The speed of light is the distance light travels just under 300,00km by the time we say one thousand and one. Sunlight we see now is what the sun was just under 8 minutes ago every second.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Force and motion
The subject is written to help slow persons that have lack of knowledge and inexperience due to limited connective grasp of written text.
Albert Einstein biographers record he had once had an inspiration a person falling doesn't feel their weight. Not when we experience the final collision with the immovable object of the earth ( or ground if you like ) it wouldn't be the person.
Impact always means a testimony we are not exactly weightless when falling. The famous 16th century scientist Isaac Newton described stationary is not in any motion will remain not in motion indefinitely. Even though it doesn't take much to move a supermarket car park shopping trolley will always wait patiently stationary for the next shopper. In fact when it comes to motion a common theme with both Einstein and Newtown laws of motion. One of Newton's laws says once moved a body will travel in a straight line indefinitely holds true for asteroids, planets and stars because of the zero resistance of space. A body lunched out of a space station hatch for example will not stop.
Einstein realized an accelerating body has a property of becoming heavier and heavier the faster it is accelerated. It is expresses in Newton's third law body's resist being moved expressed as an inertia. It is the properties all boy's in motion has felt as a force. Think of the stomach churning Rolla Coaster acceleration forces weighing us back into our seats specially when hitting those tight twist and curves with out slowing down often expressed as the Rolla coasters G's ( G-force ) In fact what we feel is little heavier than we experience the earth's gravity normally. If we do the math's on this the equivalent of a couple kilograms ( or pounds per square inch of pounds force if you like ).
Motor vehicle workshop manual conversion tables in the front or back pages include common weights and measures plus the scientific ones for forces, pressure, and torques ( moments of intense acceleration ) in imperil pounds and metric metric table conversions including Pascal's, bars and Newtown's. Using the metric prefix unit mili ( mill-lee, for a thousandth ) and pounds, grams and kilograms. Tiny measures include printed on vitamin and mineral jars as milligrams ( mill-lee cram a thousandth of a gram ) and micrograms ( Micro for a millionth of a gram ) respectively ).
The manual conversion tables are handy. According to a table one Newtown equals in terms the earth gravity's pull on a body weighing on a scale just over three and a half imperil ounces of rest mass. This is a rest mass. Rest mass has as much energy stationary as moving expressed as a potential energy. A conversion to metric grams table is available for use in converting to impearl ounces then there is Newtown's conversion tables readily available. The standard metric system tells us a thousand grams equals a kilogram and where a thousand kilograms equals a metric tone respectively. All in all, mass the force of gravity a body has given a gravitational field ( earth if you like ) ranging from less than a microgram mass of victims and minerals in our blood stream to over several thousand tone supper tanker.
The earth's gravity is constantly pulling everything we hold in our hands which Newton described as an in ( or downward ) pull force on the mass of a body. Officially the force of the earth's gravity is Newtown's but if we use the terms kilograms per square centimeter ( or pounds per square inch if you like ) compressing force expressed as kilogram or ponds force for both stationary as well as in motion.
Einstein's idea of gravity the mass of planets and stars bend space, in this case shrinking it in an inward pull round the entire circumferences much the same way water pressure presses in on all directions in award crushing pressure on a submarine. The pressures are so great they crush submersibles inwards like a bug in less than a second. The mass of a planet ( or star ) experiences a similar pressure in this case many billions of times heavier than a supper tanker.
Mathematics projects if we weigh a kilogram bar ( or just over 2 pounds if you like ) on a scale celebrated for the earth's gravity in kilograms say, on the surface of the moon will show just over 967 grams lighter weighing in at a total of only 33 grams. In terms of Newton's equivalent in the weight and measure conversion tables in the motor manuals are available. The bottom line everything on the moon weighs a third as light than on the surface of earth.
If we invert that, it is clear everything on the surface of the moon weighs a third as heavy on the surface of earth respectively. 33 grams on the moon for example will weight a kilogram on the surface of earth. In open space the scale will read no weight. This tells us the earth's gravity is a third stronger than the moon. The Pounds, grams and Newton conversion tables are all available for the curious and those who love doing math's can prove it drawing up simple formulas from the manual's tables. They will prove a third of a kilogram weighs 33 grams on the moon and a third of 33 grams weighs a kilogram on the surface of earth respectively.
The law of classical physics tells us the physics of sky diver motion are not moving before they jump form planes so have the potential energy rest mass energy. When they exit despite the air resistance by Isaac Newtown's definition the earth's mass ( the earth's gravity if you like ) snatches at the diver spread eagle accelerating clear of the plane seemly floating in mid air pulled to the surface of the earth.
The earth's mass accelerates there weight up to 320kmph ( 200mph if you like ) in less than a quarter minute and stop accelerating the latter as a constant velocity expressed as a terminal velocity. Terminal velocity means acceleration is terminated to the constant velocity where the diver cannot travel any faster. When the parachute opens air current pulls them upwards with a force in several meters in seconds.
With out a Parachute impact with the ground is their weight traveling at terminal velocity dissipating though their body in a second stop equivalent to several times the earth's gravity. In terms of kilograms several dozen kilograms per square centimeter ( or pounds per square inch if you like ) of temporary gravitational compression dissipating to the normal rest mass in a second.
There is a facture involved in the zero resistance of any vacuum that acts just like resistance weighing acceleration down to a constant velocity where a body can't travel any faster. Every accelerating body in a vacuum encounters no resistance where they eventually can't accelerate any further. For example the earth is encountering no resistance in space traveling no faster than 107,000kmph ( 172,163mph ) orbit velocity round our closest star. ( Or our sun if you like ).
The earth's inertia prevents it from traveling any faster cosmologically relative to Isaac Newtown's law of force and motion on a moving planet's inertia "where there is a force there is an equal and opposite force". A body lunched from a space station will accelerate to high velocity and stop accelerating to constant velocity indefinitely. Where there is no resistance there is a weighing down property in the mass that eventually can't accelerate any faster. Mercury for example the closest planet to the sun doesn't even break this rule. It's mass has enough inertia that weighs it's velocity to a maximum speed limit of 170,000kmph orbit.
In still summer nights our galaxy is viewed as a beautiful stretch of an array of stars. We are actually viewing the stars in the spiral edge of a spiral galaxy. Recent measurements has indicated the sun doesn't travel any faster than 914,000kmph in this spiral arm. Even our galaxy has a maximum speed limit it doesn't travel the universe any faster than it does. A common theme for out of space there is no such thing as stationary. Everything is in a constant state of zero resistance maximum momentum speed limits. All bodies do not travel any faster than their constant velocities.
Back on the surface of earth a few kmph ( or mph ) velocities is keenly felt as weighing back on the velocity feeling. We feel the stress of the motion of production muscle cars accelerating 0 - 90kmph ( 60mph ) in a couple of seconds acceleration. Drag race cars can do little better terminating acceleration at 400kmph in about 7 seconds. Skydivers routinely over come the air resistance terminating accelerating up to 300kmph in less than quarter minute. What we would call G's would be a couple of kilograms heavier than we normally experience the earth's gravity. Passengers in commercial flights even if they never notice it travel well over 600kmph.
We don't have to be Einstein's to realize what the stress of a wild sled ride at sea level at an acceleration of 0 to 160kmph ( 100mph ) in a second would feel like. If we do the math's on that assuming terminal a velocity traveling a 100km every second we'd cover a distance of 360,000km by the time a one hour TV program. Mathematics projects we would be doing a 100km every second at that kmph velocity much faster than a fighter jet. The stress of the G's would be well over several hundred times that of the gravity of the earth. In other words 360,000kmph is a 160km every second a take off acceleration.
Above earth space stations are dragged by the earth's spin pulling the station round the circumference like the moon and despite no resistance can only manage a few 10's of 1,000's of kmph terminal velocity. As commercial air line passenger never notice they travel over 600kmph high in the earth's stratosphere an astronaut can step out into space orbiting earth and feel nothing of the space station's velocity. The bottom line the higher we go away from the earth's gravity at sea level the less we feel higher velocities.
The spin and orbit velocities of earth including all the planets are recorded on the internet. Every given velocities of any planet are the maximum speed limits caused by their inertia masses. 160kmph velocity is very fast traveling at sea level on the surface of earth. Try jumping out of a car traveling only a mere kmph. The common theme is, gravity acts like inertia. At sea level tiny velocities is felt as motion even when moving on the motion of the spinning earth.
The earth's mass compressing earth in a bubble of inward pull on the surface of the earth. It's is what pressures the air we breath and everything else on the surface. The spin velocity is what creates our whether systems on the atmosphere. Think of a glass sphere three quarter fill with water spinning at speed. The glass sphere is the earth and water inside being dragged round inside it as the atmosphere. Whether storms and wind are created by clashing cold and hot are currents helped alone by the spinning rotation of the earth. The effect is what helps create all the energy needed to maintain tornadoes and hurricanes. Better still a snow orb where the little white particles trace the water current's.
The earth's tilt and spin and direction puts the Chatamen islands just south east of New Zealand as is the first land mass to see in the first light of a the sun each day and the top of Scotland the last. It takes twenty four hours for the earth's shadow of night to cross the globe. If its after twelve midnight in the Chatamen Islands it is after twelve midnight of the 24 hours eelier that day in Scotland.
The earth's crust is made up of broken plates. I believe the calculated total mass of the earth about 18 trillion tones per square meter of pressure of space on the entire circumference of the surface of the earth weighs the plates heating up the underneath into molten magma. ( When it comes comes out of volcanoes is known as lava ). It is hot enough under there for magma to be fluid enough to sloop about in waves. The spin velocity forces circulates the magma round the core a couple of meters a year. The fluid waves are detected by scientific instruments as oscillations. Intense readings is a sign of a bubble close to the surface. Circulating currents the iron ore content acts like an electric dynamo that generates the earth magnetic poles. The resulting magnetic felids are strong enough to act as a shield what we think of as the ozone layer protecting the surface from the intense radiation of space. The bottom line is the result of the weigh shrinking space on the surface of the earth.
Operating on the principle despite the zero resistance of any vacuum light doesn't travel any faster than 300,000km/s. Some mathematical number crunching pans it out to ten thousand and eighty million kilometers per hour ( or six hundred ninety nine million six hundred thousand miles an hour if you wish ). In the time of a one hour TV program light traveled a total distance of 10,080,000,000km traveling 300,000km ( or 186,000 miles ) every second of that time.
Einstein realized this maximum speed limit as a constant ( C ) always the same velocity no matter the source. We can see this clearly observing the head lights of approaching car at 80kmph and a pedestrian walking a km ahead on the side of the road with a torch. Both sources travel equally at the maximum light speed limit of light speed. Distance reduces the intensity of the sources. On a clear night the intensity of a car headlights can easily be seen from a advantaged point for kilometers where the tiny touch beam may not be detectable.
Light from the distance stars have been traveling the universe for over 14 billion years. It takes just under eight minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. When it enters the atmosphere it is slowed by a couple of thousand kilometers. It is slowed down more though water and glass at every angle imaginable stopped dead in it's tracts by mirrors and chrome to reverse direction. In less than a second it speeds up again in different angles back though the earth's atmosphere. Once clear it accelerates to it's maximum velocity where it doesn't go any faster.
Because light is slowing down entering the earth's atmosphere and speeding back up when exiting it there is a period of Einstein's special theory of relativity time scale dilution if we look from light speed's point of view. Entering the earth's atmosphere space time changes as light slows down caused by the combined forces of the earth's atmosphere and gravity. When it reverses direction escaping back into open space time slows down again because light is speeding back up as it leaves the earth's surface back into space. All this in under a second.
The sunlight we see this second is 300,000km away from the surface of the earth by time you finish every sentence. Mathematics projects the sunlight we have all being observing every second of our lives was, and is continually doing so every in finishing every sentence will be 10,080,000,000km away from earth by the time a one hour TV program. Sunlight that just left the surface of the sun in real time now is 300,000km above the sun's surface by the time you finish this sentence. If we do the math's tells us real time to our eyes won't receive this sunlight till eight minutes into the future. In our real time our eyes are receiving the sun's sunlight as the sun was 8 minutes ago every time we finish a sentence. It is traveling a maximum distance of 300,000km every second every 8 minutes of our eyes. We don't have to be Einstein's to realize what the stress of the velocity would be like even traveling in the zero resistance space would be like.
Einstein must have realized the pressure of light speed would be so great he said it is infinite. If a body accelerates in the zero resistance of space ( or any vacuum for that matter ) on a light speed scale would feel the stress of the G's pulling back on it. We'd think it would be a similar experience of spaghettiation we feel falling into a black hole. In terms of tonnage could well be an excess of several hundred thousand trillion tones per square centimeter of pulling back force. ( or tones per square inch if you like ).
Another thing Einstein predicted body's shrink in the direction of travel. Because light speed is a fixed constant we would be compressed up against it traveling in parallel with the same speed as light meaning 300,000km compressed into a time of second every second. In other words space time is a maximum 0f 300,000km/s.
Light is made up of tiny light particles called photons. According to classical physics move back and forth in a wave millions of times faster than a second as they travel in a straight line. The universe is a whole sheet of these osculating particles. They accelerate to a maximum peak and decelerate to a stop to reverse direction reaccelerating the opposite direction to peak decelerating again to a stop repeating an endless cycle. The maximum frequency is the heat from supernovas called gamma rays about a couple of trillion times a second. The maximum frequency of the light we see ( a violet color, a purple blue hue ) only a mere thousand million times a second. The slowest frequency is a bright red color not much different with all the other colors of the rainbow between. We can't see the rest of the radiation frequencies.
The unit for these cycles is Hertz. ( Hz ). Using the standard metric system prefix unites frequencies in the universe range from a couple of Hz, 100,s Kilo for a thousand, mega for a million Giga for a thousand million, Tera for a billion and exa for a trillion respectively. Quantum physics tells us a different story.
Using the same frequency units as in classical physics atomic particles disappear then reappear expressed as tunneling in this case though the fabric of space often expressed as quantum jumping. Particles of the atom are seen by classical physics orbiting racing round the center particles of the atom ( the nucleus ) are seen in quantum physics as jumping from obit to orbit and back. The frequencies don't go any higher than several hundreds of thousands of trillions of times per second. ( Gamma rays from supernovas and man made nuclear bomb explosions ).
If we compare a second on earth to a second seen from a light speeds point of view we can be pretty good at measuring the distance we walk a meter in a second simply by saying "One thousand and one" that equals a second in the stride. The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer mathematical number crunching pans out to 300 million meters in 300,000km. This means by the time we walk a meter light had traveled 300 million meters ( or 300,000km if you like ) in the same time. This means light is 300 million times faster we walk a meter.
Mathematics tells us reciprocals are the same number only in the fraction version in this case with light speed light travels a meter 300 millionth of a second. From the standard metric system prefix terms 300 microseconds. This means again the reciprocal tells us we walk a meter a time of 300 million microseconds equals a a whole second. Thus the time light travels a meter is 300 millionth second we walk the same distance in a second. From light speeds point of view light is 300 million times faster than a second here on earth.
Operating on the principle mathematics projects taking the circumference of the earth into account light would travel round the world a little over 7 times in a second. In other words we would view time the world slowed down by in the ratio of the circumference of the earth distance in 7 times panning out to the same as slowed down in time by 300 million times as slower we observe the passing of a second. In other words we would be 300 million times faster while we view the world as 300 million times slower.
G's is a reflection of Isaac Newtown's law of force and motion where there is a force there an equal and opposite force pulling back on the acceleration NASA uses in training astronauts in weightlessness for decades. When an aircraft drops fast enough trainees experience antigravity, the cancellation of the earth's gravity as Einstein put it, where astronauts lift off the floor frolicking about in weightless fun.
Ten years latter Einstein rewrote the special into general form. He had the insight into a theory the G's under acceleration and planet's and stars bend space. According to Isaac Newton telling us gravity is a pull force stars and planets shrink it round the entire circumferences in an inward squeezing pressure in every direction. In other words space is distorted round them.
The earth's mass for example shrinks space every direction round the entire circumference. In terms of kilogram per square meter ( or Pound Per Square foot if you like ) the equivalent to the weight of a kilogram of squeeze every square meter of the surface at sea level. Anything less we experience an outward bursting pressure sensation evenly spreading everywhere inside us. Gravity any stronger we feel very heavy. Some mathematical number crunching has projected the total mass of the earth equivalent to about eighteen trillion metric tones ( or imperial tones equivalent if you like ) shirking space, in turn space compressing the air we breathe the atmospheric air pressure, on the oceans, us and every thing else on the surface known as Einstein's gravity.
Between Isaac Newtown's laws of force and motion and Einstein's two theory of realities the motion of the earth is responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The earth is a thin crust covering a ball of molten lava surrounding a solid core. From a theoretical view point the spinning of the earth moves the molten magma beneath our feet to circulate like we observe water glass in a glass sphere when we spin the sphere. It is said in doing so generates the earth's magnate field in turn protects surface of the earth from the ravages of the sun blowing the atmosphere away.
Theoretically velocity of the earth's spin circulates magma under the broken plates. The plates riding on the moving current grind against each other in some places and forced under in various plate boundaries. In terms of kilotons several hundred thousand billion build up in centuries, until the pressure becomes to much either slips the plates under each other, lifts or grind past each other in sudden jerks we feel as earthquakes.
Think of a stuck jam jar lid. We apply pressure till suddenly jerks loose. In other words earthquakes is the result of the release of billions of kilotons of build up pressure. Volcanic eruptions magma is squeezed up cracks in a plate like we apply squeezing pressure on a toothpaste tube. The physics boils down to the weight of the earth's mass shrinking space pressuring the crust. Without the earth's mass and spin volcanoes and earthquakes could never exist.
About eighty years after Einstein published his two theories of realities NBS TV studies produced a science fiction series called the sliders about a university science graduate Quinn Mallory who picked up on the ideal Einstein's special theory of the forces acceleration potentually canceling gravity could be useful for an antigravity device that could revolutionize heavy lifting.
But Mallory got more than he bargained for. His experiment created the holly grail of cosmology an actual wormhole instead, ( perhaps artificially if you like ), right before his eyes that started an on going adventure due to an unfortunate chain of events, he and three friends got trapped sliding the vortex between parallel universes trying to find their way back home their own home world.
The machine was an huge and elaborate dynamo that generated an opened in thin air expanding a couple of meters in diameter. It sucked in the basement atmosphere like a vacuum cleaner. Mallory eventually built a remote control unit that could open the vertex we control our entertainment equipment.
The way I see it gravity of the the two worlds was linked though the vertex. The parallel world pulled the air into the open vortex. Newtown's property of gravity description the mass of two bodies attracted to each other Quinn's basement felt the forces of the alternate world's gravity falling out the other end like gravity pulling water one end of a open both ends hollow tube. Each episode audiences viewed the sliders traveling inside the wormhole on a sideways plane like the motion of falling from the top floor of a tall sky scrapper viewed side ways falling out the exit. Cosmologist do express traveling bodies in out of space as constantly falling. But what are the traveling bodies fall to in space?
Newton's intuitive reasoning was stimulated observing an apple accelerated from the height of the branch colliding with the immovable mass of the earth. How much does an apple weigh, about half a kilogram or so? ( About five hundred grams? or pounds equivalent if you like ). An experiment with a kilogram mass ( or in pounds equivalent if you like ) and the roof of the top floor of a sky scrapper reveals some interesting features of the force and motion investigated by both Newton specifically Einstein at a light speed scales typical on a light speed scale.
Suspending the mass over the ledge we feel the force of the earth's mass pulling on the mass we are suspending in midd air. We feel as is if a hand is pulling on it. In effect we are feeling the potential energy between the kilogram and earth's masses attracted to each other. We are in fact experiencing first hand what the unit of the earth's gravity really feels like.
Like a sky diver when we let go the earth's mass snatches it accelerating to a meter in a second and stops accelerating to a constant meter per second velocity tumbling headlong all the way down the side of the building colliding with the immovable mass of the street bellow. One of the properties we notice with the free fall the earth's mass can not accelerate the Kilogram mass any faster. The free fall is always a maximum momentum speed limit expressed as a terminal velocity. ( Or a terminal acceleration point if you like ). The kg reaches terminal acceleration several floors in a second.
If we do the math's on this, in terms of the familiar kilometer per hour ( or miles an hour if you like ) the curious specially theses who love challenging math's, can discover a formulae kilometers per hour equivalent equals sixty squared over K. What that means is this.
Sixty seconds in a minute and sixty minutes in an hour gives a total of three thousand six hundred seconds. Quoting a distance the kilogram mass travels in an hour the equivalent of three thousand six hundred meters every second in an hour equal to the distance time the time of a one hour TV program.
As there is a thousand meters in a kilometer we dived by a thousand giving us three point six kilometers per hour. ( 3.6kmph velocity ) equal to a meter per second respectively. This simple formulae projects the traveling force and impact with the immovable mass of the earth three point six kilometers an hour kilogram falling force in motion and impact with the street. The unit the force of gravity given by scientists is known as Newtown's, nine point eight in fact.
When it comes to the universe garden varieties stars like our sun (our star ) size the mass shrinking space round them quoting equivalent tonnage well in excesses of several thousand trillion tones per square centimeter. ( Or in imperil trillions of tones per square inch if you like ). That's just one cubic centimeter of the stars surface gravity let a lone the cores. There is a lot of square centimeters in the entire volume of stars. Entire masses are enough to shrink space several hundred thousands of trillions of kilotons per centimeter of ( or tones per square inch ) compression enough weight to restrain ( or capture ) hundreds and thousand of trillions of nuclear explosions from tearing the star apart into space.
Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity is the key in understanding black holes shrinking a deep wells in space. Black holes are believed to be the remains a super massive star gone supper nova leaving a region of what could be described as a dark matter right in the center called a singularity smaller than a particle of the atom with as much inward squeeze pressure equivalent to a tonnage way-way beyond trillions of kilotons enough to effect light. Einstein's theory tells us should sink a deep well in space so steep ( virtually vertical walls ) light speed isn't fast enough to to climb back out. As nothing can exceed light speed means nothing can escape the vertical walls of the well.
One thing is certain, the immense shrinking power of supper massive stars ability to distort space. The law of compression says it produces heat. For example, the heat we feel pumping air into a tire of a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. Scientifically heat is nothing more than the energy of vibrating atoms. When the energy is compressed they continue vibrating but in a in a tighter confined space. The shrunk space caused by the mass of a supper massive stare compresses the vibrating atoms of the already hot star further. The weight of the compressed space in terms of the metric prefix unit equivalent to well over trillions of thousands of kilotons per square centimeter ( or trillions of tons per Square Inch equivalent if you like ) generating temperatures millions of digress Celsius. The tonnage is enough to compact the otter orbiting particles called electrons into the neighboring orbits.
The simplest is hydrogen basically made of only two particles, one orbiting ( the electron ) whizzing round on a light speed scale round a a particle called a proton. Trillions of hydrogen atoms in every cubic millimeter ( or quarter inch ) are under pressure forcing neighboring hydrogen electrons into neighboring hydrogen electron orbits. The distorted space has effectively created another atom called helium called fusion. Fusion is an opposite to splitting the atom that occurs in nuclear explosions called fission. Fusion collapses atoms crushing them together in this case the distorting space surrounding the supper massive star. There is so many hydrogen atoms there is enough for well of trillions upon trillions of trillions in a volume of a square centimeter the entire circumference of the whole star converted to helium every second for well over millions years.
When compressed enough the resulting fusion is like a explosion of light particles called photons our eyes can see along with other particles we don't see believed to occur near the core. It is believed takes millions of years to travel to the surface bursting out with enough escape velocity from the compression of space. As light doesn't travel any faster than just under three hundred thousand kilometers per second ( or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second, if you like ) is the maximum velocity the particles fan out into space in every direction. away and towards us. If this is the case, it is amazing to see sunlight today that was first created near the core of our sun the time dinosaurs where roaming the earth.
Over several million years the outer layer of all stars supply of hydrogen becomes in short supply. This is a stars dieing stages. The outer helium layers expand, trillions of kilotons per square millimeter of pressure as it is, increasing further heating up the star again. At this point a particle called neutrons are created though fusion. Our sun isn't a supper massive star. It has only enough mass to finally die out to a neutron star.
There are stars out there that are big enough to go a lot further than that. Space is constantly compressing every new layer. There is no let up. Theses stars start fusing electrons and neutrons into the outer orbits of others step by step creating the elements the universe is made of. Last but not lest space has finally shrunk with enough pressure to create iron and finally carbon atoms. When theses stars run out of forging carbon atoms pressure of the heat energy has reached light speed proportions. The compression of space cannot hold back this kind of expansion energy any. Once the heat had reached this proportion detonates like a bursting balloon into a supernovae explosion jettisoning what's left of the layers into space. The atoms of the chemical elements are spread across deep space only the velocity of light speed in all directions. They can't travel any faster.
In less than a second space has no more pressure to resist anymore. What was once billions of kilometers across star at temperatures of billions of degrees Celsius collapses to point of compression smaller than a particle of an atom cooling to a temperature of only degree off minus two hundred and seventy three degrees Celsius cold of pure gravitational force equivalent to several hundred thousands of billions of trillions of trillions of kilotons several hundred thousands of millions times a smaller than a centimeter. The result is the creation of a singularity deep in the center of black holes.
This point the share vertical wall of distorted space created by the heavy weight singularity the same dimensions the star collapsed to. There is no light radiation several million kilometers. Fusion had stopped leaving just the black void of darkness traveling the universe distorting space as it goes. There is no light so we see no evidence of it visually, the same color as space a form of optical illusion that tells us doesn't necessarily mean that the distorted region of space isn't there.
There is one thing that does tell us distorted space exists is light itself. If the black void passes across any light of a galaxy the distorted space distorts that light giving away the presence of the blackness surrounding the center looking like a black hole. The boundary of the black hole is the gravitational pull beyond light speed escape velocity called the event horizon. The boundary where it is possible light can still escape surrounding the event horizon is expressed as the egasphere ( Erg a sphere ) we can see light at the edge of the black hole. Once light travels beyond the ergaphere entering into the event horizon area we don't see is a point of no return.
The egasphere is a area of interest to cosmologists where they think if a black hole is spinning at light speed will have some sort of resemblance of the law of centrifugal force property in the egasphere deflecting traveling particles away before they enter the event horizon the world famous wheel chair cosmologists Stephen Hawking had worked on in the mid 1970's that has become known as Hawking radiation.
Some of us believe the centrifugal forces of a spinning black hole spinning at light speed should be able to create an aperture in the singularity forming a ring black hole. Centrifugal force is made up of the laws of circular motion we can find in any physics text book including web pages.
How we can be milioniares
Most of us envy millionaires often questioning how self made rags to riches millionaires did it. The answer is found in studying the rags to riches story achievers. The stories tell us what it means to be a millionaire fine examples of what can be achieved even when broke how it is possible to make millions straight from dead broke. It all boils down to our dominant brain.
Our brain is a complex organic computer made of a spongy mass of billions of microscopic nerve cells. We have all seen images of the largest part, a big twin cauliflower like organ. Research has shown the left side is the source of our logical and rational thoughts. Each side has centers senses scattered all over them. This left side has that ability to recognizes and processes grammar and vocabulary. It has centers where they recognizes and processes scientific thinking in team work harmony with the right side centers specializing the creativity side. The left side is hard wired for humblers and how to calculate them working in a team effort with the right side centers recognizing shapes and patens.
The left side recognizes language working in team work with the right side that recognizes how put the left side thoughts including the images of the thoughts into grammar and syntax into sentences, knowing how to described and explain things, where our instruction, and management order abilities lies in the right side. Research has shown the left side has the ability to think before leaping rationally thinking ability. This leap before we act ability allows us to think and analyze with clearly that control an otherwise out of control impulsiveness.
Like language communication writing involves the same kind of team work between our two hemispheres. The right side has centers where our "Ahhhh. Erika! I've just thought of somthing" inspirations come from. But is the ability of the left side to recognize it and how to convert the thought from the left side into concrete sentences piecing together from a jigsaw puzzle like array of language data center team work scattered all over our brains to recognize how to put together the thoughts and languages sentences.
The right side has it's centers scattered all over it too. Right side corners are where creativity and intuitions take place. These centers recognize shapes and motion and only has the ability to do primarily rough math's deduction. Working as a team with the right side the left side has the ability to recognize how to reorganize the rough idea from the right side information into specific precise and more accurate details.
Corners in the right side have the ability to recognize the inspirations and imageries thoughts and imagination that relies heavily on the team work response of the left side corner areas to put in perspective. The right side is where your music recognition centers lay. In team work with the right side corners make senses of the sound tracks feed to our emotional centers that recognize whether it is our taste in music or not responding to the emotion response to the music.
The right side has centers were they recognize and understand objects and position in three dimensions, tells the difference between two dimensional photographs and line drawings to the three dimensional reality. It has centers where it recognizes optical illusion patterns in riddles as well as images. This is called spatula reasoning.
If one or two of the centers is weaker than average then the other centers are stronger so dominates in that particular skill. We have slow individuals in the week areas. But can be intelligent in the stronger areas. If any is well developed ( above average ) are dominance over the others we have prodigies. What this means striving to a millionaire boils down to our brain's strong sense of businesses wheeling and dealing area. Self made millionaires may have had a well developed above average businesses sense corner in the right brain. The rags to riches stories no doubt driven by the right brain centers responsible for recognizing businesses and profit was strong.
The bottom line our brain is involved in many properties of our lives such in all the sciences, mathematics, language, rational thought, empathy with others writing, music, imagination, spatial reasoning to art and graft where the dominated by a well developed wheeling and dealing business intelligence. Prodigies are not to be envied because of only a few corners of the brain is highly active more than usual dominating the other areas. There is a lot of other areas in a prodigy life stiles that are often neglected. Albert Einstein was gifted at scientific spatial reasoning but history has recorded him not exactly a strong suite as a gifted lover.
When a business Conner our is extra active the sky's the limit. Clarity and instinctive insight into businesses thought comes naturally. If you need an example of not coming naturally is Einstein, Isaac Newtown and Allan Turning ( Allan turning was a world war two encryption specialist corner of the brain responsible for code deciphering was very strong ) had strong active mathematic corners but very week business activity. Week business corners tend to neglect business. Many famous prodigies were not good at business issues. Ford is the result of Hennery Ford's brain strongly active in founding his business. The part of our brain responsible for politics was strongly active in Adolph Hitler brain. Our brains are strong in one area and week in others.
The point of all this the if the Conner of our brain is stronger than usual can recognize social interaction and communication wheeling and dealing. It is alive in this area. A strong activity in business is indigent at social mixing with others while if week will be seem very slow, and even not interested at all. Because different corners of the our brains are often stronger than others intelligent at business may not necessarily mean intelligent at social mixing. But recognizing businesses gift will be strong in clarity, insight into businesses but somewhat lacking instinct leadership for groups and social activity.
A mind with a strong sense of wheeling and dealing can practically read our thoughts putting week at business people to shame the one thing in common with self made millionaires. A person with a strong business sense are self made millionaire prodigies. They have fast insights at business making the rest of us seem practically unconscious to opportunities. A strong business brain comer is always acutely aware are entrepreneur and marking guru minded people. There brains have fast clarity and insight into that sort of thing. In other words an instinct for business.
There are plenty of psychiatrist and psychologist authors who use their science data on human behavior in their profession advice on what our brain is really capable of in businesses skills. We can find this information in the psychology, human and social science and biography racks at local liberties where their are plenty of true rags to riches stories. The one thing they have in common were drop outs from high schools yet with a strong sense of businesses instinct they had clarity in the direction for making a name for themselves and make millions. The rest of us wonder how they did it. There are self made millionaire author biographies too, providing lots of information on how they made their millions. The important point is making it big our brain can work wonders with inspirational ideas while to make millions after flat broke. A brain a computer acutely aware of businesses will came up with all sorts of financial solutions and razing money plans.
There are lots biography stories of famous peoples in the children's science and technology corner that are clear examples from being broke to making millions. There are titles in all sorts of business getting off the ground in both adult and children's corners. The next time at the library check out the racks. There is lots and tips and hints in those racks from body language to using your mind power though our brian's suden inspirations.
Case histories and biographies tell us how theses people where very intelligent and clear at razing capital for their enterprising business. There is a lot of examples in business history and company books on wheeling and dealing their products the advantage of a sales rep recognizing to do deals with other business minded people on the same wavelength as their product the key property of self made millionaires. The one advice these people give us would to use our social side of our brain to do deals with other businesses minded people, specially on the same wavelength. A opposite example not recognizing when attempting to sell or do a deal with another person not on the same wavelength is clear enough reason why we fail. Self made millionaires recognize how important it is to avoid the issues by communicating with others on the same wavelength.
Finding these books is not hard. If need be make enquires ask to be directed to the human sciences, psychology and business racks. A little tip is the call numbers Liberians use on the spine of every book worthy of note. All adult book call numbers are the same numbers as the children's.
Leadership quality is a part of the ability of our brain centers stronger than normal the stuff of self made millionaire leaders. It is seen in team mascots, club captains, and school prefects ability to lead. The ability to mix well comes with it containing social charm and graces. Particularly sales reprehensive it is important for first impression with strangers factor. A first good impression where a stranger is able to feel comfortable in our company makes it so much easy to negotiate deals called establishing raptor.
School drop out rags to riches self made millionaires case study stories dispels the stereo type Judging success by how well we do at school. Success is more than that. Shakers and movers are not just about high IQ test scores in education. It is about a a strong business brain but with a week mathematical mind clever at psychology advances in business, an intuition instinct over others. In other words intelligent at business not bright at math's.
We have all seen it often enough high school drops turning out to be wealthy. These where individuals who had high entrepreneur and marking guru instinct what I call a High Entrepreneur Intelligence Quotient ( HEIQ ). In the business rack you come across not only business authors there are a Psychologist authors who apply human sciences to sales, business in general, wheeling and dealing and noting how movers and shaker's operate what can be achieved in businesses. There is many documented cases study stories of below average schooling but brilliant at razing money and support from very important business people ( VIP ) founding their foundations and companies making themselves millionaires out of it.
Some corners of our brain can be very strong at being comfortable with strangers. This was how Adult Hitler was able to bluff political challengers head on and get away with it. He had an overwhelming kind of confidence in that area. There is an advantage of the ability to be comfortable with strangers right up there in board meetings and head on with movie and rock star celebrities, VIP's Company Executive Offices ( CEO's ) politicians even mingling with royal family members with a free mind to do business wheeling and dealing propositions were there is potential for most of our support. Being on the same wavelength is the most important confidence we can all appreciate.
One of the unlikely places of incite how self made millionaires and successful movers and shakers made it is found in local library human sciences rack where we find body language books and other interesting titles in this area. The body language books point out lots of examples how most of us spoil things with our body language habits with friends and relations picking up dates and most important in successful wheeling and dealing proposition interviews selling to groups of strangers, ( seminar speakers ). To be successful others have to notice confidence in their company, although being on the same wavelength things just happen anyway.
On the right wavelength we are all capable of being comfortable with famous celebrities, politicians, VIP's, and CEO and audiences. In the opposite our brain can recognize when when we are not sense on the same wavelength feel strongly put off ourselves and it shows. There is great insight into the studying what body language books offer in the way in handling job interviews when we are on the same wavelength as the interviewer. There are lots of other interesting tittles on the subset from personality types, to how to talk to people.
Self made millionaires had perhaps even if subconsciously used a bit of combination knowing how to talk to people including what to say even the ability rephrase those what not to say tings redirecting into a positive including body langue techniques working in harmony with the compunction. Observe the body language picture examples imaging what the people are saying.
We can take the opportunity to strengthen the week area of our Brian at recognizing body language and emotional face reading by roll playing the body lounge picture examples specially faces what is going on in the minds to us directly. The body picture language images and facial expression picture examples can often help you brain skill in recognizing if the person is on the same wavelength with you or not.
Personality type books describe extroverts as a High Social IQ ( HSIQ ) mixing. They have corners of their brain above average at recognizing cues in others both positive and negative. The result there out going nature is experienced at catching cue opportunities in social situations. They are intelligent with others because they establish rapport easily. They are the life of parties. They are fun and popular specially with other extroverts who pick up on the behavior and body language. Drops outs from school with a high IQ in this area are potential entrepreneur, and marketing guru, self made millionaire leader stuff.
Introverts are equally impressive even though this personality basically is a happy recluses type in this case low key CEO's. If an Introvert is in charge are renowned for having good time running things quietly. To them low key approaches away from the lime limelight is their passion. Quiet reflection energizes this type of personality even if they are famous. Running a business low key is their livelihood. We all can recognize a very soba and withdrawn sociable type. Introverts don't feel much for social mixing specially if oblige to keep up with the activity of a party gathering. An intelligent business introvert head are the quiet high achievers in the background we never really hear about. They are the traditional reserved VIP's and CEO's leader character that seem stuffy and cold that often seems to expresses a unexpressed attitude just when we depend on a first good impression job interview.
The body lounge books frequently point out body language habits often give ourselves away lacking confidence generally caused by recognizing it is clear the other is not on the same wavelength. If you do check out a book it is a helpful to bear in mind the situations discussed interviewed by what happens to us when we observe other not on the same wavelength. We can observe the stuffy cold and steering VIP you are meeting for the first time depending on first good impression elicitation support for you goal, product or idea interview. Think of what when the CEO is on the same wavelength as you. Being on the same wavelength as us practically hands us our self respect, self relaxed confidence on a silver platter.
They say we can do anything when we put our minds to it. That's a piece of cake for talented entrepreneurs and marketing gurus. Extroverts are intelligent at the outward social side. Introverts in the informal business side.
Never the less there is something more powerful than putting our minds to it. Habits. The secrete to successes when we habitually talk too ourselves about the things we dream of. Even introverts are motivated caught up in the habit of roll playing in their heads about the positive things happening in their lives that shows how powerful habits can be at making dreams come true.
The intelligence of entrepreneur and marketing guru is rags to riches stories famous for being drops outs. Things start off with the habit of roll playing goals in our heads and for these people started a long time ago. The habit of self talk thousands of ways to raze money had become instructive over the years. Gotten into the habit of it, have developed the the habit coming up with hundreds and thousands of ideas. There are many fine options to investigate. These people had virtually instructed themselves into wealth just with thinking. "Ahh! I just though of something. That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that before. I know what to do. That should work".
If we give a criminal mind a questionnaire on justice and fair play they will surly show some bellow average score in empathy and ethics. They have no problem cheating their way razing money dishonestly rubbery and fraud. Most of us taking the same questionnaire will probably show an moderate degree of empathy and ethical intelligence. Anybody with a reasonable empathy IQ ( EQI ) will feel some shame if they thought what if they were dishonest.
They say dreaming our way though life is no answer. In fact it is really a powerful motivator. A good example of dreaming our way though life is the habit of rehearsing living our perfect day every day in our heads all the time. Once a habitual thinking gets a hold of us both positive and negative won't let us go. With out the habit our imagination isn't stimulated. The a habit of roll playing in our heads, all the health, wealth, power, and romance we dream of in our constant self talk has to come true because it becomes instructive by our brain to make it come true.
Habitual self talk is a treasure house of inspirations within us all We ask questions how can I do this. The habit of roll playing in our heads we can't help ourselves with some form of inspirational idea popping into our heads all the time. With a high empathy and ethic IQ level we can look to the habit of self talk in our heads for all the answers to our hearts desires.
A high empathy IQ is a intelligence exclusively involved with romance and love successes. It is known as emotional intelligence formally known as sensuality. A high IQ in this area gauntness successes in relationships.
The habit of self talk is excising our brain growing it. It builds experience. Our brain never lets us forget we have done something hundreds and thousands of times before. Lets have a look at example of a backyard mechanic with a psychological thing for getting cars running smoothly again. He notices someone having difficulty starting a car. Many have tried to get it going but can't find the fault. Gotten cars running smoothly again hundreds and thousand of times has seen it all before.
People with a high IQ at mechanics tend to come up with Inspirational communication like "I've seen this before" "I've got an idea" and "Let me try something" "Can I try something" and Scanning the engine " I just though of something" things like that.
With the nod of the owner's approval the person digs into his tool box looking like he knows what he's doing because it looks like he'd done that sort thing hundreds and thousands of times before bringing hope tears of joy to anybody who is desperate enough. Such is the power of having done something hundreds and thousands of times before on our confidence with what ever we are into. Extraverts with their high social IQ's status in self talk habits can forge the ability to be able to establish a rapport ( others liking them ) relation with strangers literally likening well enough to trust and support them.
Success at gaining trust of the owner of the stubborn starting car, or applied to sales to blind dating anything, is due to experience, gained from doing that sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before because of the habitual roll playing in the mind in the first place. A warehouse manger wasting a motor mechanic degree shows he doesn't care about mechanics to a back yard mechanic who has reputation has gotten hundreds of cars running smoothly again hundreds and thousand of times. Done hundreds and thousands of times before our brains want let us forget any of it which self counteracts any negative ideas.
To be outstanding at anything there must have always been an affinity drive, an extra pride in going to the trouble for that extra mile for the thing interested in. We must have a affinity with what we do. A sports hero is not interested in acting, nor a successful actor interest in being a sports hero. A salesman are not interest in those things let a lone being a mechanic. In other words each of us have things we know we are not into and know what we are. The habitual inspirations of a habitual roll playing of our perfect days see's to that.
Going the extra mile at what we do may appear extreme but their is psychology disorder even if mild what psychologists term Occupational, Compulsive Disorder,( OCD ) lay people relate to work addiction we express as a workaholic .OCD is a description of the habit everything must have it's place. Fussiness is taken to extremes. Motor mechanics with this tendency tend to adverse to the "that will do will is not good enough" attitude. They have an obsession with perfection details before they can relinquish delivery. OCD mechanics can drive bosses to frustration fussing about not being happy to release the car not finished with minor details yet. OCD attitude in rebuilding vehicle chassis body work sounds like an ideal an safety attitude.
Our brains can all when a shop assistant is just there as a job noticing a lack of interest when we ask straight forward questions about a product. OCD is a potential good sales rep who has a driven affinity of the product but not interested in cars or anything else.
They will talk like an enthusiast selling who can't stop shearing experiences showing how the products works tips and hints in choosing the product and arranges the best brand suited for the customer needs. Done hundreds of thousands of times before have natural picked up body language cues taking opportunities with well place conversation opening instead of "Can I help you?" to establish what customers really not wanting as much as want they really looking for. Unfortunately in most business some products have to be sold. This means selling a product clash with what customers are really not looking for ending up selling the a product that often is returned.
A brain acutely aware of this prefers to communicate listing to hesitation clues recognizing what the customer really doesn't want turning to communication in conversation discovering what they really want turning their attention to the product or service that widens the customers eyes in delight. When a sales rep recognize what a customer doesn't as much as what the really want they have the sales made before they introduce the product.
Done hundreds of thousands of times before is a valuable asset. Rapport building is easy when done all before in our head specially with a high empathy IQ. It is the first rule of a police force work specially negotiators. It's a pity some front line police personal are not trained in this area. If they are have the ability to remain cool calm and collected handling lashing out troublemaking drunks. Every body feels confident with dignity. The best have handled these sorts of people hundreds and thousands of times before in their heads driven a affinity for their work.
To show you how far the potential of rapport building is police detectives for example have the ability to get on good terms with mean spirited and spiteful suspect towards them. The biggest challenge is knowing committed a harness crime unable to prove it because of lawyer egos pushing for political correctness demanded by law while the suspect shows no remorse knowing full well by the suspect mockery letting detectives know they are getting away with it. It boils down to the detectives abilities to show the suspect are cool about the suspects attitude.
Remaining cool about any bad attitude is important skill in getting at truths otherwise can easily set up brick walls with evasive nonsense answers, spiteful resentments, bullying silent treatments to arrogant mockery. This is what detectives try to avoid drawing on their truth by the ability to making friends on a mean spirited suspect's terms.
Imagine how far you will allow your patience to be tested like that just to establish a rapport on a surly bully's terms. Although for the wrong reasons the ability to take charge is present in crime bosses, gang leaders and convicts We all can tell a leader in action establishing handling of their subordinate followers ability to gain cooperative attitudes and issuing orders like a general in charge. We see it all the time in sports teams, coaches, news media, political leaders and directors and the armed forces all the time.
In civilian leadership the enjoyment of the company of others establishes rapport is important. Never the less leadership shows especially if it shows done hundred and thousand of time before because of the habitual roll playing in his head hundreds and thousand of times before.
Very Important People ( VIP ) support was how Adult Hitler came to power because these people were charmed by his charm in their company. His intelligence to pick upon what they wanted was high expressed as sensuality today known a emotional intelligence his habitual ability at being whipping up crowds resulting in responded in kind to him. VIP's saw for themselves he was not afraid of public speaking even in front of them. People not afraid are seminar experts who have no problem in front of a huge crowed even flanked by surly looking VIP's beside them. It shows they have done that sort of thing in their heads hundreds and thousands of time before. Hitler must have habitually self talked getting into his head how he was the best.
Done hundreds and thousands of times before in roll playing in our heads we tend to act it out showing influence and power like Hitler did. Anybody can show it, walking into a place never been in before as if we'd been in there hundreds of thousands of times before. Police detectives investigating crimes at a crime scene seen by subordinate officers like he's has habitually been there, done that, seen it all before, can command authority.
It is important to bear in mind of a trap of being becoming artificially charming, nice and friendly to peoples faces but underneath not caring to much for the person. But most of us are not cowboys. The average person we feel some degree uncomfortable playing the game of secretly not impressed with the other person anyway.
All this ability is the potential right stuff for self made millionaires. The habitual roll playing in our heads we develop a transfer ability not to panic in the company of surly looking hard to empress company executives officers ( CEO's ) for support. This is a high emotional inelegance IQ. We can treat the strangers as if we have done this sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before because it is in our habitual roll playing in our heads. Experience is always a decisive advantage and it shows.
A high emotional intelligence IQ can sense other peoples moods. Wheeling and dealing with surly CEO's hundreds of thousands of times before has recognized the habits of a low emotional indigence from facial expressions and body language signs CEO are not really into. Experience recognizes the habitual no sympathy for inexperience straight away by recognizing the surly and unimpressed attitude.
The ability to recognize wasting time with a poor sensuality bullying we have the ability to turn our attention to a compensation tactfulness developing a rapport on their level we are happy with their attitude or avoid approaching anybody who are not into what we have to offer.
A strategy is to seek out companies who shows signs of high emotional intelligence behavior that makes it a lot easier to establish rapport. We don't have to Einstein's to realize even before we shake hands with a CEO on the first meeting if we know a CEO has the ability to recognize and appreciate our inexpedience is not a big deal as well as into the product or idea we have to offer.
Inexperience can get carried way over doing the enthusiasm high intelligence IQ can handle. Low emotional intelligence responses would show no sympathy to any inexperience while a high emotional indigence will be encouraging. The decisive advantage of wheeling and dealing with a high emotion intelligence IQ CEO's and already sold before we open your mouths is a decisive advantage.
To be able to recognize high and low emotional intelligence lQ we have to have the habitual history of seen the behavior in interviews hundreds and thousands of times before. A high emotional intelligence sign we'd sense the CEO senses and understands and feels for us has there is no problem at putting us at ease with high rapport building applied to us to the business at hand. Selling to CEO's hundreds of thousand of times before we can recognize poor emotional intelligence ( or sensuality ) by the very little rapport building directed to us.
Experience will tell us when we know a CEO is into the same thing we are will have the habit of building a rapport with us. Poor sensuality ( poor emotional intelligence ) is often a challenge on our behalf. These CEO;s habitually wary of subordinate salesmen keeping enthusiasm to themselves. This is why it is still important to to have done this sort of the hundreds and thousands of times before to establish counter rapport pleasantries with the stranger before we get to businesses.
If we can believe familiars are only due to inexperience we can cope with mistakes easily moving on. This is achieved by the habitual roll playing fixed idea in our heads mistake are not a big deal because it is only inexperience and nothing more.
It's a natural instinct our comfort is challenged in the face of a CEO displaying poor emotional intelligence watching us very carefully. Nerves happen to inexperience who hasn't yet recognize the sighs not into the product as well a deliberate test us for our experience easement specially when they have no pertinence for it.
Both poor and high emotional intelligent CEO's will notice all the signs of inexperience just a much will notice experience. An experienced CEO with poor emotional intelligence skills CEO is a potential for a uneven playing field. We can imagine the confidence when we have dealt with steely eyed surly company bosses hundreds and thousands of times before. We recognize al lt he signs of stranger CEO meeting us for the first time is a poor emotional intelligence struggling to a establish a rapport with us . The habitual roll over the years playing in our heads potentially see us though in actual practice.
Break downs in selling ourselves is often based on not really interesting ourselves. In our uncomfortable ness we potentially miss the signs. Experience CEO's can spot this sort of nervousness straight away acting accordingly. Experience recognizes when some is not showing all their heart in it acting accordingly. An experienced CEO will recognize a subordinate has done this sort of thing hundreds of thousands of times before confidence but will still be weary it may be an act . This means success is always ours when we have wheeled and dealt with CEO with our our heart in support hundreds and thousand of times before and shows.
Operating on the principle an inexperienced subordinate can even the odds gaining experience by bearing in mind approach the CEO is experienced at noticing signs inevitably noticing our inexperience mistakes.
With that attitude in mind we can plan a strategy. We approach with not only that in mind but also armed with the idea or product the CEO is exactly into. What will help calm nerves too is recognizing the surly mood of the CEO can be a sign of testing our experience giving us an incite into the CEO aware sense we can keep a positive attitude because we can see what's coming ahead of us.
Experienced entrepreneurs and marketing gurus are the ones who create our infrastructure often worth a lot of money to us we take for granted every day. Think of what it takes to run our local supermarkets, fast food restaurants and local takeaways, to diaries. Think how grateful we are when a place is always open just when we need something.
Think of the jobs of bar tenders serving drinks in drinking establishments. Think of what it takes to run night clubs for our benefit. And what about our telecommunication companies we all depend on so much for our phone services twenty four seven. What about our television and movie entertainment institutions. And what about our computer and internet services providers and other high profile companies we depend on every day. What about our power supply and maintenance. What about those who depend on public transport. Who do you think has to keep the businesses functioning we all depend on so much for their services?
Lets use a reverse psychology to make a point. Think of how much we learn at school if we feel there is no need to. What's the point? A case in point. To kids old enough to drive legally on the road swatting the road code is just a drudgery means an end. They really don't care so long as their means gives them the right to drive legally.
Only a few have a passionate mind set and it's specific subject there into not general.
Other pupils are have a passionate state of mind at being prefix, team leaders or sport captains all by themselves. For some reason it just comes naturally to them. They don't need any encouragement. They just go for it naturally. This often applies in criminal gangs that have always been the leader. They just do what it takes naturally. A student team leader that has passion and empathy for a team leading my be a two bit looser at math's because they have no passion for that. A student with a passion for spelling may have no empathy for English. A student that has empathy for science has a motive for the study of mathematics. Another student has a passion for writing for their school news paper while their class mates tend not to not that startling.
Business is always got something worth a lot of money to the public that we all want as above. A golden rule to successful riches is into something something that gives you a good buzz.
is having no problem with establishing rapture with others. Some individuals enjoy wheeling and dealing persuasion negotiation. They are successful because they have a close affinity with it. When two wheel and deal the one who understands the psychology behind it the most holds the greatest power. The one that doesn't gives the other the power to say no.
A scientific view of what's involved tells us of a fundamental aspect of our personalities called extroverts and introverts that play key rolls in shaping our personal preferences of how we go about doing things. An extrovert seems to have a smaller personal bubble space then the rest of us a reflection of high tolerance to people close and personal round them showing an outward personality they generate round others. They have no problem establishing rapture with the company they keep. In contrast introverts seem to show others they have a larger personal bubble space a reflection of a low tolerance to to many people in their company.
Extroverts have the advantage of having no problem with lots of attention spending a lot of leisure time with others. They are best at establishing rapture. They are the popular school student. They seem to thrive with people round them. They are the team leader. They are the first to be comfortable at taking charge of cheering meetings and the first to volunteer for leadership. They are people with an inexhaustible energy. Some famous movie, sports and music stares show this by lapping up the attention enjoying a maximum fanfare environment. They are the party animal type. These are the stars we see so much of and so often.
Introverts on the other hand can be as much as a successful at being a millionaire, music or sports hero, but basically little seen in public and behind the scene millionaire. They were often people that had the help in their personally of understanding the psychology of wheeling and dealing. However they are not people oriented though. Although they can establish rapture, it is as formal affair as you can get. Being with to many people soon becomes a bit of drudgery. Strong introverts have a very large personal bubble space needing a lot of time on their alone.
The strongest characteristic avoids cheering meetings and the last to volunteer and very reluctant to be a leader. They are the best at avoiding attention just getting on with the job quietly with minimal fanfare. Some famous movie and music stares are very conservative and formal at Oscars avoiding to much attention. They are content with a minimal amount of fanfare environments. These are the stars we don't see or hear of very much in public..
There has been other ways some people have become millionaires overnight. We often from time to time the phrase “luck has nothing to do with being a millionaire” Mind you take the news media from rags to riches stories of poor families winning first division lottery prizes that are now millionaires. When it comes to breaking stories of a big lottery win attention from the media luck is every to do with becoming a millionaire in such a case. To be a millionaire without waiting to win a huge lottery you need leadership qualities of an extrovert introverts have in very short supply.
Where the luck came into it was often to do with the habit of regularly buying a ticket getting nothing back for many years. It may have cost a lot not saved over many years but news media coverage will rave how lucky they are to get well over a 100% return from their investment they put into their habit. As news media coverage tells us interviewing the major prize winners splashed all over TV were habitably patient buying a lottery ticket every week were humble enough with only the money they doesn't miss for as long as it took to win something. The attitude paid off big time. The point to remember its gambling and loosing if we start the habit of using "money we'll miss" in hit and miss desperation chance of getting rich on the spot.
Some of us have a philosophy about sticking at something even if we don't like doing it. I've come across many who say there’s no such thing as a dead end jobs. I've found more than my fear share who begged to differ on that one too. I'm sure extrovert entrepreneurs and marketing gurus believe it's a negative outlook if we get stuck with that philosophy all our lives. If I'm any example, of being an introvert I personally wont stick at anything unless I have an agenda and want to," and not before!" I'm sure that's the same psychology of entrepreneurs and marketing gurus have. If there's no such thing as a dead end job there’d be no point in moving on to better and more satisfying careers.
I believe individuals who stick at dead end jobs are missing the point since they think they don't think there job is anything like a dead end job to them anyway. Bear in mind entrepreneurial minded individuals are not employed. There self employed business people. If you don’t believe you are I a dead end job
Extrovert and even introverted entrepreneurs and marketing gurus are experts at razing money. Larry and Sergey are unemployed owners of their rich internet search engine Goggle company. So too Bill gates the founder of Microsoft. There are many other unemployed people making millions a day on the internet. These guys are good rags to riches stories. Larry and Sergey were just ordinary university graduates. Bill Gates just an average law student.
Their passion for making things happen was "only in the area they were interested in" was legendary. Everything else was irreverent. Social mixing at party's was often the key to their success. They had the extrovert social mixing behavior noticed by many wealthy cooperation computer company executives in that field at parties. Partying is not considered a drudgery to extroverts. They thrive on them. Party time was often were deals were created. Introverts will find the responsibility to tend parties and meetings and meeting people an energy draining drudgery and it shows.
Because of Larry and Sergey passion was a help gaining a formable reputation at party functions prompting help from their university setting up a dorm with a few common PC's to work with for a while. They were happy with all they had. It was a exciting adventure. That was the only thing they cared about. As with all entrepreneurs and marketing gurus Larry, Sergey and Bill Gates got reputations as potential hopeful though attending important social functions. Word got round. As their reputations crew important businesses bosses started listening to their marketing straties.
In true entrepreneur and marketing Guru style Larry and Sergey's passion for their search engine wasn't afraid to market it to the big wig owners and share holders of Yahaoo. They marketed their search engine to other portals as well. Having no takers prompted them to take the standing they must be taking the wrong approach, moved out of the dorm and began writing a plan of action. They weren't afraid to approach big businesses bosses with their business plan. The founder of Microsystems Andy Bechtolshein found their passion for their search engine contagious ending up supporting them by handing over a 100.000 dollar check to invest with.
Extroverts who make things happen are worth a lot of money supporting the rest of us running their companies we take for granted for the services. Our telecommunication companies come to mind for one. Humble workers keep our telecommunication and entertainment systems running smoothly we'd rather keep quiet about the fabulous golden hand shake wealth handed out to the company directors that keep the system running smoothly from board room to their humble office cleaner pay roll at keeping the services running for our own benefit. Telecommunications is worth a lot of money to us users.
Introverts find a tough world being responsible for millions of dollars their company is worth to us. Unpopular decisions are made all the time. Entrepreneurs building up empires though countless important party attending eventually rub shoulders with the powerful often sufferer a tremendous amount of criticism and incriminations reforming their business to make them survive and caught up in news media scandals. This is a nightmare to introverts. Rock. sports and movie stares can't afford to misbehave in public like we can get away with. The humble can get drunk, start fights in public, arrested for drink driving, obscene drunken sex overtures and nobody would want to know ideal for introverts.
Founding fathers of a company resulting in the company eventually worth a lot of money to us requires a mind that's almost to the point of obscenely mean to make powerful up top executive company director decisions. Stubbornness is often a shield against equally stubborn agendas working hard in the background to undermined their companies. There's a lot of mean hidden agenda attacks directed at some of our founding fathers of the various companies in this county. Entrepreneurial minds tend to be strong and firm in texture, flexible, can yield to force without breaking and capable of resisting great strain resulting from their decisions without coming apart. Does this responsibility come easy for you?
Entrepreneurs and marketing gurus don't have any job skills and jobs we have. They are self employed salespeople. Adults tended to be entrepreneurial minded respectable school prefect leaders that seem to enjoy the responsibility while the rest of us are not so sure about ourselves being a leader. Do we want to? Reminds us of the cliché not everybody's cut out to be..........or what ever. Entrepreneurial and marketing guru spirits tend to be great leader potential in politics and worth a lot of money to industry the rest of take for granted not particularly carrying much about the business side to set up the company for our benefit, such as the big news paper and magazine and TV station moguls we buy their products and read at liberties on a daily basis.
The study of the physiology of entrepreneurs and marketing gurus strengths can be beneficial learning how they pull off their successes. One of these is a leader of men. Anyway though anybody that seems to be a natural leader doesn't need this article anyway to learn how to attract investor backing. Most of this is the ability to make friends. There's no secretes to them. It just comes natural to them as the air we breathe. It’s what they do unconsciously the rest of ponder if we’re cut out for that sort of life of always selling ourselves to new investors to support our business. Entrepreneurs and marketing gurus have the passion to make things happen not only for themselves but for the investor clients too. For rest of us we shake our heads in amazement at how they do it. It’s what they unconsciously do. It’s what they live for.
Risk taking
These individuals although not gamblers have a psychologically skill at risk taking. It's not the relying on the blind hit and miss luck you're thinking of. These are strategies that are sound with risks involved often controlled by popping up opportunities from time to tem.
On clients wavelengths
For example this scenario of a entrepreneur is faced with. A entrepreneur spirited person learns a potential client shopping round for the best deal has particular passion and is considering proposals wowing the person away their competitor. The gamble is, theoretically the competitor may not have learnt of the client has a particular passion that could help this entrepreneur secure the client off the competitor, as heard, the client shouldn't be able to resist his favorite passion. Unlike trusting blind luck, there's still the risk of the competitor already knowing that could secure the client to them. As you can see the strategies is quite sound. It's not going to be luck that secures the deal. On the same wavelength as the client this entrepreneur could secure the client though working on the client's passion in doing the deal.
That's the kind of risk taking entrepreneurs and marking gurus have no trouble in tackling. Being on a clients wavelengths is entrepreneurs and marking gurus most popular tools. Their psychology understands the value all to well. There's no secrete. It just takes the psychology in you already know to cut deals with very important business people involved with the same idea product or service you're into the company's into too, getting what you want from each other. Wheeling and dealing comes naturally with two people who have the same interests. Good authors write what they know best entrepreneurs psychology. They do deals with with company's they are both into. Entrepreneurs and marking guru psychology can be applied to anyone with a new product idea or service on offer cutting deals with the company directors with the same passion and vision of the same product
If someone has a passion about supplying knowledge service or product something to do with bicycle performance for example can cut deals with a bicycle company that's striving to develop the same thing. The founder of Microsoft Corporation is a good example of how entrepreneurs think. He had the balls to wave his computer programming skills right under the noses of powerful computer company bosses who needed someone like bills skills. He done deals with them understanding all to well the meaning of the cliché' You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Another is the founder of dick Smith Electronics Dick Smith who made what the powerful electronic store into what it is today.
Passion is described as a very strong feeling specially associated with love and romance. Another word 'affinity' meaning a degree of liking or passion if you like. You can be passionate about your car, bike, music, anything that gives you a good buzz. It makes anybody become joyfully busy and skilful at what ever you like to do. The feeling makes it good fun whether wasting time playing round on the internet to people like the founder of Microsoft Corporation Bill Gates who seemed to live for cutting deals with the very important International business machine's ( IBM ), very executives to help him develop his operating system software for his company. What ever gives anybody that buzz in life, is what all they can think about. It's very important to them.
They have a do or die philosophy to shear with the world their passion like Bill Gates did. His example resulted in finances leading to Microsoft credited in the history of PC operating systems as the first in the world with built in features for operating systems we take for granted in PC's today. This is thing entrepreneurs and marketing gurus have that keeps them alive, wheeling and dealing with promotion ideas and projects with very important business communities.
It's not that they understand business, it's because the passion for it gives them the excitement about it that gives them the understanding doing deals with important business people gives them what they want out of life. They love it.You know what it's like with a passion of your own amazing friends with a knack at what you're good at, but you don't understand how they can see it that way since what ever you're into is so routine to you.
Passion about doing business deals gives anyone the confident balls at the challenge of borrowing money from money brokers with no securities, seceded in getting it and do the same with very important business people making everybody else including him ( or herself ), a lot of money in the process.
You'll find anybody who has a reputation of making lots of money not only for themselves but others as well can secure financial deals and praise for any kind of project you like at a drop of a hat.Making money for others specially very important business people one can secure a secure income even for a useless charity trust when you're wheeling and dealing will make others rich and famous at the bargain. Passion is needed for what if dealing for. Without it, everything seems rehearsed to much. You know it feels like talking to a stranger talking to you with a passion about something even when your not interested in it.
And you also know what it's like someone selling you something sounding rehearsed. Entrepreneurs and marketing gurus have a this psychological passion about business as much as someone who's cars or internet mad. They are business deal mad individuals. Doing deals with very important business people gives them a good buzz. They even have balls to do it with only a few dollars to spend. Very important business people can tell business owners are not quite passionate about their if business for their taste. They can see from the less than perfect deduction will dealing. They can see for themselves just enough just to run it traditional way is no getting stuck in there. That's why ninety percent of of business get ignored.
There's no impressive aggressiveness in the business. Bill gates for example had the balls to wheel and deal with the very important business computer companies and internet communities including doing deals with the controllers of the hypertext mark up language ( html ),for web pages the world wide web consortium ( w3C ) to suit his Web browse It's all in doing deals. Passion gives theses individuals the understanding doing deals gets what ever they want from their company of individual achievements from life. Market gurus and entrepreneurs are passionate with if marketing strategies often hired by ordinary business owners to do job for them. Passionate marketing guru and entrepreneurs are real real owners. Passion often leads to an obsession advantage in anything one can do. There's no secrete to business success if your are into wheeling and dealing with very important business communities.
Passion is like a PC hardware device driver that communicates the hardware device with the machines operating system. Entrepreneurs and marking gurus have a joyful experiences imagining outside square box approach cutting deals with very important business people who admire their balls at their ingenuity.Not passionate nobodies obsessed. This lack of obsession tends to neglect business for family and relaxation first. Lack of the later doesn't make thins happen. Often computers shake heads in dismay how they managed to pull of your dream with all those lucky breaks. They didn't have any breaks at all. They created their own success by the passionate drive to cut deals with very important high profile business organization people.It's this inner passion in Entrepreneurs and marketing gurus that create joy in experiencing new ways of seeking to satisfy their passion for securing business deals.
With a passion at selling too anybody is impressed it's not a rehearsed trick but a genuine instinct key to success. Being passionate about anything it's on your mind 24 hours a day partners often complaining your a workaholic. But firm your passion not from your point of view it's not.The most important thing to remember the fact alone someone done something hundreds of thousands of times before experience with no marketing degree qualifications becoming a state of a routine is worth more money than someone who hasn't done very much relying on a important marking degree as proof of professionalism. You can take a A grade technician barely doing a job compeered to some,( theatrically on paper at lest ), non technician doing a top rate job at keeping his machines running smoothly.Not done very much holding a important marketing diploma is not very professional.
A person with a passion for fixing things has done it hundreds and thousands of times before: been there, seen that, done that, all before becomes very familiar with lots of strange quirts by a lot machines developed in their later years unfamiliar to qualified technicians. On paper these enthusiastic non technicians having no business being one, but because of their know how and knack developed a talent over the years with their hobby the their experiences are often worth a lot more money to companies than their own technicians with a degree diploma bluffed by a troublesome machine these people had dealt with thousands of times before.
There are lots of success stories of ordinary untrained lay-people. Take a very unscientific school drop passionate and obsessed about marketing knows what he ( or she ),is doing scenario, That same kid can become crackerjack at making things happen, boosting sales and promotion for any owner of a business sets out to do for himself founding his own business People with a lot of passion find planning a little slow for their blood to be delayed by that. There marking gurus. What do you expect It's in their blood. Excuse for detail planning is irrelevant to passion. It spends the minimum amount of time planning and maximum amount getting the idea or product launch as soon as possible. Some gurus are so passionate they tend to exile at wheeling and dealing with very important business people. hey have joyful time at challenges of launching an idea never planed, with no marking strata gee to get it off ground the rest of us wondering how he,( or she ) did it.
Keeping an idea to yourself and planning first is often not a good idea. Take this scenario and it's happened dozens of times. A good idea born years ago. A marketing guru discovers someone else tinkering with the same idea and launched it as a sensational new invention nobody realizing someone else kept to themselves years ago waiting till he was ready. There's lots of regrets for the past and no time like the present. Think of the regrets world leaders would have if they allowed nuclear strikes to our world to happen, instead of working to prevent the threat of that madness in the present. If you've got the opportunity to offer something to the world unfinished don't neglect it as a hobby. Allow the opportunity to help you finish it in the present not dreaming about it would be like in the future. I once read about about web page design, once first impressions of a web site count's. You don't get a second chance with the presentation of poor quality spelling styling of grammar and layout. I beg to differ.
Someone once told me if every person in the whole world was in a line ( there's a few billion in the world ),greeting every one with a hand shake you'd never reach the end of the line in your life time. I believe it applies to developing a web site when you're not ready. Just because one visitor gets a negative impression from your poor first attempt doesn't necessarily mean the next visitor viewing your much improved version will.
A visitor in Britain less than impressed with your spelling and grammar, one week with improvements in the second attempt viewed by another in the United states weeks latter. Weeks later another visitor discovers your site for the first time much much improved over the first attempt. With the internet there's a infinite amount of second chances because there is so many new visitors who have never heard of you will discover your site for the first time for years to come. Marketing gurus are public people. Some people are drive by it. That gives them enthusiastic passion with public promotion than traditional planning stages.
The public can be shocked and amazed to discover the latest sensational ideas or inventions was actually thought up and on the drawing board years ago by another person. If you have an idea neglecting it on back burner you'll get round to it as a week end hobby you are not really that passionate about it can be seriously neglected in promotion never really getting off ground because of procrastination.
Putting it off because you think you are not ready, to gain experience anyway you have to start. You need to. We all quote cliché when it suits us ready or not here I come is a characteristic of passion. It was this attitude I took when I came into a fortune to afford the equipment to launch this site. This is marking gurus passionate risk philosophy we find hard to do to promote our ideas or inventions. You say Hey hang on I'm not ready yet. I've got a lot to do. Passion doesn't see it that way.
It takes two attitudes. One he ( or she ),will reply do you do you won't to lunch this or not? If you insist your not ready he ( or she ),will say well I'm off for someone else I can progress with. You're on your own, or convince you to go ahead wear your ready or not. A case in point with myself. As you no doubt seen from my spelling and constant updating of my files I wasn't ready for publishing on this site when I first started. Ready or not poor spelling and grammar and all I wasn't prop eared to waist time brushing up on it just dive in ready or not.
That's beauty with internet, specially free web publishing wizards from ISP's and that come with your operating systems. Amateurs won haven't a clue ready or not can publish articles world wide saying goodbye to main stream publishers who won't support the attitude won't support anybody like internet will will be if down fall. internet can be your personal marking guru. Nobody owns internet to put a stop to this practice people who haven't a clue publishing world wide if ideas like me on this site.
Very similar passionate marketing strategies if passions are crackerjacks at launching businesses are business owners passionate about it obsessed with if business. Hiring any person who passionately believes in your idea, product or business you will be very pleased at pace in which every thing gets done even when your not ready and not planed. Passion is psychology behind entrepreneur and marketing not making it seem rehearsed that is genuine of you and your idea before money because person is passionate about your ideas or products than money that tends to attract money not for money. Those who are only in it for money will seem rehearsed expecting a retur or not allow you development spending like someone who believes in your and you ideas. They are not your friend when it comes to hard times. With no passion for your idea or product they'll let your down. Don't be lead by financial support by those who keep harping on and on about a return.
You cannot be successful with financial support from someone who really doesn't believe in product or idea only for fact it's making money at time. You can't take risks in developing your idea if that person is not just as obsessed as you are over it. Obviously passion breeds obsession only motivator anybody needs. If you are passionate you are obsessed with a product or idea you'll soon know this yourself. Passionate obsession drives you into joyful experiences. Anybody with no confidence in selling but is actually passionate abut it will forget haven't confidence automatically, their passionate obsession more than enough motive driving m.If you disagree you're not passionate with your project ,bear in mind you will change your mind on what can be done if you are passionate with it.
Passion obsession is abut psychology feeling about being very comfortable with strangers. I'm using this term to remind you of importance of feeling comfortable in company of important business bosses, high profile politicians, movie and rock stare legends to riches people in world because that's who your passion drives you to target for support as y are best people in positions to do so. To give an idea of how comfortable you should be follow with me with this scenario. Lets say for argument sake, you unexpectedly happen to be caught up in. growled in a shopping mall. A celebrity of your dreams makes a conversation opener to your.
How would you feel if celebrity makes opening conversation to you as if enjoying you company, trying to bring you out of your shell insisting on more than a passing conversation opener? Sounds to good to be true doesn't it. It serves as a example how entrepreneurs genuine passion make important people feel important person never meat before. Passion sets mood with appointments days ahead to suit important persons time rather than on spot selling's use it to relax strange important boss and who has never meet entrepreneur before. On appointment entrepreneur's genuine passion makes important person honored with a charming personality enjoying important person's company over lunch.
Important thing to bear in mind with entrepreneurs are genuinely passionately are not unmindful about dangers of rehearsed enthusiasm coming though making ors feel uncomfortable with a phoniness.
If passion is genuinely relaxed in company without rehearsing and without thinking to rehearse avoided hard sell tactics. Simply relaxed in company strangers important business bosses company. important person see's that by relaxed and cordial atmosphere aided by imperilment arranged days ago.
Selling comes from passion of being charming in presenting his or her idea. If you have problems with being intimated being in company of important people in and ultra rich is quite normal as re are millions who feel uncomfortable surrounded in luxury and impotent business people. Mixing with theses people is not for everybody.
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