Thursday, February 19, 2015

We all tend to think space is an empty vacuum. We forget one important thing. Space is filled with radiating light from all the galaxies let a lone all the gravitational energy of the universe making things happen.

Cosmic radiation known as an electromagnetic radiation is an huge energetic waveform. Classical physics tells us a particles of the atom in mass repeat a minimum and maximum peak to peak harmonic motion. Text book describe it in a sine wave waveform. The cycle begins at minimum climbs to a peak and slows down to a stop to reverse direction speeding back up repeating the cycle.

The length of the cycle repeats many times per second the frequency of the mass of particle waveform. In the case of the universe a kilometer long radio wave believed to be the energy of the big bang that has supposed to have created our universe. Radio receivers pick it up sounding like radio static the same as the sun makes.

All stars including ours put out a frequency range from the latter called the Cosmic Background Radiation ( CBR ) to an ultra short wavelength, a couple of thousand times shorter than the thickness of a human hair per second. ( Ultra high Frequency ).

One wavelength is one cycle called a Hertz. The standard metric system tells us the prefix units for the frequency Kilo- for a thousand, mega for a million, giga for a thousand million, and terra for a billion, Kilohertz, Megahertz, Gigahertz. and Terahertz, ( KHz, GHz, MHz, and THz ) respectively.

A MHz frequency for example is a million wavelengths ( or cycles ) in a second. The standard metric system for wavelength is the reciprocals of the latter. In order,  milli ( mill-lee ) for a thousandth, micro for a millionth, Nano for a thousand millionth, and Pico for a billionth of a meter. equal to thousandths and millionths of a centimetre or tenth's, hundredth's thousandths of a millimetre respectively. One wavelength is a millisecond, a microsecond, a nanosecond a Pico second and a tera second. Mathematic tells us a million microseconds or a thousand million nanoseconds equals one second and so on.

We see sunlight from the sun as a clear light. Isaac Newton discovered prisms shorten the wavelength projected on his laboratory wall the seven major colours of the rainbow.

The lowest frequency we see is red, a couple of MHz ( or micrometre wavelength ) and blue the maximum of several MHz ( micrometre wavelength ) a very tiny part of the of the invisible cosmic radiation to low and to fast frequency range for our eyes to detect, from the CBR meter long wavelength to several  Pico meter ( THz frequency if you like ) the clear light and the colours of nature we see between.

THz is the maximum frequency of gamma rays the maximum heat and energy produced by the universe in the form of supernovae energy. Also found in man made nuclear blasts. The entire frequency spectrum is not infinite but a finite limitation that isn't any lower than the CBR, frequency nor any higher than gamma rays. The total cosmic radiation is a kilometer long to a few Pico meter wavelengths.

The heat we feel from the sun is part of the cosmic radiation that had travelled just over 3 million Kilometres ( or 93 million miles if you like ) only inferred cameras can see. This inferred heat is seen radiating from freshly solidified lava flows and put out camp fire patches hidden from our eyes by the middle of a dark night defining black body radiation. In effect we are essentially by definition black bodies because of our radiating body heat. Inferred cameras will see all this in fire and cooking in kitchens and anything to do with heat radiation.

The earth's atmosphere lengthens frequencies higher than the blue frequency in the sky we see. Radiation from the sun and universe that tans our skin is an ultra High ( UV ) frequency the minimum frequency our eyes can not see, a couple of nanometres wavelengths. ( Or a couple of GHz frequencies ). If we could see this frequency would be a bluish purple ( Violet ) colour cast round us some insects and birds can see called Ultra Violet Light ( UVL ) streaming down out of the clouds like a non stop cloud burst.

The rest of the radiation is so high in frequency incinerates everything less than a second. Fortunately for us the earth  atmosphere and the lengthens wavelengths that wasn't deflected by the earth's magnetic field. Gamma ray frequency is so high if a burst hit the earth the heat alone a huge area of the upper atmosphere would reach several thousand degrees less than a second. Space is not empty but full of all this energy.

Supernovae produce so much gamma ray can weigh the equivalent of the earth. The explosion is capable of accelerating that much mass to a light speed scale in a microsecond. The worst case scenario the earth's upper atmosphere would experience several trillion tones of pure heat ( called plasma the heat and energy of a nuclear blast ) several hundred million degrees hot slamming into it 10 thousand and 80 million kmph light speed impact. That is quite milled compared to Hyper novenas.

We'd think by taking every atom of the universe away there would be no light leaving just an empty black void of spacer. The latest research tells us not necessary true because atoms themselves are made up of particles. One particle called electrons, according to classical mechanics  the standard interpretation of the atom these are the particles that race round in circles round and round a central cluster of particles ( Nucleus ) and on a light speed scale.

Not the study of the atom but the study of the particles is called a Quantum physics often expressed as Quantum mechanics and even heard expressed as temporal mechanics for some very good reasons.

It is believed electrons are made up of a particle called a neutrino or at lest an electron family member supposedly weightless ( no mass ). They don't seem to interact with normal matter traveling right though the earth unaffected as if the earth wasn't there. They are believed to be faster than light so if  neutrinos are detected a sign of time travel activity going on.

The power that holds electrons in place is relatively week where they can be moved out of orbits leaving the center particles expressed as a week nuclear force. The centre of the atom is made up of particles called protons and neutrons. These particles are further made up of a whole host of particles the most well know several types of Quarks.

The most important discovery about the nucleus is the Higgs Boson somehow responsible for the glue holding the nucleus together expressed as the strong nuclear force.

The way text book describe it you'd think the force rivals that of the the gravitational pull of all a black hole. The strong and week nuclear forces is two four major forces includes electrical in nature.

Electrical and magnetic responsible natures lightening including our electrical and electronic world we live in. In local liberties in the children's science and technology rack children's books on basic electricity for children can construct toy electric cranes from common touch cells or batteries if you like demonstrating how electric power from batteries generate a electric current and the forces of gravity itself. The way text books describe the strong force readers would think compared to even gravity of a black hole seems week let a lone the gravity of all the stars and planets of the universe.

In 1900 stories of the particle of the atom began spreading among the scientific community. Strange stories. Physicists within the community were suggesting the particles could sometimes and sometimes not wipe out all the information of your hard drive in and instant and do it millions of kilometres away in out of space no less, sometimes and sometimes not randomness replacing it with gibberish.

The were saying the particles were devils to predict masters of illogic. From the very men who occupied rational common sense where saying everything matter round us is mostly empty space, talking reality is more then three dimensions. They might as well have said they were studying magical world of La-la fantasy lands of gurus and ferries and crystals and magical energy sources.

The reality was evidence the particles of the atom that make up the atom including the outer orbiting electrons and all of the nucleus particles put together are all highly unstable in the most illogical and fantasy full manor contrary to when they form an atom.

So bazaar in fact, no different to being pure La-La Fantasy magic. The particles are in indeed living in a sort of La-la land existence completely unpredictable, chaotic-  constantly appearing at no moment notices existing for moments from random microseconds to a whole second or two and disappear with no notice as if by magic. They disappear and reappear with no constant paten sometimes pausing as pulsating energy for a moment before disappearing on with no notice what they are going to do next.

The seemly disappearing and reappearing magical traveling is a characteristic of what is expressed as tunnelling believed be short cutting though space and time not moving at all just popping in and out of existence randomly in different places.

Their spin is illogical to a point of being bullshit. Physics claim they spin clockwise and anticlockwise at the same time when your not looking at them. Totally illogical to any bodies minds. But to particle physicist minds the particles are stable in one spin direction only when you look at them and seem to know when your back is turned resuming their illogical spin and jumping behaviour again.

It is as if the particles of the atom are playing games with us. When you look again, the unpredictable behaviour seems to stop again. Every time you try to predict where the particle and is spin is the particle is sometimes not in the same place and sometimes it is and sometimes not the same spinning direction you saw it and sometimes it is as well as sometimes not over there, but found over here and sometimes not over there but over here and sometimes were you once saw it but a different spin direction and sometimes not.

The latter is one of the characteristic behaviours of the uncertainty principle realized by a German Physicist Erin Schrodinger in the mid 1920's born from the illogical physics of spin and tunnelling behaviour of the particles.

While we are not looking sometimes they change places with each other and sometimes they don't in equal unpredictable randomness. Sometimes they exist in two places at the same time and sometimes they don't with no notice randomness. Sometimes they mimic each others behaviour and sometimes they don't and it seems with no limit to distance at that. It is a case of the unpredictability never knowing if when we can predict their behaviour because of the sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't behaviour.

The speed in which the particles do this is on a light speed scale between distances no wider than the particles themselves inside every atom.

Mathematics formulae seems to pan the Higgs Boson seems to be an irremovable force holding the nucleus together. Removing every atom of the universes what remains will be the Higgs Boson energy holding the energy of the nucleus particles together left in space.

In 1905 the famous self taught scientist Albert Einstein was inspired with a thought of not describing what gravity is but how it actually works. This created the first pepper of the special theory of what happens to space and time on a light speed scale called the special theory.

It wasn't till the second year of world war one he hit on the idea that the mass of stars and planets ( relative sizes ) are heavy enough to distort space rewriting the special theory called the called the General theory of gravity.

The theme of the General theory space is plastic and pliable. The mass of stars and planets, shrinks space round the entire circumferences. In the case of earth space is collapsing the air we breath ( the earth's atmosphere if you like ) to the surface round the entire circumference at the same instant.

Our body weight is felt as the force of this compression determined by the size of the earth's mass shirking space. In effect our neighbourhood is bending space inward on itself as much as the neighbourhood is inwards on itself the other opposite side of the world. The shrinkage creates depressions round perimeters the bodies where other bodies like the earth's moon for example follows in orbit. It's velocity is high enough not orbit into earth and bellow escape velocity to escape it.

light of all the galaxies of the universe create a distance away in front of us as equally away behind us, left, right, up, down, in every direction can pin pointed coordinates of the galaxies everywhere. No matter were we turn it is always the same away in front and behind us depth all round us. In any three dimensional environment ( including space ) if we turn 90 digress left it is still a distance away in front of us. So too the if we rotate right a 180 degrees to the right will still be a distance away us. Even a complete U-turn ( 180 degrees ) the distance behind us is now in front of us.

Two other directions on earth exist, up and down. Looking up is a distance in front of us and equal as well looking down.

Taking away every atom of the universe there would be no stars thus talking away the light of the universe. Or think of the catastrophe if we all no longer could see light anymore. There would be a claustrophobic black void surrounding us everywhere. Theatrically even if every atom didn't exist there would still be the effect of the Higgs boson energy left. In such a condition away from the surface of earth there will be no such thing as coordinates and motion. Even traveling at light speed would feel stationary.

A person involved in some accident putting them into a coma for a while would agree coming to would have only be the last time remembering being conscious. A few ours or days would seem like a second or two.

Theoretically a 50 year coma would only be a mere moment of time. Time for a comatose person is meaningless. This is the sort of thing what it would be like if there was no light in the universe for us to see with. Our impression of time is due to our eyes seeing light and our brain to perceive the passing of something that doesn't really exist to a person unconscious or the universe.

Common retailers sell off the shelf budget mini notes books and tablets to huge high priced laptops. Budget models tend to be exclusively general purpose Microsoft Personal Computer types. Apple Mack's tend to be none PC based computers tending to be very stable while Microsoft PCs have their fair share of some stability problems.

Budget PC's running smoothly depends on the habits of us users. Large file size is a drain their operating system speed and memory resources not so much effected by Apple operating systems. Any new off the shelf retailer computer are fast theses days, even budget mini note books and tablets as is any computer with virtually empty hard drives.

Hard drives up to three quarters full with file size beyond the speed and memory capacity cut down expensive and fast computers to the speeds of empty hard drive budget mini note books. Mini notebooks haven't  the capacity to process large file size file collections. There best stability for theses models is a 1/4 full hard drive small file size collection with small file names.

Today it's standard protocol all computers are internet oriented. Top of the range laptops are designed for large collections of file sizes as large as uncompressed multimedia photography, video and entertainment programs specially operating from the internet.

Budget mini note books, Mac minis. I pads and tablets are designed as the names says only as basic note books with a very limited capacity for anything else. They are ideal for collections of small size word documents and basic paint sketch collections.

One of the big problems for budget computers is a collection of no longer working short cut files neglected sitting around cluttering up users desk tops. Apple equivalent are called aliases. They are like HTML links a primary behind the scenes program folder name a slash and the secondary folder name a slash the file name and type locations in the users system.

If there is no match to any one of the folder or file name or file type the path is incomplete created when any one of the folders or the file is renamed or shifted to other locations. A solution is to delete the short cut and if wished recreate a new one liked to the new location.

Too many broken in Microsoft PC short cuts creates a disorganized collection hierarchy paths. The larger the collection the worse it gets. It can become quite a mess for operating systems to manage.

Often deceiving to Microsoft users if long missing or forgotten ( even thought deleted ) outdated and no longer used is marked as hidden so are hiding files from user's hogging speed and memory resources in the background the cause of slow down of computer performance and program freezing.

To restore Microsoft a hidden folder or file refer to the control panel and open folder options. The folder options dialogue appears. Clicking the view tab clicking "Show hidden files, folders and drives" clicking apply and OK displays greyed out hidden file or folders in their locations.

Right clicking them the properties dialogue box displays. Clicking out the tick in the "hidden" tick box clicking apply and OK restores the file or folder back the way it was. 

Uses will need to go back to folder options clicking "Hide folder files or drives". Apple operating systems don't work that way. There is no control panel. The Apple equivalent is called system preferences. This procedure is effective tool in checking where you personal files my have gone to in case accidentally marked of Roget as hidden.

A large file size collection accidentally clicked hidden or otherwise the folder or file program continues to draw a significant amount of memory reverse and speed. No amount of clean up can, ( unless the characteristic clean up program of the operating system does so in the clean up processes ), the hidden personal files will always still be there hogging computer resources in the background. 

Checking any personal files that may have gone hidden unlocking them is one of the steps in file cleaning up. Once hidden folders and files are shown users are free to unlock them and proceed in clean up deleting, resaving in any new location of choice or saved in back ups ect.

Apple operating systems have no registry system the way Microsoft operating systems do. Microsoft programs interact with each other the programming is under the control of the operating systems registry. When a file is deleted the operating system doesn't delete the information because it is needed by most of the other programs. Apple operating system manages the interactive programs differently. 

We know about filing files in alphabetical and numerical order. We look up phone books the first and second letters in alphabetical order of the person. It is the same with PC folder and file naming. The view menu in PC operating systems allows users to arrange any way liked except for the alphabetical order of the files names users have no control of.

No matter the view setting all folder and file names are arranged in numerical and alphabetical order. Even the speed of the ultra fast common new retailer Non PC will take hours to scan an address one at phone book list.

We don't do that do we. We go straight to the block the first letter of the persons name. Then narrowing down we look for the name the second letter of the spelling and so on. The same automatic protocol with PC operating system protocols on the folder and file names. Even new empty budget mini notes books, tablets and PCs will locate a phone number this way in seconds.

Using numbers as file names if we wish out of alphabetical order approach. They are ideal for multiple clone copies of the same file name. Computers don't file numerical order 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 and 6 order but 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 and 04 respectively. Numbers are seem 09, 1,0,  1,1,  1,2,  1,3,  1,4 through to.......1, 9,  2,0,  2.1,  2,2,  2,3, 2,4 though to.........2,9,  3,0,  3,1,  3,2,  3,3.  3.4 though to.........3,9, 4,0.........and so on.

They check the first number say 34 for example , as 3 then the second number 4 and so on. If more than two digit numbers the same principle. They check every number as a individual single digit. This is how typical new retailer computer manages 64-bit ( binary numbers ) as individual 64 single numbers.

A near full hard drive of fastest new off the shelf retailer PC are slowed down quite a lot searching though complex folder and file structures because of registry searches specially if a messy collection of errors. The slowest new budget mini lap tops and tablets available can bet them with empty hard drive content with simple one to two letter folder and tiny file names. The more empty a PC is the more tidy the registry the faster it is and vice versa principle the more crowed the hard drive the more slower the speed.

Retailer shops for the common models display the speed ratting as a part of advertising hypothetical for PCs empty hard drives. Wait till a hard drive is full. The slower the speed ratting the more basic file name structures are needed for PCs to keep them running smoothly. The largest speed ratings for the most part are the expensive models that can speed though more complex folder and file structures up to half full hard drives.

Long file names slow down any PC scanning. The longer the hierarchy pathway names the slower the processing even high processing speed because of a untidy registry. 

One of the tricks keeping budget models particularly mini note book and tablets running smoothly is keeping the hard about quarter full and keeping the registry tidy with minimal folder hierarchy structures minimal valid short cut files and tiny file names. Anther trick because PC also scan recycle bin or trash bins. If you can do with out it keeping it turned off can be beneficial in increase processing speed plus all personal hidden folder and file property menus switch adds to the speed.

When you save a file to the hard drive by default they save in the closest available space. This is because it takes time for any computer to shuffle the rest of the files making room for the new file position.

Think of the insertion of a new sentence in a paragraph of a word processor. Even with high processing speeds uses often experience a few seconds delay as it works at shifting the rest of the text to make room for the new insertion in this case the moving files in the hard drive round in finding room for the new file.

Apple operating systems are different from PCs they don't need a de frag program PC's have to. Users can observe this by observing the position the new file added to the list most of the time at the end. In PCs going out of the folder returning back resets the folder or file in the numerical order sequence.

The habit of doing that while uses work will find when the time comes to defrag their hard drive operating systems often report doesn't need deflagrating at this time. By manually resetting the file to the right location as a user works keeps the hard drive defrag mated and helping to keep users computer's running smoothly.

A slow down hazard for any computer is RAM. Random Access Memory is the instant access not from the hard drive but a temporary copy of every thing including the entire operating system from a mother board chip set. The hard drive is not in use. Including both PC and Non PC computers uses are operating straight from the mother bard. When shut down the whole lot including the not save work is discharged. Only the operating system is reloaded at restart.

Pressing the sleep mode in the shut down menu nothing is discharged. Both computers is still drawing power to maintain users unsaved work where they left off. Pressing the keyboard on off button activates the sleep mode characteristics of the computer. Pressing it again activates the sleep mode wake up system where users can continue were they left off.

Problems occur in PCs if the storage data is near the maximum of the RAM capability of the PC. Non PCs handle the overload differently. In the PC situation there is a minimal  memory margined. A PC hard drive about 90% full is a drain on RAM memory resources. PCs are forced to take time to scrounge up more memory from around the system from RAM to the hard drive.

If large file sizes are are marginal memory reserves computer programs start to run out of memory and start stopping working, in other words freezing problems. The PC has run out of memory resaves waiting for more to come that never comes.

For PCs about a 1/4 of the total hard drive capacity in RAM rule of thumb is safe bet keeping your computer RAM resources well bellow maximum keeping PC programs running smoothly. 

To determine the memory capacity of of both PC and and Apple computers refer to the computer window right clicking a blank space the properties menu displays.

Clicking properties uses have a fair specification guide of the computer details of it's RAM available. Clicking the operating system details gives how much hard drive is free.

The same principle applies when users right click any folder or file. Deducting what the operating says as the file size from, the total RAM specification available tells us what's left is the RAM memory reverse.