The speed of light is the distance light travels just under 300,00km by the time we say one thousand and one. Sunlight we see now is what the sun was just under 8 minutes ago every second.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Our brian verses Albert Einstein's special theory of reality effect.
One of the features of our brain in certain circumstances is capable of adjusting our perception of time. We often experience it as Albert Einstein's special theory of reality effect. The special theory reminds us the faster we go the slower our point of view of time becomes. It is a common believe at light speed time stops. If we we slow down back to normal time, time should speed up again showing the slower we go the faster times goes.
We can experience how our brain perceives time when we look at clocks and wrist watches. We don't observe the minute and hour hands move except the second hand. Despite the hour and minute hands stationary at any given moment in reality they are moving.
We observe the second hand move every minute division equal to the same amount of time we say one thousand and one and light travels a distance of just under 300,000km. ( Or a 186,000 miles if you like ). We never observe the minute hand move a division when the second hand completes a full circle. Our mathematical instinct agrees the minute hand is moving 60 times slower thewn the second hand we observe looking frozen in time.
It is worse with the hour hand. By the time the minute hand had made a full circle we don't observe the hour move at all let a lone moved a division. From our point of view the hour hand is completely frozen in time but from the hand's point is view is in motion we are moving very fast.
The hour hand makes two full circles that represents the period of a day. Digital time pieces show 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds changing to no hours no minutes and no seconds of a date change every twelve midnight. In other words this time period we observe both the minute and hour hands always in stopped positions at any given moment of the period.
If we do the some math's calculating all the seconds of an hour. pans out to 3,600. Every date change equals 86,400 seconds of time. The reciprocal tells us from our point of view the hour is 3,600 times as slow as every second and the minute hand 60 times as slow. From the hour hands point of view the environment is 3,600 times as fast.
The special theory reminds us time between our points of view and the clock hands point of view of us traveling though time is relative to the points of view of seeing each other. While one point of view observe fast the other point of view observe proportionately slow.
A simple exercise demonstrates how our brain demonstrates the special theory of relativity at work. Start with the second hand in a horizontal position at 9'Oclock.The goal is to observe every second move every division with out taking your eyes off the moving second hand as it flicks every division a full circle back back to 9'Oclock.
As you observe the second hand move towards 12 O'clock the quarter minute started to appear surprising longer than you'd expect as we anticipate every second let a lone by the time we reach half minute at 3 O'clock. I bet that was the longest half minute you'll ever site though with another half minute to go to 9'Oclock. By 3/4 minute ( 6'Oclock ) every second will seem longer and longer we ever though possible. In other words we are viewing the effect of time slowing down though observing every second stretching longer than the next one.
The last 15 seconds every second will feel like an eternity counting down anticipating the arrival at the 9'Oclock division. The special theory reminds us for each second to appear to slow down like that our brain must be speeding up to make the seconds seem longer. We all experience the effect even more slower fixing our attention on every second for two minutes.
An experiment can be carried out one person totally concentrating on every second while another is busy with somthing else. A minute will seem like an eternity but from the other persons point of view will feel as if the minute is over in less than a minute. Our brain seems to relative time to circumstances how we occupy it. Waiting for an hour to pass drags for an eternity compared to at times we are suppressed how quickly an hour went.
Einstein's theory tells us our brain must be go though a speeded up phase to drag time an other persons point of view the same amount of time is over quickly. Time is different at different vie points. In other words when we perceive time drags our brain is sped up and when it seem over quickly it had slowed down.
In reality time is constant. Time drags in anticipation while fly's not concentrating it. As soon as we concentrate on time ( every second for example ) time seems to go slow. Our brain slows when busy not concentrating on time and speeds up concentrating on every second that makes time appear that much slower. The faster we go the slower time seems to go and the slower we go the faster time seems to go. An hour over all ready our brian had bee going slow. Time dragging our brain had sped up.
Our brain is a marvel computer for an organic organ. Often there are mind sets, phobias we constantly fight with logic and reason is not necessarily. But can we change it's mind? If our brain has the idea it is afraid of heights for example no amount of reason to the truth will change it's mind.
Other important aspects in terms of comparing memory capability to powerful computers. It turns out to be well over several hundred thousand trillion gigabytes and more per second for a life time. As far as our brain's processing speed is conserved the electrical activity of our thoughts race though our heads rivaling light speed.
It is well documented in many interviews people reporting they saw death coming straight at them thinking they had only seconds to live. For some reason an out of their control and in less than a second response to an automatic adjustment of time every environment second becomes a long time. The person felt time to think to take action often praised as a quick thinking hero saving own and in doing so other peoples lives as well to tell the story.
Einstein's special theory of relativity is constantly reminding us the faster we go the more time slows down suggesting if our brain does indeed speed up in emergency situations the environment's time tends to slows down. We are thinking faster than the environment's second. From a observers person's point of view will be quick thinking.
It is a very convenient illusion survival strategy we have some time to act with in an emergency situation. In a way a program of DNA we are all born with. The environment's time doesn't change only experiencing the effect the special theory of reality point of view of the environment's time when the brain slows or speeds up in an emergency. It is common many people freeze in emergencies. From their point of vie time happens to fast to cope.
For our brain to slow down it needs to recognize a danger coming first to adjust the response. Otherwise surprise often doesn't. If anticipating a precarious looking beam about to cave in any second or the even staring at the last few second ticking away of a digital timer to set off a bomb can be a entirety wait. Our brain responds speeding up racing thinking hard of actions to take thus the the person's point of view the those seconds seem to drag.
In other words the special theory of reality tells us if our brain caught out in surprise it may not respond well often panic slowing down giving us the illusion the environment's time's appears far to go far fast for us to do anything about the situation. If our brain recognizes the danger coming in time picks up the pace the environment's time seems to go slow we have lots of time to do somthing about the situation without panic.
It seems a matter of surprise that can cause a lot panic that causes our brains to slow down speeding up the environment's time. Most of the time it is in our DNA how fast or slow our brains can recover from sudden energies. While the rest of us seem slow sometimes we are suppressed and praise heroes how fast they recovered and took action so quickly.
If a brain is fast at recovering time slows down very quickly, while a slower brain time in the emergency may seem quick as a flash.
It is all in the effect of points of view going slower or faster than the environment's time. If time is appearing to drag point of view in reality time is constant only the effect of creating the illusion of the view point of the environment's time. The perception time drags seems a handy solution in emergency life threatening situations we have time to react with.
We can say the cause of the environment's time to speed to fast to cope is panic. In other words panic causes our brain to go slow thus speeding up time so fast.
Our brain's were created from the DNA coding of our father's sperm triggering fetal developing programming every cell growth with DNA data in our mother's womb copping the DND sequences in every cell as they grow. The DNA was copied from their parent's and copied from their parent's all the way down everybody's family line for centuries.
The average family line is traced stopping less than a couple of centuries. But in reality our family heritages right back to the peak of the last ice age and further. Our DND tells us goes back several million centuries of generations.
Our brains are made up of several hundreds of thousands of trillions neurons resembling trees in winter. Each branch communicates with each branch of other cells by an electric arc zapping across a fluid gap few thousand times thinner than a human hair. That's nano technology territory.
So many cells per cubic millimeter with such tiny gaps are closely packed constantly firing electrical arcs every second rivaling light speed. Tectonically the brains cells expressed as neurons made up of molecules made up of the elements of the universe. The elements are further made up of atoms. At this level the elements disappear into just atoms.
Hydrogen was the only atom created by the big bang that was supposed to have created the universe All the rest that make up the elements where created in the dyeing throws of supper massive supernovae. In other words our body's molecules are made up of the elements made up of atoms the atoms made up of particles called electrons orbiting center ( nucleus ) particles called Neutrons and protons and a whole zoo of other particles the universe is full of. At a atomic level the laws of quantum physics apply and since we are made of atoms in our brains.
Our brain processes our thoughts in a mass of electrical storms close to light speed every second whether strenuous excurses or dead to the world asleep. Light speed is equal to the same amount of time we say one thousand and one, equivalent to 7 times round the entire circumference of earth in a second equal to a straight line of just under 300,000km ( 299, 792km and 458 meters to be exact or 186,000 miles if you like ).
If we do the math's on this pans out to ten thousand and eighty million kilometers an hour ( 10,80,000,000kmph ) or six hundred and sixty nine million six hundred thousand miles an hour ( 669,000,600,000mph ) velocity across the tiny gaps of every cell involved.
The electrical activity is a reaction to interacting with the world and others round us less than a second forming decisions and options of the environment and recommendation thought process course of actions. Where the element level in normal physics leave off the atomic level takes over with the laws of quantum physics. In a sense but only on atomic level where the element's don't exist smallness our brains are quantum computers.
If the brain hasn't leant the ability to keep cool calm and collected in a life threatening situation such as an earthquake we tend to suffer a state of panic. When that happens the environment round us tends to be fast. The special theory reminds us the brain had to have slowed down for the enviment to be out of control. It is common people freeze in panic.
On the other hand if our brain has leant it can keep cool calm and collected the environment's time tends to slow down and according to the special theory our brain had to have speeded up somewhat often praised as quick thinking heroes. In other words when we found ourselves in a state of panic we tend to experience the environment's time fast and when feel cool calm and collected it seems to be slow enough to gather our thoughts together and time to think with. From other peoples point of view seen heroic fast thinking.
Panic potentially tends to a log jam any training forgetting everything learnt in the heat of moment. In contrast a person reaming cool calm collected has their thoughts together and with no formal training their brain tends be able to take initive like an expert. It is due to the special theory of reality effect of the brain speeding up seemingly slowing the environment time down enough to think with.
Likewise the same effect only in reverse where the Brian slows down where the the individual experience the special theory of reality effect of the environment's time becoming fast causing the panic.
It would seem a solution is to program the brain to keep cool calm and collected in extreme emergencies where a person can experience use the natural special theory of reality effect of our brain has in life threatening emergencies slowing the environment's time down to think with.
An experiment in teaching children to learn to swim teaching them the benefit of not panicking when confronted with a water emergency such as a rip situation. Teaching children they can experience a sense of cool calm and collected feeling in any emergency situation will greatly not only self improve esteem not only from emergencies but from social problems like suffering the victim of bulling'
In the psychology of bullying and how it works on us is all in our brains. Our brains is capable of recognizing all sorts of emotions in other people's faces and body language. For example it can potentially recognize a lack of communication from a quiet treatment. It is loud and clear to to the human brain somthing is up. If it hasn't learnt to recognize fear and mistrust in the faces and behavior of others complications and misunderstandings can be prevalent. Bullies tend to recognize it when they see it.
Our brain is also capable of recognizing the cool calm and collected domineer determination written all over other's faces and body language. Bullies tend to recognize blank expression determination look of confidence of someone reacting cool calm and collected together. They show they are not afraid in the determination study of the person facing them head on eye contact.
Our brain recognizing theses that panic to those that are cool calm and collected behavior in emergencies. We have very little tolerance to those that panic and those that keep calm we all admire as heroes. Just ask the new media. Heroes are only the result of not panicking experiencing the special theory of reality effect on the environment's time when their brain speeds up.
To be able to do that comes from experience. The inexperienced tends to panic experiencing the special theory of reality effect of the brain slowing down we we experience the environment's time a bit fast. The definition of experience when a person has done somthing hundreds of thousands of time before the human brain embraces in memories.
The person experiences confidence because the brain constantly remembers it has been there done that sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before that tends to illuminate panic. In retrospect if we invert this we can clearly see when we are faced with having to do somthing we haven't done before.
We can all recognize an inexperienced fire fighter rescuer to a experienced one. The moral of the story if we don't allow the brain to slow down we avoid the special theory of reality effect of speeding up the environment's time actively encouraging the opposite letting our brain speed up experiencing personally the environment's time to slow down.
There are two magic training words that will help, repeating in your head "Don't Panic" or DP. But there is a catch with the human brain.
It is often said we can achieved anything we put our minds to it. This is half true as far as the human brain concerned. It doesn't work because there is somthing more powerful that guarantees it to work. Our brain lives by habits. What this means is we gain experience by habitually practicing even if unconsciously over and over hundreds and thousand of times in our heads. To do that comes from one source, our thoughts.
The brain only believes with repeated talking to ourselves. If we tell ourselves often enough it suddenly and unexpectedly comes true. The catch is it takes time. Scientists have found it takes about 28 days for a habit to form properly. And it goes with out saying to train our brain to believe we don't panic.
It helps to rehearse imaginary scenarios in our heads talking our selves though dangerous life threatening stories of heroic adventure helpful to remember the special theory of reality effect of our brain speed up slowing the environments time does it. Repeated often enough our brain begins to believe it. It subconsciously remembers not to panic and all believing our own stories of heroic adventures when it comes to the real thing. The same training works for victims of bullying.
Victims of bullying can call upon their favorite action heroes asking what would they do, bearing in mind they experience the special theory of reality effect when they don't panic confronted by trouble makers can practice in their heads what they have seen their action heroes do. For the brain to believe this it must start off until it becomes an unconscious habit to believe we don't panic.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Albert Einstein's special theory relativity. Ligh speed velocity time
Albert Einstein's special theory relativity projects points of view we observe time on a light speed scale. For example arithmetic tells us from our point of view light travels 7 times round the entire circumference of earth the same time we walk a meter equivalent to 300,000km ( 299, 792km and 458 meters to be exact or 186,000 miles if you like ).
It is the time we take a couple of strides saying one thousand and one. It is the same amount of time we finish half this sentence, the same amount of time analogue clocks and watch second hands move a division and the same amount time digital time pieces take to change each second. All a second of time equals a light second the distance light travels in a second. You do the math's.
Text books tell us light takes 8 minuets to reach earth from the sun. If we do the math's on this sunlight from the sun right now is an nothing more than an image of the the sun as it was eight minutes ago every second. We won't observe the sunlight leaving the sun in real time moment until eight minutes into the future. This tells us the sunlight we see every second of real time to us is only relative to the time it left the sun in a factor of minutes.
Since light travels at a 300,000km/s velocity mathematics tells us it travels a distance of 300,000km increments every second. Our mathematical instinct agrees if we add up all the seconds in 8 minutes multiplied by the speed of light in km or miles gives us the distance earth is from the sun equal to the distance light travels in eight minutes. Light is 300,000km above the sun's surface by the time you finish this sentence.
Consequently when the light reaches our eyes in eight minutes time the sunlight will equally by 300,000km away away from earth. Consequently we are observing sunlight eight minutes old from the sun 300,000km away every second getting father and further away by every 300,000km increments every second. The math's tells us light is a continues uninterrupted flow.
From our point of view light reflects off the moon's surface to our eyes in less than couple of seconds. The same can be true from the moon's point of view of light reflected from earth. Taking 8 minutes to reach our eyes from the sun, the sun is the nearest star only a mere 8 light minutes away. If we go by the numbers on this tells tells us each planet is mere light hours, and light days from earth.
The end of the solar system pans out to be light some weeks away. The arithmetic tells us the sunlight we saw in real time on earth a year ago is now the distance light had traveled in that time away from us in some distant corner of the universe continuing to add 300,000km every second of our lives.
Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a mater of multiplying sixty seconds in a minute, by sixty seconds in an hour ( in other words sixty squared ) multiplied by the 24 hours of our day, multiplied by 365 days of the year equals adding up all the seconds of year every second 300,000km equals the distance light traveled in that time. Of course compensating for a leap year is 257.
Einstein tells us traveling at any velocity is the same amount of time, For example if we were at light speed time to us will be normal seconds, minutes, hours and days of travel to the end of the solar system. But we view the universe slowed down by the equal amount light as fast panning out to be 300,000 times as slow relative to our time at light speed. The mathematical model of viewing the universe 300.000 as slow in km is a tricky miss lead.
If anybody is curious enough will ask if light travels a distance of 300,000km in a second how much time does it travel a meter?. Going to the trouble to do the arithmetic pans out to 300 millionth of a second. It is only a matter of comparing the number of meters in 300,000km .
The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer that tallies up to a thousand thousand meters where 300,000km equals to a distance of 300 million meters. Math's tells us the reciprocal of 300 million is 300 millionth witch is always one divide a million respectively. Thus a mathematical formulae tells us we walk a meter light speed travels equals one over, 300,000km times a 1,000.
Thus light travels a meter 300,000,000th of a second. If we use the standard metric system prefix micro for a millionth, 300 microseconds equals a fraction over quarter millisecond. ( milli- for a thousandth ).
From our point of view it is all relative by the time we walk a meter light had travel 300 million meters. Our mathematical instinct agrees if we do some number crunching tells us since light travels 7 times round the earth equals the circumference 7 times in a second. In other words the math's tell us when we walk a meter in a second is equal to 7 times round the earth ratio in the same amount of time equal to the circumference of the earth opened out to a 300,000km straight line.
Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of comparing 7 with 300,000 asking ourselves how many 7's go into 300,000 giving us the circumference of the earth. Our instinct with numbers agrees whole heartily the circumference of earth multiplied by 7 equals to the speed of light that travels in a straight line. Of course the numbers will be different worked out in km or miles.
The reciprocal tells us from light speeds point of view we walk a meter 300 million seconds. Anybody curious enough will be able to pull their mathematical peraleis to calculate how long that is equivalent time in years. From our point of view light is 300 million times as fast we can walk a meter but from light speeds point of view in the fleeting visit to earth time would be equivalent to 300 million times as slow.
By the time light was 300,000km away from earth a person would have walked a whole meter. In other words it pans pout by the time we walk a meter light is a light second away from earth adding a light second every second.
The math's shows time at light speed doesn't stop because time cannot be any slower from light speed's point of view any more than from our point of view light speed isn't any faster than we we observe it. You do the math's.
Some of us actually believe it is not necessarily true we cannot travel faster then light. If this is true our mathematical instinct agrees we can see the implications traveling round the circumference of earth more than 7 times in a second. There is no reason why not our arithmetic can calculate the velocity 8, 9, 10 or a 100, even a 1,000 a million, a billion, or a trillion times or more round the earth in a second.
When we accelerate to a velocity the mathematics tells us constant velocity doesn't exist during the acceleration. When we start of stationary reach a constant velocity and to return to stationery we slow down to stop. Einstein's special theory says in acceleration the faster we go the slower time show to stop the opposite should be true, the slower we go the faster time goes.
Einstein's special theory projects time would be observed speeding back up if we slow down from a velocity. Think distance of a distance of a 160km ( 100 miles if you like ) to a stop in a second. Going by the numbers tells us this is not a constant velocity because it is only the time it takes to accelerate and stop in a 160km in a second. You try to calculate the acceleration and deceleration in a kmph equivalent.
The numbers tells as us take off is 0km to a distance of 80km in 1/2 second then to a stop we decelerate another 80km in another 1/2 second. The math's tells there is no kmph. Einstein's has somthing to say about that about that observing the environment's time. Think of the Marvel comic book hero the flash dashing a 160km to a stop in a second. From an observers point of view would either see him disappear and reappear a 160km away in a second or witness stretch like a rubber band a 160km snapping back to normal a 160km away in the same second.
Einstein's special theory tells us as he takes off he would observe his world slow down, because his acceleration constantly changes faster and faster. The environment's second gets slower and slower, slowly at first slowing down faster and faster as he gets faster and faster. There is a point when the environment's time will seem to stop. It is a illusion because it is only to slow to observe moving.
As he brakes the environment's time should start to speed up again, slowly at first getting faster and faster as he gets slower and slower till finally he finds himself a second into the future when he was a 160km away. Imagine this on a light speed scale. According to Einstein's special theory projects the environment's point of view of the flash and from his point of view of the environment round him racing round the circumference of earth the 7 times to a stop in a second.
As he accelerated from his point of view every environment second would get longer and longer. He would view a person walking a meter take longer and longer until the person seems so slow they seem frozen in time. Then as he brakes to come to a stop the person would start to move again getting faster and faster to walk a meter because the second is getting shorter and shorter until the person had walked the entire meter in a second into the future compared to when he took off.
The special theory also tells us we cannot travel at light speed because our mass becomes far to heavy on a light speed scale. The next time you are at a supermarket weigh somthing a 1kg ( butter, cheese bag of sugar ect ) in your hand. You will be feeling the force of the earth's mass pulling it to the floor expressed in Newton's, -9,8 to be exact. It is the numerical unit of the earth's gravity. The earth's mass pulls on the 1kg mass equally 9,8N as the mass of your body. When you weigh yourself the scale testifies to this,
Isaac Newtown's third law of force and motion says where there is a force there is an equal and opposite force that defines the property of accelerating bodies resisting acceleration called inertia. Einstein's special theory tells us is relative to gravity expressed as a gravitational equivalence. We feel it in accelerating Rolla Coaster trucks pulling us back into our seats we expresses as G's.
It is a acceleration force of the tucks that terminates the acceleration to a constant velocity where it can't go any faster called terminal velocity. We only feel the inertia of the tucks during their acceleration. Once terminated to a constant velocity we don't feel it any more. In truth everything at terminal velocity is than when stationary.
If we let rip a kg mass from the top floor of a tall sky scrapper the earth's mass snatches it instantly accelerating it despite the air resistance where the resisting mass causes the earth's mass to no longer be able to accelerate it any faster has reached terminal velocity. It will tumble all the way down the side of the building until impact with the immovable mass of the street bellow.
All that energy transferred though the kg mass and street in a sudden stop at terminal velocity is testimony of terminal velocity impacts bodies have are much heavier during constant velocity than at rest. If we do the math's on this the impact force at terminal velocity of our 1kg mass is equal to a 1kg, 3.6kmph impact
Einstein's special theory tells us the inertia stored in the free fall terminal velocity of our object at impact has all the hall marks of the equivalent of being in a heavier gravitational field then earth in the sudden stop for second. Density resists bouncing. A basket ball full of air will bounce high in the air. Filled with solid material the force will damage thought the pathement of the street.
We all use the term G's to represent the pull we feel in any acceleration. One G is equal to 9.8N equal to a kilogram per centimeter of the earth's pull or our body mass weighs. The instant a body falls from the top floor of building is a 0 to a sudden acceleration expressed as torque. Two G's of torque is the equivalent of feeling twice our weight in time. Three G's, three times and so on. The maximum we can barely tolerate is a pull of a 4G's in a second Rolla Coaster take off. Any more is potentially fatal black outs and stopping hearts.
Isaac Newtown's second law says bodies only travel in straight lines. They only change is directed by a force changing the momentum into another straight line direction. We feel the change of direction in Rolla coasters when they hit those tight twist and bends without slowing down at maximum G. For a split second we feel as if we are going to shoot off the rails straight ahead sensation just before the turn. It is the inertia of the trucks obeying Newton's laws of motion.
When Einstein's wrote the special theory had predicted what NASA has been using for the past sixty years training austronuaghts in weightlessness. We know when a plane nose dives fast enough austronuaghts lift of the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. The effect of the dropping motion effectively cancels the earth gravity in the fuselage. In effect the plane has become an antigravity device.
If a plane climbs fast enough austronuaghts can walk upside down on the roof as normal in the earth's gravity. The special theory expresses this a gravitational equivalence. Once Roller coasters are at their maximum speed limits the tucks are at their maximum G. The mere fact we don't feel it at the trucks terminal velocity in straight line straight always is testimony we don't feel any G's at any constant velocity.
When the trucks slow down we feel the G's pulling us forward resisting slowing down getting weaker and weaker till it comes to a stop. Imagine the G's the flash dashing a 160km to a stop in a second. if you think that's incredible, think of accelerating to a stop in a distance of 300,000km in a second of 7 times round the circumference of the earth. The numbers tells us equal to 0 to a 150,000km in 1/2 second and deescalating another 150,000k in another 1/2 second.
It is relatively arbitrary on the the earth's surface because of the air friction less than a second at take off. Light will do the same even in a vacuum like out of space. The reason-, bicycle pumps getting hot when we pump air into a tire is not from friction you know. It is from compression. In other words compression heats. The G's of light speed in out of space not only crushes a body inward in all directions reviling black holes but heats it incinerates it.
Even a tiny amount of matter like a microgram ( millions of times lighter than a kg ) of mass accelerated to light speed is accelerated to a speed only light can travel.
Even if possible less than a second the G's at take off would be so powerful the molecule of the body would weigh as much as a super tanker and millions of degrees hot. The body would disappear into pure heat called plasma generating light particles called photons. In other words at light speed pressures matter at light speed disappears energy in the form of heat in line with Einstein's famous e equals m c squared formula.
If we muiltiply the speed of light by itself ( squared, in this case in km, 300,000km/s times 300,000 ) multiplied by a milligram of matter ( commonly expressed as 0.001kg ) equal to a temperature of millions of degrees. Matter is converted to energy. This is what happens when a milligram of properly processed uranium bombed at close to the speed of light by particles splitting the atoms releasing all the powerful heat and energy of a nuclear blast.
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