We observe the second hand of analogue clock and watches move a division ever second. It is the same amount of time
as digital clocks and watch seconds, the same amount of time we say "One thousand and one" the same amount of
time we walk a meter, The same amount of time light travels a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometres (
or a hundred and eighty six thousand Kilometres if you like ), the same
amount of time it travels seven times round entire circumference of earth a light second the distance light travels in a
second. The moon is close enough to be less than a couple of light seconds away from earth.
Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of sixty seconds in a minute times a light second giving us the
distance light travels in a minute. Light takes eight minutes from the sun to reach our eyes so is only a matter of
eight times sixty times a light second gives the total distance it will travel in that time. This means our sun is the
nearest star to us a mere eight light minutes away.
In real time light from the sun is 300,000km above the sun's surface by the time you finish this sentence every
second. We won't see this light until eight minutes into the future. By the time it reaches us in eight minutes time is
only a image of what the sun was eight previous every second. What we see now is already 300,000km away from earth by
the time you finish this sentence in every second.
When we apply the math's the total distance pans out to be sixty, times eight, equals four hundred and eighty then
times a light second which pans out to be a 144 million kilometers away ( 0r in miles eight hundred and ninety two eight
hundred thousand ) form earth.
Theoretically if we were to match light speed traveling from earth to the sun from our point of view would only take
eight minutes to get there, while from observers point of view when we get there we would be eight minutes into the past
and from our point of view earth is eight minutes into the future. We would have to stop or we would over shoot the sun.
So that we don't cook ourselves when we reach the sun we would need to accelerate a distance of 300,000km in a second
traveling at that constant velocity less than eight minutes compensating we don't get burnt up from the heat and decelerate
a distance of 300,000km to a stop in a second. It will take quite a bit of planning to find the right distance, and heat
Imagine the G's only once round the circumference of earth in a second let a lone seven times in that time. The
physics reminds us of the consequences of such a high
velocity in the earth's gravity. We only need to be reminded of space ship modules reentering the earth's atmosphere. Imagine
at light speed. The air would would reach a few hundred degrees Celsius in less than a few seconds and crushed like a
bug by the compression pressure.
We are reminded in out of space we are away from the earth's gravity's influence. Most us us believe the gravity
slows time including black
holes stopping it completely. The same sediment the speed in light limit. In other words all four G's, gravity's influence.
light speed and black holes all have somthing in common as far as time is concerned.
Also there is Einstein's influence the mass at light speed becoming infinite. Encountering none of the traditional
resistance in a vacuum we know of, light doesn't go any faster than it's own velocity. It is at it's maximum momentum speed limit.
In other words all that's stopping it from going any faster is it's own velocity in other words the G's terminating it
to it's speed limit. In out of space light speed is terminated to it's velocity. Following Einstein's influence and the belief time stops at
light speed rivals that of black holes.
If we do the math's on light speed mathematics' tells us the reciprocal of a light second is the same number in
reverse. 300,000km/s is 300,000th second the time it takes to travel a distance of a kilometer. Our mathematical instinct
agrees it is only a matter of 1 divide 300,000 equals 300,00th. For a meter it is only a matter of asking ourselves how
many meters in 300,000km the reciprocal the time it takes to travel just one meter we walk a second. From our point of
view light traveling round the circumference of earth seven times is the same amount of time we walk a meter in a
The reciprocal tells us light is 300 million times as fast as our environment second. If we do the math's on this
light see's us 300 million seconds per meter velocity. Light speed is relative to our point of view and our environment
second is relative to light speeds point of view. While light see's us 300 million times as slow as our second we see it
300 million times as fast. If our environment's time is fixed means from each point of view tells us our environment's
time cannot go any slower than we view light speed as fast.
The speed of light is the distance light travels just under 300,00km by the time we say one thousand and one. Sunlight we see now is what the sun was just under 8 minutes ago every second.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Galileo, Isaac Newtown
and Albert Einstein are the three big names in the laws of force and motion. Motion is a movement that takes time to
travel from a to b. A significant importance in motion is Newtown's third law
which states where there is a force there
is an equal and
opposite reaction. In the early 20th century Einstein used an elevator describing antigravity NASA has been using airplanes
astronauts in weightlessness for the last sixty years
Isaac Newton described the mass of bodies including stars and planets pulls inward with a force. Einstein took a different view point where the masses bend space. The mass of the earth for example shrinks it round the entire circumference. The mass of the streets of your neighborhood is bending space inward on themselves as equally the streets of the neighborhoods is bending space inward on themselves the other side of the globe.
If we use a reference, the earth's mass pressures us with a force of a kilogram per cubic meter the entire surface at sea level. High in the atmosphere the earth gravity is weaker than sea level while the core is much stronger. It is the combined mass pulling space to the surface of earth that causes the weight of it's cracked egg shell crust shifting resulting in the colliding and grinding together pressures of the plates resulting in earthquakes and volcanic euripus.
Einstein tells us falling fast enough elevators we feel lighter because of less gravity. NASA training astronauts has been using high altitude nose diving aircraft to achieve the same effect for over fifty years. Astronauts lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun the exact weightlessness Einstein described what happens inside a falling elevator. In other words nose diving aircraft and falling evaluators become antigravity devices Einstein expressed as a cancellation of gravity.
Einstein was inspired by the thought of a person falling from a roof of a building they don't feel their weight that inspired the 1905 special theory of reality. Today's sky diver agree we are free falling experiencing weightlessness. Einstein's special theory describes falling elevators or in our case astronauts in the fuselage of a free falling plane experience no gravity at all he expressed as a gravitational equivalence.
Einstein tells if motion is fast enough we experience the similar effect. We are all reminded how familiar we are with car magazine rating test car performances. 0 to 60 ( in mph, equal to 96kmph ) in a given seconds is common.
The average family hatch can accelerate roughly 0 to 96Km in several seconds. A little less time if pushed. We don't experience any significant G's. Sport cars can do it in a couple of seconds. We begin to experience a slight sensation of a increase in our body weight pulling us back into our seats. Powerful drag race cars 0 to 96kmph in a second. Jet fighter take off short runways of aircraft carriers even less.
By the time I mentioned jet fighter take off you probably thought more about G's. It is the result of Newtown's third law of motion in a straight line acceleration. Fast enough there is a opposite and equal force pulling back on the acceleration. It is expressed as inertia. We experience it as a our body weight increasing weighing us back into our seats in high speed Rolla Coaster accelerations. It is as if in a heavier gravity.
If we use a reverence a G of acceleration it is the earth's mass pulling on us our stationary body weight one G. Two G's is a point we experience reach a weight twice our body mass and three G's three times and the legal limit for Rolla coasters is limited to a maximum of four G's. The average person won't feel very well for a while, brain disorientation and unsteady ness recovering from the ride. There is enough force to pass us out and a potential of stopping bad hearts and pace maker problem headaches for Roller coaster managers. Only the fit can withstand jet fighter forces they are capable of generating. The faster the acceleration the more we feel our whole body becomes weight down by G's.
The opposite is true. If a plane climbs fast enough astronauts cling to the roof like gravity. In other words enough velocity produces Isaac Newtown's third law of motion. Newtown's first and second laws state body's tend to resist acceleration. It becomes a point where the accelerated body can't go any faster stabilized to a constant velocity. In other words a terminal acceleration point expressed as terminal velocity.
Terminal acceleration is the effect of the inertia terminating everything to a maximum speed limit. No matter the peddle to the metal or open throttle vehicles can not go any faster than their maximum speed limits. At full throttle the Japanese and German Inter City Express ( ICE ) bullet trains can not go any faster than 350kmph ( or 220mph if you wish ). Beside it is the maximum safe cursing speed on the surface of earth. Any faster suffer violent air turbulence buffeting.
The famous road safety expression use by the police "the faster you go the bigger the mess" testifies to the high energy of high speed collisions. G's build up at acceleration and terminate at maximum speed. The G's have become a point at which the force cannot accelerate the body any faster. We only need to think of traveling in a twenty five year old SUV ( Sports Utility Vehicle ) at a 160kmph ( 100mph ) on a state highway for a while how exhausting the ride can be at controlling it. No matter the pedal to the metal it won't go any faster.
In the zero resistance of out of space gases to entire galaxy's are traveling ( expressed as falling because of the pull of all the gravity in the universe ), are at their maximum speed limits of thousands of kmph velocities. A body lunched from a space station hatch for example accelerates a second terminating to a constant velocity of no less than a few thousands of kmph. Try stepping out of a vehicle traveling less than a kmph at sea level. That's is because of the earth's gravity at this level has a damping effect on velocities.
The earth's core is much stronger than on the surface. Velocity is dampened the closer we get to the core. Above sea level is less gravity. In Einstein's specially theory of relativity explains a high altitude passenger jet plane example passengers never feel they are cruising 800kmph ( 500mph ) on a planet well in excess of tens of thousands of kmph spin and orbit velocities of the earth round the sun. Looking out the window an overcast cloud covers look like they are traveling less than a kmph velocity.
The special theory reminds us there is no such thing as stationary in space. The gas and dust of nebulas to entire galaxies travel no faster than their current speeds. In other words everything has a maximum speed limit including light. Dispite light having no resistance to it's velocity in out of space it is terminated to just under three hundred thousand kilometers per second ( 300,000km/s or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second, 186,000m/s if you like ) constant velocity. If we do the math's on this in terms of kmph, ten thousand and eighty million. ( 10,080,000,000kmph or 669,000,000,6000,000mph six hundred and sixty nine million six hundred miles an hour )
Lets think a bit of an acceleration from 0 to a 160kmph ( or a 100mph if you like ) at sea level on the surface of earth in a second for a minute. Mathematics tells us in terms of meters per second equals just under half a meter, ( zero point four, four, four.......meters to be exact ), 0.444444m/s terminal velocity point in second. Accelerating motor vehicles constantly increase speed every second meters per second per second ( m/s2 ) until it is terminated to a constant velocity where the vehicle can't go any faster in this case 0 to a 160kmph in a second.
Isaac Newtown's acceleration formulae concludes force equals mass times acceleration ( f = m a ) tells us we can find the force with a given mass ( kg ) knowing the terminal velocity point. The law of mathematics projects force equals acceleration times mass ( f = a m ), acceleration equals force over ( expressing division a = f / m ) and mass equals force over acceleration ( m = f / a ) respectively. Math's can't lie you know.
Our mathematical instinct agrees we can project the meters per second velocity is only a matter of sixty seconds in a minute and sixty seconds in an hour pans out to three thousand six hundred seconds. Multiplied by point, four, four, four....( 0.4444444 and so on ) equals three thousand six hundred ( one thousand five hundred an ninety nine to be exact ). In other words 0.4444m/s equals the same assaying a 160kmph.
Since the standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer -kilo ( key low ) a 160kmph velocity throughout the distance as the same amount of time a one hour TV program. In other words a one hour TV program of time given a mass of the body and the force equals a distance of just under half a meter per second motion.
There will be a significant amount of G's generated in the first second. Once terminal velocity is achieved in that second the G"s too is terminated to a constant. The body is heavier than at rest. Proof of this when it collides with somthing. All the G's at acceleration is disapated though the traveling body as well as into the collided body.
What would the special theory predict if we accelerated to a stop in a total distance of a 160kmph? When we take off the first thing we would notice the environment's time would start to slow down because we are accelerating in violent motion. The environment's time would slow down slowly at first getting faster and faster until we hit a distance of 80k in the environment's half second where we hit the brakes.
As we decelerate we are slowing down where the environment's time will appear to speed up. The slower we go the faster the environments time goes up. Finally we find ourselves a second into the future were we left a 160km away. The point the excise time 0 to a 160kkm equals a is a space time of a second into the future in a distance of 160km.
Theoretically we don't need light speed to distort space and time. WE let the G's 0 to a 160kmph in second do it. Light speed is just another distance of time. Light speed equals a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers by the time in out of space the second hand of analogue clocks and watch second hands move a division the seconds of digital time piece seconds, light travels round the entire circumference of earth seven times, we walk a meter and say one thousand and one. In other words all of the latter equal a light second the distance light travels in a second.
The moon is far enough away to be less than a couple of light seconds away. Our mathematical instinct agrees sixty seconds in a minute is the distance light travels in a minute. In other words a light minute.
Light takes about eight minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. In other words the sun is the nearest star to earth a mere eight light minutes away.
Our mathematical ability agrees when we muiltiply sixty seconds by sixty minutes ( sixty squared ) pans out to a grand total of three thousand six hundred seconds and multiplied by a light second ( the distance of three hundred thousand kilometers ) give us the distance light travels in a light hour. In other words in terms of kmph ten thousand and eighty million by the time a one hour TV program traveling at the maximum speed limit of three hundred thousand kilometers per second. 300,000km distance equals a distance of 10,080,000,000km in an hour. In other words a light hour.
Correspondingly a light day is the distance light travels every date change every 12 midnight period. Our math's skill agrees if we take all the seconds in an hour multiplied by twenty four we get a grand total of eighty six thousand four hundred seconds in the period multiplied by a single light second equals the distance light travels from 12 midnight a.m to twelve might p.m.
The same can apply to a light week, a light month and of coarse we are familiar with the term light year. Our mathematical instinct tells us it is only a mater of all the seconds of a day multiplied by three hundred and fifty six days of the whole year, multiplied by a light second giving us the distance light traveled in a year. For a leap year we take into account of the extra day at the end of every third February which is two hundred and fifty seven days.
Taking into account of every leap year in a decade we can calculate the distance light travels in that period, a century, a millennia ( a thousand years ) a million years a billion even for trillions of centuries on earth distances into the far reaches of the universe. The universe is less than fourteen billion years ago since big bang that that supposed to have created the universe. When we can add up all the seconds as described fourteen to fifteen billion years gives and takes a few billion years tolerance the distance the first light has traveled to this day.
We can find the distance and time we walk a meter simply by saying "One thousand and one" in a couple of strides. By that time light in out of space had traveled a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers. If we do the math's on this a meter per second in terms of kmph is only a mere 3.6 ( just over three and a half ) kmph.
Such a velocity has it's G's consequences. Imagine the G's 0 to a 16kmph in a second let a lone the air friction generated. In out of space that short distance means nothing.
Our mathematical instinct arouses our curiosity asking if light travels a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers in a second then how much in time does it travel a meter? In essence we are armed with information the standard metric system telling us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer.
We ask ourselves if that's true then how many meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers? Three hundred thousand is three and five zeros. A thousand is one and three zeros. It is a simple matter of three zeros onto the five giving us three and eight zero meters. It is three three hundred with six zeros for a million. In other words light speed equals three hundred million meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers.
The law of mathematics tells us a reciprocal is the same number in a fraction of a second three hundred millionth second we we walk a meter one second. In decimal fraction is one dived three hundred millionth ( 1 dived 300,000,000km\s equals 0.0000003m/s ). The standard metric system tells us three hundred microseconds. ( one micro is a millionth ). The math's tells us light is three hundred million times faster than the environment second.
Light traveling seven times round the circumference of earth is the same amount of time we walk just one meter. Knowing the circumference of earth opened out to a straight line multiplied by seven will equal light mathematics can work out how much time light travels a meter. The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. Our mathematical instinct agrees we can ask how many meters in 300,000km.
It is only a matter of the three zeros in a thousand onto 300,000, giving six zeros for a million ( 3 and eight zeros ) resulting in 300 million meters in 300 thousand km. Math's tells us the reciprocal of 300 million is the same number 300 millionth. It pans out to be 1 divide ( or over if you like ) 300 million. Applied to a second equals light travels a meter in that time. Or given in the standard metric prefix micro for a millionth 300 microseconds.
Einstein's special theory of relativity reminds us from our point of view of the speed of light waking a meter per second light traveling 300 million meters in the same amount of time is 300 million times faster the our environment second. The special theory tells us the reciprocal of light speed tells us from light speeds point view is as slow. It means a walk per meter is as slow as 300 million seconds.
If we do the math's on this adding up all the seconds of a year pans out to be 31 million.( Thirty one million five hundred and thirty six thousand seconds to be exact. It is taken from one complete year of time the first second of the twelve month period staring 12 midnight New years morning ending at the last second 12 midnight new years eve ). 300 million seconds pans out to equal light speed point of view of the earth's environment the equivalent of about just over 9 1/2 years as slow as a second of our point of view we observe light speed in a second. The environment's time can't go any slower than light speed can't go any faster.
Isaac Newton described the mass of bodies including stars and planets pulls inward with a force. Einstein took a different view point where the masses bend space. The mass of the earth for example shrinks it round the entire circumference. The mass of the streets of your neighborhood is bending space inward on themselves as equally the streets of the neighborhoods is bending space inward on themselves the other side of the globe.
If we use a reference, the earth's mass pressures us with a force of a kilogram per cubic meter the entire surface at sea level. High in the atmosphere the earth gravity is weaker than sea level while the core is much stronger. It is the combined mass pulling space to the surface of earth that causes the weight of it's cracked egg shell crust shifting resulting in the colliding and grinding together pressures of the plates resulting in earthquakes and volcanic euripus.
Einstein tells us falling fast enough elevators we feel lighter because of less gravity. NASA training astronauts has been using high altitude nose diving aircraft to achieve the same effect for over fifty years. Astronauts lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun the exact weightlessness Einstein described what happens inside a falling elevator. In other words nose diving aircraft and falling evaluators become antigravity devices Einstein expressed as a cancellation of gravity.
Einstein was inspired by the thought of a person falling from a roof of a building they don't feel their weight that inspired the 1905 special theory of reality. Today's sky diver agree we are free falling experiencing weightlessness. Einstein's special theory describes falling elevators or in our case astronauts in the fuselage of a free falling plane experience no gravity at all he expressed as a gravitational equivalence.
Einstein tells if motion is fast enough we experience the similar effect. We are all reminded how familiar we are with car magazine rating test car performances. 0 to 60 ( in mph, equal to 96kmph ) in a given seconds is common.
The average family hatch can accelerate roughly 0 to 96Km in several seconds. A little less time if pushed. We don't experience any significant G's. Sport cars can do it in a couple of seconds. We begin to experience a slight sensation of a increase in our body weight pulling us back into our seats. Powerful drag race cars 0 to 96kmph in a second. Jet fighter take off short runways of aircraft carriers even less.
By the time I mentioned jet fighter take off you probably thought more about G's. It is the result of Newtown's third law of motion in a straight line acceleration. Fast enough there is a opposite and equal force pulling back on the acceleration. It is expressed as inertia. We experience it as a our body weight increasing weighing us back into our seats in high speed Rolla Coaster accelerations. It is as if in a heavier gravity.
If we use a reverence a G of acceleration it is the earth's mass pulling on us our stationary body weight one G. Two G's is a point we experience reach a weight twice our body mass and three G's three times and the legal limit for Rolla coasters is limited to a maximum of four G's. The average person won't feel very well for a while, brain disorientation and unsteady ness recovering from the ride. There is enough force to pass us out and a potential of stopping bad hearts and pace maker problem headaches for Roller coaster managers. Only the fit can withstand jet fighter forces they are capable of generating. The faster the acceleration the more we feel our whole body becomes weight down by G's.
The opposite is true. If a plane climbs fast enough astronauts cling to the roof like gravity. In other words enough velocity produces Isaac Newtown's third law of motion. Newtown's first and second laws state body's tend to resist acceleration. It becomes a point where the accelerated body can't go any faster stabilized to a constant velocity. In other words a terminal acceleration point expressed as terminal velocity.
Terminal acceleration is the effect of the inertia terminating everything to a maximum speed limit. No matter the peddle to the metal or open throttle vehicles can not go any faster than their maximum speed limits. At full throttle the Japanese and German Inter City Express ( ICE ) bullet trains can not go any faster than 350kmph ( or 220mph if you wish ). Beside it is the maximum safe cursing speed on the surface of earth. Any faster suffer violent air turbulence buffeting.
The famous road safety expression use by the police "the faster you go the bigger the mess" testifies to the high energy of high speed collisions. G's build up at acceleration and terminate at maximum speed. The G's have become a point at which the force cannot accelerate the body any faster. We only need to think of traveling in a twenty five year old SUV ( Sports Utility Vehicle ) at a 160kmph ( 100mph ) on a state highway for a while how exhausting the ride can be at controlling it. No matter the pedal to the metal it won't go any faster.
In the zero resistance of out of space gases to entire galaxy's are traveling ( expressed as falling because of the pull of all the gravity in the universe ), are at their maximum speed limits of thousands of kmph velocities. A body lunched from a space station hatch for example accelerates a second terminating to a constant velocity of no less than a few thousands of kmph. Try stepping out of a vehicle traveling less than a kmph at sea level. That's is because of the earth's gravity at this level has a damping effect on velocities.
The earth's core is much stronger than on the surface. Velocity is dampened the closer we get to the core. Above sea level is less gravity. In Einstein's specially theory of relativity explains a high altitude passenger jet plane example passengers never feel they are cruising 800kmph ( 500mph ) on a planet well in excess of tens of thousands of kmph spin and orbit velocities of the earth round the sun. Looking out the window an overcast cloud covers look like they are traveling less than a kmph velocity.
The special theory reminds us there is no such thing as stationary in space. The gas and dust of nebulas to entire galaxies travel no faster than their current speeds. In other words everything has a maximum speed limit including light. Dispite light having no resistance to it's velocity in out of space it is terminated to just under three hundred thousand kilometers per second ( 300,000km/s or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second, 186,000m/s if you like ) constant velocity. If we do the math's on this in terms of kmph, ten thousand and eighty million. ( 10,080,000,000kmph or 669,000,000,6000,000mph six hundred and sixty nine million six hundred miles an hour )
Lets think a bit of an acceleration from 0 to a 160kmph ( or a 100mph if you like ) at sea level on the surface of earth in a second for a minute. Mathematics tells us in terms of meters per second equals just under half a meter, ( zero point four, four, four.......meters to be exact ), 0.444444m/s terminal velocity point in second. Accelerating motor vehicles constantly increase speed every second meters per second per second ( m/s2 ) until it is terminated to a constant velocity where the vehicle can't go any faster in this case 0 to a 160kmph in a second.
Isaac Newtown's acceleration formulae concludes force equals mass times acceleration ( f = m a ) tells us we can find the force with a given mass ( kg ) knowing the terminal velocity point. The law of mathematics projects force equals acceleration times mass ( f = a m ), acceleration equals force over ( expressing division a = f / m ) and mass equals force over acceleration ( m = f / a ) respectively. Math's can't lie you know.
Our mathematical instinct agrees we can project the meters per second velocity is only a matter of sixty seconds in a minute and sixty seconds in an hour pans out to three thousand six hundred seconds. Multiplied by point, four, four, four....( 0.4444444 and so on ) equals three thousand six hundred ( one thousand five hundred an ninety nine to be exact ). In other words 0.4444m/s equals the same assaying a 160kmph.
Since the standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer -kilo ( key low ) a 160kmph velocity throughout the distance as the same amount of time a one hour TV program. In other words a one hour TV program of time given a mass of the body and the force equals a distance of just under half a meter per second motion.
There will be a significant amount of G's generated in the first second. Once terminal velocity is achieved in that second the G"s too is terminated to a constant. The body is heavier than at rest. Proof of this when it collides with somthing. All the G's at acceleration is disapated though the traveling body as well as into the collided body.
What would the special theory predict if we accelerated to a stop in a total distance of a 160kmph? When we take off the first thing we would notice the environment's time would start to slow down because we are accelerating in violent motion. The environment's time would slow down slowly at first getting faster and faster until we hit a distance of 80k in the environment's half second where we hit the brakes.
As we decelerate we are slowing down where the environment's time will appear to speed up. The slower we go the faster the environments time goes up. Finally we find ourselves a second into the future were we left a 160km away. The point the excise time 0 to a 160kkm equals a is a space time of a second into the future in a distance of 160km.
Theoretically we don't need light speed to distort space and time. WE let the G's 0 to a 160kmph in second do it. Light speed is just another distance of time. Light speed equals a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers by the time in out of space the second hand of analogue clocks and watch second hands move a division the seconds of digital time piece seconds, light travels round the entire circumference of earth seven times, we walk a meter and say one thousand and one. In other words all of the latter equal a light second the distance light travels in a second.
The moon is far enough away to be less than a couple of light seconds away. Our mathematical instinct agrees sixty seconds in a minute is the distance light travels in a minute. In other words a light minute.
Light takes about eight minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. In other words the sun is the nearest star to earth a mere eight light minutes away.
Our mathematical ability agrees when we muiltiply sixty seconds by sixty minutes ( sixty squared ) pans out to a grand total of three thousand six hundred seconds and multiplied by a light second ( the distance of three hundred thousand kilometers ) give us the distance light travels in a light hour. In other words in terms of kmph ten thousand and eighty million by the time a one hour TV program traveling at the maximum speed limit of three hundred thousand kilometers per second. 300,000km distance equals a distance of 10,080,000,000km in an hour. In other words a light hour.
Correspondingly a light day is the distance light travels every date change every 12 midnight period. Our math's skill agrees if we take all the seconds in an hour multiplied by twenty four we get a grand total of eighty six thousand four hundred seconds in the period multiplied by a single light second equals the distance light travels from 12 midnight a.m to twelve might p.m.
The same can apply to a light week, a light month and of coarse we are familiar with the term light year. Our mathematical instinct tells us it is only a mater of all the seconds of a day multiplied by three hundred and fifty six days of the whole year, multiplied by a light second giving us the distance light traveled in a year. For a leap year we take into account of the extra day at the end of every third February which is two hundred and fifty seven days.
Taking into account of every leap year in a decade we can calculate the distance light travels in that period, a century, a millennia ( a thousand years ) a million years a billion even for trillions of centuries on earth distances into the far reaches of the universe. The universe is less than fourteen billion years ago since big bang that that supposed to have created the universe. When we can add up all the seconds as described fourteen to fifteen billion years gives and takes a few billion years tolerance the distance the first light has traveled to this day.
We can find the distance and time we walk a meter simply by saying "One thousand and one" in a couple of strides. By that time light in out of space had traveled a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers. If we do the math's on this a meter per second in terms of kmph is only a mere 3.6 ( just over three and a half ) kmph.
Such a velocity has it's G's consequences. Imagine the G's 0 to a 16kmph in a second let a lone the air friction generated. In out of space that short distance means nothing.
Our mathematical instinct arouses our curiosity asking if light travels a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers in a second then how much in time does it travel a meter? In essence we are armed with information the standard metric system telling us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer.
We ask ourselves if that's true then how many meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers? Three hundred thousand is three and five zeros. A thousand is one and three zeros. It is a simple matter of three zeros onto the five giving us three and eight zero meters. It is three three hundred with six zeros for a million. In other words light speed equals three hundred million meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers.
The law of mathematics tells us a reciprocal is the same number in a fraction of a second three hundred millionth second we we walk a meter one second. In decimal fraction is one dived three hundred millionth ( 1 dived 300,000,000km\s equals 0.0000003m/s ). The standard metric system tells us three hundred microseconds. ( one micro is a millionth ). The math's tells us light is three hundred million times faster than the environment second.
Light traveling seven times round the circumference of earth is the same amount of time we walk just one meter. Knowing the circumference of earth opened out to a straight line multiplied by seven will equal light mathematics can work out how much time light travels a meter. The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. Our mathematical instinct agrees we can ask how many meters in 300,000km.
It is only a matter of the three zeros in a thousand onto 300,000, giving six zeros for a million ( 3 and eight zeros ) resulting in 300 million meters in 300 thousand km. Math's tells us the reciprocal of 300 million is the same number 300 millionth. It pans out to be 1 divide ( or over if you like ) 300 million. Applied to a second equals light travels a meter in that time. Or given in the standard metric prefix micro for a millionth 300 microseconds.
Einstein's special theory of relativity reminds us from our point of view of the speed of light waking a meter per second light traveling 300 million meters in the same amount of time is 300 million times faster the our environment second. The special theory tells us the reciprocal of light speed tells us from light speeds point view is as slow. It means a walk per meter is as slow as 300 million seconds.
If we do the math's on this adding up all the seconds of a year pans out to be 31 million.( Thirty one million five hundred and thirty six thousand seconds to be exact. It is taken from one complete year of time the first second of the twelve month period staring 12 midnight New years morning ending at the last second 12 midnight new years eve ). 300 million seconds pans out to equal light speed point of view of the earth's environment the equivalent of about just over 9 1/2 years as slow as a second of our point of view we observe light speed in a second. The environment's time can't go any slower than light speed can't go any faster.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Bicycle tires
One of the main issues of DIY bicycle issues is tires. Depending on the bike whether racing, BMX, common commuter, to a mountain bike, tires fitted come in various sizes starting with older racing tires. Theses tires are imperil inches. Tape measures read as much as 28 to 20 inches across just over an inche wide. ( 28, 27, 26, 24 and 20 to be exact ). There are 12 inch ( 1 foot ) children's bike tires.
Metric tires read 50 millimeters short of 3/4 meter ( 700mm or equal to 70cm to be exact ) and about 25 to 45mm wide a smaller diameter than the 28 impearl inch which is larger than 26 inch with 27 between. Metric tires my look the same size as a imperil but are that much different Metric tires won't fit impearl rims ether to big, or two small. Measuring inside the tire is a good indicator of the diameter of the rim deigned for. Checking the diameter of rim the will agree. The diameter of your tire is printed on the tire wall, the x by the width in impearl inches or metric millimeters
Soft tires tend to offer a maximum amount of road rolling resistance. Weight carrying compresses the tire spreading the ball giving the maximum amount of road rolling resistance. Tight tires has the minimum amount offering glorious glides. Condition plays a large part of this.
Tires that have old glass cuts from previous punctures leak air from leaking inner tubes leaking like a sieve. Expanding cuts effect the ability to hold in air. Expensive tires are made glass cut proof at the same time acting as an extra inner tube. Good well worn but in excellent condition would have been an expensive tire when new. They are much better at inner tube air leak containment quality, robust and durable, not easily effected by heavy ware and tear good for many many kilometers of trouble free cycling than budget tires.
Inner tubes also come in budget standard and more expensive puncture proof. A combination of the two insures trouble free cycling for some time. Leaky inner tubes are caused by previous puncture repairs leaking.
Budget new inner tubes and tires are standard not made flat proof tending to leak air accelerated by leaking inner tubes. When older specially with old glass cuts in the tire continually expanding and leaking inner tube begin the habit of leaking air all the time during riding. New should last for a while before the ware and tear starts to take it's toll and if the added complication if old expending glass cuts start to become uneconomical to fix the constantly recurring flats any more.
Slow leaks is a common occurrence. The inner tube starts developing strange pin holes that are notorious suspects and hard to find and repair due to the condition of both the inner tube and leaking tire specially if there is any expanding glass cuts. The frequency of repairing flat and puncture repair failures start to be become common.
Attempting to fix the problem with budget inner tubes is not only expensive way to fix the problem but the tire old tire condition hurts the new inner tube soon back to square one with staying inflated problems.
A sign of budget tires bike glides feel spongy due to soft tires not lest offering a high road rolling resistance. The problem is due to the tire constantly leaking air as we ride. Budget new standard ones appear hard as a rock pressing with our fingers but as they get older their firmness starts to go all the time leaking air giving higher and higher road rolling resistance due to the weight of the rider spreading the tire. Soon the glide become not as gratifying as it once was when new due to letting the tire get to soft to often.
There are many experiences of tires stating the habit of quickly going soft with increasing frequency specially soon after topping up with air. Even a brand new expensive tire will let you down when a patcy inner tube is leaking like a sieve.
Frequently topping up is a sign of the inner tube leaking the tire leaking as well. There are experiences of tires with on going habits despite new inner tube replacements. It is a sign of not a flat proof tire inner tube and tire bound to have been a standard budgets when new. New expensive flat proof inner tubes can collect a number of patches very quickly with a warn out standard budget tires. The tire is not holding in the air. Eventually hours after repair and top up the tire is totally soft to completely flat again.
For bets result new flat proof inner tube and tire will work wonders in long reliability.
Inexperienced commuters end up scratching their heads with the tire problem of what's going on and what to do when a tire won't stay up while it is the inner tube and tire leaking air as fast as the top ups.
Riding constantly on soft tires not only offers a lot of road rolling resistance also hurts them wearing out even expensive flat proofed tires very quickly the beginnings of frequent flats. If we are to avoid constant flat problems flat proof inner tubes and tires together work wonders.
Under inflated flat proof tires pressure are as equal to the maximum of correctly inflated car tires, 30 pound spar square inch ( metric kg per square centimeter or bar equivalent if you like ). Rolling resistance of racing bike tires can be as much as a 100PSI. Standard budget commuter bike tires and inner are at lest 65PSI. The average for a car is about 25. Professional athletes can afford expensive flat or air leak less ) proof inner tubes and tires fitted to their bikes.
The pressure information is printed on the tire wall along with the tire size. Standard budget tires range from 60 to 70PSI. Expensive flat proof tires a minimum of 60 up to a 90. So if you want an effortless glide and trouble free punctures fit avoid tires with old glass cuts, consider flat proof inner tubes and tires inflated between the minimum and maximum tire pressure markings on the tire wall.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
The human brain. Artificial intelligence
The human brain has a fierce need to be entertained. Just look at the demand for Hollywood movies and music consorts a reflection of a characteristics of intelligent beings of the universe. We only need to look at our music CD and DVD movie collections world wide not to mention downloading internet services available. It take a great deal of organization and planning. There is a whole range of organized categories to suit all sorts of tastes, heavy rock, light listening children's, teens, adult drama, comedy to action movies including pornographic material designed for all sorts of complicated tastes, straight and gay men and woman alike.
The human brain is a intelligent life in the universe capable of recognizing a woman and mans movie when it see's it recognizing what it will sit though and will not. It knows no bounds in personal tastes to what it wants to prefer watch or the personal choice in music. Look at the adult drama dialogue not only in the movies but in TV series a reflection of the recognizing and understanding complex dialogues created in the scripts created by the likewise human brain.
In contrast with ordinary house tabbies, cows and sheep on the from as all other animals we see in nature and zoo's the human brain has tendencies shudder in horror envisioning the life of such boring drudgery of relaxing all day around the house. If we study closely our own pets, it seems from there point of view it's not a big deal. They seem quite contented doing nothing but relax round under peoples feet all day.
They don't seem to have any ability of restlessness like we have specially children and teenagers. There are times where they can't sit still for long. Their drives them to distraction whining and complain how bored they are. Their brain seems to have the energy to keep up till it's needs is satisfied.
Entertained human brains are at their most contented and creative state state of mind. Look at the television shows and computer games that caters for our our needs. Another area is the fierce need of alcohol. The complex drama of teenage binge drinking is a common problem. Drugs is another. There are many who don't seem to care much about the desire to drink.
The human brain is capable of keeping cool calm and collected when lost in wildness's. In other areas of the brain capability is when it has seconds seeing life threatening danger coming. From their point of view experience what I call the Albert Einstein theory of special relativity effect of time their brain sped. The experience of speeding up thinking faster than the environment experiencing the point of view of time slowing down. Some are slow to late to recover recover while others seem professional heroes in there fast thinking actions.
Proof of this there are documented cases where individuals only had seconds to observe life threatening dangers heading their way. From there point of view those few seconds seemed like an eternity. In other words time had slowed down for them Because time from their point of view had slowed down they had time to think about taking action saving their lives and others in the process to tell the story. From other peoples points of view they were quick thinking heroes.
The special theory tells us time slowed from that person's point of view and the point of view of others is relative. It reminds us to view time slowed down like their brain must have sped up faster the environment's time. We only need to observe the point of view of quick thinking in emergencies.
Most people freeze. The brain had slowed down to almost stopped working giving the illusions mere minutes seemed like seconds. The special theory reminds us when we freeze time speeds up.
Most of us notice how we feel uncomfortably unsafe with bicycle brakes a bit spongy a trend towards the manufacturing designer brains responding trends towards hydraulic brake for bicycles. The human brain can recognize and feel unsafe pulling up with inefficient brakes. The opposite can be true in teenagers, and thrill junkies who choose to ignore unsafe bikes with no brakes. They embrace the challenge. Most of this is the inexperience of the consequences which fools their brain's logic nothing will happen to them having total control of their bikes anyway. There is a lot of argument and scheptisiaum when authority steps in on behalf of safety.
Reproduction needs has evolved in the human brain's psyche to a state not really considered to much of a duty as in the wild kingdom. Our brain are programmed specific personal set of complicated and coordinated system of preferences likes and dislikes that seems to over ride duty to mate. The human brain is adaptable some of us have no problems being sellerbrite.
There is no social dating when an animal is on heat as far as I know. As far as I know there is no guy pets I've heard of. When is the matting session for humans? The answer there seems to no specific session to be on heat like our house pets. The human Brian seems to have evolved into a program sex is more of an entertainment than a choir defined by brothels and pornographic material that doesn't seem to exist in the animal kingdom as far as I know.
Inelegance is picky and fussy who it mates with. The human brain seems to be programmed with a range of instinctive dating protocol rules a lot of animals don't seem to have. There is lots of complex personalized factures the brain decides on for a partner common wild life and house pets don't have the luxury.
Internet dating sites are a classic example how the human brain has evolved from routine matting millions of years ago to the present technology it is beginning to rely on for the same purpose. There doesn't seem to be any such thing as rape in wild life as far as I know. What the human brain considers as grouse slutty behavior in public and rape is perfectly natural to our house hold pets. to have sex right under our noses anywhere anytime when on heat.
Our brain is programmed with various control mechanisms to control our positive and negative emotions. It is capable of religious extremes, love and hatred attitudes and opinions capable of communicating it to others. It is programmed with empathy and compassion. The only way to show no empathy and remorse is to be missing. A couple of dogs making out in public will immediately create a ruckus from the human brian.
The human brain is capable of understanding the meaning of mind game subterfuge in conversation. It can pick out subtle put downs as meaning from one thing to another. Thoughts of "What's that supposed to mean"? Often pops into peoples heads "Are you threading me"? is another recognition of subterfuge mind game suggestions.
Our brains can recognize consistent coincidences as somthing else. It has the ability to understand hunches. It recognizes when it receives quiet treatments from pairs as a lack of communication, recognizing somthing is up. Thoughts of taking action crosses their mind feverously working on confirmation enquires. In few seconds the brain is planning how to make make enquires going though it initiating asking questions. The human brain can recognize looks on other peoples faces often a source of information data. It can recognize blank expressions judging authority stares, not at all impressed ( hearing a corny joke ) or callus and unemotional to facial shock and surprise.
For artificial intelligence to equal the human mind it has to "be" human in all these experiences. A case in point.
imagine an electronic android with a burning desire to be entertained as we do. It equally enjoys Hollywood movies and music consorts. In reality there is all the music CD's and DVD movie collections world wide not to mention downloading internet services available for artificial intelligence to be entertained by for the picking.
In reality electronic intelligence is faced with a whole range of human categories to choose from. The world is full of important paintings and music a few hundreds of years old and the recent hundred years of movies to the present. To match the human brain would have to instinctively recognize between a women and men's movies children's and teens instinctively knowing the significance between the dialogue genders recognizing the emotional contents of teenagers and adults alike what it will sit though and will not. It should not need to simulate anything but instinctively know no bounds in personal presences it likes to watch.
Artificial intelligence is faced with the reality of ordinary house pets the human mind appreciates. There is millions of books and internet web pages on how to keep various pets. Cows and sheep on the from as all other animals we see in nature and we keep in zoo's too. To be on the the same wavelength as the human brain an electronic intelligence has to instinctively have emotions shuddering in horror envisioning the life of such boring drudgery life of house pets just as we feel.
Imagine an artificial intelligence capable of a fierce need to get drunk. Drug dependence is another. Imagine often drunk or stoned.
Imagine an electronic robot with a specific personal set of complicated and coordinated system of sexual turn on's and turn off's. Imagine the instinctive drives. Any human making out with a android could easily tell simulation. To meat the the human experience head on androids need to experience the same sexual gratification on a equal footing during dating, foreplay to actual making it out with love making.
Is it believable in a science fiction movie of an android ( or artificial intelligence if you like ) tested in a human society, nobody picked was a robot interaction with them? Imagine a detective investigations nobody ever detected was a robot. ( Or artificial intelligence if you like ). The robot had the same interacting drinking, eating, swearing, arguments, belligerence all the human drama of on the same wavelength as everybody else.
Imagine an artificial Inelegance in business. Imagine an entrepreneur and marketing guru Robot ( android or robot if you like ) picky and fussy about who it pairs up with. Imagine hard cells like we often experience with some real sales people .The reality is to meat human entrepreneur and marketing gurus head on artificial intelligence shouldn't couldn't rely on simulation lest the human brain will detect is not human but instinctive protocols of human behavior like instinctively recognizing body with lots of complex personalized factures involved.
Imagine to discover you favorite personality star news, current affairs documentary, or TV show host after many years was actually a scientific experiment in artificial intelligence test.
Creating artificial intelligence in reality has to equal the same as the human brains religious extremes on the same wavelength to pass as human, love and and romance hatred attitudes, beliefs and opinions capable lighter to anger capable of shearing and communicating it all to others. The electronic intelligence should never be a programmed simulation but the real experiences empathy and compassion like the a real human brain is capable of.
What about artificial intelligence used in sport? Imagine driverless cars competing with each other in car race event. Think of formula one driverless cars. What about rider less bicycles waving in out out of traffic at high speed action as good as a real human brain can controlled by a computer.
Can we expect artificial intelligence to care for Zoo's and preserving wild life. In reality there is so much more to the human brain artificial intelligence would struggle to communicate on the same wavelength as a human brain. Any hint of simulation would be suspected and suspicious. Facial expressions and body language reactions have to be real human for a human brain to be fooled.
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