The speed of light is the distance light travels just under 300,00km by the time we say one thousand and one. Sunlight we see now is what the sun was just under 8 minutes ago every second.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Fixing bicycle breaking spoke problem once and for all
Normally bicycle spokes don't give any problems. There are issues using common garden variety bikes like a donkey though. Handle bar basket and rear carrier mounted cargo back packer tourist bike types are ideal. The wheels are thick stainless steel spokes and rims deigned for that sort of thing. Constant broken spoke frustrations often begin when rebuilding customizing wheels using parts from several wheels. Parts are not interchange as might think. Although some times one wheel may fit another frame like a clove they are not entirely interchangeable either often the cause of constantly breaking spokes due to a variety of reasons.
One of the important part of interchanging wheels is the knowledge of wheel size. Overall wheel size is tire size. There are, skinny racing and commuter types to wide mountain tires. Tape measures tell you tires come in metric and imperial inches. Commuter bike wheels measure seven hundred millimeters ( seventy centimeters ) across ( just under three quarter meter ) with about twenty five millimeters wide expressed as seven hundred C. On the flip side of the tape is the imperial inches that measure old rare tires, twenty eight inches across, more common twenty seven a very common twenty six inch diameter with width readings ranging from a half inch to an three quarter wide.
Mountain bike tires range from a metric seven hundred C, twelve inches ( one foot for little ones ) twenty four, and twenty six inches across and an inch or two wide. You will find sizes are confirmed stamped on the side of the tire wall. In both metric and imperial markings gives the diameter and width of the tire. Tape measures will confirm the relative rim size. What looks like the same size tire at a glance fitting a seven hundred C tire onto a twenty six inch rim for example the metric tire will be far too small.
A metric wheel mounted in a frame depending on the original imperial inch wheel will give brake alignment issues either to high or to low problems. There is a lot of tolerance lei way between a seven hundred C and twenty six imperial inch inch wheel with rim and disc brakes that can be adjusted to accommodate pressing rim or the disc ( called a rotor ) properly.
The main cause of constant breaking spoke problem is an Improper line up between the rear wheel drop out stays is caused a dished wheel fitted into a drop out designed for a non dished wheel or vice versa . If you look at a wheel tire on or the rim head on you'll observe some wheels the gear cluster ( or drive ) side looks dished outwards a bit and the opposite side looks flat. In others both sides look flat. The dished wheel is a dish wheel while flat both sides is a symmetrical wheel, The difference will cause off set alignment problems between the rear wheel drop out stays and front forks.
The problem is compounded if making up a customized wheels from bits and pieces from various wheel parts. Tape measures readings show many variations in hub widths that determines the gap across the from fork and rear wheel drop out gaps in various frames .
Observing the how many rear wheel sprockets of external multi sprocket back wheels there are gives you speed ratings that determines the gap across the drop out. Speed ratting is when we multiply the number of rear wheel sprockets by the number of front chain wheels on the crank. Five is a common racing bike wheel designed for bikes with double front chain wheel arrangements. Up to seven is exclusively mountain bikes designed either a double or triple front front chain wheel. The bike speed facture determines the number of sprockets that determines the length of the width of the hub which in turn determines the drop out width issue. The narrowest hub is a 10 speed ( five rear wheel and two crank set sprockets ) and the widest a twenty one speed ( seven rear wheel and three crank sprockets.
Anybody who knows mathematics well will testify to the laws of mathematics we can multiply the front crank sprockets by the rear sprockets. We can divide any speed by the number of crank sprockets giving us the number of rear wheel sprockets. We can dived any speed by any rear wheel sprockets number giving us the number of front chain wheels sprockets. Eighteen speed divided by six rear wheel sprockets we ask our selves how many six's go into eighteen. Three, six's are eighteen respectively. So taking into account of wheel size, judging the number of sprockets on rear wheels we can judge the speed of the bike the wheel came from telling us the width of the drop out of the frame frame and vice versa. A typical tape measure will confirm the differences in the drop out gap of different speed frames.
There are other issues that will cause braking spokes. We can see from observing rear wheels the drive side either looks dished or flat looking ( symmetrical ) both sides. It is another issue that determines the width of the rear wheel drop out. The widest frame is a 21 speed dished gear cluster side and the narrowest is a symmetrical ( both sides flat looking ) 10 speed.
Without any regards to fitting wheels subsisting is a potential risk of a miss match between the wheel and the frame. Symptoms include an improper alignment between the rear wheel drop out stay arms. In a case of a 21 speed wheel fitted to a 10 speed drop out the rear wheel will tend to be off set to close to one side millimeters away from rubbing the rear wheel stay arm to actually rubbing. With rim brakes rubbing on the rubbers ( and not fitting between the gap in disc brake bikes ) properly. For proper alignment in the frame the correct wheel is essential.
As a rule of thump knowing the speed of the frame any wheel with a match fit will fit properly between the drop out stay arms. If switching wheels round it is necessary make sure you know the width, ( a tape measure confirmation of the drop out width is always helpful to know ) knowing the symmetry of the wheel suitable. Looking at bike wheels tire side head on you will observe either the sprocket ( or a multi gear cluster side ) will appear dished in some and flat on both sides with other wheels. The dished wheels are dish symmetry and flat on both sides are expressed as symmetrical wheels.
Front wheel spokes are easier replace than the drive side of rear wheels. Spokes are threaded right behind the sprocket or cluster cluster which need to be removed. Different manufactures have different tool deigns for the job which require a different gear cluster removal tools.
Taking into account of the wheel size observing the spoke arrangement of the front wheel the same pattern as the rear. The number of spokes varies from forty spokes of cargo carrying capacity wheels thirty eight about minimum. Very common and not really meant for any cargo carrying capacity thirty six and 34.Counting the number of your spokes tells you the status of your wheel design.
Examine a wheel you will observe spokes are strung on angles crossing each other once, twice, three times and sometimes four. Racing bike spokes are known to be only once. Commuter bikes three times times and cargo carrying capacity four times.
Turning you attention to the hub flange the spokes are mounted supporting the wheel on the axle there is a left and right hand side paten of wheels in the spoke arrangement. The spoke heads in the hub flange alternate in and out, Inwards for one side and out wards for the other side. It doesn't matter which is which with the in and out paten relative to the left and right sides the principle holds.
Taking measurements of the tire, dished or symmetrical, counting the number of spokes, the number of times they cross each other and the number of sprockets of the rear wheel into account tells the type of bike you have or trying to rebuild for the current frame type you intend to mount in. This is a vital information you need to know if you are into rebuilding wheels. If you are practicing rebuilding wheels a tape measure can be an indispensable part of your tool kit. You can use the tape to find any spare spoke or spokes that will do the job.
Replacing a broken spoke on the gear cluster side of a rear wheel the old out dated screw on gear cluster needs the corresponding out dated tool too. For a single rear gear generally held on by a clip or needs a tool that fits two little dots impresses.
The out dated multi gear cluster bike has two lugs that fit in the slots in the gear cluster sprockets where the axial goes though. There is no need to remove the axel as you can fit the tool over it passing though a hole in the tool. The undo threading direction is the peddling forward direction. During the life of the wheel the peddling torque constantly tightened on the hub, so don't be suppressed if it is on so tight will never seem to be able to come off without the proper tool. Bicycle reaper shops have the tool resources and a vice.
The procedure to use the tool it is anchored in the jaws of a vice. When the wheel is removed it is place over it connecting into the lugs. There is lots of room the size of the for powerful grappling torque pulling the wheel round like holding onto a steering wheel.
Modem bike hub tools are a spline types like a slid on vehicle gearbox splines where the gear cluster held in place by the smallest sprocket. There is two sizes. It'll be very difficult to gage the size the tool required by eye with the wheel on. The wheel is best removed and measured by spare tools of the different sizes. You can take the wheel to a bike shop and try there if you have to fit one.
Once the first sprocket is loosened you can be unscrewed, the rest of the glister slides off the splined hub in one piece called a cassette. Alternatively the older you can get a way with a box spanner that fits in the smallest sprocket spline with out the need of a vice. An advantage you can use a ring spanner at the maximum leverage for tight ones. Once the gear cluster is removed the spoke can be replaced according the the spoke pattern the spoke head inwards for one side or the other.
To remove the wheel turn the bike upside down resting on the seat and handlebars. If a broken spoke behind the rear wheel gear cluster you will need to remove it. The rear wheel gear derailleur willstay on the bike when you remove the rear wheel.
Set the gear lever so the chain is engaged with the smallest sprocket
Undo the wheel nuts enough the wheel is only loose in the drop outs. Or if one of those quick release wheels undo the lever so that the wheel only lose. They can stay on the axel when you lift out the wheel so they don't get lost.
If your bike has rim brakes the brake pads will inevitably catch on the inflated wall of the tire preventing the wheel from coming out. Problem solved when you have to take the tire off to get at the spoke nipples in the rim. Deflate the tire vacuum flat. Vacuum flat the tire walls clears the break pads.
Lifting the wheel up and backwards with one hand clearing the chain from the gear cluster with the other you can lift out the wheel. The gear cluster remains in place.
The next step is removing the tire.
Replacing a spoke on the gear cluster side after removing the gear cluster replace the tire-less wheel back into the drop out and finger tight the wheel nuts.
Take out the broken spoke threading the new one according the head pattern of the hub flange crossing the other spokes fitting the thread to the spoke hole in the rim threading the spoke nipple on to the thread of the new spoke.
Don't wrench tight the spoke nipple with the spoke tool. Leave sloppy. This is because if you do you will be pulling downward part of the rim creating a depression that creates an egg shape in the rim.
Rotate the wheel observing a side to side wobble between the brake pads. Side to side wobble indicates you will create an egg shape if you tighten the loose spoke. Top prevent this from happening move the wheel so the loose spoke is between the brake pads. Ignoring the loose spoke slightly loosen the 2 opposite side spoke nipples. The side to side wobble will attempt to straighten a bit.
You will find loosing the other 2 loose the loose spoke will feel tighter. Don't wrench tight. Only adjust at a maximum of quarter turn Turn you attention back to the other 2 spokes adjusting them again. Alternate adjust between the 3 nipples till the rim runs true between the brakes rubbers.
All that needs to be done now is to remove the wheel and reassemble the tire. Don't inflate because the brake pads catching on the expanded tire wall will prevent you from fitting the wheel. Inflate once back in the bike.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Origins of whormholes
According to Einstein's General theory of relativity the mass of Planets and stars bend space. A common analogy likens it to a heavy bowling ball in the centre of a trampoline. But space is not like a flat trampoline pad. It is a three dimensional geometry of depth every direction. There is no such thing as a up and down only a left and right direction in every direction. If anything planet and stars being spherical would tend to collapse space round the entire circumferences. In effect shrinking collapsing space into them rather than bending a flat surface.
The consequence of the earth's tilt and spin speed should be taken into account if we are to look into the effect of the earth distorting space putting the south Pacific twenty for hours ahead of the North Atlantic every day. According to the General theory of relativity says in effect the Chatom Islands South of New Zealand are bending space just as Northern Britain the other side of the word is right now. In fact every cubic meter of the earth's surface right down to your own back yard.
The collapse round the circumference is what keeps the air we breath, the sea and everything else pressed ( or pulled ) onto to the earth's crust in terms of a kilogram per cubic meter at sea level. In terms of the total mass about eighteen trillion metric tons of space squeezing the entire circumference.
Earth science tells us the earth's crust is a series of plates like a cracked egg shell floating on top of Melton Magma. The spin and orbital centrifugal forces keeps the magma rotating. The consequences generates the earth's magnetic filed turning the earth into a magnetized sphere the north and south poles protecting the earth atmosphere from the ravages of space radiation particularly from our nearby star our sun. In other words the spin velocity.
The solar system's star ( our sun ) equally shrinks space round the entire circumference. If Einstein is right the mass of the sun causes space to shrink on it. In terms of tonnage would be well in excesses of several hundred thousands of millions, of trillions of tones per cubic kilometer of inward compressing pressure of space. Just a cubic kilometer of it's surface would weigh as much as the moon. In terms of scale. On the surface of the sun a viaticum we all carrying round inside us weighing mere few micrograms would weight as much as an ocean liner.
The shrinkage creates a curve round the bodies other bodies orbit like the earth and our solar system planets round our nearest star and the moon round the earth. The velocities of orbiting bodies is very important in maintaining a stable orbit. They are slow enough not to spiral out of control into each other yet not high enough to escape the curve. In other words the curve escape velocity.
Supper giant stars are hundreds of thousands of times heavier. The distorted curve they produce will be very step. All stars including our own are kept from being crushed inwards by the distortion by well over trillions of tones per cubic kilometer expanding pressure on the sun's surface produced by constant thermal nuclear explosions. The cascade began from a build up compression from the distorting space pressure heating Hydrogen enough to fuse into Helium what makes stars expand and shine.
The expansion is resisting the compression of the distorting space. The outer layers are plentiful with hydrogen. The under layers are not. When the outer layers get used up space compresses pulls heavier producing more heat starting to fuse the heavier under layers. Layer by layer by a few million years producing the atoms of the elements right down to the heaviest carbon the last to be produced.
It takes several hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of trillions of tones per kilometer from the distorted space pressuring the stars surface to create carbon. At this pressure vitamin C we carry in our blood stream would weigh as much as a supper Tanker. When carbon runs to low to sustain it mass the any longer the outer layers explodes against the enormous pressure of space injecting into space on at light speed. Anything in it's path is subjected to several hundreds of millions of degrees centigrade traveling at that velocity. Whole planets as big Jupiter would be incinerated several millions of kilometres away. To survive a supper nova has to be a couple of thousand million, trillion Kilometres away.
When zero pressure is left space collapses the remains to a spherical point smaller than a particle of the atom called a singularity. The unit is a Planck constant a tiny decimal fraction, forty zeros on the left of six, six, two, six, ( or six, six, two, six zero six, nine, five, seven to be exact ) a total of a forty three decimal number. Like light speed the value is fixed. It is a finite number worked out by a German physicist Max Plank in 1900.
Physicists loved it because it is a unique constant value that turns out not to be infinite expressed as a Planck constant. It is the final decimal places making the number itself finite. Scientific notation tells us six, point six, two, six, zero six, nine, five, seven, divided by ten forty three times. In other words times ten to the minus forty three. The number shows it's not smaller than that which has bee adopted as the Planck constant the smallest value of the universes. According to the finality of the number nothing can be smaller
The constant is not the diameter of a singularity because of the number says can't be smaller than the radius ( from the center to the edge ). Mathematics tells us the diameter can be worked out using Pi ( pie ) calculating the volume of spheres, taking the radius as the Plank length value and pi that calculates the true diameter and circumference.
The law of mathematics tells us the reciprocal of a Plank constant is the same six, six, two six, number relocated on the left of the same number of zeros ( six. point, two, six times ten to the forty three ) giving a positive number in terms of tonnage per cubic volume at the same value in the minus scale ( ten to the minus forty three ).
In other words mathematics defines a singularity as the Planck pi defining the diameter shrunk to a Plank constant in the minus value weighing the Plank constant in the positive value. Wormholes are sited as the by product of this condition in space. In other words the singularity in the centre of black hole is on a Planck scale in the minus value and mass in the positive.
Most of us by now would be wondering by now about time in the black hole. Most believe time is infinite inside a black hole because we are looking into a black hole from the outside of the universe point of view. There is two directions.
Not only from our point of view but also from looking from inside a black hole outward towards the universe point of view too. Our belief time inside a black hole tells us time looking from the inside out towards the universe must be equally infinite How every the Planck constant tells us it should only be slowed down the value of the positive value as slow as our environment second.
We can see this if a Planck's constant is 0.00000000000000000000000000000000066260957. Meters, kilograms, and of a second or 66,260,957,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000 meters, kilograms,( Planck mass ) and seconds. In metric tones, kilometres and years six zeros less. The age of the universe so far is only 14,000,000,000,000 ( six zeros a Billion ) years. In terms of centuries only 140,000. At lest double that years is only twenty four zeros let a lone the rest of the zeros in time.
If time is slowed down looking into a black hole from outside the universe looking from the inside to the universe time must be speed up the positive value of the Planck constant. Looking into a black hole from our universe point of view perception every second in there is a Planck constant in the positive value as slow as every second on earth. For every second seen inside a black hole is Planck constant in seconds on earth of time.
Mathematics challenges our mathematical instinct how many years if the Planck constant in the positive value in seconds? I'm sure anybody into challenging mathematics can convert into years. In other words from looking inside a black hole outwards towards the universe see's every second on earth in years as fast. Every second passes on earth we can convert to years even in centuries.
Mathematics will project several hundred thousand trillion centuries would pass on earth every second inside a black hole as slow or as fast depending which direction we observe the hole or universe. Several hundred trillion centuries may seem infinite but at the end of the day is no where near infinite.
Encountering a black hole light is captured in orbit where the velocity isn't high enough to escape the pull of the Planck mass. In other words absorbing a hundred percept of light. Or in another term caught in a endless loop. It is no longer a straight line. Since there will be no light escaping the singularity ends up looking the same colour as the back drop of space.
Orbiting light effectively hides it. In theory if light was a little faster may escape. But currently the maximum speed limit is bellow the clutches needed so remains in permanent orbit. Another possible scenario the particles of light ( Photons ) become so heavy the waveform energy is dampened to zero or at lets to bellow we can see them.
Meanwhile light from the universe travels in a straight line reaching our eyes we see with while we don't observe the endless circling or zero energy light round the singularity ending up the same colour as the back drop of space forming a black hole where the edge of the darkness is expressed as the event horizon. About a light second from this point of no return boundary is the last escape velocity boundary called the ergosphere.
When Germany was occupied fighting the British in the Battle of the Somme in World war one an off duty German field Gunner and astronomer Karl Schwarzschild ( shawtz child ) came across Einstein's general theory of relativity recently published by Annuals der funk science magazine. Catching his attention matter bends space Schwarzschild's curiosity was aroused wondering what the impact on the earth would be is gravity was strong enough to capture a hundred percept of light.
He turned to mathematics for help.
Mathematics calculates spheres from the centre to the edge called the radius. Armed with the radius of the earth and the speed of light he found a theoretical scenario the gravity needed would compress the current mass of the earth down to a size of a pea. For the sun about a 3cm radius he called a singularity. He sent his findings to Albert Einstein who was pleased with the calculations. Since then it has become known as the Schwarzschild radius Today Schwarzschild's singularities are the known as centre of black holes. The black void that extends millions of kilometres across hides the singularity.
During the next decade advances in quantum physicists showed evidence photons and the particles of the atom displayed a tendency of being two places at the same time. There was sufficient cause to believe particles in this part of the universe may be influenced by particles clear across the other side. Einstein supported by a couple of colleagues Boris Podolskv and Nathan Rosen thought this was ridiculous specially since nothing can go faster than light. Einstein personally thought was some kind of wild spooking action at a distance speculation. The trio were not impressed.
In 1935 the they teamed up to write a paper to discredit Quantum physics once and for all. In doing so they found it more or less inconclusive. But did came up with an interesting question what would happen if a pair of singularities meet. It was supposed if the dark regions of space was back to back the two tunnels in space would link forming a tunnel in space at each end of the dark regions.
In theory if we could observe the universes from the inside a looking outwards to the universe we may find we are blinded by the share brightness of the endlessly orbiting light. Reality can sometimes throw a curve ball on that thought though.
Lets assume operating on the principle the mass of a singularity bending space we can assume the deep well on a Planck scale. The Planck constant in the positive value in terms of Kilometres deep the diameter of the singularity wide. ( or converted to miles if you like ).
The consequence of the earth's tilt and spin speed should be taken into account if we are to look into the effect of the earth distorting space putting the south Pacific twenty for hours ahead of the North Atlantic every day. According to the General theory of relativity says in effect the Chatom Islands South of New Zealand are bending space just as Northern Britain the other side of the word is right now. In fact every cubic meter of the earth's surface right down to your own back yard.
The collapse round the circumference is what keeps the air we breath, the sea and everything else pressed ( or pulled ) onto to the earth's crust in terms of a kilogram per cubic meter at sea level. In terms of the total mass about eighteen trillion metric tons of space squeezing the entire circumference.
Earth science tells us the earth's crust is a series of plates like a cracked egg shell floating on top of Melton Magma. The spin and orbital centrifugal forces keeps the magma rotating. The consequences generates the earth's magnetic filed turning the earth into a magnetized sphere the north and south poles protecting the earth atmosphere from the ravages of space radiation particularly from our nearby star our sun. In other words the spin velocity.
The solar system's star ( our sun ) equally shrinks space round the entire circumference. If Einstein is right the mass of the sun causes space to shrink on it. In terms of tonnage would be well in excesses of several hundred thousands of millions, of trillions of tones per cubic kilometer of inward compressing pressure of space. Just a cubic kilometer of it's surface would weigh as much as the moon. In terms of scale. On the surface of the sun a viaticum we all carrying round inside us weighing mere few micrograms would weight as much as an ocean liner.
The shrinkage creates a curve round the bodies other bodies orbit like the earth and our solar system planets round our nearest star and the moon round the earth. The velocities of orbiting bodies is very important in maintaining a stable orbit. They are slow enough not to spiral out of control into each other yet not high enough to escape the curve. In other words the curve escape velocity.
Supper giant stars are hundreds of thousands of times heavier. The distorted curve they produce will be very step. All stars including our own are kept from being crushed inwards by the distortion by well over trillions of tones per cubic kilometer expanding pressure on the sun's surface produced by constant thermal nuclear explosions. The cascade began from a build up compression from the distorting space pressure heating Hydrogen enough to fuse into Helium what makes stars expand and shine.
The expansion is resisting the compression of the distorting space. The outer layers are plentiful with hydrogen. The under layers are not. When the outer layers get used up space compresses pulls heavier producing more heat starting to fuse the heavier under layers. Layer by layer by a few million years producing the atoms of the elements right down to the heaviest carbon the last to be produced.
It takes several hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of trillions of tones per kilometer from the distorted space pressuring the stars surface to create carbon. At this pressure vitamin C we carry in our blood stream would weigh as much as a supper Tanker. When carbon runs to low to sustain it mass the any longer the outer layers explodes against the enormous pressure of space injecting into space on at light speed. Anything in it's path is subjected to several hundreds of millions of degrees centigrade traveling at that velocity. Whole planets as big Jupiter would be incinerated several millions of kilometres away. To survive a supper nova has to be a couple of thousand million, trillion Kilometres away.
When zero pressure is left space collapses the remains to a spherical point smaller than a particle of the atom called a singularity. The unit is a Planck constant a tiny decimal fraction, forty zeros on the left of six, six, two, six, ( or six, six, two, six zero six, nine, five, seven to be exact ) a total of a forty three decimal number. Like light speed the value is fixed. It is a finite number worked out by a German physicist Max Plank in 1900.
Physicists loved it because it is a unique constant value that turns out not to be infinite expressed as a Planck constant. It is the final decimal places making the number itself finite. Scientific notation tells us six, point six, two, six, zero six, nine, five, seven, divided by ten forty three times. In other words times ten to the minus forty three. The number shows it's not smaller than that which has bee adopted as the Planck constant the smallest value of the universes. According to the finality of the number nothing can be smaller
The constant is not the diameter of a singularity because of the number says can't be smaller than the radius ( from the center to the edge ). Mathematics tells us the diameter can be worked out using Pi ( pie ) calculating the volume of spheres, taking the radius as the Plank length value and pi that calculates the true diameter and circumference.
The law of mathematics tells us the reciprocal of a Plank constant is the same six, six, two six, number relocated on the left of the same number of zeros ( six. point, two, six times ten to the forty three ) giving a positive number in terms of tonnage per cubic volume at the same value in the minus scale ( ten to the minus forty three ).
In other words mathematics defines a singularity as the Planck pi defining the diameter shrunk to a Plank constant in the minus value weighing the Plank constant in the positive value. Wormholes are sited as the by product of this condition in space. In other words the singularity in the centre of black hole is on a Planck scale in the minus value and mass in the positive.
Most of us by now would be wondering by now about time in the black hole. Most believe time is infinite inside a black hole because we are looking into a black hole from the outside of the universe point of view. There is two directions.
Not only from our point of view but also from looking from inside a black hole outward towards the universe point of view too. Our belief time inside a black hole tells us time looking from the inside out towards the universe must be equally infinite How every the Planck constant tells us it should only be slowed down the value of the positive value as slow as our environment second.
We can see this if a Planck's constant is 0.00000000000000000000000000000000066260957. Meters, kilograms, and of a second or 66,260,957,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000 meters, kilograms,( Planck mass ) and seconds. In metric tones, kilometres and years six zeros less. The age of the universe so far is only 14,000,000,000,000 ( six zeros a Billion ) years. In terms of centuries only 140,000. At lest double that years is only twenty four zeros let a lone the rest of the zeros in time.
If time is slowed down looking into a black hole from outside the universe looking from the inside to the universe time must be speed up the positive value of the Planck constant. Looking into a black hole from our universe point of view perception every second in there is a Planck constant in the positive value as slow as every second on earth. For every second seen inside a black hole is Planck constant in seconds on earth of time.
Mathematics challenges our mathematical instinct how many years if the Planck constant in the positive value in seconds? I'm sure anybody into challenging mathematics can convert into years. In other words from looking inside a black hole outwards towards the universe see's every second on earth in years as fast. Every second passes on earth we can convert to years even in centuries.
Mathematics will project several hundred thousand trillion centuries would pass on earth every second inside a black hole as slow or as fast depending which direction we observe the hole or universe. Several hundred trillion centuries may seem infinite but at the end of the day is no where near infinite.
Encountering a black hole light is captured in orbit where the velocity isn't high enough to escape the pull of the Planck mass. In other words absorbing a hundred percept of light. Or in another term caught in a endless loop. It is no longer a straight line. Since there will be no light escaping the singularity ends up looking the same colour as the back drop of space.
Orbiting light effectively hides it. In theory if light was a little faster may escape. But currently the maximum speed limit is bellow the clutches needed so remains in permanent orbit. Another possible scenario the particles of light ( Photons ) become so heavy the waveform energy is dampened to zero or at lets to bellow we can see them.
Meanwhile light from the universe travels in a straight line reaching our eyes we see with while we don't observe the endless circling or zero energy light round the singularity ending up the same colour as the back drop of space forming a black hole where the edge of the darkness is expressed as the event horizon. About a light second from this point of no return boundary is the last escape velocity boundary called the ergosphere.
When Germany was occupied fighting the British in the Battle of the Somme in World war one an off duty German field Gunner and astronomer Karl Schwarzschild ( shawtz child ) came across Einstein's general theory of relativity recently published by Annuals der funk science magazine. Catching his attention matter bends space Schwarzschild's curiosity was aroused wondering what the impact on the earth would be is gravity was strong enough to capture a hundred percept of light.
He turned to mathematics for help.
Mathematics calculates spheres from the centre to the edge called the radius. Armed with the radius of the earth and the speed of light he found a theoretical scenario the gravity needed would compress the current mass of the earth down to a size of a pea. For the sun about a 3cm radius he called a singularity. He sent his findings to Albert Einstein who was pleased with the calculations. Since then it has become known as the Schwarzschild radius Today Schwarzschild's singularities are the known as centre of black holes. The black void that extends millions of kilometres across hides the singularity.
During the next decade advances in quantum physicists showed evidence photons and the particles of the atom displayed a tendency of being two places at the same time. There was sufficient cause to believe particles in this part of the universe may be influenced by particles clear across the other side. Einstein supported by a couple of colleagues Boris Podolskv and Nathan Rosen thought this was ridiculous specially since nothing can go faster than light. Einstein personally thought was some kind of wild spooking action at a distance speculation. The trio were not impressed.
In 1935 the they teamed up to write a paper to discredit Quantum physics once and for all. In doing so they found it more or less inconclusive. But did came up with an interesting question what would happen if a pair of singularities meet. It was supposed if the dark regions of space was back to back the two tunnels in space would link forming a tunnel in space at each end of the dark regions.
In theory if we could observe the universes from the inside a looking outwards to the universe we may find we are blinded by the share brightness of the endlessly orbiting light. Reality can sometimes throw a curve ball on that thought though.
Lets assume operating on the principle the mass of a singularity bending space we can assume the deep well on a Planck scale. The Planck constant in the positive value in terms of Kilometres deep the diameter of the singularity wide. ( or converted to miles if you like ).
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