Space is fill of light, inferred, ultra violet light, x-ray and more radiating from all the stars in the universe. By
definition space is only an absence of air pressure. The air we breath is under pressure by the earth's gravity.
The scientific unit is expressed in Newton's, for earth, is nine point eight to be exact equivalent to a
kilogram per square meter force ( or pound per square inch value if you like ) every cubic litre of the earth's
According to Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity the earth's mass bends space. By Einstein's definition gravity is merely an area of distortion by the presence of mass in the case the earth about the equivalent of eighteen trillion metric tones shrinking space round the entire circumference. However space is a three
dimensional vanishing point depth away and behind us every direction and angle.
The mass of the earth shrinks space equally round the whole world. In fact the street of your neighborhood is bending space right
down to your own back yard as much as the streets on other side of the world is. The earth tilt shrinks space inward
onto the surface of the North poll as equally as the south poll. In fact space is compressing every micrometer of the earth's surface
together, the air we breath, us, the oceans and land masses on the surface caused by the weight of earth's own mass.
So too the nearest star to earth only eight light minutes away from us our sun. It is another example of space shrinking
round the entire circumference holding a mass together. Every galaxy right down to a microscopic speck of dust shrinks
space round them. The shrinkage of space round circumferences of every mass is a distortion of space that orbiting
bodies follow. Momentums are not high enough to escape them but fast enough not to ride all the way crashing into the
The compressed air we breath is the source of sound. Contrary to what people typically stereo type digital sound in
nature is not digital and never has been. only technology, telecommunication, radio and television station,
wireless remote controls, radar to internet technology and electronic engineering. Nature is entirely analogue.
Ripples washing onto a beach the peak of each wave travel one behind behind the other in series is a good analogy of
radio waves in the universe. The distance between each peak are wavelengths,
depending on long or short. A
cork bobbing up and down is perhaps the easiest way to visualize standing waves. The up and down bobbing show long wavelength's have very little energy while the frequently
of the bobbing of shorter wavelengths a lot more..
Music we hear is nothing more than
vibrating sources transferring the air we breath into sounds we recognize. The vibrations of musical instruments and
loud speakers act as initial standing wave sources vibrating many times per
second. We hear the air we breath accelerated creating a temporary vacuum that is instantly filled in traveling from the source like pebble ripples in a pond
radiating from the source in waves we recognize as sound and music entrainment In other words an endless maximum crest
in the case of sound air pressure and a troth of vacuum being constantly filled in traveling in waves radiation in a circle
from the sound source.
We can observe loud rock radiating from speakers popping the cone in and out in tune with the base thumping even the higher
frequencies of electric guitars vibrating the cone vigorously. We have to press lightly a finger on the cone to feel the
vibrations of quiet maladies.
Sound waves radiating from loud speakers mega phones sirens to alarms are longitudinal ripples traveling one after
the other in wave air wave fronts washing our ears we recognize as sound and meaning. Transverse
waves are different. A pendulum swing analogy accelerates, slows down to a stop to reverse direction reaccelerating that
direction to slow down again to a stop to reverse direction repeating the cycle sound waves are not.
If a pen was attached the back and forth swing draws a straight line repeated itself representation straight lines
are a reflecting of these wavelengths and example of a standing wave. If the paper is a moving conniver belt
will draw what is called a sine wave. Factures that determines this wave form include the height ( the length
of the straight line representing the amplitude of a standing sine wave ), determined by the distance of the swinging pen. The frequency of the
cycle is determined by the speed of the swing.
Park pendulum have forces the sensation we feel described as G's or centrifugal forces at work.
We experience Isaac Newtown's laws of force and motion pull and tug at us
every time we slow sown to a stop at each extreme end to reverse direction reaccelerating returning the opposite
direction repeating the cycle.
The stomach churning sensation riding pendulum motion can be exhilarating to some people every time they reverse direction.
Every time we slow down to a stop to return back, there is an equal
and opposite force changing direction resisting efforts to speed up again. It pulls back at us changing direction every time we slow down
reaccelerating the opposite direction. The frequency of the swing is determined by the weight of the person to carry the
momentum on average a cycle every few seconds.
The weight of a person can cause an out of control effect if it is just right. If a body weight is in tune the
frequency of the cycle is called resonance. The scary sensation
of feeling we are out of control going to snap the cord and fly straight on into oblivion on the next swing is Isaac Newtown's law of force and
motion at work that all bodies in motion tend to experience a force to want to travel in a straight line. We experience the the
forces of our momentum try to go straight ahead every time we approach each end of the swing.
The same straight line force apply to Rolla Coasters hitting those tight twist and curves without slowing down.
Resonance is also known when a body vibrates another. A good example is buildings vibrating in tune with
the vibrating frequency of an earthquake. The air we breath is a contributing facture adding resonance everywhere where, where planets
with no atmosphere don't have. Another example a high wind blowing down a gorge rocking and rolling a rope bridge.
right conditions the bridge rocks uncontrollably resonating to it's own swinging frequency kept going by wind. Engineers
have to design buildings and expansion bridges anti resonance because of the potential resonance problems present in earthquakes
and wind.
Electricity and magnetism interactions with each other is the heart of loud speakers why we find speaker voice are
magnets. The laws of electricity and magnetism
interacting with each other is the core feature how speakers produce music we recognize. Any current going though a coil
winding in a magnetic field produces forces
in the turns of the coil winding rapped round the magnet.
The electrical current reacts to the magnetic field pushing the cone outward and pulled back inwards many times per
second. The rapidly vibrating cone transfers the in and out movement to the air molecules. Tiny tweeters for the high pitch shrills of electric guitars, powerful church
organs and Scottish bag pipes are
specially designed to vibrate vigorously
up to a frequency of twenty thousand times per second.
Huge speakers reproduce the big boom of base drums and the deep base throb of double bases, designed to capture
the low rumbles of twenty times per second. This is the frequency range the best of human hearing can hear in music
and mother nature. The rest of us can only hear a limited range.
If we feel the tweeter of a loud rock song sample with our finger we can just barely feel electric guitar shrilling
vibrations. If we feel the base speaker
we can feel the vibrations of the deep base range. Twenty thousand and twenty times per second is the maximum and minimum frequency range
the best of human hearing can detect in the best hi-fi systems at minimum volume. Everybody else has to have a substantial
The technical term for the number of times per second is the frequency of vibrations. Live
as well as in loud speakers one cycle is stationary, in the case of speaker cones pull in and push out returning to stationary called a Hertz. Distance background dog bark, minimal bumps, bird calls and other noises we hear in still summer nights is a zero
decibel reference level, deci ( dear-see )
from the standard metric system prefix system for a tenth of a bell.
Zero db the maximum frequency range the best of human
hearing can hear the sounds of a quiet still summer night a pluck of an electric guitar and a boom of
a base drum at minimum volume. The unit of sound is a bell a loud rock band in the confines of a nigh club
atmosphere equal to a hundred decibels or a hundred decibels equals one Bell respectively.
If we hear twice the intensity of 0dB is only
a mere increase to a quiet rustle of leaves, as much as ten-dB up. There is not much difference in loudness between twenty,
thirty, forty dB increase in loudness a normal conversation volume to a comfortable
TV listening volume as much as sixty decibels to the average person. The best of human can notice the change in volumes.
Traffic take-off from city traffic lights is about seventy db. A rock band can drown out conversations at a eighty plus
dB. A hundred and twenty
under a screaming jet engine writhen a minute of hurting our hearing.
Technically speakers and microphones are expressed as transducers. Music and voice generate a electric current in
them, in fact anything that produces electrical currents in this manor. The paper cone of speakers and diaphragms of microphones
move in
and out on a vertical plane an example of a standing wave. Another analogy of a standing wave is a bouncy spring. Springs in many machines (
inside the rocker covers of car engines for example ) stretch and compress many time per second. The revolution of a
cooling fan circling in a complete circle of an idling car engine can be as much as two to three thousand times per minute ( RPM revolutions per minute ).
When we hear sound we are hearing a longitudinal waveform molecules in the air we breath radiating from the
source in waves.
We have frequent low air pressure and the high pressure peaks many times per second traveling at the speed of sound.
There are many frequencies present in sound particularly music deep booms and rumbles of twenty hertz ( base drum's and double bases for example )
and up to twenty kilohertz ( high pitch electric guitars, powerful
church origins and Scottish bagpipe music or the real world the shrill of jet engine revs, sports whistles and bird song
) most of us can't hear only half the sound story. All this is individually heard as different loudness from individual to individual
even when at the same sound stereo volume level;.
The unit
is a measure of the
noise we hear in a still night 0 decibels barely obvious to us but to most neighborhood pets and animals can hear a lot more
frequencies at the same loudness in the seemingly deserted quietness of the silent neighborhood. It is the equivalent of
individuals able to hear the entire human frequency range at a barely minim volume. In effect our hearing is a volume control system
protecting our hearing from low and high air pressures we hear
in an average Coffey shop atmosphere.
The deep base rumbling of double base and base drums, at 70db doesn't hurt us as much as the tingling sensation we feel in our
ears the high pitch shrills of electric guitars at the same intensity. The energy of the treble range is more powerfully
than the base range at the same volume. To match the treble range has be be louder.
Light is also an oscillating energy. Light particles called photons oscillate in a similar longitudinal front as
as the air on earth. The earth's ozone layer dampens the very high ultra violet light ( UV rays ) to much lower frequencies. Another example is the
sixty hertz frequency of the mains. Alternating Current power supply. It is made up of trillions of the negatively charge particles of the atom
called electrons all resonating back and forth as one in a transverse sine wave form.
The actual voltage does not move because it's only alternating swing between positive and negative at the ends of open live wires.
The negative surge repels electrons one direction and the positive surge attracts them back sixty times in a second.
We can observe how the frequency is to fast for us to observe. The mains lighting for example resonates from minimum to maximum brightness
the corresponding sixty Hertz frequency , far to fast for us to observe the frequency so we see the oscillations as a steady light.
Mathematics tells us the reciprocal of the frequency is one divide the frequency value. For example the math's
tells us sixtieth second or decimal 0 point 0 with endless sixes of a second or sixteen millimeters long wavelength increments every second.
The same math's on twentieth second ( giving decimal 0 point 0 five of a second or fifty millimeter long wavelength )
one cycle of twenty hertz respectively.
Correspondingly the same math's with twenty kilohertz, The mains example the alternating
current sixteen millimeter increments every sixtieth second .( An electric current is
renowned for traveling close to light speed at that ).
Every musical instrument has a basic fundamental frequency containing a supplementary seven other frequencies in every note. These other
seven are
called harmonics that modulate the fundamental into a distorted characteristic waveform of a particular note. With out harmonics we would hear only the fundamental
of each note of each instrument that will sound very muffled indeed.
Stereo hi-fidelity systems are deigned to reproduce the twenty kilohertz frequencies between twenty
Hertz without drawing out
one or the other at a minimal volume. The nature of music whether live or radiating from a speaker harmonics are independent
of volume. A lot are bellow the threshold most us can't hear at low volumes. The best of human hearing can hear all the fundamental and harmonics the same volume in perfect hi-fidelity
surround sound even at minimal volume.
Base wavelengths are notoriously long. If sound travels it is the long wavelength's. The thumping base is often heard at
very faraway distances. Some of the base thumping can be as much as a couple of meters long. In comparison some of the
treble can be as short as a few centimeters distances lengthening both base and treble wave lengths which is why only
base thumping can be heard at distance.
The treble wavelengths are absorbed by by being stretched by distance, wooden furniture and walls specially if they
are cavity walls. Wooden cabinets offer excellent base at the cost of the treble range. Cavities are notorious for
resonating to the base range at the cost of the treble range. The worst thing with wooden cavity walls can resonate with the base range.
Most of the time we are hearing the walls amplifying it.. Solid concrete and steel walls deflect sound ideal sound proof
We are all familiar with emergency vehicle sirens approaching from a distance and pass us. We are hearing the high
frequency treble range constantly compressing shorter as the vehicle constantly approaches and final passing us. As the
vehicle travels past the wavelength constantly stretches longer the further the vehicle travels away. called the Doppler
effect. It is the nearest thing to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity as every body will hear the siren at the
different pitch when at different distance at the same time. The pitch heard by different distances is only relative.
The visual aspects the light we see is a tiny part of a cosmic radiation made of particles called photons waving in transverse
waves similar to sound waves. The rest of the frequency range we don't see the cosmic radiation as long as a kilometer ( Radio waves )
and short as a few thousand millionth of millimeter ( or GHz frequencies a thousand million
the heat and pressure of the sun ) called Gama Rays.
Isaac Newton discovered the clear light we see ( white light ) is made up of the exact colors of rainbow. What we see as red we are seeing the individual photon particle
jiggle back and forth the longest light wavelength our eyes can see at a very high frequency ( a few million MHz mega for a million
to be exact ). The cold colors we see are even higher blue the shortest a few
million GHz. ( Giga a thousand million ) while the rest of the radiation in the cosmos and on earth we can't see.
Equivalent to sound hot and warm colors are the base ranges and blues the treble. If we could hear the
frequencies of the warm colors we would hear base rumbling. And so with the cold colors we would hear high pitch
whistling. If we recap hot and warm colors we see equivalent to base ranges we hear and the cold colors as equivalent
to the treble range. Thus the red hues of the rainbow are low frequency light we see in it and the blues and greens the
high frequency light.
The earth's atmosphere stretches the high frequencies we can't see and compresses the wavelengths
we also can't see into the blue wavelength we can see which is why we see blue sky. We observe the suns white light at an angle in
the curvature of the earth during the transitions between night and day, as long red, orange and yellow wavelengths. Operating on
the same principle applies to paintings in artwork, all paint colors to vegetation.
Our eyes can detect the millions of shades of color. The mixing of colors in nature obeys
the same laws as mixing paint. In other words the
wavelength of the visible part of the cosmic radiation. We can see the effect by primary Red, Green and Blue.( RGB ) clear plastic
cellophane sheets.
Over laying the colors produces different colors how modern TV and video the old tube and modem windscreen LCD and Plasma TV
screens work with just with missing these three colors.
Wavelength's longer than red is invisible inferred only inferred camas can see.
They can see the heat radiating from a freshly solidified lava path that is still hot in the pitch blackness of a dark night that
would otherwise be just a black body radiation to our naked eyes converted in the camera electronics into light we see on
screen . Likewise anything with a beating heart produces the same inferred heat rays these cameras will see.
Wavelength's any longer are radio control and our entertainment remote control devices. If we had superman eyes we
would see reminiscent to a water wave flash every time we change a TV channel
next lowest is the radio and television broadcast transmission, telecommunication and radar including digital. These
signals are basically a fundamental longitudinal wave enveloping the complex information carried piggy back. Receivers pick up the fundamentals
filtering out it out the rest of the electronics processing the rest of the information. This includes cell phone, textting and wi-fi
internet hot spots.
Digital signals are the same processes both audio and visual only a pause between each electric shot increments where each live
shot traveling the same direction carrying the information. The purse between each shot makes the frequency of the digital signal.
The carrier wave is a fixed frequency, where the information processed by the appliance electronic designed to read and processes.
The absolute longest comic radiation wavelength is believed to be the remains of the so called big bang that has supposed to have created our
universe about a kilometer long. The old dinosaur analogue
Amplitude Modulation ( AM ) radio receivers pick these up. Tuning out of station any 1960's AM radio receiver will recorded an occasional, pop, crackle,
hiss called white static noise or visually on an old AM TV receiver a white flash or sparkle or two in the constant white noise
static. These occasional pops and crackles is believe to by only 1 percent of the white noise we hear.
On the other end of the visible spectrum if a frequency is higher than blue the wavelength we see disappears as we commonly
refer to ultra violet light
( UV a purple blue color ) rays that tans our skin. In effect a percentage of the electromagnetic radiation is compressed to UV
wavelengths. Some animals can see it. Unlike our visual world their world t is a violet color cast.
Any higher are X-rays hospitals use to examine skeletons. Frequencies higher still are a maximum called gamma rays. The higher
frequency the more powerful the energy Gamma rays the maximum of the universe can offer. Standard DVD red beam players are now to low in frequency for today's
acceptable high
definition fidelity standards. Blue ray prayers use a much lower power but higher frequency laser ray reading blue ray discs.
High powered red rays are low powered low frequency energy. A low powered blue ray has more energy than a high powered
red ray. This is why blue ray is a lower power drain on electronic power supplies with and better visual fidelity than standard DVD red ray players.
The speed of light is the distance light travels just under 300,00km by the time we say one thousand and one. Sunlight we see now is what the sun was just under 8 minutes ago every second.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Star Treck Star Wars Doctor who wrap drive hyperspace
It is said when Albert Einstein was just sixteen a thought crossed his mind of what would it be like to ride a beam
of light. In other words traveling in parallel with light speed.
As early as 1960 the BBC hit the British airways with Doctor who the opening theme probably the earliest video graphic example of hyperspace was like. It wasn't till 1966 CBS TV studio begin planning for a Star trek adventure. CBS wanted a plan for routinely traveling at light speed that become known as warp drive latter years expressed as hyperspace in the Star Wars franchise. Fans had a panoramic front seat vision of what it hyperspace would be like though Hans Solo's Cockpit window.
At one point in world war two the aircraft carrier Enterprise was the only carrier the Americans had. It was a lucky ship surviving crippling hits after crippling hits and survived the whole war intact. The final sequence of the credits of every star trek episode, ( Including the Next Generation, and Voyager ), the ships would stretch like a rubber band and snap forward disappearing into infinity a visual example of stationary observers observing a ship accelerating to light speed.
Details of the invention didn't immerge until the next Generation star trek movie called first contact. The plot was about the first successful test of warp drive ship ever by the inventor Zepheon Cockron. History was entangled with the Enterprise back in time to prevent the Borg invasion of earth, the crew of the Enterprise helped Zephron Cockron launch the first ever warp drive ship, and allow first contact of the Vulcan's to take place. The original idea of how the engine worked was well known as far back as the original series involving antimatter. What's antimatter?
Over eighty years ago an English theoretical Physicist Paul Diac proposed matter may have a mirror image of itself. The idea came to Diac from the crowing study of the particle physics of the atom called Quantum physics. Matter was well known to be made up of atoms seen as a cloud of outer orbiting particles called electrons orbiting at light speed scales round and round central core particles called neutrons and protons making up the nucleus of the atom.
The orbiting electrons were seen as a negative electrical charge the nucleus particle called a proton as positive and the other particle in the nucleus no charge. Daic proposed what if it was possible there are positively charged electrons and negatively charged protons. I can imagine the question what if electrons, and protons were neutral and neutrons were electrically charged?
The one thing classical physics and quantum physics has in common opposite charges react to each other. We can see this in action with magnets. We all find out about magnetism playing round with magnets discovering not only do they stick to one another but equally push each other away with some considerable equal force. It was once proposed the neutrality of the neutron in the nucleus isolated the protons from repelling each other. I'd imagine electrons repelling each keeps them circling at a velocity fast enough not to be attracted into the nucleus something similar to the velocity of the planets are fast enough from being pulled into the sun.
A hundred years on now a Danish physics Niels Bore was proposing a quantum physics solution of the orbiting electrons accelerated into the nucleus were quantum do not move smoothly but jump in and out only in their assigned orbits. They do not jump beyond the inner electron orbit. In the nineteen twenties lead by Borhr there was a great deal of debate about why the electrons were not attracted collapsing into the positive charge of the nucleus. Bohr's proposals has been the most preferred explanation up to this date..
Never the less a bar magnet free to swing in a sling acts as a comps. Think of the earth as a magnetized ball bearing. Allowed to swing freely will align themselves across the earth's magnetic north and south magnetic ends. One end "pushes" away from the north magnetic pole while the other end is "pulled" to the south magnetic pole in equal strengths lining up in that direction. Thus North and south seeking poles exist in all magnetic fields from horseshoe to magnetic spheres. North and south seeking magnetic fields is the key ingredient in electrical power generation power stations, dynamos, vehicle alternator electronics, electronics, loud speakers, microphones, all our digital telecommunications systems, internet, computers robotics and electronics.
Operating on the principle of like repel and unlike repel principle what happens when the positive charge of the protons occupy the same space? The same question with electrons. One way we can observe this if there was no neutrons in the nucleus. The positive charge would be free to repel the positive charge of the neighboring protons. Electrons are equally repelled by the negative charges of neighboring electrons. In other words saying like charges occupying the same space repelling each other. Theoretically exactly the same processes should be holding antimatter together.
The theory is if antimatter and mater is mixed the repelling forces of the positive protons in matter and the positive forces of the electrons in antimatter all occupy the same space. In theory all the like charges will repel each other. The result would be a light speed explosion of no matter or antimatter left in existence To prevent this from happening the Enterprises engines were designed to control the antimatter matter mix matter using the forces to eliminate inertia from the Enterprise making it equally in a weightless state as stationary when engaged in warp drive. What's inertia?
Isaac Newton's laws of force and motion " Where there is a force ( an acceleration ) there is an equal and opposite force acting on it" sheds some light on why light light is finite even when there is no resistance to oppose it in a vacuum like open space..
Most of us are familiar with the term G-force, the G's powerful muscle cars can produce. It is the weight we feel generated by the motion we experience pulling us back into our seats zero to a hundred kilometers per hour or so in less than a few seconds take off. Albert Einstein realized a horizontal force not unlike gravity but generated in motion called gravitational equivalence. Rolla Coasters would not be any fun with out the G's they generate. They can generate up to four kilograms of weight above the normal earth's gravity weighing us back into our seats. The G's are emphasized when hitting theses tight bends and curls without slowing down.
Imagine a riding a Rolla Coaster from zero to a distance of a hundred and sixty kilometers ( or a hundred miles if you like ) in a second. If we do the math's on this pans out to the equivalent G's of five hundred and seventy five thousand kilometers per hour, ( or three hundred and sixty thousand miles an hour if you like ) take off. If the speed of light was to accelerate from zero it would be the equivalent G's of ten thousand and eighty million kilometer per in a second take off. Imagine the weight of the Enterprise would be at light speed take off.
The Enterprise's engines are designed to control a antimatter mix with matter using the repelling forces of the like charges occupying the same space to generate a equivalent a reversing G-force on the forward going acceleration on the reversing G's as the Enterprise shoots forward. In other words the CBS scientific advisers had proposed illuminating the reversing G's of the forward going motion of the Enterprise making it as weightless as if it was motionless when it goes to warp at light speed.
As early as 1960 the BBC hit the British airways with Doctor who the opening theme probably the earliest video graphic example of hyperspace was like. It wasn't till 1966 CBS TV studio begin planning for a Star trek adventure. CBS wanted a plan for routinely traveling at light speed that become known as warp drive latter years expressed as hyperspace in the Star Wars franchise. Fans had a panoramic front seat vision of what it hyperspace would be like though Hans Solo's Cockpit window.
At one point in world war two the aircraft carrier Enterprise was the only carrier the Americans had. It was a lucky ship surviving crippling hits after crippling hits and survived the whole war intact. The final sequence of the credits of every star trek episode, ( Including the Next Generation, and Voyager ), the ships would stretch like a rubber band and snap forward disappearing into infinity a visual example of stationary observers observing a ship accelerating to light speed.
Details of the invention didn't immerge until the next Generation star trek movie called first contact. The plot was about the first successful test of warp drive ship ever by the inventor Zepheon Cockron. History was entangled with the Enterprise back in time to prevent the Borg invasion of earth, the crew of the Enterprise helped Zephron Cockron launch the first ever warp drive ship, and allow first contact of the Vulcan's to take place. The original idea of how the engine worked was well known as far back as the original series involving antimatter. What's antimatter?
Over eighty years ago an English theoretical Physicist Paul Diac proposed matter may have a mirror image of itself. The idea came to Diac from the crowing study of the particle physics of the atom called Quantum physics. Matter was well known to be made up of atoms seen as a cloud of outer orbiting particles called electrons orbiting at light speed scales round and round central core particles called neutrons and protons making up the nucleus of the atom.
The orbiting electrons were seen as a negative electrical charge the nucleus particle called a proton as positive and the other particle in the nucleus no charge. Daic proposed what if it was possible there are positively charged electrons and negatively charged protons. I can imagine the question what if electrons, and protons were neutral and neutrons were electrically charged?
The one thing classical physics and quantum physics has in common opposite charges react to each other. We can see this in action with magnets. We all find out about magnetism playing round with magnets discovering not only do they stick to one another but equally push each other away with some considerable equal force. It was once proposed the neutrality of the neutron in the nucleus isolated the protons from repelling each other. I'd imagine electrons repelling each keeps them circling at a velocity fast enough not to be attracted into the nucleus something similar to the velocity of the planets are fast enough from being pulled into the sun.
A hundred years on now a Danish physics Niels Bore was proposing a quantum physics solution of the orbiting electrons accelerated into the nucleus were quantum do not move smoothly but jump in and out only in their assigned orbits. They do not jump beyond the inner electron orbit. In the nineteen twenties lead by Borhr there was a great deal of debate about why the electrons were not attracted collapsing into the positive charge of the nucleus. Bohr's proposals has been the most preferred explanation up to this date..
Never the less a bar magnet free to swing in a sling acts as a comps. Think of the earth as a magnetized ball bearing. Allowed to swing freely will align themselves across the earth's magnetic north and south magnetic ends. One end "pushes" away from the north magnetic pole while the other end is "pulled" to the south magnetic pole in equal strengths lining up in that direction. Thus North and south seeking poles exist in all magnetic fields from horseshoe to magnetic spheres. North and south seeking magnetic fields is the key ingredient in electrical power generation power stations, dynamos, vehicle alternator electronics, electronics, loud speakers, microphones, all our digital telecommunications systems, internet, computers robotics and electronics.
Operating on the principle of like repel and unlike repel principle what happens when the positive charge of the protons occupy the same space? The same question with electrons. One way we can observe this if there was no neutrons in the nucleus. The positive charge would be free to repel the positive charge of the neighboring protons. Electrons are equally repelled by the negative charges of neighboring electrons. In other words saying like charges occupying the same space repelling each other. Theoretically exactly the same processes should be holding antimatter together.
The theory is if antimatter and mater is mixed the repelling forces of the positive protons in matter and the positive forces of the electrons in antimatter all occupy the same space. In theory all the like charges will repel each other. The result would be a light speed explosion of no matter or antimatter left in existence To prevent this from happening the Enterprises engines were designed to control the antimatter matter mix matter using the forces to eliminate inertia from the Enterprise making it equally in a weightless state as stationary when engaged in warp drive. What's inertia?
Isaac Newton's laws of force and motion " Where there is a force ( an acceleration ) there is an equal and opposite force acting on it" sheds some light on why light light is finite even when there is no resistance to oppose it in a vacuum like open space..
Most of us are familiar with the term G-force, the G's powerful muscle cars can produce. It is the weight we feel generated by the motion we experience pulling us back into our seats zero to a hundred kilometers per hour or so in less than a few seconds take off. Albert Einstein realized a horizontal force not unlike gravity but generated in motion called gravitational equivalence. Rolla Coasters would not be any fun with out the G's they generate. They can generate up to four kilograms of weight above the normal earth's gravity weighing us back into our seats. The G's are emphasized when hitting theses tight bends and curls without slowing down.
Imagine a riding a Rolla Coaster from zero to a distance of a hundred and sixty kilometers ( or a hundred miles if you like ) in a second. If we do the math's on this pans out to the equivalent G's of five hundred and seventy five thousand kilometers per hour, ( or three hundred and sixty thousand miles an hour if you like ) take off. If the speed of light was to accelerate from zero it would be the equivalent G's of ten thousand and eighty million kilometer per in a second take off. Imagine the weight of the Enterprise would be at light speed take off.
The Enterprise's engines are designed to control a antimatter mix with matter using the repelling forces of the like charges occupying the same space to generate a equivalent a reversing G-force on the forward going acceleration on the reversing G's as the Enterprise shoots forward. In other words the CBS scientific advisers had proposed illuminating the reversing G's of the forward going motion of the Enterprise making it as weightless as if it was motionless when it goes to warp at light speed.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Kona bike ute miniute brakes
Some cyclists feel unsafe with brakes at bit spongy the cause of a trend towards hydraulic brake bikes. Most of us never do like slack pulling up efficiency on any bike anyway. The cause is often by DIY ( do it yourself ) reassembly producers.
Fixing sloppy Kona ute and miniute brakes the manufacturer chose a mechanical disc brake brand Avid BB5 for their ute and mini ute cargo bike range. It is a mechanical system basically the same arrangement as any garden variety rim brake bike from the handle bar to the wheel calliper brake arm anchor points.
In dealing with the Kona ute and mini ute braking system we will be concentrating on the Avid BB5 brake system. When you squeeze the handle bar lever only one pad is pressed against the Rotor ( disc ). The opposing pad is fixed. The design means efficient breaking is ninety per cent is the adjustment of this fixed pad.
Slack braking is felt when this pad is adjusted to far away from the rotor. It doesn't press it properly the opposing pad pushes over the rotor potentially distorting the disc. Angled inner wire cables at the brake arm wheel end is also a cause. Angle and bends causes slack spring force to open the pads away from the rotor properly. The pads are half dragging on it. A sign of this is a disc with a ridge cut round the circumference of the rotor. Comparing new disc brake bikes is a clear initiation of what rotors should be.
Examining the inner wire cable anchored on the brake arm of rim and mechanical brake bikes at bike shops the inner wire cables are always straight. They are not slopping at any angle a clear initiation of what the inner wire cable should be anchored like.
If the wire cable is at an angle the inner cable needs to be disassembled from the brake arm, relocated so it is as straight as new bikes are. Missing inner cable end caps on the tip of the inner wire cable help cause fray problems when you come to reassemble the cable. You will always observe theses on the ends of the cable with all new bikes. They stop the ends of the wire cable from becoming fayed. They are an important anti fray device. Clamping down the anchor bolt without them in the finally assembly only helps to fray the end of the cable more.
It is often a reassembly mistake to apply wrapping a hook or eye round the stem of the bolt technique because the tightening distorts the cable crushing massive kinks it and breaks the individual strands leaving frays there rendering the cable beyond any safe use when you need to disassemble the cable again during regular routine maintenance or repair at some other date.
Examining new rim and mechanical disc brake bikes is vindication standard lock jamb is quite sufficient.
If the fray is minor with a missing anti fray tag you will have your work cut out for you with a lot of time consuming fiddling trying to avoid making the fray worse when it comes time to reassemble the cable. It's always recommended to fit new end before tightening down on the cable.
You will need an anti fray cap, and a meathead to clamp it on hand before you're ready to assemble tighten the cable down. If the tag is still connected you should have no problem. However you should be able to get away with minor frays if at the tip. But the bigger the fray the bigger the problems you will have. Replacing the inner wire cable and trimming frayed tips, a decent pair of side cutters for a clean snip off is important. Any other meathead frays the cable making things worse.
Adjustment is provided on the caliper bake arm and handle bars. If the handle bar adjusters are adjusted at maximum of close to it causes a fair bit of bending stress on the threads when squeezing the brake levers striping the adjuster threads. Squeezing takes it's tool. So too to a lesser extent the adjuster on the caliper. To prevent and solve this problem problem screw the adjusters all the way back to nil. You need to readjust the bake arm anchor bolt position.
The bike can either be left up right on it's wheels or turned upside down resting on the seat and handle bars it's up to you. Professional workshops have bike stands everything chest height both wheels off the ground. In a backyard situation with the bike upside down the wheels at lest are free to rotate when adjusting the pads to the disc. ( Or the rotor ).
An Allan key unlocks the anchor bolt holding the inner cable to the caliper brake arm. The arm will spring back to maximum distance.
Make sure to locate the wire so it going straight into the adjuster. Depending whether left or right handed and looking at the bake arm the bike upside down or if chosen the right way up, pull the tail of the wire to maximum taking up the slack and with the other hand free to push the bake lever moving the pad close to the rotor.
Give a little extra to compensate for the taking up slack cables tend to do when retightening. You will have a bend in the cable again bringing you back to square with effecting brake performance again. Not only that but causes extreme maximum handle bar adjustment problems again. Don't allow run out of adjustment or every time you squeeze the handle bar levers or will stress the threads again. Leave the handle bar adjusters screwed right back to nil. So to the caliper brake arm adjuster.
As you finger tight to hold it letting it free you will observe the cable takes up the slack pulling the extra closeness of the pad away from the rotor. Turn the wheel round to check you haven't over compensated for cable slack movement the pad is too close to the rotor. If it is a bit close for your taste you can fine tune from here. Fine tuning is the key to efficient braking. Undo just enough you can slip the cable a bit a retighten enough and double check on the wheel is free to spin.
Spin the wheel gripping the handle bar levers so the wheel jambs instantly to a stop. Remember to bear in mind all bike manufactures can't afford to allow severer brakes specially the front wheel in fear of back lash law suites riders going over the handle bars because the form wheel because their models front wheel locks up. It is the reason for criticism for the B55 not very efficient. As you hold the lever the wheel should be jammed in position. If this does not happen follow the text step
Turn you attention on the spoke side of the caliper. In the center is Allen key bolt. This adjustment adjusts the fixed brake pad. An Allan key through the spokes turning inward adjusts the fixed pad towards the rotor and screwing outwards away from it. Screw inwards finger tight on the rotor squeezing the handle bar lever checking the wheel is jammed by the pads.
Next gently unscrew outwards a little so the wheel is free to turn and spin freely. To far out will cause the spongy braking problem all over again. When the handle bars are squeezed you can actually drag the wheel against the squeeze of the handle bars. Adjust gain retracting back inward a bit. When you squeeze the handle bar lever again the wheel should suddenly jamb stop and can't move while the brakes a squeezed. When you release the levers the wheel will be free to spin freely.
When satisfied don't wrench the maximum tight the anchor bolt or you will start the processes of striping threads. Just a light wrench tight is enough.
When adjustment like this is carried out the original adjustment is disturbed and the brakes have to be run in again. This is usually done in time during normal braking procedures while riding. A popular trick to help hurry up the processes is a bit of sanding on the pads. This is usually a bit of a discretion on your part if the pads look a bit to warn down a bit for that. It is a decision processes based on your own judgment how much they can take.
As you use your bike you will notice braking power is satisfactory even great. Never the less in time you will experience a slack growing. It is a normal sigh of time for the routine maintenance procedures of adjust the slack cause by the normal ware stretching of the inner wire cable and on the pads.
After a while when the pads get to be a bit thin noticeable adjustments of the brakes the caliper brake arm gets close to the adjuster as the brake pads get closer and closer to the rotor eventually there will be no more margin left left in the pad surfaces causing the inside brake arm lever mechanism from working properly to work the moving pad. Time to replace.
Replacing brakes
When you come to remove the cover small parts can easily fall out and get lost. Or at lets spending all your time looking for them that could fall anywhere. It pays to put a catcher tray in direct line the parts may fall caching them so you don't loose them.
You don't need to remove the inner cable from the caliper anchor bolt. This can be ignored. Instead concentrate in unscrewing the fixed pad adjuster bolt out as far as it can go. You will find when you remove the wheel the pads won't interfere catching on the rotor. The wheel will come off just like that. The same Allen key that fits the cable fixed adjuster will fit the two bolts on the wheel side of the caliper. Don't be shy to put some weight on them to undo. But don't be rough unscrewing because of the aluminum threads. They must be with drawn out dead straight.
Once the bolts are withdrawn the cover comes off, one or both pads, along with the spring may fall into your catcher. Remember you are handling the brake pads from now on so your hands should be pristine clean to insure you don't transfer oil and crease to the oil absorbing pads and rotor.
Examining the spring is a “V” shaped steel spring as seem in the left picture each tip crumpled each end a "u" shape hook that fits in a slot in each pad. The spring is effectively sandwiched between them.
Notice the hole in the center of the pad. This refits to the corresponding peg in the covers. Make sure you reassemble the pad hole in the corresponding pegs in the caliper covers properly.
Reassembly is tricky as it is a bit fiddly. Fit a pad color side into the corresponding recesses in the caliper cover fitting the spring in the corresponding pad slot as shown by the left picture. Make sure the center hole is fitted in the peg properly
Correspondingly fit the other pad color inwards the cover recess guiding it hooking the tip of the spring into the hook in the slot of that pad.
Line up the cover to the threads. Careless fitting of the two bolts into theses threads here is the major cause of stripping the caliper threads rendering the bolts useless. Screw the bolts carefully dead straight with only fingers. Never force them with the spanner if they feel a bit tight. Carefully withdraw and jiggle the cover a bit so the bolts can finger screw with out any grinding tight feel freedom of movement.
The final tighten of the bolts is another area will strip the calliper threads. Don't wrench thinking maximum tightness. A light tug they can't and no more.
Adjust the brake arm the brake pads close with one hand sliding the brake arm up the inner wire cable while holding onto the tail of the inner wire cable adjusting the distance of the brake rubbers of rim brake bikes. In the case of a disc brake bike is a rather hit an miss a friar but can be judged pretty closely by eye eyeing down between the crack of the caliper the disc runs between. You will feel a bit of a struggle against the spring tension witch inevitably makes things difficult. Keep a firm tension on the brake arm.
Once you have the brake pads close enough you need to hold pretty steady against the spring tension or you will loose the adjustment because the brakes springs tend to spread creating to much slack in the inner cable when you tighten the nut. You will be back to square one with spongy brakes. Make sure the tension of the spring doesn't do that. One trick helps compensate.
Adjust the brake arm a little more closer up. By the time you tighten the anchor bolt enough you can let go and the spring tension will move apart slightly in compensation and you can tighten the nut.
A bend in the inner wire cable at the anchor point on the caliper lever can cause spongy braking. If this is the case the cable has to be disassembled and repositioned so the cable is going straight into the cable adjuster.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Angular momentum, light speed, centrifugal forces
There are those who believe black holes spinning at the speed of light has enough centrifugal force to open it into a ring space ships can safely travel tough gateways to other universes or the other side of this universe faster than light.
Light speed has always been the key ingredient to time travel as much as gateways to other universes. If we do the math's on this, the stress ( G's know as G-forces ) at that high velocity amounts to ten thousand and eighty million kmph, ( or six hundred and sixty nine million, six hundred thousand miles an hour if you like ) in a straight line projectary A spinning black hole at light speed is a motion moving the same distance as a straight line in an endless loop in a second.
Albert Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity is the key to what happens at light speed velocities in straight lines. Tantalizing clues are found if the straight line travel is endlessly lopped. The one thing we know for sure light travels a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers ( or a hundred and eighty thousand miles if you like ) we can all be pretty good at measuring.
If we observe a couple of strides the time we say "One thousand and one." we'd measured the distance of a meter in a second. By that time light ( taken in the zero resistance of space or any vacuum ) had traveled just under the latter distance ( or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles if you like) the distance light travels in the same second we walk a meter. In other words a meter per second velocity is a light second in every second. If we do the math's on this equivalent to three point six kilometers per hour walking velocity light travels the latter kilometers the same amount of time..
The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. If we do the arithmetic right our mathematical instinct agrees light travels three million meters by the time we walk one meter. We don't have to be Einstein's to agree is three million meters to one meter in the same amount of time ratio.
Operating on the principle believing time slows down at light speed three hundred thousand kilometers per second velocity would observe the universe take up to three hundred thousand seconds to travel the same distance. Our math's instinct agrees in other words three kilometers per second velocity, from our point of view light travels the same distance in a second. If we do the math's three hundred thousand seconds is equivalent to just under a long weekend. In other words from a light speed's point of view the universe travels three hundred thousand kilometers per a long weekend.
Einstein was the first person to predict what NASA's been using for the past sixty years training astronauts the weightlessness of space. When a plane noses dives fast enough the trainees inside the fuselage lift off the floor frolicking about in weightless fun. The earth's gravity is effectively canceled by the falling velocity. If fast enough they will be squashed into the roof. The earth's gravity is effectively changed. We see this in revolving space station wheels in science fiction movies.
Einstein predicted the opposite is true. If a plane climbs fast enough the earth gravity would equally be cancelled and if fast enough squash astronauts to the floor. Again the earth's gravity inside the fuselage is changed from the climbing velocity. In other words a body fast enough become a an antigravity device like Rolla Casters. We all experience the weight of a couple of kilograms pulling us back into our seats when accelerating. At their maximum speed limits the pull back weight dismisses to a constant during constant velocity.
We experience the same weight when we hit those tight bends and twist at their maximum speeds with out slowing down. The straight line velocity tries to take the car straight ahead. The bends and twists force it to change direction throughout whole maneuver. It's what makes Rolla coasters fun for a lot of people
Einstein was the first person to predict the weight of high velocity equivalent to a gravitational force we express today as "G-force" "counter thrust" or commonly "G's" In other words if a velocity is fast enough the G's distort the body with weight. He was the first person to realize the distortion compress inward on the moving body in the direction it is moving. Operating on the principle Imagine a Rolla Coaster accelerates a distance of hundred and sixty kilometers ( or a hundred miles if you like ) in a second. If we do the math's on this equates to a three thousand four hundred knmph take off in a second.
If we do the arithmetic on light speed considering it travels three hundred thousand kilometers per second pans out to ten a thousand and eighty million kmph take off in a second. Imagine the G's at that acceleration. Light would travel the latter distance by the time a one hour TV program.
Einstein discovered if you multiply light speed by itself then multiplied by the weigh of some matter ( or expressed as mass because of the earth's gravity exerted on the mass of a body in kilograms ) consistently projected the energy at light speed in this case Joules. In other words Joules equals kilograms times light speed squared, or more commonly E equals m c spared. The C stands in for the fact light speed is a constant. Einstein's equation shows a milligram of matter is more than enough to rival a nuclear bomb .All it takes is a milligram of properly processed uranium to produce several tens of kilotons of nuclear yelled.
In other words Einstein was predicting G's at light speed would produce that amount of energy. After all if we do the math's on this it's only a matter of G's at ten thousand and eighty million kilometers per hour velocity. The G's compress matter space and time rivaling that of the gravitational fields of black holes. Not only that compression produces heat that's why it will so hot at light speed in a vacuum. In fact the G's would be enough stress to rival the temperature of the surface of the sun.
In the second year of world war one Einstein was inspired to re-write the 1905 theory involving the distortion of a velocity today expressed as the General theory. In effect Einstein was saying the earth's gravity is nothing more the weight of it's mass distorting space no doubt coupled by the fact it's velocity as well. If the weight of a straight line velocity distorts then how would it behave like the earth constantly curving round the sun at such a velocity?
According to theory the velocity of the earth is not fast enough to pull itself into a straight line from the sun's gravity but fast enough momentum not to be pulled directly into it. Einstein realized the matter of stars and planets bend space. In reality shrinks it round entire circumferences. The bigger the planet ( or star ) the bigger the mass the more space is pulled in entombed by it. The one exception is black hole gravity. Right in the center is a mass of pure gravity a volume smaller than a particle of a atom called a singularity. It has enough pull light is not fast enough to escape. In theory any velocity beyond light might be able to, but certainly not light.
In a spinning disc the velocity is curved in a endless loop the weigh of the velocity constantly changing direction throughout the loop creating a constant force in attempting a straight line motion. We can observe the velocity of the spin with a straight radius from the center to the edge. The end of the radius at the edge of the disc measures three hundred and sixty degrees angles in an amount of time from a second to many millions a second using a revolution per second as a model.
The radius marks the point the circumference in an endlessly rotating three hundred and sixty degrees. If we open out the circumference to a straight line the equivalent to the same straight line distance endlessly repeating every second. The frequency of a second every division is the reciprocal of three hundred and sixty three, three hundred and sixtieth second the radius moves every division. If the revolution increased the circle is spinning faster. When it gets to a point of many times per second the G's builds up. Of course this depends on the length of the circumference of the circle.
If we take light in an endless loop at light speed would have to be a three hundred thousand kilometer circumference. It is the maximum distance of the circumference and speed it could circle every second. The frequency can't go any faster. The circling speed is taped out assuming a flat circle. Space is not flat because of a three dimension depth where no such thing as up or down only left and right away from us and away behind us in every possible direction into infinities. No matter witch direction we turn there is always infinity towards and away behind us. This means the boundaries of the a singularity and the subsequent event horizon should be seen as spherical in nature. So what would be the imprecations of a spinning sphere?
If we measure a piece of string round the rim of a glass we are measuring a flat single dimension circle. If open to a straight line and take a measurement with a straight ruler we are measuring the circumference of the circle of the glass. We can apply the same with a sphere such as a ball. All straight lines are a reflection of circles and circumferences of spheres because we can roll them into circles and circumference. A reference point on a spinning circle is a reflection of a straight line traveling a set distance in an endless loop. The bigger the circle the more distance it has and vice versa the the less distance.
If we draw a couple of flat circles inside each other on pepper we can see the implications of the distances each circle travels. The circles show each one has a distance to travel round to complete a single rotation. We can't imagine any marry go rounds traveling so fast enough to allow throwing everybody off. But that's what would happen. Never the less, the center can demonstrate a person can easily have safe refuge because the G's would be concentrated in the distance the edge is traveling round. The person will experience minimal if not no G's at all. It illustrates how there is no G's in the center of a spinning circle.
In the case of spheres it is a line drawn round the outside of a glass sphere effectively cutting it in half no matter what angle we view it. We can drew another one that make a cross on the clear glass ball. No matter which angle we rotate it the lines are dividing the share in half and quarters. If we draw in three hundred and sixty we would cover our bases for every angle. Things are completed if we are to cover our bases with with every angle for the straight line of the radius ( from the center to the edge ) inside the clear sphere.
Anybody who knows the geometry of circles well will be familiar with what is called ( pie ) pi. that can be applied calculate the circle of circling motion Bear in mind black hole are spheres of pure gravity at the very center smaller than a particle of the atom weighing well over trillions of times stronger than the gravitational pull ( mass ) of our sun.
If we review the geometry try this experiment. Cut a piece of string round a ball, cut to size and open the string to a straight line. Measuring the length of the string equals the circumference of the ball showing the curved circumference curved equal the same length when the string is opened out to a straight line. In other words straight lines are an reflection of the circumference of all spheres.
If we measure a piece of string round a can ( a cylinder ) cut to size opening to a straight line we measuring across the can, we can dived divisions on the string with a felt tip pen and roll back into the circle will automatically measure each division in the circle.
We can measure the circumference any sphere rolled into a circle will go across it the same circle, once, twice three times with a little bit more left over about about a seventh. A pen and paper or any two dollar calculator will show pi equals one divide seven add three. ( 3.142857 respectively ) accurate to only to three decimal places called pi ( pie )
Calculators tell us the decimal value as far as the screen allows means the decimal value is never ending. Mathematicians have been trying to find the end of the value for centuries. You'll find Gunnies book of record entries of individuals who have recited pi to thousands of decimal places off the top of their heads. In our case case we normally round off to one dived Seven plus three value. Straight line strings rolled into circles represent straight line circumference as guides.
Using the law of mathematics we can apply to any straight line when rolled into a
circle divided by pi Rechecking the diameter of a can will agree across a sphere of the
same circumference. Circle diameters
equals straight lines over pi
We can use the law of mathematics from another angle to determine the straight line of a circumference
opened to a straight line. Straight lines equals diameter times pi We can look at another angle were pi times the diameter
Like clock arms from the center to the edge of the circle is a radius. Spheres are no
different when from the center to the inside edge
Light is not a line. It is a single spread sheet of the entire universe every second. gravity displaces light as it passé across the universe. We view form a straight line perspective. We see evidence of light bent observing in zig-zag out of shape straws in glass jars. In the same way light is bent by gravity. The smooth curve we observe is extremely fin zig-zags we can't see with our eyes.
We can not only apply all the pi formulae to measure the radius of a sphere but also the entire sum of the spinning sphere measuring the full revolution though time as we do with earth in a 24 hour period in this case the volume of a black hole on alight speed scale.
Knowing the length of a radius the diameter can be found by doubling the length times pi giving the circumference of the circle and correspondingly a circumference of the sphere.
Quantum Physics tells us the radius in the center of a black hole ( the singularity ) cannot be any shorter than a Planck constant. A Planck constant, a number with a zero point thirty nine zeros on the right of six two eight, a total of a forty three decimal number figuratively speaking expressed as six point two six times ten to the minus forty third power. Mathematics says the reciprocal is the same number of zeros on the left of the same numbers making it a forty three digit number in the positive direction. The tiny size is smaller than the smallest particle of the atom where atoms no longer exist.
If the Planck constant is anything to go by the singularity would be equivalent to a ball of pure compressed gravity the volume of the Planck constant weighing in at an equivalent of a Planck constant in the positive kilotons heavy scale.
Singularities are believed to be born from only massive stars going supernovae. Earth size want cut it, far to small. It is believed a minimum of three to four times as large to create a singularity.
What we see of singularities is the mere effects of hundreds of thousands of km across disc the same color as space. We can only observe these black voids when it crosses the path of light. Astronomers have observed several flicker events indicating the presence of a roaming singularity. The edges of the same color of space huge disc is where light disappears called the event horizon. Since they are the same color as space singularities are effectively hidden by space. The closest we can come is the effects of light registered at the edge of the event horizon.
The event horizon area are not flat like text book or internet page illustrations but a three dimensional spheres. In terms of measurement any string round a any sphere measures the circumference. The string is effectively a circle. Mathematics divides circles into three hundred and sixty divisions. Taking a typical school protractor we can string the circle and opened out to a straight line.
If the string was marked with the protector divisions will align automatically every division in the straight line perfectly we can plot the circle of the protractor in a straight line. Of course when the straight line is rolled into the circle of the protractor is the same divisions in the straight line will perfectly align every division round the circumference of the protractor. The same string will fit round the the circumference of the sphere the same circumference of the protractor
The diameter of any sphere is a measurement from inside edge to to edge. We can clearly see this with a line edge to edge inside a class ball. Dividing in half will give the radius. In other words right dead center inside the sphere to the edge. If we can can swivel this straight line inside a class sphere shows us the job of the radius to measure the possible three hundred and sixty degree angles inside the sphere. As far as a singularity is concerned it will be enviably be six point two eight times ten to the forty three meters long.
If we do the math's on this equal to six point two six times ten to the minus forty one centimeters, or six point two six times ten to the minus forty millimeters respectively. A millimeter is just over a news paper sheet thickness. We can even give ten to the minus thirty seven micrometers.. Nano the size of our body cells ten to the minus thirty seven nanometer and so on.
If the Planck constant and pi calculating the volume of the singularity is anything to go by defines the whole geometry of black holes. There is a impasse with name of a hundred and one digit number, one and a hundred zeros ( ten to the power of a hundred ) Goggle. The reciprocal is ten to the minus hundred that is, one divided by ten a hundred times. The Planck constant is supposed to be the smallest value of the universe. It defines the radius and if think in terms the singularity as a sphere of compressed gravity we can including pi we can work out the details. If nothing can be any smaller than a Planck constant goggle can't compete let a lone infinite, Another simple fact.
Text books tell us nothing can go faster than light, yet when it comes to wormhole travel and gravity this idea is often amended. One of the classic examples of faster than light is the sun's gravity capturing Pluto in orbit in real time. The distance is way, way beyond three hundred thousand kilometers. If gravity is not faster than light then capturing Pluto in orbit in real time from such a vast distance perhaps we should amend nothing can exceed light speed except gravity.
It is believed if a black hole spins at the speed of light there will be enough centrifugal force to open a aperture forming a ring a wormhole forms providing an entrance for space ships can safely enter exiting the other end into another universe. Although seems a logical assumption there are laws of circular motion and incredible counteracting G forces at work to pull it off that tell us it is not as simple as that.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Google number
The internet Search engine goggle is the name of a hundred zero number. The term was coined in 1938 by a nephew of an American mathematician Edward Kasner. Kasner was inspired to publish the concept in 1940 titled "Mathematics and the Imagination".
In order to appreciate this number think of one multiplied by 10 a hundred times. That is, one multiplied by ten is ten. Ten multiplied by ten is a hundred, a hundred multiplied ten, is a thousand, a thousand multiplied by ten, is ten thousand, ten thousand multiplied ten is a hundred thousand, a hundred thousand multiplied ten is a is a million, a million multiplied by ten is ten million, ten million multiplied by ten is a hundred million, a hundred million multiplied by ten is is a thousand million and that is only one multiplied by ten nine times.
In other words the number one has no zeros, one zero, two zeros, three zeros, four, five, and six zeros for a million respectively. There is no reason why not an indefinite number of zeros. One multiplied no times is one, multiplied by ten is once, multiplied ten twice, three four five six and so on and one multiplied by ten six times is a million. In other words a seven digit number one and six zeros.
If we continue with multiplying seven times is ten million and so on. A zero is added every time we multiply by ten. Ten million is one multiplied by ten, seven times and a hundred million is one multiplied by ten eight times respectively. In some calculators, our computers and mobile phones with calculators we can enter ten then tap the multiply key twice toggling the equals key ( = ) many times that keeps adding zeros as many as the device allows.
Two dollar calculators has only a maximum of seven zeros which will be one and an eight digit number one and seven zeros. Bulky desk top calculators can go high as a thirteen digit number ( One and twelve zeros ). We need a lot more than that for a goggle. Beyond a thirteen digit number we need scientific notation called powers used in scientific calculators. A power for one for example is one multiplied by zero that as one has no zeros.
If we do our arithmetic a one with a a zero is one zero. A hundred is one with two zeros. A thousand is one with three zeros ten thousand is one with with four, a hundred thousand is one with five and a million is one with six zeros respectively. One and seven zeros is ten million, one and eight zeros is a a hundred million and one with nine zeros is a thousand million and so on.
If we keep adding zeros one and ten zeros is ten thousand million, one and eleven is a hundred thousand million and a billion is one and twelve zeros and so on. As google has a hundred zeros there will be eighty eight to go giving a grand total of one multiplied by ten a hundred times giving us a hundred and one digit number.
Using scientific calculators we press what is called the exponent key ( EXP ) by first pressing one entering the key pressing a number. For example entering one pressing the exponent Key then entering five pressing the equals key ( = ) displays a six digit one and five zero number for a hundred thousand. Five thousand million for example is entering one entering the EXP key entering fourteen entering the equals key. It is essentially five zeros of five hundred thousand and plus the nine zeros of a thousand million.
In print these are a ten with a little razed number just to right. A million is ten with a little razed six a seven digit number one with six zeros and a billion is a thirteen digit number one with twelve zeros ten with a littler razed twelve and so on. Ten thousand is a billion a fourteen digit number one with thirteen zeros, a thousand billion billion, a fifteen digit number one with fourteen just to the right of the ten. Ten to the fifteen is a sixteen digit number one with fifteen zeros a million billion. A trillion is a nineteen digit number one with eighteen zeros ten with a little razed eighteen respectively.
Ten to the power of nineteen is just a mere ten trillion no where near goggle. A twentieth power is only a hundred trillion. The twenty-first at is a only a mere thousand trillion. The twenty-second power only a mere hundred thousand trillion. The twenty third power is only a a hundred thousand trillion. The twenty-third power is only a million trillion and the twenty-fourth power is only ten million trillion respectively.
So far that's only quarter way to a hundred zeros another twenty-five or multiplied by twenty-five more times to go to tot he power of a a hundred which is only half way to goggle.
Ten to the fifty. It still leaves fifty zeros short to be a goggle ten to the hundred successively multiplied by ten hundred times. Normally a number as big as this has no particular significance in ordinary math's. Not when it comes to atomic particle physics and the vast distance of the universe it's not.
All in all Edward Kasner had illustrated goggle demonstrated ultimate of big numbers doesn't stop there. If we multiply the hundred zeros in goggle by ten we have a thousand and one digit number number, one and a thousand zeros. It is even possible to multiply goggle by itself called Google squared resulting in a ten thousand and one digit number one a ndd ten thousand zeros called a googolplex.
Kasner went on to demonstrate there is no reason why not we can have, more ten thousand digit numbers, ten to the million, ten to the billion ten to the billion, or ten to the trillion goggle's which is indecently is no where near infinite in doing so achieved an excellent illustration numbers can project a number is possible number of stars in the universe for the cliché "there are more stars in the universe than all the grains of sand (including the worlds deserts) in the worlds beaches" let a lone all the atoms in every star.
Mathematics tells us a reciprocal is the same number but as a fraction. For example the reciprocal of ten is a tenth which is one divided by ten equals zero point zero one. Or the reciprocal of a thousand is four decimal zeros and divided by ten three times. In other words if we take a million transposing the zeros to the right of one gives us a millionth. We can apply the same with hundreds of millions of trillion zero number. These are called minus powers where there is a little razed take away sign just to the left of the little razed power.
Positive powers is the one on the "right" of the zeros and minus powers is the one on the right of the same number of zeros. A number like five hundred and fifty four is a positive five hundred and fifty, and in the minus the same number one divided by ten five times equals three decimal zeros on the right of a hundred and fifty four a six digit number. The reciprocal brings us back to the same number. So 0.0000554 and 554 are reciprocals of each other.
The law of mathematics tells us five hundred and fifty four multiplied by the minus version gives us one respectively. In other words five hundred and fifty four in the positive the same number in the minus five hundred and fifty fourth of one. Operating on the principle finding the reciprocal of any number is simple. 1 divide what ever number weather a whole positive or decimal fraction. In some calculators we can toggle back and fourth the minus key the same numbers.
This makes it all possible to use basic arithmetic in a branch of science of the sub atomic particles of the atom called Quantum physics, known as quantum or temporal mechanics.
In 1900 a German Physicist Max Planck announced he had figured out a mathematical unit for matter, length, time and energy as the smallest units in the universe. This number is six point two, six times ten to minus forty three named after him expressed as a Plank constant. In other words six point two six is divided by ten forty-three times giving a forty three decimal value, six two six on the right of forty zeros. In other words a Planck constant is the length of ten to the minus forty three of a meter, a second, a joule of energy or of a kilogram of matter.
As the reciprocal tells us the forty-three zeros on the right of six, two, six transposed to the left gives the same constant only in the positive value. The molecules that make up matter are as tiny as ten to the minus fifteen. The atoms that make up the molecules are as tiny as ten to the minus twenty-five. The particles that make up the atom are smaller still. The particles that make up the particles of the atom yet again smaller. Think of the reciprocal of a trillion.
If this seem a bit mind boggling think of it this way. Typical school rulers measure the thickness of a common news paper page in the standard metric system prefix unit micro for a millionth called a micrometer. A micrometer is ten to the minus six of a meter. Microscopes see our body cells in nanometers ten to the minus nine of a meter.
The reciprocal of ten to the minus forty three is ten to the power of forty-three. For example ten to the power of forty three in the positive value Planck seconds equals a second. In other words a second is divided into ten to the forty three units, As you can see ten to the forty third power is no where near ten to the hundred of a goggle.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Writing on the web with blogs for beginners
Successes comes to those who a plan. These days there are free blogs are available ideal budget help. Cell phones interfaces are far two small for any serious work. the Blogs are basically journals designed for columnists. Anybody can set one up for themselves typing in any operating system's browser search field bar any search engine. When the home page displays type creating a blog. When the search result page displays there is a list of option links found. Checking the descriptions one can click a link that sounds promising.
A sequence of setting a free account involves email address and personalized pass words. Follow the blog instructions. Some blogs may require users to go into their email to complete the account from there, while others are pretty well straight forward.
Until the user's computer learns the habits of the user address and pass words the used their blogger a protocol have to sign in to access writing and editing often expressed as a dashboard every time opened. When the system knows who the user is automatically by passes this protocol and open directly ready for work. The dashboard is an on line What You See Is What You Get ( WSIWIG ) html editor program.
Blogs allow users the flexibility to name the post anytime. This leaves them free for body text title inspiration. Using words from the main text is ideal visitor keywords at any time after the main page is started. Using the body text for the title blogs are easily found because the title and keywords will be in relevant context with the main text otherwise not easy.
Some blogs want let users proceed until they choose the next step in planning the blog. Once the template is chosen will be all set. From then on every time opening the dashboard page the saved template in the dashboard ready to go. Users using their operating system's button identifier system helps them families the buttons. Just rest the mouse pointer on any unfamiliar button for a second or two will do the tick.
The WISWIG is a basic skeleton text formatting program that only includes the basic html, headings, font size, font color, font type, bold, italic and underline left, center, right align and background color will only be available. Other features include redo and undo buttons, ( unfamiliar with these the operating system identifier system can help ) image and video insert buttons and a spell checker.
There is compose and html buttons you can switch allowing users to paste from a word pad straight into the blank blog page. In some blogs user's pasting an original html script the paragraph tags (
) are replaced with the break ( br/ ) tags in every paragraph. In some The blogs their basic WISWIG doesn't recognize XHTML stylesheet formatting so are limited to just what users can do here.
Most blogs use what is called inline stylesheet principle. This type of html formats at the beginning of every line. It is import to make sure there is a end font tag (
just a right leaning slash and the front of font ) at the end of your formatting or the WISWIG will format all the text the same.
The easiest way to assesses the html is to use the font formatting tool bar a few formatting samples in the compose mode and switch to the html mode and compare the html. An example of in line formatting used by blogs will be something like this. Strong is a term for bold.text between these two right and left pointing two brackets
With blogs users never need to upload html as the traditional web page File Transfer protocol (FTP) system. Fortunately operating system's cut, copy and past system's is available tied in with the dashboard interface. Users can past a pre-finished copy to the blank dashboard page just as they would transferring from one page to another in their own computer file system. All that needs to be done is to click the publish post button. Posts are always there stored in the sever waiting for visitors.
Using public connections like cyber cafes, café and public libraries and free wif-fi services may experience some fast connections one day and extremely slack connections another. Sometimes when a user click onto the publish button nothing happens. It is a sign the wif-fi supplier has disconnected.
Fortunately modern computers saves the dashboard users can reconnect the wi-ffi connection while the user re-connects the service and resume with publishing the blog.
World war one
If you read your history when Germany declared war on Serbia there was a great celebration incitement by the German
public generally quiet for France though. When Briton entered the war the public on both sides greeted
it with a great hurrah.
Albert Einstein was studying in Berlin at the time was one of the few individuals who was disappointed. A famous photo of a hat cheering crowed young Adolph Hitler in the centre shearing the enthusiasm. Henry Ford was destined to send a piece envoy to Europe in favour of piece. and Winston Churchill was the lord of the British admiralty.
I blame both Germany and Britain's public's support for that war. If there was no support on both sides things may have slowed the outbreak quit considerably. By the time the out break of the second a significant attitude of the general public on both sides had noticeably changed. There was very little enthusiasm. The General feeling for this war was sober to say the lest. American attitude was just a foot not of media interest.
By Vietnam there was a complete reverse spin of the world of world war one attitude. Politics rarely had little to do with the first and a lot to do with the second with appeasement to prevent it by the then British prime minister Navel Chamberlain and by Vietnam it was only government policy.
It is a stark contrast of the public attitude at the outbreak of the first war to today. Modern United Nations frowns on warring war lords. There's great resolution about controlling atrocities and bringing to justice crimes against humanity unheard of when the first world war began.
The holocaust of the Jews in Europe Hitler and his cronies probably would have had a terrible time with modern amisty International and United Nations attitude. The German government would have peen badged by out cries of human right violations. No doubt things would have been different if Hitler had Winston Churchill to recon with if Churchill was in power in the thirties.
The press was bringing up to date of reports of political upheaval going on in German post world war two. The modern United Nations and amisisty International attitudes would have politically harassed the Nazi parties for their policies with the Jews. Today's attitude is close to back off threats with human rights violations. The powerful organizations attitudes probably would have prevented the holocaust.
Today's public doesn't understand why the public of Europe kicked off world war one with such great hurrah. If their was no public support I don't think the war would have got off the ground so fast. I blame to much enthusiasm of individuals that made up the public and military at large not "mankind" for that war. "Their enthusiasm supported world war it for themselves."
It was with great enthusiasm, a characteristic carry over warring nature of the last centuries letting war lord politicians get away with ordering the begging of the first world war. One can't compare with the worlds modern public attitudes towards war to those days. The modern United Nations frowns on war lord mentality in any country.
Historians often reference the roots can be traced back to the 1870 -71 Franco- Prussian war. France was intimated by Germany taking away her colonies when she lost them. I don't think it was anything to do with the war itself. I blame the far to much enthusiastic incitement of individuals in the public, before, during and after the 1870-71 war. I don't think the war had anything to do with anything. It was really motivated by just to much enthusiasm of the adventure for war.
It's hard for today's public to understand the enthusiastic attitude of the masses at the time world war 1 was decaled on both sides. Never had their been so many conscientious objectors in anti-war demonstrations tolerated in the history of war since Vietnam compared to the day world war 1 began.
One of the most famous pacifist was Avis Presley. He was imprisoned for a while for his belief. Conscientious objectors where never tolerated during the first world war like it was during Vietnam.
I recon a lot to do it individual prideful behaviour tactics that kept the first world going The most famous British
individual at this was a bullying attitude by the military Generals justification in once remarked at Casualty
list in the thousands in one day alone
"What the hell does that mater? There's plenty more men in England".
With that attitude no wonder world war one continued on the way it
did. You had to have no conscious bullying attitude to take such a callous attitude and expect such
things. Their famous cliché's "It the price of war" as if that was good enough to justify throwing away means lives for a tactical
Today's amisty International and United Nations would never buy that
attitude today .
It seemed military personal too, in those days were just as bad to following the orders and in the Generals footsteps with
to much enthusiastic loyalty.
Apparently the attitude was not only from the military hierarchy but right down to the lowest of privates who considered fighting as glorious
adventure for King and country.
Army and navy was the only life. Pacifist and conscientious objectors attitudes was not tolerated as they are
today. In fact there's a 180 degree reverse spin with modern United Nations attitude to wars.
The big shots in governments in the early days of the 20th expected officers expected everybody to fight for their king and country no mater what. These were the days were zero tolerance to deserters shown strongly by
over enthusiastic bullying military staff members who often encouraged it for the sake of
loyal discipline, cruel and harsh punishments and accused of cowardice for minor absent without leave offences.
The things politicians in those days neglected and turned a blind eye to in human rights issues amististy International would throw a fit today.
Stories I've read were full of enthusiastic bulling officers often seemed arrogant and prideful. The attitude was ideally suited for military conquests for those days. I often wonder what it would have been like without that kind of buying emotion. If there were more unemotional intellectuals then fighters in the world in those days probably there would have been no desire for power.
The books I read often reminded me of an emotion that hates to loose and often craved revenge just because they believed wrong was done to each other like the all out uncontrollable tit for tat revenge tactics of the Israelis and Palestinians today.
Today the belief it's wrong to kill under any circumstance , is common, ironically very unusual at the start of world war 1.Even today the Israelis are not sick of the killing. Conscientious objections is highly well respected in the modern United Nations.
In the days world war 1 broke out once word got round a man was a pacifist conscientious objector, cruel bullying verbal abuse was common with both strangers and acquaintances branding them "cowards " -or worse.
The words conscientious objector become shorted to conchie, that become a term of abuse and many were stopped in the street with a loud and clear voice for everybody around to hear "Hey Conchie!" and handed the traditional symbol of cowardice a white feather.
Adducted in the navy whether you liked it or not was common place before well before the 20th century. Bullying officers made life tough for some sorry sailors. Often equally tough criminals came under the control of buying sergeants in the army. Unlike today abuse of power in the ranks was tolerated in those days.
From the moment Germany beaten France she began to be encouraged to expand into a leading world power.
Other country politicians were aware of Germany's new found ambitions Much as it is today with Israel and Palestine France paranoid of Germany's intentions French politicians ordered a preparation for war.
The French press public at large smarting at hurt prides at their countries loss, was determined to rally their movement to get back at the Germans some how by taking back Alsace and Larraine, and punishing Germany for it.
A classic " excuse" is clearly evident in news paper rhetoric criticizing Germany to the French people in the papers with the cliché attitude "So they will think twice about doing it again. That'll teach them. We'll give the Germans such a whipping they'll never forget" was common news paper rhetoric.
As with any bully's with prides as big as barge balloons, the German press was intimated and incensed at Frances news paper rhetoric. They pressured Germany's politicians for military build up to show France they'll be a force to recon with. News papers was full of paranoid pride with Russia being allied to France an all. So they began subspeciesly watching Russia very carefully.
Prides don't like being watched closely either. In turn the Russian press urged the governed to rally the army who watched closely Germany's intentions.
Instead of peaceful communication for peaceful solutions politicians were goaded by the press to demand all out war. The German Count Von Afred Schlieffen declared a plan in the German news papers in 1905,in the best interests of Germany the plan was if Germany did go to war it was planed to defeat France before France could take back Alsace and Larraine, first, than attack Russia before it can come to the defend of France.
In the meantime the British press saw if Germany invaded France it would have to go though Belgium. If Belgium was attacked the press was aware channel ports could fall into enemy hands. The press felt Britain was at risk from invasion.
Meanwhile the French press didn't like what they read in the German New papers to the German public. The sentiment was "who does he think he is with such out spoken rhetoric like that? We should take back what once belonged to us"
Meanwhile to secure Britain's Channel ports the British government backed by the press negotiated a treaty with Belgium to guarantee Belgium's safety if she was attacked.
Today maneuvering politicians rarely section assassination as a tool for their country to become powerful over others. In the days leading up to world war 1 it was exactly what was ordered. The aid of a young Serbian nationalist Gavilo Princip was enlisted to put a stop to the heir to the Austrian throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
It was an incident that put the future world war 2 dictator Adolph Hitler in the thick of the resulting war, that occurred on the 28th June 1914 when Archduke's car was fire bombed and missed. Principe stepping out from the crowed didn't miss.
With his pistil he shot the duke and his wife dead. Across Europe the press incited the public to blame everybody else for the act. The public didn't need any urging anyway. It was already carried away with the excitement.
Today the public and press blame terrorists vowing never to be intimated into a war with another country as big as the last ones. Today's wars are more like police actions under the watchful eye of originations like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations.
The Austrian press was in a mood for revenge. So to the German and Bavarian press backing their government's promise to help. The Russian press and it's people backed their government's pledge to it's support for the Serbs.
The British and French press now including the public at large cheered their governments at the commitment to the support of the defense of Belgium. Unlike today the press and public gave their governments blessing to politically bully and counter defiance rather than rational calmness.
In the meantime Hitler was in Munich. Life for the past several years for him was no picnic. He had this dream of being somebody one day.
When the incident occurred it razed his spirits. He wasn't the only one. So was the public at large. He was there when one individual standing on a pulpit incited war. The whole crowed was incited into an exited face lighted chanting razed fists punching air frenzy "War! War! War! War! War! War! War! War! War!" Such acts was potentially hypnotic. One can almost be hypnotized by the repeapition
Whole towns were doing the same thing. The public urged on by the press were celebrating a war with a great bravado, hurrahs and cheering. Marches of proud excitement looking forward to adventure and comardmanship all though country's small towns and cities. The public was cheering excited solders on the march with war reminiscent to the day people did world war 2 ended in Europe some 30 years later. Everybody was keen to muck in.
Fathers were often were proud their sons old enough to join up their son's joining up at the expense of the anguish of mothers their sons going of to war. Kids as young as 11 were expected to take an active interest in the resulting adventure of war. Solders gloated their countries would be the winners and be all over and they'll home before Christmas. That was quite a arrogant view point for their enemy solders were saying the same thing. Both sides were adamant they were in for a very short bash they would be the winners.
The German press rallied their reading public to rally Von Schlieffen's plan to be put into action. The government made their move on on the 2 August. Backed by the press urging the public on Germany bullied Belgium the right of passage through the neutral country to invaded France.
The Belgium press in turn was intimated by being bullied by Germany. It rallied the public to rally for their government to defiantly refuse. The Belgium government had no choice if it wanted to save face and refused.
As always with bullies, the German press and public didn't take that too kindly the news of refusal pressing the German government to act. So backed by the press and public at large on August 4th German troops invaded Belgium anyway.
As Britain was bound by the treaty if Belgium was attacked, latter the same day Britain had to honor it commitment declaring war on Germany. Germany declared war back on Britain and continued with the invasion of Belgium in defiance.
Country after country bullied each other to do as they were told or else and defied and bluffed each other in return. The European press and the public at large was in no mood for sanity that year. Nobody was looking at the foresight of what might go wrong.
It appears they didn't know anything about the cliché' often heard today by Murphy's law " What can go wrong will probably go wrong" Both sides were adamant they'll lick the other side other hands down winning the war by Christmas that year.
Hearing talk like that you'd though it was a safe place to be in a middle of a battle beating the enemy without anybody on their side being killed while killing enemy solders. It was a common optimism on both sides.
France, Britain, and Russia were all going to beat Germany. But not from the Germans point of view it wasn't going to be. Fourier was high they'll beat France, Britain and Russia by Christmas. Everybody thought they'll be the winners by Christmas. So with so much press and public support for war world 1 began with no opposition to it the way the public protested the Vietnam war today. It was unthinkable then.
Because Britain, France, including Germany had colonies round the world Australia, New Zealand Canada and plus India expected to become involved. America though remained a neutral county until the sinking of the civilian liner the Luthtainer taking American lives. It caused emotional outrage feelings from the public pressuring the present at the time to declare war on Germany.
Nobody it seems was in any mood to be calm and rational. Revenge for wrongs and lives lost seemed to had overridden, the cliché' we all know to well spoken by pacifists "Revenge won't bring back the dead." So what was the point in America getting involved?
Adolph Hitler survived being killed in action probably what lead to the second world war. The adventures of Adolph Hitler and world war takes up the story from here. No matter what history says, I believe there was to much enthusiasm in the public at large that brought world war 1 on themselves.
Albert Einstein was studying in Berlin at the time was one of the few individuals who was disappointed. A famous photo of a hat cheering crowed young Adolph Hitler in the centre shearing the enthusiasm. Henry Ford was destined to send a piece envoy to Europe in favour of piece. and Winston Churchill was the lord of the British admiralty.
I blame both Germany and Britain's public's support for that war. If there was no support on both sides things may have slowed the outbreak quit considerably. By the time the out break of the second a significant attitude of the general public on both sides had noticeably changed. There was very little enthusiasm. The General feeling for this war was sober to say the lest. American attitude was just a foot not of media interest.
By Vietnam there was a complete reverse spin of the world of world war one attitude. Politics rarely had little to do with the first and a lot to do with the second with appeasement to prevent it by the then British prime minister Navel Chamberlain and by Vietnam it was only government policy.
It is a stark contrast of the public attitude at the outbreak of the first war to today. Modern United Nations frowns on warring war lords. There's great resolution about controlling atrocities and bringing to justice crimes against humanity unheard of when the first world war began.
The holocaust of the Jews in Europe Hitler and his cronies probably would have had a terrible time with modern amisty International and United Nations attitude. The German government would have peen badged by out cries of human right violations. No doubt things would have been different if Hitler had Winston Churchill to recon with if Churchill was in power in the thirties.
The press was bringing up to date of reports of political upheaval going on in German post world war two. The modern United Nations and amisisty International attitudes would have politically harassed the Nazi parties for their policies with the Jews. Today's attitude is close to back off threats with human rights violations. The powerful organizations attitudes probably would have prevented the holocaust.
Today's public doesn't understand why the public of Europe kicked off world war one with such great hurrah. If their was no public support I don't think the war would have got off the ground so fast. I blame to much enthusiasm of individuals that made up the public and military at large not "mankind" for that war. "Their enthusiasm supported world war it for themselves."
It was with great enthusiasm, a characteristic carry over warring nature of the last centuries letting war lord politicians get away with ordering the begging of the first world war. One can't compare with the worlds modern public attitudes towards war to those days. The modern United Nations frowns on war lord mentality in any country.
Historians often reference the roots can be traced back to the 1870 -71 Franco- Prussian war. France was intimated by Germany taking away her colonies when she lost them. I don't think it was anything to do with the war itself. I blame the far to much enthusiastic incitement of individuals in the public, before, during and after the 1870-71 war. I don't think the war had anything to do with anything. It was really motivated by just to much enthusiasm of the adventure for war.
It's hard for today's public to understand the enthusiastic attitude of the masses at the time world war 1 was decaled on both sides. Never had their been so many conscientious objectors in anti-war demonstrations tolerated in the history of war since Vietnam compared to the day world war 1 began.
One of the most famous pacifist was Avis Presley. He was imprisoned for a while for his belief. Conscientious objectors where never tolerated during the first world war like it was during Vietnam.
The things politicians in those days neglected and turned a blind eye to in human rights issues amististy International would throw a fit today.
Stories I've read were full of enthusiastic bulling officers often seemed arrogant and prideful. The attitude was ideally suited for military conquests for those days. I often wonder what it would have been like without that kind of buying emotion. If there were more unemotional intellectuals then fighters in the world in those days probably there would have been no desire for power.
The books I read often reminded me of an emotion that hates to loose and often craved revenge just because they believed wrong was done to each other like the all out uncontrollable tit for tat revenge tactics of the Israelis and Palestinians today.
Today the belief it's wrong to kill under any circumstance , is common, ironically very unusual at the start of world war 1.Even today the Israelis are not sick of the killing. Conscientious objections is highly well respected in the modern United Nations.
In the days world war 1 broke out once word got round a man was a pacifist conscientious objector, cruel bullying verbal abuse was common with both strangers and acquaintances branding them "cowards " -or worse.
The words conscientious objector become shorted to conchie, that become a term of abuse and many were stopped in the street with a loud and clear voice for everybody around to hear "Hey Conchie!" and handed the traditional symbol of cowardice a white feather.
Adducted in the navy whether you liked it or not was common place before well before the 20th century. Bullying officers made life tough for some sorry sailors. Often equally tough criminals came under the control of buying sergeants in the army. Unlike today abuse of power in the ranks was tolerated in those days.
From the moment Germany beaten France she began to be encouraged to expand into a leading world power.
Other country politicians were aware of Germany's new found ambitions Much as it is today with Israel and Palestine France paranoid of Germany's intentions French politicians ordered a preparation for war.
The French press public at large smarting at hurt prides at their countries loss, was determined to rally their movement to get back at the Germans some how by taking back Alsace and Larraine, and punishing Germany for it.
A classic " excuse" is clearly evident in news paper rhetoric criticizing Germany to the French people in the papers with the cliché attitude "So they will think twice about doing it again. That'll teach them. We'll give the Germans such a whipping they'll never forget" was common news paper rhetoric.
As with any bully's with prides as big as barge balloons, the German press was intimated and incensed at Frances news paper rhetoric. They pressured Germany's politicians for military build up to show France they'll be a force to recon with. News papers was full of paranoid pride with Russia being allied to France an all. So they began subspeciesly watching Russia very carefully.
Prides don't like being watched closely either. In turn the Russian press urged the governed to rally the army who watched closely Germany's intentions.
Instead of peaceful communication for peaceful solutions politicians were goaded by the press to demand all out war. The German Count Von Afred Schlieffen declared a plan in the German news papers in 1905,in the best interests of Germany the plan was if Germany did go to war it was planed to defeat France before France could take back Alsace and Larraine, first, than attack Russia before it can come to the defend of France.
In the meantime the British press saw if Germany invaded France it would have to go though Belgium. If Belgium was attacked the press was aware channel ports could fall into enemy hands. The press felt Britain was at risk from invasion.
Meanwhile the French press didn't like what they read in the German New papers to the German public. The sentiment was "who does he think he is with such out spoken rhetoric like that? We should take back what once belonged to us"
Meanwhile to secure Britain's Channel ports the British government backed by the press negotiated a treaty with Belgium to guarantee Belgium's safety if she was attacked.
Today maneuvering politicians rarely section assassination as a tool for their country to become powerful over others. In the days leading up to world war 1 it was exactly what was ordered. The aid of a young Serbian nationalist Gavilo Princip was enlisted to put a stop to the heir to the Austrian throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
It was an incident that put the future world war 2 dictator Adolph Hitler in the thick of the resulting war, that occurred on the 28th June 1914 when Archduke's car was fire bombed and missed. Principe stepping out from the crowed didn't miss.
With his pistil he shot the duke and his wife dead. Across Europe the press incited the public to blame everybody else for the act. The public didn't need any urging anyway. It was already carried away with the excitement.
Today the public and press blame terrorists vowing never to be intimated into a war with another country as big as the last ones. Today's wars are more like police actions under the watchful eye of originations like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations.
The Austrian press was in a mood for revenge. So to the German and Bavarian press backing their government's promise to help. The Russian press and it's people backed their government's pledge to it's support for the Serbs.
The British and French press now including the public at large cheered their governments at the commitment to the support of the defense of Belgium. Unlike today the press and public gave their governments blessing to politically bully and counter defiance rather than rational calmness.
In the meantime Hitler was in Munich. Life for the past several years for him was no picnic. He had this dream of being somebody one day.
When the incident occurred it razed his spirits. He wasn't the only one. So was the public at large. He was there when one individual standing on a pulpit incited war. The whole crowed was incited into an exited face lighted chanting razed fists punching air frenzy "War! War! War! War! War! War! War! War! War!" Such acts was potentially hypnotic. One can almost be hypnotized by the repeapition
Whole towns were doing the same thing. The public urged on by the press were celebrating a war with a great bravado, hurrahs and cheering. Marches of proud excitement looking forward to adventure and comardmanship all though country's small towns and cities. The public was cheering excited solders on the march with war reminiscent to the day people did world war 2 ended in Europe some 30 years later. Everybody was keen to muck in.
Fathers were often were proud their sons old enough to join up their son's joining up at the expense of the anguish of mothers their sons going of to war. Kids as young as 11 were expected to take an active interest in the resulting adventure of war. Solders gloated their countries would be the winners and be all over and they'll home before Christmas. That was quite a arrogant view point for their enemy solders were saying the same thing. Both sides were adamant they were in for a very short bash they would be the winners.
The German press rallied their reading public to rally Von Schlieffen's plan to be put into action. The government made their move on on the 2 August. Backed by the press urging the public on Germany bullied Belgium the right of passage through the neutral country to invaded France.
The Belgium press in turn was intimated by being bullied by Germany. It rallied the public to rally for their government to defiantly refuse. The Belgium government had no choice if it wanted to save face and refused.
As always with bullies, the German press and public didn't take that too kindly the news of refusal pressing the German government to act. So backed by the press and public at large on August 4th German troops invaded Belgium anyway.
As Britain was bound by the treaty if Belgium was attacked, latter the same day Britain had to honor it commitment declaring war on Germany. Germany declared war back on Britain and continued with the invasion of Belgium in defiance.
Country after country bullied each other to do as they were told or else and defied and bluffed each other in return. The European press and the public at large was in no mood for sanity that year. Nobody was looking at the foresight of what might go wrong.
It appears they didn't know anything about the cliché' often heard today by Murphy's law " What can go wrong will probably go wrong" Both sides were adamant they'll lick the other side other hands down winning the war by Christmas that year.
Hearing talk like that you'd though it was a safe place to be in a middle of a battle beating the enemy without anybody on their side being killed while killing enemy solders. It was a common optimism on both sides.
France, Britain, and Russia were all going to beat Germany. But not from the Germans point of view it wasn't going to be. Fourier was high they'll beat France, Britain and Russia by Christmas. Everybody thought they'll be the winners by Christmas. So with so much press and public support for war world 1 began with no opposition to it the way the public protested the Vietnam war today. It was unthinkable then.
Because Britain, France, including Germany had colonies round the world Australia, New Zealand Canada and plus India expected to become involved. America though remained a neutral county until the sinking of the civilian liner the Luthtainer taking American lives. It caused emotional outrage feelings from the public pressuring the present at the time to declare war on Germany.
Nobody it seems was in any mood to be calm and rational. Revenge for wrongs and lives lost seemed to had overridden, the cliché' we all know to well spoken by pacifists "Revenge won't bring back the dead." So what was the point in America getting involved?
Adolph Hitler survived being killed in action probably what lead to the second world war. The adventures of Adolph Hitler and world war takes up the story from here. No matter what history says, I believe there was to much enthusiasm in the public at large that brought world war 1 on themselves.
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