere depend on the earth's spin at all.

Then what would happen if the earth's spin sped up? We are all aware of centrifugal forces of spin. Is there any validity centrifugal forces of the earth mass during spin if so is it adding to the earth's mass? The moon not spinning helps dispel that theory. But according to Einstein's special theory of relativity motion adds mass in the form of a gravitational equivalence we expresses as G's in any motion.

The question is, does the spin of the earth depend on momentum the moon's mass? And if the moon's mass velocity causing the moon to leave earth's orbit? This begs to question the moon's escape velocity.

Never the less I feel the story of what happen if the earth's spin stops was way- way incomplete. I was expecting in this kind of disaster stories of human panic specially criminals beginning to run riot. That alone is a disaster even if it was a by product of the slowing down of the earth's spin. The story came to a point when the air become to thin to people struggled to breath properly.

I was disappointed the story neglected the fact that (including all animals ) the human brain needs an abundance of oxygen. There was no drama of increasing number of paramedics dealing with people out of breath, fainting, struggling to breath in streets and homes. There was no paramedic dramas attending to people suffering from increasing dizzy, spells, weakness, clumsiness to limbs not working properly and falling spells due the lack of oxygen helping to promote these as evidence of the population beginning to suffer strokes.

Other things that was not included an increase mental health problems dramas. I was expecting the first increases of mild cases of moody, depression and tiredness dispassion problems at work and in family relations taking it out on each other. As things steadily got worse a marked increase behaving as if they have had a few ( as if drinking ) but have never touched a drop. I would expected this to be the result of the  lack of oxygen causing an increase of playful drunkenness effect of the brain suffocating.  I would have expected an huge increases moody, depression, memory and navigation loss and concentration dramas to illustrate the point.

I thought what little references of disorientation of the environment behavior there was, by far to brief an illustration not addressing it to be because when our brain is slowly suffocating for oxygen causing lots of dementia behavior. I would have thought dramas of brain functioning problems in people in the thin atmosphere would be impeding rationality and cool calm and collected thinking. We need a brain in good condition for that sort of thing in any life threatening emergency.

I thought as the thin atmosphere got worse paramedic drama stories overwhelmed with more and more stroke victim dramas was missing to illustrate the point. By the time places got so bad to be uninhabitable millions of stragglers unable to think clearly incapacitated by strokes and dementia behavior had set in displaying all sorts of mental health issues turning people into dying zombies, vegetables and moody psychiatric mood swings making trouble causing rows, suffering depression, memory and navigation losses occurring in even well adjusted families suffering slow brain suffocation. If slowing down the earth's spin is anything to go by is a lessen of what happens to us when we suffer brain oxygen starvation.

Right from the cat go anyway criminals would have been helping their selves to what they wanted in lawless antisocial behavior for some time as it was while low oxygen levels effecting everybody else as well. The brain effected by the lack of oxygen wound's have helped defend homes form criminal home invaders. It would not be unlike trying it when drunk. The brain has to be in top order to deal with theses sorts of situations..

Dying brains would be in constantan dementia behavior problems on a massive scale. There would be scenes of hopelessly chaotic demented actions from everybody including children to adults. Children would struggling for energy tired and moody always wanting to sleep all the time disorders caused by brain suffocation and and physical tiredness because of a lack of oxygen. Their brains would be in no condition to cope rationally in a low oxygen environment specially refugee treks, To cope with a emergency we all need to have lots of energy cool calm and collected our thoughts all collected together. The low oxygen areas would have only helped impend peoples brain function steadily getting worse. 

In this story there was nothing of what life would like struggling with peoples pets and Zoo animals equally effected by lack of oxygen. Another thing would be effected  is transportation. Cars, trains, boats and plans all need oxygen to function. I expected stories of authorities forced to  ground everything including all aircraft because of unsafe lack of oxygen just as equally to save it. No transport vehicles could run properly in low oxygen areas. All transportation would come to a halt because for the  need oxygen to run them. Just goes to show how much we take for granted.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Light speed, star treck, voyager, Enterprise, Albert Eistien's thoeory of reality

What if it is possible to accelerate from zero to a hundred and sixty kilometers ( or a hundred miles if you like ) in a second? What would it be like?  If we do the math's on this pans out to experiencing a three thousand six hundred thousand kilometres an hour stationary take off velocity. If we do the arithmetic tells us  a hundred and sixty kilometer a second covers a distance of three thousand,  six hundred,  thousand kilometers by the time a one hour TV program. A hundred and sixty kilometers per second equals three,  thousand,  six.  hundred thousand kilometers per our.

Imagine at light speed. If we do the arithmetic light traveling at just under three hundred thousand kilometers per second pans out to ten thousand and eighty million kilometer per hour velocity. Would Albert Einstein's special theory of reality apply at an acceleration of  0 to a stop in a distance of a hundred and sixty kilometers? ( or a hundred miles if you like ) in a second?

The original, next generation and Voyager TV series Star trek opening themes are probably the closest to a visual representation of what an observer would observe at take off. The Enterprises and voyager  took off from virtually a standing start to light speed in a second stretching forward like a rubber band the backs snapping into it disappearing into infinity.

In out of space there is no air resistance. Three hundred and sixty thousand kilometers per hour ( or a hundred and sixty kilometers per second ) has no effect on a body. On the surface of earth the immediate air molecules we breath in front of the body would be compressed into the  air molecules several meters ahead and in turn compressed into the air molecules several hundreds of meters ahead in shock wave traveling several kilometers ahead of it by the time it covered a hundred and sixty kilometers from standing start in the second. We would hear the shock of the explosion like the loudest thunder explosion we ever herd many kilometers away well above the loudness of a roaring jet engine a meter or so above our head.

The heat we feel pumping air in a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It is from air compressed in the pump testifying to the fact compression produces heat. Diesel engines is another example as compression because it is  their basic fundamental. In other words the compressing molecules ahead of the traveling body produces heat. If incoming meteorites ( shooting stars ) in the earth's atmosphere is anything to go by what a body traveling a hundred and sixty kilometers per second velocity in the earth's atmosphere would look like.

Shooting stars get up to a few hundred thousand degrees. It is common they detonate in an explosion before hitting the ground. The molecules ahead of the falling rock become so compressed become like hitting solid ground in mid air to the falling métier.

In out of space there is no air pressure to compress. A hundred and sixty kilometer per second ( three hundred and sixty thousand kilometer per hour ) velocity is not felt as motion. On the surface of an airless body like the moon a meter per second ( three point six kilometer per hour ) is felt as motion. The stronger the gravity velocities less than a kilometer per hour is felt as motion. In other words extremely low velocities are felt in gravitational fields while extremely high motion is not felt in zero gravity.

On the surface of earth we feel a weight pushing us back at sixteen meters per second, ( a hundred and sixty kilometers per hour. or a hundred miles an hour if you like ) velocity. The math's tells us in other words a hundred and sixty kilometer per hour take off is a equivalent  sixteen meters in a second take off. We feel a weight pushing us back expressed as a G-force in a straight line we expresses as G's. It is testimony  to Albert Einstein's production in the special theory of reality of a gravitational equivalence.

Using a mathematical reference a G is the normal force of the earth's gravity nine point eight Newton's to be exact, equivalent to a kilogram per square centimeter ( or pounds per square in if you like ) of gravity per cubic meter pressing the earth's surface. Open space meteorite venialities on the surface of earth are as much as several tones of G's we don't feel in space. In other words motion in gravity produces G's.

Can we accelerate a hundred and sixty kilometers to a stop in a second on the earth's suffice? Will we experience Einstein's special theory of reality of time dilution during both acceleration and deceleration?

looking from the observers point of view of superman it would be a case of stationary at the starting point and stationary a hundred and sixty kilometers away in a second. In other words disappears and reapers a hundred sixty kilometers away in a second. Or will he appear like the Enterprise and voyager stretch a hundred and sixty kilometers long and snap back to normal a hundred and sixty kilometers away in the second?

Mathematics tells us 0 to a hundred and sixty kilometers to a stop in a second superman would have to accelerate to eighty kilometers ( or fifty miles ) in half environment second and decelerate to a stop another eighty kilometers in another half second  to equal a hundred and sixty kilometers in a whole second.   What would it be like from his point of view? Here's what I think Einstein's special theory would tell us.

Superman should observe the initial acceleration change the environment's time notably slowing down because he is speeding up. If we do the math's on this using a second he would be perceiving the environment's second stretching longer and longer in time. He would observe obverses getting slower and slower. It may happen happen slowly at first. As the acceleration gets faster and faster the environment's second gets longer and longer in time.

Finally at the turning point where he applies the brakes. It may be a point the environment's second is to slow for superman to observe moving any more. The observers my look frozen in time.

Analogue wall clocks testifies to this. Analogue is referenced because of so much computerized digital technology theses days. We can observe the second hand move every division round the clock face. It is the time we say one thousand and one, we walk a meter in a a second the same time light travels a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers in open space defining a light second of time. 

The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer and the math's tells us there is three million meters in three hundred thousand kilometers. This means by the time we walk a meter in a second light had traveled three million meters the same amount of time the second hand of a analogue clock moved a division. In digital time pieces the second change the same amount of time too. Every second on the surface of earth is a light second, the distance light travels that same amount time.

By the time we observe the second hand move a whole circle we don't observe the minute move when it moved a division. To us it  is frozen in time while moving a division. We don't observe the minute a full circle when the hour hand is frozen in time  moving moving a division. Both the minute and hour hands are not moving at any given moment of time because the are moving far too slow for us to observe moving.

Analogue clocks tells us there is sixty second in a minute. Digital time pieces aggress, the second hand counting to fifty nine changing to double zero at the sixtieth second the first second of the next minute. Both analogue and digital time pieces tell us tells us there is sixty minutes and the math's tells us three thousand six hundred seconds in an hour.

Mathematics tells us the hour hand is sixty times as slow as a minute and three thousand six hundred times as slow as a second. A whole day is a date change of the calendar every twelve midnight. It is equal to twenty three hours fifty nine minutes fifty nine seconds that changes the date to zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero remaining there the time a light second. If we do the arithmetic on this tells us every second is eighty six thousand four hundredth of this period ( Or a day if you like ) or the latter times as slow as a second. We observe the minute and hour hands not moving  moving round the face of a analogue clock every second of the whole day.

Mathematics tells us the geometry of a day the minute and hour of a analogue clock hands are frozen in time every second of the moving second hand of the whole day. In retrospect from the minute hand point of view observes us speed up by a minute of time. ( Or see's us moving sixty times as fast. ). So too the hour hand. It see's us moving though our environment time sixty times as fast as it moves only one division. It will see us three thousand six hundred time as fast as a full circle or see's us eighty six thousand four hundred times as fast in a whole day.  In other words we are moving though our environment's time eighty six thousand four hundred times as fast as the hour hand does.

Operating on the principle when superman hits his breaks he observes the environment's time begin to speed up again because he is slowing down. As the slower he goes the faster the environments second stretches the faster the environment observers get faster and and faster the slower he comes to a complete stop. At a complete stop he would find himself a second in the future he left a hundred and sixty kilometers away. In other words the slower we go the faster time speeds up. 

If this is a example of what happens when we slow down to a stop from a hundred and sixty kilometers distance than there is no reason why not the same thing should happen accelerating the distance of a light second to a stop in a second.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Kona ute miniute Avid B55 byicle mechanical disc brake system

Some cyclists feel unsafe with mechanical bicycle brakes bit spongy a trend towards hydraulic brake bikes. Most of us never do like slack pulling up efficiency on any bike anyway. The cause is often DIY ( do it yourself ) fixing producers.

Kona chose a mechanical disc brake brand Avid BB5 for their Kona ute and miniute cargo bike brake range. Mechanical disc brake systems are basically the same arrangement as any garden variety rim brake bikes.

In dealing with the Kona ute and mini ute braking system we will be concentrating on the Avid B55 mechanical brake system. When you squeeze the handle bar lever only one pad is pressed against the Rotor ( Disc ). The opposite pad other side is fixed. If you're used to rim brakes it is a mistake to forget only one pad moves in this system.

Looking down between the crack of the caliper on the wheel the rotor runs between as you squeeze the handle bar lever you will observe the moving pad pushes the rotor bending it over onto the fixed pad. The gap of the fixed pad limits the rotor bending. If the gap is to wide there will be a severe bend of the rotator ending up with a slack braking power when you squeeze the handle bar.

If the you ride in all sessions it is inevitable winter conditions corrodes the moving parts of the brake system offering a fair amount resistance to the spring to pull back the moving pad from the rotor.

Often another cause of slack braking is DIY reassembling of inner wire cables that can be a source of endless frustration. If inner cable is at an angle can cause slack spring force to open the pads compounded by corroding brake arm to pull away from the rotor. Both pads half dragging on it wearing a trench round the circumference. Comparing new bikes at bike shops is a clear indication of what conditions of rotors should be.

Examining the inner wire cable anchored on the brake arm of both rim and mechanical brake bikes at any bike shop the inner wire cables are always straight looking. They are not slopping at any angle a clear initiation of what the inner wire cable should be anchored like. If the cable of you bike is on an angle it needs to be undone and remounted straight.

To begin the bike can either be left up right on it's wheels or turned upside down resting on the seat and handle bars it's up to you. Professional workshops have bike stands everything chest height both wheels off the the floor. In a backyard situation with the bike upside down the wheels are free to rotate when adjusting the pads to the the rotor.

There are various fasteners round all bikes....... gear changers......brakes........commonly hex ( six sided ) Allan key bolts. Never forget nuts and bolts come in metric and imperil including hex Allan key spanners. Check the cable fastener selecting a key that fits properly noting the size for reference benefits.

One of the most frustrating things are well weathered bolts that can be pretty rusty looking. It's safe bet are seized on by corrosion that can be the most frustrating to shift we tend to force applying weight often to much for standard Allan keys rounding the corners of both the bolt and key beyond use. The worse thing is having no resources to shift them with.

In such a case a two dolor shop could be able to supply a fairly inexpensive way of building a seized on bolt removing tool. Interchangeable screw driver piece set where individual bits that fit into a screw driver shanks are very helpful. You will need a star bit even a common Phillips star type can do the job that is a very tight fit in the hex bolt. Tap gently into the hex head.

The screw drivers never will be able to shift a seized on bolt on their own. Shifting spanner ( or crescent, even vice grips ) as a wrench will be ideal. Small cheep and well warn crescents are not recommended as the worn out movement gives the minimum amount of stable grip slipping and sliding off when you apply weight rounding the edges of the bit as well as making a mess of everything else. Medium to hefty new to near new condition spanners give maximum stable grips. For those with resources adaptors for the bit for use for socket sets you can make up a socket set wrench with. With a stable grip you should be able to shift loose a seized bolt coming free with a crack. You should be able to tap free a vice grip clapped on the shank of the piece.  

The Avid B55 break system has a ledge on the cable anchor arm used as the cable guide. In this system the inner cable resting over the top is incorrect what causes the angling of the inner cable and adding a bend in it. If done to any B55 brake caliper you will find problems with a hopelessly distorted and chewed up frayed cable. If lucky you may get away with no frays and minimum distortion. If a cable is badly distorted chewed up crushed and fayed with many broken individual wires it will be impossible to used safely ever again. Either way either replacing of relocating the inner wire undo the bolt and pull away the entire cable.

The Kona ute and mini ute handle bar ends are basically the same as any standard mechanical rim brake bikes. If your used to rim brake bikes the replacement of the ute and miniute is pretty much straight forward. Once the cable in place you can hook up, to the caliper brake arm.

If the handle bar adjusters are adjusted at maximum ( or close to it ) causes a fair bit of bending stress on the threads when squeezing the brake levers helping strip the adjuster threads. Squeezing takes it's tool. So too to a lesser extent the adjuster on the caliper.  To prevent and solve this problem screw the adjusters all the way back to nil.

If your used to rim brakes remember not to forget in this case both pads don't move like them. The adjustment of the fixed pad sets the setting the moving pad.

Turn you attention on the spoke side of the caliper. In the center is Allen key bolt. This adjustment adjusts the fixed pad. An Allan key through the spokes turning inward adjusts the fixed pad towards the rotor and screwing outwards away from it. Screw inwards finger tight on the rotor turning the wheel to check that it jams the wheel. Looking down the gap the disc runs between adjust the pad a millimeter gap away from the rotor. When you come to assemble the cable to the moving arm the cable is anchored the pad equally a millimeter away from the rotor  

Avoid laying the inner cable on the top of the ridge. Let the cable rest along the edge.

Depending on whether your left or right handed with one hand push the brake arm moving the brake pad to the rotor and with the other hand pull the tail of the cable to take up the slack. The distance of the pad from the rotor can be judged pretty closely by eye eyeing down between the crack of the caliper the disc runs between. You will feel a bit of a struggle against the spring  tension witch inevitably makes things difficult. Keep a firm tension on the brake arm.

Allowing the cable to rest along the edge of the ridge align the double lugs of the clamper with the edge. As you tighten the bolt friction drags the clamper a full quarter circle the lugs pulling the inner wire round in a right angle ( an L bend ). Avoid any thoughts of maximum tightness. All you need is a light almost finger tight tug to finish off. The inner cable will be straight. You will now get more efficient braking.

Test the wheel spinning it gripping the handle bar levers so the wheel jambs instantly to a stop. Remember to bear in mind all bike manufactures can't afford to allow severer brakes specially the front wheel in fear of back lash law suites riders going over the handle bars because the form wheel because their models front wheel have a habit of locking up. It is the reason for criticism the B55 not very efficient. As you hold the lever the wheel should be jammed in position.

Replacing pads

The disassembly and reassembly of the brake cable is already been covered.  Accessing the pads small parts when the wheel of off out of the away can easily fall out and get lost falling to the ground spending all your time looking for them that could fall anywhere. It pays to put a catcher tray in direct line the parts may fall caching them so you don't loose them.

In some cases you may not need to remove the inner cable from the caliper anchor bolt which is handy. In other cases disconnecting the wire cable is standard practice.

What ever the case may be concentrate adjusting the fixed pad adjuster bolt outward it will go. You will find when you remove the wheel the pads won't interfere catching the rotor. The wheel will come off just like that. The same Allen key that fits the fixed pad cable adjuster will fit the two bolts on the wheel side of the caliper. Don't be shy to put some weight on them to undo. If they appear to be sized on from the whether freeing them has been covered. Don't be rough unscrewing because of the aluminum threads. They must be with drawn out dead straight.

Once the bolts are withdrawn the cover comes off, along with the spring may fall into your catcher. Remember you are handling the brake pads from now on so your hands should be pristine clean to insure you don't transfer oil and crease to the oil absorbing pads and rotor.

Examining the spring is a “V” shaped steel spring as seem in the left picture each tip crumpled each end a "u" shape hook that fits in a slot in each pad. The spring is effectively sandwiched between them.

Notice the hole in the center of the pad. This refits to the corresponding peg in the covers. Make sure you reassemble the pad hole in the corresponding pegs in the caliper covers properly.

Reassembly is tricky as it is a bit fiddly. Fit a pad color side into the corresponding recesses in the caliper cover fitting the spring in the corresponding pad slot as shown by the left picture. Make sure the center hole is fitted in the peg properly

Correspondingly fit the other pad color inwards the cover recess guiding it hooking the tip of the spring into the hook in the slot of that pad.

Line up the cover to the threads. Careless fitting of the two bolts into theses threads here is the major cause of stripping the caliper threads rendering the bolts useless. Screw the bolts carefully dead straight with only fingers. Never force them with the spanner if they feel a bit tight. Carefully withdraw and jiggle the cover a bit so the bolts can finger screw with out any grinding tight feel freedom of movement.

The final tighten of the bolts is another area will strip the caliper threads. Don't wrench thinking maximum tightness. A light tug they can't tighten any and no more. If the inner wire cable was disconnected is the final stage adjusting the moving pad  already covered