Saturday, August 6, 2016

When we slow down time speeds up

We can clearly see the direction time flows just by observing the movement of analogue clock hands and digital time seconds measuring our environment's time. We trace the second hand every division round the face of analogue clocks the same amount of time digital time piece seconds. We observe digital numbers, analogue minute and hour hands frozen in time at any given moment of time.

Tracing the second hand of analogue clock circle we can't observe the minute hand move a division. Things are really dramatic in relation with the minute and hour hands. We don't observe the minute hand travel a full circle, let alone the hour hand moves a division. From our point of view the hour and minutes hands are both frozen stationary at any moment of time. It is the case of the illusion of the hands moving to slow to observe moving.

We know 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. When any clock hits every 12 midnight is the Gregorian calendar used by the western civilization date change. Every date is 24 hours of time long.

To digital time pieces in military mode there is no such thing as a 24 read out. It is always a second before 12 midnight 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.(23:59:59) The instant the digits hit 12 midnight the numbers reset to 00:00:00 changing the date. There is no hours, no minutes and no seconds for a second.

The next second is 00:00:01 (second’s after12 midnight) and so on. The second’s column repeats 0 to 59 resetting to 00 the minute column setting to 1, a minute after. The two columns repeat 0 to 59 until an hour after 01:00:00, one in the morning. The three columns repeat 0 to 59 until 2 in the morning (02:00:00) and so on.

All columns repeat 0 to 59 to 12 midday (12:00:00), when the last 0 sets to 1. Again all the numbers reset 0 to 59.The numbers repeat the sequence 13, (1 in the afternoon) 14,(2 in the afternoon) and so on until 23:59:59 in the evening another second before the numbers changes the date for the next day. Every sequence takes 24 hours of time long. Looking at the layout of any calendar the line of every box (or space between each number), is 12 midnight.

Doing the math's, tells us adding up all the seconds of every date change results in 60 times 60 (or 60 squared to mathematicians ), gives the number of seconds in an hour. Times 24 equals a total of every 86,400 seconds every date change. We have a formula  sdc = 602 24. .

It is a constant to all clocks and watches whether analogue or digital. They never vary. If a clock is fast or slow is the only variation. If we apply some mathematics to this, our arithmetic thinking agrees the minute hand must be 60, the hour hand 3,600 and a whole date change 86,400 times as slow as every second.

Our brain reads clocks and watches the direction time flows in a steady stream from the present and past direction every second. Time starts at present memory. The future second can't exist because it isn't the present second. We can never remember it only the present and past seconds.

Time travels in the forward direction. Take an house for example. The ravages of time, turns into a haunted houses moving into rack and ruin disappearing into vacant lot full rubble. In time that two will vanish into the lot as if the house wasn't ever there. The processes are called entropy. Our bodies follow this law as we get older.

Imagine if the reverse was true. The vacant lot would reassemble back a pile of rubble out of the ground assemble back to a haunted house, advance on to the time brand new and dissemble to a vacant lot again.

Large amount of time is demonstrated by archaeologists digging up million year old skeletal remains of animals every year. If we could observe time from their point of view we would observe millions of years per second. To us park statues as frozen in time. If we could observe the park environment from their point of view we would be traveling millions of years into the future every second.

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal pans out to, every second equals 86,400th of every date change.

Let’s see what we observe of the environment's time if we observe the minute hand of analogue clock minute hand sped up as fast as we normally observe the second hand. (Or digital seconds of a digital timer if you like it's all the same to every second).

The first thing we observe the second hand is a spinning bluer. It is 60 times as fast as the minute hand while the minute hand is moving every division as fast as we normally observe the second hand.

To observe this we would be traveling 60 times as slow as the environment second. Environment observes would observe us like we observe park statues frozen in time. Despite looking frozen we are moving though time 60 times as slow as every environment second. Time has not stopped for both points of views. From our point of view every second is a minute into the future and from the environment observer’s point of view time travels as normal for them.

Mathematics projects the reciprocal tells the equivalent of observing the environment's time from the minute hour hand points of view. Reciprocally from observers point of view the minute and hour hands are frozen stationary in time at any time doesn't mean time is stopped. The stationary hand is only relative from our point of view. The sped up environment time is only relative to the hands point of view.

Observing the hands from their point of view we would observe the environment time as they see it. We would observe traveling a minute into the future every second. The environment's time is sped up 60 times as fast. We would observe a environment clock second hand spin the clock circle 60 times a second, the minute hand sped up every division we would normally observe the second hand.

Time is mathematically Symmetrical. It tells us the reciprocal is environment observers point of view of us we would be slowed down 60 times as slow the environment second. From our point of view environment observers are sped up 60 times as fast  

From their point of we'd be frozen in time as park statues, 60 times as slow as the environment's second. From both point of views the environment's time hasn't stopped, one point of slowed and the opposite point time has not stopped, only the environment's time sped up in equal proportion of the point of view of the opposite.

The same principle applies if we observe the hour into the environment's future every second, the environment observers see us slowed down in time in equal proportion.

For the 24 hour period from the environment observer’s point of view our second would be a state of a 24 hour statue, while from our point of view the 24 hours into the environments future every second.

The Gregorian calendar used by the western countries a week is 7 days from 12 midnight the first working day to a second before 12 midnight Sunday evening the weekend. From our point of view a whole week into the environment every second would be a frozen statue for a week every second from the environment's point of view. Imagine viewing every month into the future every second.

For a year per second our mathematical instinct agrees all the seconds in a year pans out to 60 squared times 24, times 365 days. From our point of view we would be traveling year into the future every second while from the environment's point of view, frozen in time statue a like whole year every second.

Taking into account of the extra day at the end of every third February leap year we can calculate for decades, centuries, millennia, millions of and billions of years even trillions of centuries we'd observe the universe every second.

It is how black holes us sees the universe. Doing the maths says from a black hole's point of view of us and our point of view of black holes is a reciprocal perception of each others time. Each view point doesn't stop for each point of view. What a black hole sees a trillion centuries pass on earth every second we observe a black in  trillion centuries the same amount of time.

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