Time machines work by manipulating the environment's space and time in a stationary plane. In other words in a fixed point while the environment's time round them accelerates. Or popular imagination o backwards into the past.
Lets assume riding one observing the second hand of an analogue clock, (or the seconds of a digital time piece ) slowed down we'd normally observe the minute hand. To do this the machine has to be warping the environment's second round itself 60 times as normal.
From our point of view we'd observe the environment's second slowed down to a minute and from the environment's point of view we'd be 60 times as fast as a second, a minute into the future every second. This is a constant travel. We keep going indefinitely with out slowing down viewing every environment second every every minute for hours, days, weeks, month, years, centuries, millions, billions or perhaps trillions of centuries, even indefinably. We need to slow down at some point to bring the environment back to normal.
So if we slow down our time machine we would observe the environment's time start to speed up again. It would probably slow at first getting faster and faster till back to normal. Switching off the machine we would be observing the environment's second back to normal time. Thus the slower we go the faster time goes. This hasn't taken into account it is conceivable there will be a compromise of the laws of physics in doing If we look harder at Einstein's theory of relativity we would find this so.
It comes in two parts started in 1905 on the special circumstances of motion on a light speed scale. In effect it predicts motion weighs heavy predicting Isaac Newtown's laws of force and motion constant momentum law we commonly understand caused by G-force properties weighing down anything to a terminal velocity, a maximum speed limited where nothing can go any faster. Isaac Newton had in fact predicted this as we know when a body is lunched in space. It will accelerate a few thousand kmph in a second and stop accelerating to that constant momentum speed limit indefinably. It won't go any faster caught in a it's own momentum speed limit.
Mathematics projects if light is seen as weightless, ( no mass ), traveling in a zero resistance vacuum offering no resistance should have no speed limit.
If we take this as true then from a meter in the first second by multiplying every distance by 10 in every second there after, from the sun alone the acceleration would reach Pluto in about 7 seconds, beyond that way way beyond several dozen trillion kilometers in quarter minute. Imagine the distance never slowing down every distance by 10 times in every second in half minute, let a lone a minute, in an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year. taking into account of the extra day at the end of every February every 4th leap year, in a decade, a century, a millennia ( thousand years) billions even trillions of centuries and beyond going on and on for ever.
Despite the zero resistance light is at a puny maximum momentum speed limit of just under 300 hundred thousand kilometers ( a 186 thousand miles ) per second or if we do the math's on this 10 thousand and 80 million kmph. It does not go any faster. That is it's maximum momentum speed limit where Einstein realized was a constant c, we'd always be compressed up against it's maximum speed as we approach the speed limit.
The second part of relativity was worked on during the second year of world war one on the generality of the special theory that predicted the weight of the mass of body in motion like stars and planets bend space thought of as a major brake though of Newtonian gravity.
We have in effect the properties of bumping up against the maximum momentum speed limit of light compressing space and time. to the lay person the stress of any high speed velocity expressed as G-force. Under the stress of the faster a body goes the heavier and heavier it becomes until the weight stalls the traveling body to a constant velocity. Despite light being weightless it is weighed down terminating any further acceleration. in other words as in lay person will put it caused by G-force.
The stress would not only compress the environment second but the consequence of effecting everything else including the laws of physics as we know it as well
An example the mains being an alternating current throbs from minimum to maximum to minimum voltage 60 times by the time we say "One thousand and one". To us that's fast. Most people are unaware it radiates an invisible radiation from electrical wiring and appliances. The mains lighting resonates from minimum to maximum to minimum brightens the same frequency. The frequency is to fast for us to properly see so we see the illusion of a steady light. The same is true with sunlight only several dozen trillions of light particles smaller than an atom moving back and forth many millions of times per second giving light the particle and wave nature.
The sunlight we see an electromagnetic radiation directly related to frequency. We are all familiar with Isaac Newton's famous discovery prisms separate clear sunlight into colors of the rainbow. In fact prisms are altering the frequency. Red is the lowest we can see while violet (a purple blue) is the highest.
The standard metric system prefix units ( Key low ) kilo, for a thousand, Mega for a million, Giga for a thousand million, and tera for a billion cycles per second called hertz (Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz and THz respectively) is used to denote frequency. There's more if you care to look up the prefixes on the internet.
The reciprocal tells us it is a matter of 1 dividing the latter's, (mill lee ) the metric prefix for a thousandth, micro for a millionth, nano for a thousand millionth and pico for a billionth denoting the wavelength of each cycle. There is more if you car to look them up.
When frequency is dampened it is stretched longer and is often compressed shorter by G-forces changing the environment's second. If red is stretched any longer it disappears from our eyes into what is called inferred only interfered cameras can see. The frequency is in the GHz range as commonly known as heat radiation inferred cameras can see radiating from freshly solidified lava flows in a pitch blackness of dark nights that is otherwise invisible to us.
The same is true with a freshly put out remains of a camp fire patch. The same is true with body heat. Anything with a beating heart is clearly seen by inferred cameras. This is why Forward Looking Informed ( FLUR ) Cameras mounted on helicopters are a handy alternative for police when tracking dogs lost the sent of criminals using the pitch blackness of dark nights hiding from police.
Longer wavelengths exist in the environment that are beyond inferred cameras in the MHz and reciprocally micrometer wavelengths range that fit inside the thickness of a typical news paper sheet. These are also man made radio and TV station transition, telecommunication and wireless internet network signals, to radar expressed as radio frequencies. In this range the mains wavelength is16mm and cosmologists believe wavelengths as long as a kilometer exist in the universe believed to be the left over remains of the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe.
On the other end of the visible light scale when the wavelength shorter than violet disappear into what we call Ultra violet light (UV and UVA ) rays from the that suntan us in the summer months. Wavelengths can be very short close to less than a nanometer ( several hundred picometers ). A little shorter include x-rays that hospitals use to examine our internals and border patrol officers at airports used checking suspect's luggage for suspect contraband.
As short as a picometer ( reciprocally Terahertz frequencies ) are called gamma rays produced by nuclear explosions and our sun boiling so high in gamma rays flairs have the potential to heat the earth's atmosphere and a city to 10 thousand digress centigrade in less than a second. The earth's ozone layer dampens all cosmic wavelengths from space down to the relatively harmless UV rays which is why we see the sky as blue. All this as part of the electromagnetic radiation environment we live in time dilution effects.
The key factor in time dilution is in the dilution of the environment's second. The second is a period we say "One thousand and one" walk a meter, light travels a distance of just under 300 thousand kilometers ( 186 thousand miles ) the second hand of a clock moves a division and the pause of the second count down of digital time pieces defines the smallest recognized length of time. Comparing the speed of light to walking a meter since a thousand meters is a kilometer light is travels a distance of 300 million in the same amount of time. In other words a 300 million to one ratio. Light is 300 million times fast.
Light circumnavigates the entire circumference of earth in less than 8 times in a second. We can barely count each number to 7 in that time. From light speeds point of view walking a meter per second on earth is 300 million times as slow. If we do the math's on this from light speed's point of view the environment a second is slowed down 300 million seconds or just over 9 and a half years. Time is not stopped. As far as we are concerned it travels 9 and a half years per meter in a second.
Consider the minute made up of 60 seconds the second hand of an analogue clock completing a full circle and the second numbers of digital time piece changing for a moment. We know when the second hand makes a full circle the minute hand moves only one division. And vice versa when the minute hand makes a full circle the hour hand only moves a division.
Considering when the date of each day changes every 12 midnight of each day when the hour hand moves a full circle it is from the first second in the a.m at 12 midday and anther full circle from 12miday to the last second 12 midnight of the p.m. If we do the math's adding up all the seconds of a day each day is 86 thousand 400 thousand times as slow as a second each hour 3 thousand 600 and every minute 60times as slow. Considering international date lines a date one side of the world is the date before that on the other. If that's not time travel don't know what is.
Considering each date change at exactly the second 12 midnight mathematics tells us 60 x 60 is a number multiplied by itself called a square. Multiplied by 24 hours adds the seconds of the day. And finally the reciprocal tells us every second is 86 thousand 400th of a day. We can write this in a scientific way, every second equals the reciprocal of 60 squired 24.
sec = r 60224
We observe the second hand move a division and takes a minute to move a full circle. In digital time pieces the same time the pause of each second repeatedly counting 60 to change each minute. If we concentrate on every second each one will appear longer than we imagined and will appear to change dilution ;longer than the next. By the time a quarter minute (15 seconds) it has already appeared a while let a lone half minute. (30 seconds). The next 15 (45 seconds three quarter minute) will appear slower the last few seconds the slowest of all. I bet that would be the longest minute you'd ever sat thought yet someone else distracted on something else the minute passes very fast despite time an unchanging constant.
Sometimes it may be a pointed out the way our brain brain perceives time a factor well worth considering. We think many times faster than we talk so it is easy to start talking over someone else specially if feel we have to before we forget or feel the other person has missed the point with a bit of both to make our point across. The other factor our minds dilute time is panic. A few minutes can seem like seconds are passing but not panicking time seem to go slow giving us the psychological impression seconds seem like long minutes we have to think with.
From the sun light takes just under 8 minutes to reach earth. As far as we are concerned taking it for granted we observe sunlight in real time. But in reality is what the sun was 8 minutes ago every second. Correspondingly, leaving the sun in real time we don't observe it until 8 minutes into the future every second. If we do the math's adding up all the seconds each of which is a 300 thousand kilometers distance gives us the distance whether we work in out in kilometers or miles. We can say the sun is the nearest star 8 light minutes away.
Every "one thousand and one" is a long time. If we say that the second and of a clock has moved from division to division mark and dead on each number change of digital clocks and watches. one and longer. Motor sport commentators constantly judge our motor sport heroes winning and loosing in fractions of seconds. The standard metric system prefix m300 thousand kilill-lee, is used dividing the second into thousandths. The reciprocal is a 1,000 milliseconds in 1 second. A thousand milliseconds and a single millisecond are reciprocals of each other. Any two dollar calculator will verify1 divide a 1000 and 1 divide 0.001 respectively.
Three quarters of a second is 750 milliseconds, (decimal 0.75 seconds ), two thirds just over a half second, ( 0.666 second), half second is 500 milliseconds (0.5 second) one third just over a quarter second 333 milliseconds, (0.333 seconds ) a quarter second is 250 milliseconds ( 0.25 seconds) an eighth second a 125 milliseconds and so on.
according to classical physics every photon is jiggling back and forth many times per second. They accelerate to a maximum distance and come to a stop to reverse direction re-accelerating the opposite distance and come to a stop to reverse direction repeating an endless mathematical sin wave cycle.
According to quantum physics they tunnel though space a disappearing repapering act a Planck constant. A Planck constant is a few dozen trillion times per second number, 40 decimal zeros on the left of 626 of a second, (faster than a trillionth second), expressed as a Planck second and the reciprocal the same number of zeros on the right of the same 626 go into a second. The minus value equals 6.26 divided by 10 43 times and for the positive multiplied by 10 43 times respectively. In scientific terms 6.26 to the minus 43 and the positive 626 to the 43 respectively.
Our sub light speed scale is different to light speed. As far as we are concerned light travels a distance of 300 thousand kilometers each second, what we can describe as a light second.
Multiplying the seconds in a minute by the distance light travels in a second tells us the distance light travels in a minute we can call a light minute. We can say the sun is 8 minutes away from earth. If we do the math's for an hour the distance by the time a one hour TV program. we can say a light hour. We can say same for day, a light week, in a month, a year, taking into account of the extra day at the end of every 4th February Leap year, for each decade, each century, each millennia (thousand) years, millions years, billons, trillions of years, even trillions of centuries, trillions of of millennia, trillions of millions and billions and trillions and so on. You can see the distance across the universe if we multiply a trillion (1 and 18 zeros ) by the distance light travels every second.
Algebra teaches how we can manipulate the laws of mathematics we an do some clever mathematical gymnastics multiplying a minute by a light second, a light second by a minute, dividing the total distance by a light second giving us a minute and a the total distance by a minute giving us a light second.
If we take we walk a meter in a second, light is always a distance of 300 million meters ahead of us every second. The reciprocal tells us the time traveled is the same distance we walked pans out to 300 millionth of a second. we can apply the standard metric prefix unit nano- (for a thousand millionth) equals 3.33 nanoseconds. (1 divide 300 million 300 6 zeros). The reciprocal tells us 300 million 3.33 nanoseconds equals one second. From our sub light speed point of view perspective that's fast.
But what do we observe of the universe traveling at light speed?.
We are taught the faster we go the more time slows down. This should be true when we accelerate towards light speed. The opposite the slower we go the faster time goes should apply when we decelerate from light speed returning to our normal sub light speed scale. Consider 0 to a distance of a 160km (a 100 miles ) in a second. We don't need light speed to dilute the environment's second.
Lets assume superman dashes that distance to a stop by the time we say one thousand and one. Lets say for argument sake his supper powers can waistband the friction generated by the earth's atmosphere. He would inevitably accelerate 80km (50miles) in half second at which time he would be braking decelerating in 80km distance in another half second to a stop. As far as the environment is concerned he would be160km distance a second into the future where he started.
Assuming Einstein's special theory from superman's point of view he would inevitably view the trip dilutes the environment's half second. It should slowly at first start to stretch longer and longer then gets faster and faster. By the time he reached a distance of 80km the environment's half second should seem like it's traveling as a couple of seconds slower.
When he brakes to a stop he should observe the seconds start to get shorter and shorter slowly at first getting faster and faster as he slows down slower and slower till he stops where the environment's time resumes as normal.
Traveling at light speed in a straight line we'd be constantly moving though time 300 thousand kilometers every second. What would we observe of the universe? We think would be traveling in in parallel with light looking like the situation another vehicle traveling alongside us at the same speed on a state highway. While light should look stationary the universe would appear to travel at light speed. In fact the universe would appear to take 300 thousand seconds to move 300 thousand kilometers or 3km/s
Superman can view the world at light speed if he circle the earth. He would observe 7 times in one environment second. Mathematics can project he would accelerate so many times round the earth equivalent of a 150 thousand ( 25 thousand miles) in half second. Braking he would decelerate in the same distance in another half second to a stop. From his point of view the environment's second would have appeared to stretch as if moving several years by the time head have covered half the distance.
At this point the environment's time would start to get faster and faster slowly at first then faster and faster until he finds himself a second into the future traveling round the world in 7 times.
Let's assume for argument sake a fixed time machine manipulating diluting a second on on a light speed scale. Let's say we viewed the second hand of a clock as slow as we normally observe the minute hand we would be have sped up 60 times as fast as the environment's second. We are traveling in a dimension parallel with 60th environment second. In other words in parallel with the mains frequency.
While we travel we would be observed as the mains lighting of a busy office during which workers frozen in time the mains lighting throbbing minimum to maximum to minimum brightness per second, in other words the mains as 1HZ. The fact the mains lighting is still being seen time has not stopped. The office workers are moving to slow for us to observe moving. Not only is the evidence of the mains lighting telling us the environment's time hasn't stopped the change in appearance of of the environment's atmosphere. For example we will observe the frequency of the blue sky will change into a lower frequency giving a wormer red hue.
We would observe consequences on the colors in the environment change due to dampening of the frequencies let the inferred and UV rays. We would observe the UV light appear as the frequency is lowered into visible blue. If we do the math's on this we would observe the electromagnetic radiation frequencies ( or wavelengths ) 60 times lower. It would include the air surrounding us 60 times heavier than normal suffocating us as if trying to breath into high speed wind.
Now what will happen if we wind down our machine? Theoretically the traveler would observe the environment's time start to speed up as the machine wound down. The environment's time speed up slowly at first getting faster and faster until time stabilizes at normal time as the machine comes to a complete stop.